@@honeybunch5765... I've never understood why these phrases bother's folks much. Everyone has their circle of admirers, so it's safe to say that He or she lit up a room, was the life of the party, never met a stranger, everyone loved her/him, etc, etc. There's Billions of people on this earth and many of them are wonderful, beautiful, lively, friendly, loved by many, etc, etc, who can definitely be described using the same adjectives ... Just as much as there are many vile people among us that can be described as unattractive, unpleasant to be around, Psychopathic, Narcissistic, Predatory, Creepy, Everyone shies away from etc, etc. I know quite a bit of people that are beautiful inside as well as out, as I'm pretty sure many of you do also, and some who are quite the opposite. I'm just saying.
Bah, when you hear "perfect All-American family", it's always said in this same context by some bozo "journalist" that thrives on the sensationalism of every story, like good old Chris Hansen here. He says they were regarded as such "by friends and neighbors", as if he interviewed all the friends and neighbors and they actually all used that description, which I doubt very much. It's just a stock tried-and-true way to gloss up the corners of his little story to make the viewer more interested. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if none of the friends and neighbors used that phrase at all.
Didn't this narcissist realize that eventhough he did not kill his son physically he killed him mentally He's scarred forever and lost his whole family
Their brain can’t operate in that way. They are incapable. Narcissism is actually a disorder and I don’t think it’s treatable in the traditional sense, but it should be diagnosed early. And it should be diagnosed PERIOD. So that a) your loved ones can know what they’re dealing with, b) romantic interests can know what they MAY BE DEALING WITH if they get together with you, and c) so you can lead a fulfilling life by consciously forcing yourself to feel compassion. That can be done and I’ve seen personal accounts of it from people who, themselves, were diagnosed as narcissist and don’t LIKE that diagnosis or stigma. Similarly, a university professor in the psychology department at a California university conducted a research study and used the department staff as a baseline. It was revealed to him that he had the mind of a psychopath (and is therefore psychopath). But he cares about his family. So he now consciously changes his behavior based on feedback from his family, and FORCES himself to be empathetic or at least manifest the signs signals and actions of one who can feel empathy. He did a TED talks about that.
I agree..the wife was married to this monster for 20 years.. She knew what kind of evil thing he was.. The children should have never got involved in her relationship..
@@jamesthomas323why would she even marry such a man at first place? Someone's true face is never hidden, yoy just ignore it because of your certain desires of getting something, and then later you regret or you pay for it.
Some guys are fkn crazy nun more to rlly say but his wife was messing around with another chick after them already having a full family and he looked alot like he was a previous pill popper or meth head to so fuck rest in peace that family :(
At first I thought “Who would do this to their wife and children”, then I remembered Chris Watts. Only a complete psychopath would do this to their family. May their souls Rest In Peace.
The daughter’s took the mother’s side or hid the affair for their mother. Dude has more money than he knows what to do with. He snapped because he couldn’t get something he wanted. So he thought then let me take it all away.
I say "I messed up, I messed up" when I forget someone's birthday. Brutally killing your family and traumatizing your son for the rest of his life is beyond "I messed up".
It shook me to hear that little girl saying that she didn't want to die. The deputy did good by holding her hand and comforting her. This hit me hard, taking me back to my time as a LRRP in Vietnam... I felt sick, knowing she was only an innocent 16 year old shot by her pathetic father.
Make me alive.. this kids words are heart wrenching. He knew and she knew she was already dead smh. A man like this that can kill innocent kids should have been sentenced to death and then tortured every day untill his execution. Damn right I said it!!!
@@dale444ify no excuse for someone to murder their own family. the man was mentally unstable enough to think that murder was the answer to this situation. rather it seems fitting why the wife wanted to leave him in the first place. I can't imagine what he was like leading up to this murderous rampage.
@@katrabbit you got to love these stories they always make the man out to be the monster and the woman is this perfect little angel. It would be interesting to hear his side of the story. I completely agree though he should have not killed his children they had nothing to do with it.
Every abused by or partner needs to understand that the most deadly point in their relationship with an abuser occurs when the abuser realizes that their victim is going to end the relationship. Considering the fact that he quote unquote made her pay when she didn't acquiesce to his demands when they were in the marriage denotes the fact that he was abusive and the abuse escalated. Everyone who's planning on leaving an abusive relationship needs to contact their local domestic violence Shelter anonymously and make a plan to safely leave.
@@sylviaking8866 I agree with your comments, how much abuse he was going to take, left him with no job, no money in the bank, then on top pay child support, then show everyone her new lover...common he is a human not a piece metal, I think all of that make him loose his sense...my son had an experience almost like that, but it took all my love and faith to talk to him on a daily basis, and Iam happy to say that he overcame all that, he started a new family....but it could it ended like this family there is not a wining situation.....any way. God bless us all.
@@sylviaking8866 Right. When she started going out of her way to taunt, humiliate and destroy him, that's a very dangerous game to play. The arrest outside his job, and cleaning out the bank account was unnecessary. My real sympathy here is with the grandmother and daughters, but not so much the wife because I believe sometimes you can push people beyond their limits.
When you are ready to leave your abuser ,don't tell them of your intentions; make a plan, confide in a safe person ( someone not related to the abuser ) pack and stash your important documents, money, medications, water and food for little ones . Make copies of keys for home and vehicles. I lived this escape from hell. I was very scared , I had 2 Littles under the age of 2 years old. I was young , no family close by , however, when the wellbeing of my children was threatened I put my escape plan into action, I was gone and never looked back. Now days there are so many resources available, take advantage of them .
You seem to not understand why he could do this so I will explain. I don't agree that what he did was right most fathers could not do this to there children, but I do empathise & understand why he would do such a thing. Before I explain I will just add one statistic. More mothers kill there children than biological father's, but for a different reason. Now for the explanation. Family law is bias to protect woman & children. Generally what a woman gets is the children, the house, half the other assets & an income distribution from the man. Generally, what a man gets is the opposite. He gets the children taken away, the house taken away, half the other assets & the privilage of working a drudgery, where half of his income is redistributed, for the benefit of other's. This affectively turns the man into a working slave for zero returns. So everything in life he worked hard for has been taken off him, because he is biologicaly a man. His house, his money, his family all gone for the benefit of others. His sacrifice, is just to be a slave. He gets nothing. Now you say his daughter. How can you say there his? If something is yours, or in this case equally yours, you have the right to spend equal amounts of time, but for man, his whole life is work, he don't have the privilage of spending time with his family. Now you asked the question, how could he do this to his own daughter's. The answer is, he did not consider them to be his daughter's because he literally has very little rights & his former wife used the power of the government to exploit him as a human resource, so he inacted revenge. So even this video only presented one side of the story. Poor journalism if you asked me.
