[SLIGHT BLOOD] Scootaloo's Recovery (DEATH SERIES #9.5) - mlp Speedpaint

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • The drawing itself is relatively simple, but I think the shading works pretty well :) Also, when writing this story: like I asked myself "Who's got the worst death in this series?" and after writing this one, honestly, Scoot's up there. The depressive repetitiveness just really gets to me. I also had to rewrite a small part of the original story, so I included that as well (also to add context to this one)
    Zack Merci X CRVN - Nobody
    Neoni - Haunted House
    Poylow & BAUWZ - Hate You (feat. Nito-Onna)
    More Plastic & URBANO - One Taste
    #grimdark #mlpgore #mlphorror #mlpspeedpaint #speedpaint
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Комментарии • 12

  • @nobodishere
    @nobodishere  7 месяцев назад +52

    Sweetiebelle quietly opened the door to scootaloo's hospital room. She silently went inside and closed it behind her. Scootaloo was lying in the hospital bed, seemingly sleeping, but as the white unicorn came closer, Scoot's eyes darted open. Her face was heavily bandaged and her jaw was fixed together to help it heal properly. Sweetiebelle sat down on the chair next to the bed and smiled faintly at her friend. She'd been visiting her every day since the accident happened - which was only two days ago. Somepony had found Scootaloo on the ground not long after she'd passed out, and immediately went to Sweetiebelle to tell her about it. The hospital was quickly informed as well and Scootaloo had been brought here immediately. Her upper jaw was cracked, her lower broken, which wouldn't be something the doctors could fix up all that quickly, so for the time being, Scootaloo had to stay here, being fed stuff through straws or a catheter to, again, prevent the bones from becoming misaligned and causing complications. Her neck also was in a cast, though the doctor said that injury wasn’t nearly as severe. Scootaloo smiled back as well as she could, then she mumbled something Sweetiebelle didn't understand. "Shhh. You're not supposed to speak." She whispered to the orange pegasus, who proceeded to roll her eyes. Sweetiebelle chuckled and pulled out a book she'd brought Scootaloo. "I thought you might like this one. A little fun when you can't do anything else here." She put it on the bedside table next to her. Scootaloo took it and looked at it intently, studying both front and back before finally opening it to take a peek inside. "Alright then, see you soon." Sweetiebelle said as she stood up and left the room, leaving Scootaloo, who was now fully focused on the book behind.
    Drip…Drip…Drip… Scootaloo’s ears were perked for the sound of hoofsteps, another living soul, but all she could hear was the water dripping from the sink in her room. Nopony had come to visit her in what felt like an eternity - she knew it must’ve only been a few hours, but since she didn’t really need full-time assistance anymore, she felt very isolated in this pristine, white hospital room.
    At least they’d put some stickers of flowers on the ceiling. Not that that cheered her up for long, but it gave her something to focus on instead of the monotone lightness.
    Her neck was in a thick cast, as she’d cracked one of her vertebrae. It should be healed up relatively soon and wouldn’t cause any lasting damage, but the limited head movement still managed to annoy her to no extent. She’d also lost one of her front teeth. Both of those were some of her smallest issues though.
    The broad cut on her nose had needed stitches, and though they were due to be taken out soon, the pad on top of the snout managed to block out almost a quarter of her vision in each eye. On her forehead there was another, though much less bothersome pad.
    The thick wrapping of bandages had been able to come off recently, allowing the young pegasus to finally move at least her ears freely. She had suffered a severe concussion, and though she was able to keep her thoughts straight for most of the time, her movements felt very uncontrolled and she didn’t trust herself to walk without assistance from one of the nurses. Sometimes her head would throb and she got migraines quite frequently. Complaining wasn’t an option, though.
    Her jaw was broken and needed to stay in place. It wasn’t a clean break, either - her fall had pretty much reduced it to rubble. The only way to hold it in position was to bolt it shut. There were now at least five screws on each side going through the bottom of her jaw all the way up into her cheekbones, meaning she couldn’t open her mouth. She got most of her nutrients through a small tube leading a clear liquid directly into her bloodstream.
    In this frankly quite boring existence, Scootaloo had no choice but to stare at the ceiling, read the books Sweetiebelle occasionally brought her and cry herself to sleep. She was mostly done with the Daring Do series, though those books only made her think of Rainbow Dash. She didn’t have the heart to tell Sweetiebelle that.
    Sometimes, when the soft moonlight was falling upon her like tonight, Scootaloo could feel her mind slipping. Not into sleep, more into a sort of absent-mindedness. Sometimes she wondered if it would be better to live this life in a blur, and hopefully forget it once it was all over, but her headaches prohibited that.
    She trailed off, if but for a short moment. Rainbow Dash… She had admired that mare so much, had known her so well… That Pegasus had been a better mother to her than her actual parent- She didn’t allow herself to think any further.
    Her nostrils flared up as she let out a small cough. Her neck started itching for another, and though it was quite painful to her nose, Scootaloo had to let it out. Eventually she landed in a coughing spree, gasping for air through the gaps between her teeth, tearing at the Celestia-forsaken screws that were binding her face.
    Her mind started to muddy as the coughing settled, her raspy breaths almost echoing between the decorless walls. Her neck felt bruised and torn from the inside, her nostrils and jaw not doing much better. She settled back down, trying to ignore the pain.
    It would all be over soon. She’d be able to heal up and leave the hospital, talk again, solve Cutie Mark Crusaider problems again…talk again…talk… Drip…Drip…Drip… the relentless tap in the corner reminded her of the monotony of her situation, of the repetitiveness of each day.
    She’d lost so many ponies in her lifetime…maybe that was part of the routine now, too… Sweetiebelle must’ve been feeling the same way. Maybe, just mabe, losing another wouldn’t take such a toll on her anymore. She knew she shouldn’t think that way, yet she couldn’t help it sometimes. She closed her eyes, trying to block out all sensory input. It would be over soon, she could feel it.

