I dont have the radio - but you can estimate the Turns, size of the loop etc from picture at 5:59 mark . Use the tuning capacitor frame for size reference. Or use the cabinet size as size reference.All the data is right there if you need howto read it and clone it. It looks like 7 Turns on that frame.
you prolly dont care but if you're bored like me during the covid times you can stream pretty much all of the latest movies on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my brother for the last few months xD
Growing up in early 1950' s my dad had a GE wet cell Port. radio like one of yours . It had a dark maroon Plastic Case Not metal . it had the wet cell Batt. with the " Balls " To see state of Charge . My dad used it at home & are Cabin . I often wonder what happened to that big heavy radio ?
Why not build a solide state vibrator replacement? A small swichmode supply that converts the 2V into 12V and powers a NE555/ Power Mosfet chopper circuilt that runs on 50Hz. Less noisy and no machanical contacts!
I agree, I am not a fan of shotgun recapping either -you can accidentally make wiring snafus that did not exist to begin with, etc., especially if you are a beginner, been there done that. Find out what sort of can of worms you got first, get it running, then you can knock yourself out replacing things if the radio or TV is worth it.
Hello, I just got one of these radios, well, two of them but only one is complete. From the ebay photos It should have the SW antenna. Do you still need the antenna information? If I can get the back open I can take the appropriate measurements. the back seems stuck on mine, even though the guy had the back cover open to show the insides. maybe it got warped in shipping?
You should probably use alkalines or carbon zinc when testing. An NIMH 11 amp hour D cell can output enormous current, at least briefly,.and just completely cook it. This could probably put 30 amps or more out for long enough to fry it pretty bad, especially with 2 of them in parallel.
google search was: 'ge 260 external loop antenna schematic' WA0VZY's comment on antique radio forum was in a thread about GE 250 bias cells, which you had posted too actually
I like your video but where did you get the batteries because I have one and it works but I need battery I had a 8 amp but it have enough power to run it it only ran a minute marty
This video is on its way to its 4th anniversary! Today is May 2. Very nice radio, reminds me of the trans-oceanics.
I dont have the radio - but you can estimate the Turns, size of the loop etc from picture at 5:59 mark . Use the tuning capacitor frame for size reference. Or use the cabinet size as size reference.All the data is right there if you need howto read it and clone it. It looks like 7 Turns on that frame.
On the 260 I found that two CR2032 lithium 3v button batteries in series provided about the right neg. bias for the 6Q5 output tube.
Those are some badass radios! Very cool machines.
you prolly dont care but if you're bored like me during the covid times you can stream pretty much all of the latest movies on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my brother for the last few months xD
@Aaron Jeffrey yea, have been watching on InstaFlixxer for since december myself :D
Just came across this video watch all your videos you come across some crazy s*** I love it love the vibrators
Ooh, I like it when you talk about your vibrators. LOL 😂 Cool radios, never seen one like that before. 👍🏻
Corinna T Roberts76 I will bet that you own a vibrator!!!!!
Growing up in early 1950' s my dad had a GE wet cell Port. radio like one of yours . It had a dark maroon Plastic Case Not metal . it had the wet cell Batt. with the " Balls " To see state of Charge . My dad used it at home & are Cabin . I often wonder what happened to that big heavy radio ?
Looks like WA0VZY on antiqueradiosdotcom has the info on the external loop for the 260.
Very interesting radio, Thanks for sharing.
Why not build a solide state vibrator replacement? A small swichmode supply that converts the 2V into 12V and powers a NE555/ Power Mosfet chopper circuilt that runs on 50Hz. Less noisy and no machanical contacts!
Love your videos! Where do you FIND these exotic sets?
I agree, I am not a fan of shotgun recapping either -you can accidentally make wiring snafus that did not exist to begin with, etc., especially if you are a beginner, been there done that. Find out what sort of can of worms you got first, get it running, then you can knock yourself out replacing things if the radio or TV is worth it.
Hello, I just got one of these radios, well, two of them but only one is complete. From the ebay photos It should have the SW antenna. Do you still need the antenna information? If I can get the back open I can take the appropriate measurements. the back seems stuck on mine, even though the guy had the back cover open to show the insides. maybe it got warped in shipping?
You should probably use alkalines or carbon zinc when testing. An NIMH 11 amp hour D cell can output enormous current, at least briefly,.and just completely cook it. This could probably put 30 amps or more out for long enough to fry it pretty bad, especially with 2 of them in parallel.
GE's version of the Transoceanic?
Nice. I like the odd ball sort if vibrator supply.
Haha - shaking 🎈
google search was: 'ge 260 external loop antenna schematic' WA0VZY's comment on antique radio forum was in a thread about GE 250 bias cells, which you had posted too actually
I like your video but where did you get the batteries because I have one and it works but I need battery I had a 8 amp but it have enough power to run it it only ran a minute marty
You have an overlap in your video at about 3:30. Not big deal but just thought you might want to fix it.
Beautiful radios!
very cool 1940s GE, batt power
nice GE radios!
The other one seems more restoreable.
Very cool.
By fire it up, he means, to see if it actually explodes in a burst of fire....
2 volts is fairly efficient
Is this the shango that likes crts?
HEY! Tell Chris and Dave and Bobby hello. S
Need another one