@@sharps8726 Revenge. The x wife was using the government, to exploit his utility for her own benefit. The daughter's belonged to her not him. The saying "Possession is nine-tenths of the law" Well the wife had the possession & was sleeping in the matrimonial bed with the government. If the x wife had not slept with the government, not used the government to redistribute income & assets, not poisoned the daughters minds against him during her period of possession, enforced by the law, they would in all probably, be alive today, just separated. Let's Imagine family law bias was reversed. if the court's gave him the deal she got.. Say He got the house, he got the kids, he got the redistributed income & she became the work slave, working a drudgery to suppory self entitled people. He'd have no reason to kill them, would he. So let's blame family law. Every politician, has blood on there hands.
@@SunRise-ul7ko he was rich so 3000 dollars a month isn't really much for him. I agree with you that fathers are discriminated against in custody battles, but he was not. He was in every way possible a control freak and would've harmed his children sooner or later. The mother was trying to protect them.
@@cns3433 I don't think S150,000 a year before income tax makes you rich,. I also think $36,000 a year seems like a big chunk, when your paying that sum to your enemy. Still he was a dangerous man & I bet she rejected many decent, but lesser beta male providers to get with him. She made her choice, I see woman make bad choices all the time, based on agressive masculine attraction rather than rationality.
@@WhoIsTatyana yes they were but in fairness they weren’t actually lost to him until he killed them. There was nothing stopping him still having a relationship with his children.
That dude lost his family long b4 his wife got involved with a woman. You can't bully your wife and daughters and expect to be loved or respected. What a fucking coward. Real men don't get replaced.
@@reddeadjuju partly correct... Yes they sign up for it but doesn't mean they wouldn't need mental support. A person joins the army knowing what they have to do but it does have an effect on their mental health if support isn't given based on your argument then either nobody will join the army or it would be full of psychopaths. 'coz we all know only psychopaths don't feel emotions.
@@elburrito4935 if you justify murder because she cheated then i guess we should all start murdering cheaters! Thats just being psychotic. Normal people move on, heal and find someone who won’t cheat. Wow isn’t that simple?
@@elburrito4935 if it were him that cheated, would it be ok to blow his ass away? Just wondering, because my ex cheated, I did not murder him. Yet he tried to kill us. Your just so full of beans your attitude smells like cowpie.
How could the son deal with losing his mom, his sisters, his grandma and will never see his dad again and have to accept that his dad murdered his family! So horrible! I hope he finds help and the strength to overcome everything! I know I probably couldn't.
@@nealkelly9757 Yeah, or he could move on with his life like most normal people do when they find out their partner is a cheater and liar. It sucks, but move. on. And make something better. Don't kill other human beings.
@@babyhandgrenade4004 that's exactly what I'm saying, this i*diots over here using whatever words they feel like rather than calling it for what it's, The guy is a psychopath ✔️ a clicking time bomb ✔️ and had obvious mental issues✔️ that's all they needed to say but nope they had to virtue signal their way through the comment section like is are experts and evaluated the guy themselves without even knowing him.
@@babyhandgrenade4004 hook injjnikjkjoj Koji o look ok ok j jn ji in ok no n ok looks j ok 9onknkkk jo join 9ok9o9k on ok 9on ok kij ok j OkO jkkon I join unknown ok into o n ok ikko ki 9 Kokomoko look o ko ok o kn no ok j o jojo ook ok ok ok injo 9oj no oookk9o jo looksokok iBooks k ok ok o OkO ooo ok ook9kk jojo 9o ok j ok jo ok no o j ok looks koo9ojook ikon ooojkk I look o o look 9oi on I OkO kkkkk o look no knocking ok ookk I nookikk ominous kooo I look ok injo ok look ok ok n 9n9oko on oolong o ok look on n jojo no ko ok know o know ok k look k on n on kik jko ok 9 in knooo jojo job no o jojo ok n ok99o9nkookk job ok ongoing i kkk look look koko k i looks ko in no ok 9no OkO j9oo look ok lookkok ok kno OkO ok o loo loo ok noo I ok ok ok ok look ok 9oko on kkjk OkO look ok OkO OkO k look ooo OkO no okk OkO ok look joki ok o9o Kopp k jojo kkk look okkkko OkO k9oknooo onion k look look look ok look know o oo ink okkkooo no o look kkkoookkooo ko o no koni9okkjkokokok I o look j jojo OkO kk Kokomo 9kk ok kook 9 look kook ok looked o n Koji kook k kook ok oknkk no kook k ok kk OkO 9o kook ok kook okookon kook kook o kook k ok join i kook ok ok oo ok k kook ko no kook kook kook oojook kook 9oo9okkk kook know kook n OkO njoook kook kook kook ok kook 9kkkooookko jojo looks k okkoj9knoko kook 9k Ono n99kooo kook ok ok ok kook o kook onion 9 kohoots kook kook o ink ok ojkoooko kook ok o kook ink o ok o okok kook kook kook ok o o i ok ojkknk kook n ok kk Koji oo ok ok kook ok i ono9o ok kook kook ok9 kook k no o join kook 9kkkkkoo kook o kook kook inningok k OkO ok kook look nooo o k kook I I no kook kook kook ok kookkk OkO kook 9kkkk ok kook ok 9kkokookk ok okokkk kook kook kook okokkookkko kook 9 Kokomo ooonkojokk kook kook o kook kook o on kkkkk k kook o k9nik9okkooo OkO kook okko k ikk ok k ok kook okk joking ok okkook OkO knkoko k kook o kook ok ooookok ok kokkoonookokkokkok9 kook ok kook o9okoko kook kkokkoonoo9oo ok in noooo o kkkkkkokkkkokkk kook ooookkkokoo kook kook o okkkkkokko kook kook kook okkkok ok kook o kook k kk 9 9
Wow this seriously shook me to my core. I remember saying the same thing to a paramedic after I almost died in a car accident. I almost bled to death I could feel myself slipping away and I kept crying out don’t let me die. It’s like you’re in a dream state and you can feel something pulling you away into oblivion, completely weightless.
@Red Hot Pepper Spray Did you reply to the wrong comment, or are you making assumptions about how I feel about other criminals with no basis? I’m confused.
I think Red Hot, was adding to your comment by finding an interesting point in our society. There's a lot of comments clearly written by abusers themselves, that are justifying this man's actions. Red Hot is not saying that you are but instead saying, I bet these same abusers in the comments don't justify Jodi Arias' actions.