    • @The_Life_Stealer
      @The_Life_Stealer 7 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you, I wanted to know for a while, I love the art, I hope we might also get another in-between of the coughing fit, but that's asking for to much and this is amazing,
      BTW, have you heard of bee balling, preformed by colonies of bees, it would be an amazing Chrysalis death or for the next Goretober

    • @HarmonyOC
      @HarmonyOC 7 месяцев назад +2

      Poor scootaloo

  • @l1uks3d72
    @l1uks3d72 7 месяцев назад +9

    In this art it looked like she was going to be fine, but that's not the case.
    Also, i just love this rendering with a light coming out of the window, the cold colours and her empty look, this is cinema

    • @nobodishere
      @nobodishere  7 месяцев назад +2

      She didn't know she was going to die, and the infection in her nose was invisible... a terrible fate really :'(

    • @l1uks3d72
      @l1uks3d72 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@nobodishere Yes, unfortunately the life is short, but nobody know how short it is 💀

  • @Panconqueso7057
    @Panconqueso7057 7 месяцев назад +2

    It looked incredible on you, what a great talent.

  • @mr.peepers34
    @mr.peepers34 6 месяцев назад +5

    I feel like the worst deaths in the series were Scootaloo's, Luna's, and Twilight's.

  • @mafebr9399
    @mafebr9399 6 месяцев назад +2

    This art is amazing! But I still a bit confused on how she died exactly

    • @nobodishere
      @nobodishere  6 месяцев назад

      She died of an infection that blocked her airways. She couldn't breathe and suffocated.

    • @mafebr9399
      @mafebr9399 6 месяцев назад

      @@nobodishere ohhh now everything makes sense!

  • @WonkyClownRibs
    @WonkyClownRibs 7 месяцев назад +3

    :0 2 minutes ago?