People must learn about psychopathy, staying with him after an affair was a great mistake. Psychopaths are vengeful and un remorseful. They consider their spouses and children as their property and treat them as such.
Thats what you take away from this. Not that he was charged with DV because of an unwanted hug so his wife could have full custody, she was draining his bank account. Her daughters were staying in the same hotel room with the lover and their mom! But it was his not wanting to see his wife with someone else thats the reason he killed, wow, how simplistic!
@@silverpairaducks The girls weren't going to LIE whatsoever. They were going to reveal the abuse the father was dishing out toward them all and he couldn't have that. He'd lost control over all of them, so he had to kill these poor innocent children. A true piece of shit.
Comment on Mrs X- That's stupid. She wanted out of a longterm abusive marriage. She left, the children chose to stay with the non-abuser, they have that right. The girls were surely old enough to witness the constant abuse of this man. But hey, maybe you think a husband has the right to abuse their wife?! ..Nah... your comment say it all. You do believe a woman is owned by her husband and he can do whatever he wants to her as long as he doesn't get caught...typical!
@@theresaquidi Husband didn't let her divorce? Or was she just struggling to get out of a relationship? I could understand that, walking away from an abusive partner isn't easy. But I would never go to another person while I'm still in a relationship with the abuser because those people are capable of anything
Unfortunately, the moral of this story, as devastating as it may be, is don’t antagonize your spouse or anybody for that matter. We live in a world where people have a false sense of security and believe that they can do things to other people as long as the law permits it. This should be a reality check for everyone especially people getting a divorce.
That's his mother fault.. she broke the family up it's not messing with a woman got to drive any man crazy and unfortunately his craziness and her and daughters life
@@nateb5030His wife was basically an object for him, having to do everything he wanted. At least she was happy for a few months. It's not her fault he is a psycho who was incapable of treating her better when he had the chance. They are all HIS victims.
@Carlè Ne he didn't want his son growing up around two women together they probably go against his beliefs... She made him lose his job making $150,000 a year got him locked up from domestic violence for over a hug lies..$3,000 a month child support crazy... I don't blame him.. now I agree you shouldn't have killed his daughters but they turned on them too so I feel them all the way around..
What a misogynist tool. The phone call was excruciating. Never understand how a man could kill his children. Family annihilates, sociopathic with narcissism.
I really wish I hadn’t clicked on this. Something about that child screaming “I don’t want to die” and “make me alive” is so very haunting and disturbing.
@Steven Escamilla You're disgusting. You're saying he had all right to kill those women because they loved each other. I don't really have much of an opinion on the LGBT community but I'm guessing the woman fell in love with someone of her own sex because of the way her husband treated her. (Perhaps she didn't want to be treated the same way with a male lover)
@@stevenescamilla9277 yes clearly we do blame him. Are all you lot just children? How does it make sense to you to be violent because you have hurt feelings? That’s how 2yos act until they learn how to cope with there emotions in a healthy way. Pretty sad that so many men in this comment section seem to think the emotional intelligence of a toddler is goals 😳🤦🏼♀️
its not that simple you love your family and they love you ,in this case the wife did not love the father and brainwashed the kids to not love the father ,in fact she tried to destroy him and was successful by means of take his money take his children take his job and get a court order for him to pay $3000 a month , she emptied any love left in his heart and turned him in to a animal with pure hate ,she killed her self and the children
@@peterrenshaw9237 I agree with you 100% cause I witnessed my adopted son’s biological father murdered his wife cause he thought she was having a affair . I read most of comments here and nobody blame on his wife who is actively involved with sexual perversion . One of the easiest way to invite demons in your life is adultery and sexual perversion .
You can tell that the daughter didn't love or respect him. When asked who did it she said Craig twice and then my dad. He was going to go to jail anyway for failure to pay child support since he didn't have a job or money anymore because his wife and the courts wiped him out. He figured if he's gonna go to jail he might as well make it good. This is one of the reasons that I would never defend this country against a foreign invasion, let it burn.
@Alpha Omega lol! Ah another poor me. That’s total bs and you know it. Yes there are cases where postnatal depression are involved and no that does not mean they get away with it. They may get a reduced sentence or go to a mental institute but I’ve also seen that happen to men. I also think you’ll find that defence is long gone when your children hit teenage years. I’ve seen many cases where women have done things just a vile as this and they have been jailed for life so please stop with the “it’s not fair” crap. It’s childish and unnecessary and it’s also untrue.
@Alpha Omega it's always the men excusing domestic abuse and murder as mental illnesses as if genuinely shitty people don't exist. He literally was abusive towards the wife. Repulsive and disrespectful to the multiple generations slaughtered for you to condone this guy's actions😒🙄
@Alpha Omega you sound like you're probably abusive as well. She doesn't have to have sex with him. That's rapists mentality. You're just revealing yourself oof
@Alpha Omega comparing psychosis after childbirth which is a bigger toll than marriage ????? To full grown 16 year old kids who were murdered. What's your comparison? She didn't kill her kids and probably had postpartum depression because it's very common after birth. He killed his kids because she divorced him. Uhhhhhhh make it make sense. Your username is ironic, I've never seen a more weak and immature male before
My heart breaks for him. He will never be able to fully heal from what he had to see and experience, but I pray he can move forward and feel some sort of peace and serenity in his life. It makes me sick how a father can hurt their loved ones. Let alone their own children. 😞
So let me get this straight, a man that made all the money. Worked hard and has a great career. Gave his Wife everything she wanted. Even allowed her to have a girlfriend. The wife would then flaunt her other relationship in front of his friends and family embarrassing him. then she tried to divorce him, take all his money and the kids and run off with her lesbian girlfriend? Even after he tried to move the family and win her back? That would drive many people insane. The “innocent” loving wife’s story doesn’t add up.
@@tyriexs5 if he was so abusive she would have never stayed and strung him along letting him believe he can fix the relationship or have a threesome. That is total bs. Lol he didn’t just magically believe that unless she told him. What she really wanted all along was to buy time and plan how she would make out on top, all the while he attempted to patch the marriage. She also took 50k from him. I didn’t just make this up. They said that. Who was really the controlling one and manipulative? The video can’t hide how toxic she sounds though they try hard.
He seems like an extremely selfish person. As soon as his wife decided that she would no longer be his slave and he would not get a harem he killed her and his own kids. Like how do you kill your own kids?
@@ItsWAWGaming he was insane and abusive. She didn’t push him to do anything, she was pushed to leave him because he was a control freak. The man was deluded, he is responsible for all their dead bodies. Unless she physically helped him pull the trigger, the man was acting on his own accord. EDIT: Adding on, there have been many couples that have divorced because they fell out of love, interested in someone else (different or opposite gender) and nobody died. So other people went through similar situations but this man was just deluded.
@@purplepanda9794 Getting arrested in front of the work place and loosing the job after the bank account was cleared out by her and he had to pay her an insane amount of money and seing the kids being taken away I can see how this can push someone over the edge. This happens so often its not surprising it happens in this case. In countries without guns they take hatchets etc. Doesnt mean its justified but its not like its coming out of nowhere. I just dont see why they always have to kill the kids too. PS if he lost the job after the judge decided about the payments he had to make that would mean he still had to pay the amount from the good paying job times regardless if he still has the job which leaves him with soon facing jail. Maybe its time to change some laws to avoid pushin people into such situations.
@@purplepanda9794 no this man didn't want to pay child support $3000 a month for the kids. He had control of money and home. He was ok with the lesbian relationship as long the family don't break up. But, she file divorce causing a broken family probably kept custody of children. All his hardworking for the family went down the drain. Even got arrested in front of his co workers at work and embarrassed him and lost his job and she dry out his account. You only can beat a controlling man down til his mind explodes. The affair partner probably told her to drain him dry financially when divorcing then he goes nuts and depression/pycho kicked in to do this horrific murderous intensions. Now, the son going to view women differently because what happened to his father and mother.
Yah I couldn’t shoot my kids. I’m not gonna say his wife deserved to die but that was a really shitty thing to do. Just leave. You don’t need embarrass him, take his job, and demand child support.
@@jasonjames5076, She wanted him to save her life and do something so she wouldn't end up dying. It's like a cry for help, her mind is just running on adrenaline at that point, so I'm sure she wasn't able to think the clearest.
no your country is a shining example of backwards thinking. The only country in the civilised west that still has a death penalty. Murder is murder by a person or the state. Makes me laugh as well when religious people want the death penalty when their books says 'thou shall not kill'. lol
@@60toodles The United States is way too diverse for anyone to speak on behalf of it as a whole. We all have different opinions and we all read different "books".
Man the grandma was one tough lady. Had the wherewithal and mental toughness to be able to call the cops while the shooting was happening, identify the shooter to them and survive for several days after. Respect.
I mean if having a teenage girl basically die in your arms after admitting her father did that to the family doesn’t change you…you might be a sociopath.
@@bigmike1850 Great, seeing you have such a strong constitution you should be the ride along to go on ambulances that get called to car accidents and you can be the one who picks up the severed body parts and decapitated heads and match them to the right body. They each get their own designated plastic bag. To many people make it through EMT training just to quit with the simple sight of a severed head.
definitely. cant imagine the pain that boy must be feeling, even now. my father murdered my mother when i was a baby, but i have no memory of having seen it, and dont even know if i was present while it happened, which is a huge relief. the thought of witnessing not just anyone, but your father, kill your family is horrible. i hope hes getting proper therapy. i feel for the officer as well, but sadly seeing vile shit comes with the job. that boy had no preparation to handle what happened to him
I once had a coworker tell me her husband's abuse lead her into the arm's of another. She found true love and understanding in her. So sorry for this woman and her children. RIP🌹ladies.
Good guy u are,and u have a lot of understanding. Most women have been beaten or raped at some point. I was tied up with broken ribs for 3 days and escaped with shirt on my back. I WAS LUCKY. Bless u hun,have a great night 🌙
@Jesse Millar , abusive, controlling and sick minded men who kidnap women with possibly sadistic intent is definitely not to be loved and welcomed into your life. I kind of think that a little dislike can save a life there don't ya reckon? Here's to not making the same mistake over and over by recognizing the signs and disliking them enough to stay away from these "men" .
I feel so bad for the son, Shaun. What a horrible thing for his father to put on him- that he claims he killed his family for his young son. I can’t imagine the amount of therapy this poor kid will have to receive, and the amount of survivor’s guilt he must battle. Like, wtf with him going into the foster system too?
Mental illness and religious brainwashing does a real number on ppl. It's so sad that the boy was sent to live with his families' killer's parents. They raised the monster who destroyed the parent and siblings who actually loved him, so I have little hope that they'll be a good influence on him. Probably keeps up the righteous religious homophobic rhetoric that his dad used as an excuse.
He had so much hatred for women that he would kill in his son's name. That little boy would have rather had his family, I'd imagine. He was trying to put that hatred into his boy. So glad that little boy told on his father.
@@suzannehartmann946 All Karen's family are dead except for her sister. Maybe her sister couldn't or didn't want to raise her nephew. They never mentioned Karen and her sister's parents. They only talk about their grandmother, the one who was murdered along with Karen and her daughters. She was the great grandmother to Karen's children, and they were all killed at her house. I think the husband's parents were the only grandparents or family members left to raise the spared son of the killer.
His son was young enough to mirror back positives to his dad - who is a narcissistic psychopath..had he been older and less admiring he would be dead too.
Imagine how his son feels. Imagine knowing that in your dads eyes you were the only one who deserved to live while he gunned down your whole family. He probably feels like its his fault. I feel bad for him. He’s still a young boy who needs a father figure in his life. I hope he can grow up to be a fine young man, but these types of events, especially at a young age, change people and sometimes for the worst. I pray for his good health and wellbeing. I am so sorry for his loss.
When I was 7, my mother started an affair with my sister's school teacher (a woman) and treated my Father like absolute shit, abused him, humiliated him and make false police reports against him, vandalised his property and did everything she could to destroy him and take us away from him due to her own mental health issues and anger at him for wanting shared custody of us. After all that, my Father never snapped and murdered us all. This guy needs to be locked up forever.
I’m sorry for all that mess you were thrown into but this is exactly why I don’t really care what reason a murderer has. Something like this is something only a monster could do! The ppl that turn into a killer always had that seed in them, slowly growing. The circumstances could be anything, no one has it easy.
Nope don't get twisted girls have tendencies of siding with mom no matter craps she's cooking too bad they were pawned while being manipulated,so tragic
He says his son is his little buddy and cares but makes him testify instead of just pleading guilty. be a man, you know what you did and you’re not getting away with it. why put him through that
So sad for these teenagers. Barely started living and murdered by the man who suppose. To love and support them thier entire life. So sad for the son too. He has to live with what his "Dad" did.
Man? This was no Man he was a controlling freak of a husband he didn’t lose his wife he gave her away. The bastard had 3 children he killed 2 because they had a different opinion to him. That poor kill begging not to die is haunting may they all RIP
His wife literally ruined his life. She called the police on him, costing him his job, took money from their joint bank account and left him in debt and broke, taking his kids and cheating on him with another woman. If you ask me, i say the wife deserved it. Maybe not the kids and the grandmother. But the wife definetly deserved it. She knew what she was doing, and intentionally ruined that mans life to hurt him. So he hurt her back. Dont cheat folks. It never works.
edit: those are some wild crazy eyes on kraig, yeesh. Not a single photo where he looks stable. love triangle killings always freak me out a little. Like, you really had to escalate it to death? The deaths of people who weren't even involved? You couldn't have worked it out like adults in any way?
His life was over anyways, wife cost him his job and turned the kids against him, she was gonna put him in jail over child support anyways so might as well earn jail
Only a true demon in human skin could do something like this. The 911 calls gave me chills, couldn't hold my tears back. Only a monster could listen to their own child beg for their life & still murder them 💔👁 "she was taking my kids & leaving me" Sir your kids were almost grown & that just shows your level of control Sick monster
@@cassandraking6603 Demons are Not better than this...Actually, they are worse. He will see. He'll experience it. He had a demon in him...you could see that by the absolute control he demanded. He will get WAY worse than what he gave here on earth, when he goes to hell...and it will never end.
That’s how the news channel framed him...I wouldn’t trust the news...not to say that what he did was right because it wasn’t...but I don’t trust the narrative of the tv show...what we do know that are facts are this...his wife cheated on him and continued to cheat on him after they moved, she divorced him and he was forced to pay 3k in child support, and then he was arrested on her word alone, he lost his well paying job, moved back with his parents, and his daughters sided with the cheater....so is it a surprise he snapped when he was left with practically nothing while, in his eyes, the woman who cheated on him got everything....of course this doesn’t take away from the monster that he is but let’s not lose perspective here people.
@@nwonomad me too. Once you hear those words... you can never un-hear it! Gosh, how I wish she was able to be saved! No person shld ever be in a predicament like that! It is too unnatural and completely unfathomable.
There was a massive life insurance policy on the mother and daughters plus all property/money in bank accounts/ 401k/investments all reverted to the son and once he is 18 all of it will be his and hopefully he will use it wisely and that he sees it as his mother helping him the only way she could after what his father did.
Neither the husband or wife loved each other anymore, he was just crazy obsessive and controlling and couldn't handle that his wife found someone new and didn't want to separate and find someone new himself, so flew into a jealous rage. These are the worst type of people, if you fall out of love, you fall out of love, get over it and move on, these children did not have to die, such a shame.
@@broeheem2804 I don't understand how being in a lesbian relationship is some how a bad thing? An affair is an affair and is a shitty thing to fo but its no exuse for what he did. And if his solution yo her leaving him was to kill his entire family, then it stands to reason that he was a shittu person before hand and that was possibly part of the reason his family turned against him. I don't trust a damn thing he said because he wants to make it seem like his wife was some how responsible for her and her daughters deaths
Didn't you pay attention moron, She took everything from him and flaunted her lover IN front of everyone like it was normal, not to mention get her to daughters involved probably even made them take part in it, Don't expect to live the high life after taking everything from a man without consequences. when all he did was provide for his family then was toss out in the streets with no job, money or family.
@@gaynano42you have hit it on the head , there is very few people with sense in this comment section, it's sad when women say they know men and then say and do things that then break people. Not just men but fellow women and children. What he did was obviously wrong but any sane person can see he was pushed to the edge and then flung over it, and you know what the really sad thing is. ? That if he had taken his gun and blown his own head off without harming anyone Sonny would have taken his place in his home and he would have been called weak and then forgotten about. We all campaigned for change so EVERYONE could live without persecution and prejudice and now its here I find myself wishing everyone had a little more insight into Humanity.
This happened in Burlingame, KS. It’s 45min or so to the nearest hospital. On top of that, most of our small town was out of town for a wedding. Burlingame is a small town who still is shaken by this. He drove by my house right after, scarring my parents who were trying to keep the mom and daughter alive. All in Burlingame hate him
@@Mar-oh8ro Interesting how you twist facts. Fact, wife committed numerous adulterous affairs despite claims of sister here. It’s on the court records. Fact, daughters lied and covered them up for the mother. Fact daughters not only lied on her behalf gaslight their father when he grew suspicious , but then they maligned him and degraded him further. Fact grandmother also said these horrendous things about him. They all on the record took malicious joy in insulting his intelligence, his faithfulness, his prowess as a man. Yet, you’d lay the blame upon one person. The father…while pretending it’s partially mother’s fault but still blaming him right? The truth is nobody is driven to these actions by one misdeed, was a campaign that spanned decade plus. His final straw was loosing his money, home, rights as a father, his life he built so diligently with a narcissist who trained her daughters to manipulate and lie and abuse and use as well. It’s not surprising he attempted to kill them all. The shocking part is reading these disgusting comments and listening to this fabrication of a story that paint him as the monster. Ha, in a pigs eye to that. Look around you ladies, society is on the collapse , men are opting out of the work force, dating and marriage schemes. You are vastly going to realize the whirlwind of karma. Just keep on lying and abusing men. It’s working out swell, there’s not going to be anywhere left to hide from the consequences soon.
Yeah killing a woman whose name is Karen is never a crime, I have sympathy for daughters he might have thought they would grow up to become Karen's so he wiped the shit out of them too.
Once you start to get more abuse awareness it becomes painfully obvious how much the media put effort into victimizing the abusers and demonizing their victims. This entire bit is trying to justify his murders, and they even downplay his dv charges. His family wanted nothing to do with him because he was an abusive piece of shit. Idk why tf they would allow that child to be raised by whoever tf his parents are.
Many people things that when a man murder his wife he probably had great reasons, I’m not joking, every time this happen you’ll have people victimizing the murderer.
@@AnnedolfFrankler911 How about not being a controlling, manipulative abuser and cold blooded murderer? His fault entirely, he drove her from him then slaughtered everyone. A monster.
@@ellyjett I agree - he should not have been controlling. And she should not have cheated on him, humiliated him, taken his money and made him pay child support. All of this could have been avoided and settled in a better way. Both were in the wrong and the kids got caught in the drama and got killed.
It makes me sick when premeditated monsters try and illicit sympathy during an interrogation What transgression could warrant the response of leaving your 16 year old daughter bleeding out on the floor, without even the decency to end her suffering. And to make your son watch and leave him without a Mother, Sisters and a Grandmother, replacing their influence and protection with the horrific memory of their death. He wanted them to suffer
@@lizardog I couldn't disagree with you more. We need to teach ALL OF OUR CHILDREN BETTER. Just you taking that stance against young men everywhere adds to their base of anger, you pop them out then expect perfection even though you weren't a perfect parent TEACH ALL YOUR KIDS RIGHT AND WRONG
@@lizardog That's an absolutely DISGUSTING comment you added there. "We have to teach our MALE children better" discriminating making it an all male issue, we should instead teach all our CHILDREN better. Stop being a complete sexist, this is not just a MALE issue although its more males commiting the crime. You should teach both genders better! Disgusting you.
NEVER make the mistake of loading anyone with the burden of making you happy. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. NO ONE ELSE IS! This result is worst case scenario. Sad for all. People need to be more like a domestic cat. Fewer problems. Interestingly, all my cats are crazy about me.
He could have developed a hatred for women, in light of the lesbian affair. It was a blow to his ego, having his wife leave him for another woman. Any breakup is emotional hell for a partner. Some react spitefully and violently, while others hide their pain and push through with the divorce.
It’s always that so called “ perfect family” that people envy and wish they had their lives. They are usually the most messed up. Don’t be jealous of them, you never know what’s happening behind closed doors.
People don't like to remember a void so they will replace it with the "perfect family." If they were assholes they would say so. But rarely do you hear that they didn't leave an impression.
I see a red flag with people who go to great lengths trying to project perfect family or perfect something, with great show, they are over compensating for something which they are trying to hide.
Unfortunately, the moral of this story, as devastating as it may be, is don’t antagonize your spouse or anybody for that matter. We live in a world where people have a false sense of security and believe that they can do things to other people as long as the law permits it. This should be a reality check for everyone especially people getting a divorce.
@@bertdesantis Your comment should not be buried on this page. Countless people failing to get the most important point of it all... You, did not... BRAVO friend.
Let's see. His wife cheats, steals his money, costs him his job, and turns their kids against him...yeah I can see why he killed her. Take away a man's purpose in life and will to live and he will react. I don't hate that he killed his ex wife, she was evil
Any time you hear “perfect American family,” beware.
Yes and "She lit up the room when she walked in" or "everyone loved her, her smile brighten a room"
Hahaha That`s what I said.
Most families have problems, so that's a pretty big bright red flag tbh
@@honeybunch5765... I've never understood why these phrases bother's folks much. Everyone has their circle of admirers, so it's safe to say that He or she lit up a room, was the life of the party, never met a stranger, everyone loved her/him, etc, etc. There's Billions of people on this earth and many of them are wonderful, beautiful, lively, friendly, loved by many, etc, etc, who can definitely be described using the same adjectives ... Just as much as there are many vile people among us that can be described as unattractive, unpleasant to be around, Psychopathic, Narcissistic, Predatory, Creepy, Everyone shies away from etc, etc.
I know quite a bit of people that are beautiful inside as well as out, as I'm pretty sure many of you do also, and some who are quite the opposite. I'm just saying.
Bah, when you hear "perfect All-American family", it's always said in this same context by some bozo "journalist" that thrives on the sensationalism of every story, like good old Chris Hansen here. He says they were regarded as such "by friends and neighbors", as if he interviewed all the friends and neighbors and they actually all used that description, which I doubt very much. It's just a stock tried-and-true way to gloss up the corners of his little story to make the viewer more interested. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if none of the friends and neighbors used that phrase at all.
Didn't this narcissist realize that eventhough he did not kill his son physically he killed him mentally He's scarred forever and lost his whole family
He hurt him the most. The others are gone 😭
@Cal Rogers stfu
Their brain can’t operate in that way. They are incapable. Narcissism is actually a disorder and I don’t think it’s treatable in the traditional sense, but it should be diagnosed early. And it should be diagnosed PERIOD. So that a) your loved ones can know what they’re dealing with, b) romantic interests can know what they MAY BE DEALING WITH if they get together with you, and c) so you can lead a fulfilling life by consciously forcing yourself to feel compassion. That can be done and I’ve seen personal accounts of it from people who, themselves, were diagnosed as narcissist and don’t LIKE that diagnosis or stigma. Similarly, a university professor in the psychology department at a California university conducted a research study and used the department staff as a baseline. It was revealed to him that he had the mind of a psychopath (and is therefore psychopath). But he cares about his family. So he now consciously changes his behavior based on feedback from his family, and FORCES himself to be empathetic or at least manifest the signs signals and actions of one who can feel empathy. He did a TED talks about that.
They are so fucked up
I pray God helps him. Because that little boy will never be the same again ever....
“He liked his son” but he shot his mom right in front of him. He will never be the same.
He didnt spare his son for his son's sake.
@@user-vb6ky1mo9e everything he did was for himself. I didn’t think it was for his sons sake. The quotes are what the interviewer said
@@juancbadillo9790 what are we laughing about?
@@jerk5739 he killed
A man that has lost everything is a very dangerous thing. Sad story.
I agree..the wife was married to this monster for 20 years.. She knew what kind of evil thing he was.. The children should have never got involved in her relationship..
@@jamesthomas323why would she even marry such a man at first place? Someone's true face is never hidden, yoy just ignore it because of your certain desires of getting something, and then later you regret or you pay for it.
Wow... I can't believe that someone could be so filled with hate that they would do this to their OWN CHILDREN... 😳😳😳
Some guys are fkn crazy nun more to rlly say but his wife was messing around with another chick after them already having a full family and he looked alot like he was a previous pill popper or meth head to so fuck rest in peace that family :(
A demon point blank!!
@@vonnieb3257 November echo victor echo romeo tango echo sierra tango tango hotel echo bravo india golf sierra charlie romeo echo echo november
Notice he only killed the daughters.
At first I thought “Who would do this to their wife and children”, then I remembered Chris Watts. Only a complete psychopath would do this to their family. May their souls Rest In Peace.
Lord forgive me for hating but o cant help it RIP. moms and children
He has mega-scary eyes!
Chris Watts was horrible...that whole case was awful.
@@crazycat1232 We expect a man to act like a man, not a homicidal maniac. There's no excuse for what he did.
The daughter’s took the mother’s side or hid the affair for their mother. Dude has more money than he knows what to do with. He snapped because he couldn’t get something he wanted. So he thought then let me take it all away.
I say "I messed up, I messed up" when I forget someone's birthday. Brutally killing your family and traumatizing your son for the rest of his life is beyond "I messed up".
Should he create new language on the spot
He left witnesses, that´s what he probably meant.
RIGHT!!! 😵
@Anthony Mozon What had he gone through? You seem to think he was justified.
@Anthony Mozon Do you also understand why children who were molested go on to be pedophiles bc of “what they went through”?
It shook me to hear that little girl saying that she didn't want to die. The deputy did good by holding her hand and comforting her. This hit me hard, taking me back to my time as a LRRP in Vietnam... I felt sick, knowing she was only an innocent 16 year old shot by her pathetic father.
Stop being dramatic
@@Majid-bs6mpwait til it happens to you and see how it feels…
Make me alive.. this kids words are heart wrenching. He knew and she knew she was already dead smh. A man like this that can kill innocent kids should have been sentenced to death and then tortured every day untill his execution. Damn right I said it!!!
@@dale444ify facts. obviously the guy was in the wrong here, but i can’t imagine being put in the position he was in
@@dale444ify No
@@dale444ify no excuse for someone to murder their own family. the man was mentally unstable enough to think that murder was the answer to this situation.
rather it seems fitting why the wife wanted to leave him in the first place. I can't imagine what he was like leading up to this murderous rampage.
@@katrabbit you got to love these stories they always make the man out to be the monster and the woman is this perfect little angel.
It would be interesting to hear his side of the story. I completely agree though he should have not killed his children they had nothing to do with it.
@@January. yes.
Ooooh the voices of grandma's chilling 911 call and the daughter's last words wanting to stay alive.. This is so tragic.
@Idol 2 Savage kids gettin real bold now huh
@@shelbymasters 😭OH GOD
@Idol 2 Savage 🤓🍤wE'rE nOt iN bEd yEt
@Idol 2 Savage you're making a fool of yourself, do yourself a favour and reconsider commenting the way you do, take care
@Idol 2 Savage let these comments be a lesson in life little boy.
A control freak who loses control is a very dangerous person indeed.
Well said
@Anthony Mozon Listen to the full content
@Anthony Mozon they think freely giving your wife money and expecting sex from someone you're married to is abusive
A person who wants control over others, more often than none has no control within themselves.
Every abused by or partner needs to understand that the most deadly point in their relationship with an abuser occurs when the abuser realizes that their victim is going to end the relationship. Considering the fact that he quote unquote made her pay when she didn't acquiesce to his demands when they were in the marriage denotes the fact that he was abusive and the abuse escalated. Everyone who's planning on leaving an abusive relationship needs to contact their local domestic violence Shelter anonymously and make a plan to safely leave.
Exactly but she was very stupid to triangulate the other women with him. That in itself is also a form of abuse.
@@sylviaking8866 I agree with your comments, how much abuse he was going to take, left him with no job, no money in the bank, then on top pay child support, then show everyone her new lover...common he is a human not a piece metal, I think all of that make him loose his sense...my son had an experience almost like that, but it took all my love and faith to talk to him on a daily basis, and Iam happy to say that he overcame all that, he started a new family....but it could it ended like this family there is not a wining situation.....any way. God bless us all.
Ya man don't let the abuser know just gtfo of there. Get your kids and leave
@@sylviaking8866 Right. When she started going out of her way to taunt, humiliate and destroy him, that's a very dangerous game to play. The arrest outside his job, and cleaning out the bank account was unnecessary. My real sympathy here is with the grandmother and daughters, but not so much the wife because I believe sometimes you can push people beyond their limits.
When you are ready to leave your abuser ,don't tell them of your intentions; make a plan, confide in a safe person ( someone not related to the abuser ) pack and stash your important documents, money, medications, water and food for little ones . Make copies of keys for home and vehicles.
I lived this escape from hell.
I was very scared , I had 2 Littles under the age of 2 years old. I was young , no family close by , however, when the wellbeing of my children was threatened I put my escape plan into action, I was gone and never looked back.
Now days there are so many resources available, take advantage of them .
How could you kill your own family? His daughters had to look him in the eyes before he gunned them down. Sickening
You seem to not understand why he could do this so I will explain. I don't agree that what he did was right most fathers could not do this to there children, but I do empathise & understand why he would do such a thing. Before I explain I will just add one statistic. More mothers kill there children than biological father's, but for a different reason.
Now for the explanation. Family law is bias to protect woman & children.
Generally what a woman gets is the children, the house, half the other assets & an income distribution from the man.
Generally, what a man gets is the opposite. He gets the children taken away, the house taken away, half the other assets & the privilage of working a drudgery, where half of his income is redistributed, for the benefit of other's. This affectively turns the man into a working slave for zero returns.
So everything in life he worked hard for has been taken off him, because he is biologicaly a man. His house, his money, his family all gone for the benefit of others. His sacrifice, is just to be a slave. He gets nothing. Now you say his daughter. How can you say there his? If something is yours, or in this case equally yours, you have the right to spend equal amounts of time, but for man, his whole life is work, he don't have the privilage of spending time with his family.
Now you asked the question, how could he do this to his own daughter's. The answer is, he did not consider them to be his daughter's because he literally has very little rights & his former wife used the power of the government to exploit him as a human resource, so he inacted revenge. So even this video only presented one side of the story. Poor journalism if you asked me.
What made him do it?
@@sharps8726 Revenge. The x wife was using the government, to exploit his utility for her own benefit. The daughter's belonged to her not him. The saying "Possession is nine-tenths of the law" Well the wife had the possession & was sleeping in the matrimonial bed with the government.
If the x wife had not slept with the government, not used the government to redistribute income & assets, not poisoned the daughters minds against him during her period of possession, enforced by the law, they would in all probably, be alive today, just separated.
Let's Imagine family law bias was reversed. if the court's gave him the deal she got.. Say He got the house, he got the kids, he got the redistributed income & she became the work slave, working a drudgery to suppory self entitled people. He'd have no reason to kill them, would he.
So let's blame family law. Every politician, has blood on there hands.
@@SunRise-ul7ko he was rich so 3000 dollars a month isn't really much for him. I agree with you that fathers are discriminated against in custody battles, but he was not. He was in every way possible a control freak and would've harmed his children sooner or later. The mother was trying to protect them.
@@cns3433 I don't think S150,000 a year before income tax makes you rich,. I also think $36,000 a year seems like a big chunk, when your paying that sum to your enemy.
Still he was a dangerous man & I bet she rejected many decent, but lesser beta male providers to get with him. She made her choice, I see woman make bad choices all the time, based on agressive masculine attraction rather than rationality.
I hate when innocent kids and the elderly are harmed over something they don’t have anything to do with.💔💔🥺🥺
well obviously the girls chose their promiscuous mother over their father so they had to pay for it too.
Damn you must have been suffering the last 20 years since tour taxes have been going to kill civilians in war.
The old woman condoned it adding to his mental torture. She should be the one giving enlightenment and advises.
@@bethmontes1191 enlightenment and advice don’t work on sociopaths
He didn't lose his children, he murdered them.
Right!!!!! He lost his mind but not his children because he is the one who caused them their deaths
They were referring to before the murders.
@@WhoIsTatyana Exactly.
@@WhoIsTatyana yes they were but in fairness they weren’t actually lost to him until he killed them. There was nothing stopping him still having a relationship with his children.
That dude lost his family long b4 his wife got involved with a woman. You can't bully your wife and daughters and expect to be loved or respected. What a fucking coward. Real men don't get replaced.
So your one of those mangina's who believes the woman who play's the victim.
@@Tboy439 are you a homosexual? only homosexuals hate women
Are u crazy we living n demonic times n people do good people ....sadbut true
@@Tboy439 nigga lost his Job House kids Turn their Back on Him Growing Man had go back to live with his parents Im killing Everyone
What a crock of shi+ Craig is the victim here
The recording of Lauren's last words are a heartbreaking reminder of the secondary trauma that first responders face everyday
That was horrible and I'm sorry I heard it. That's the stuff I can never un-hear. "Make me alive" will haunt me forever.
i was thinking just that...hope there is mental health support for them 'coz otherwise it would be unbearable
@@zebarizvi9393 but they sign up for exactly what they experience and know they will see....so yea if you can't handle the job don't do it.
@@reddeadjuju partly correct... Yes they sign up for it but doesn't mean they wouldn't need mental support. A person joins the army knowing what they have to do but it does have an effect on their mental health if support isn't given based on your argument then either nobody will join the army or it would be full of psychopaths. 'coz we all know only psychopaths don't feel emotions.
I can’t believe Shaun had to see his whole family die and not only that by his own father and had to retell it in court
I cannot imagine his trauma. I hope he's able to heal as much as humanely possible and the rest of his life filled with peace. This is so sad.
I prayer he gets help to deal with those demons (what he experienced). My heart goes out to surviving family
@Allegra Wallace idk
@Allegra Wallace because in naruto sasuke older brother killed his entire family
So, he kills his wife, daughters, and mother in law and his son had to watch this horrific incident. How demonic…
Oh he hates hates women.
We don’t need to invent devils. They walk among us.
Well I blame the wife too she cheated on him instead of leaving which made things worse
@@elburrito4935 if you justify murder because she cheated then i guess we should all start murdering cheaters! Thats just being psychotic. Normal people move on, heal and find someone who won’t cheat. Wow isn’t that simple?
@@elburrito4935 if it were him that cheated, would it be ok to blow his ass away? Just wondering, because my ex cheated, I did not murder him. Yet he tried to kill us. Your just so full of beans your attitude smells like cowpie.
How could the son deal with losing his mom, his sisters, his grandma and will never see his dad again and have to accept that his dad murdered his family! So horrible! I hope he finds help and the strength to overcome everything! I know I probably couldn't.
When someone doesn’t wanna be with you then just let them go
Yes, let them go. His wife flaunted what she was doing to drive him crazy. She succeeded.
@@xWriterclarenocturnexx The wife took his money and his children. She had it coming. But the other victims were innocent.
@@nealkelly9757 read what I said below
@@nealkelly9757 Yeah, or he could move on with his life like most normal people do when they find out their partner is a cheater and liar. It sucks, but move. on. And make something better. Don't kill other human beings.
Some people can't let go, unfortunately Innocents pay for it.
“I messed up. I messed up.” You brutally gun down your ex-wife and daughters + grandma and you ”messed up”. Wow. Narcissism on a grand scale.
Stopped armchair diagnosing people. That is not what narcissism is. That term is throwing around way too loosely.
@@babyhandgrenade4004 yep...half of the women online get broken up with and they say, "he was a narcissist!" trying to earn sympathy points.
@@babyhandgrenade4004 that's exactly what I'm saying, this i*diots over here using whatever words they feel like rather than calling it for what it's, The guy is a psychopath ✔️ a clicking time bomb ✔️ and had obvious mental issues✔️ that's all they needed to say but nope they had to virtue signal their way through the comment section like is are experts and evaluated the guy themselves without even knowing him.
@@babyhandgrenade4004 hook injjnikjkjoj Koji o look ok ok j jn ji in ok no n ok looks j ok 9onknkkk jo join 9ok9o9k on ok 9on ok kij ok j OkO jkkon I join unknown ok into o n ok ikko ki 9 Kokomoko look o ko ok o kn no ok j o jojo ook ok ok ok injo 9oj no oookk9o jo looksokok iBooks k ok ok o OkO ooo ok ook9kk jojo 9o ok j ok jo ok no o j ok looks koo9ojook ikon ooojkk I look o o look 9oi on I OkO kkkkk o look no knocking ok ookk I nookikk ominous kooo I look ok injo ok look ok ok n 9n9oko on oolong o ok look on n jojo no ko ok know o know ok k look k on n on kik jko ok 9 in knooo jojo job no o jojo ok n ok99o9nkookk job ok ongoing i kkk look look koko k i looks ko in no ok 9no OkO j9oo look ok lookkok ok kno OkO ok o loo loo ok noo I ok ok ok ok look ok 9oko on kkjk OkO look ok OkO OkO k look ooo OkO no okk OkO ok look joki ok o9o Kopp k jojo kkk look okkkko OkO k9oknooo onion k look look look ok look know o oo ink okkkooo no o look kkkoookkooo ko o no koni9okkjkokokok I o look j jojo OkO kk Kokomo 9kk ok kook 9 look kook ok looked o n Koji kook k kook ok oknkk no kook k ok kk OkO 9o kook ok kook okookon kook kook o kook k ok join i kook ok ok oo ok k kook ko no kook kook kook oojook kook 9oo9okkk kook know kook n OkO njoook kook kook kook ok kook 9kkkooookko jojo looks k okkoj9knoko kook 9k Ono n99kooo kook ok ok ok kook o kook onion 9 kohoots kook kook o ink ok ojkoooko kook ok o kook ink o ok o okok kook kook kook ok o o i ok ojkknk kook n ok kk Koji oo ok ok kook ok i ono9o ok kook kook ok9 kook k no o join kook 9kkkkkoo kook o kook kook inningok k OkO ok kook look nooo o k kook I I no kook kook kook ok kookkk OkO kook 9kkkk ok kook ok 9kkokookk ok okokkk kook kook kook okokkookkko kook 9 Kokomo ooonkojokk kook kook o kook kook o on kkkkk k kook o k9nik9okkooo OkO kook okko k ikk ok k ok kook okk joking ok okkook OkO knkoko k kook o kook ok ooookok ok kokkoonookokkokkok9 kook ok kook o9okoko kook kkokkoonoo9oo ok in noooo o kkkkkkokkkkokkk kook ooookkkokoo kook kook o okkkkkokko kook kook kook okkkok ok kook o kook k kk 9 9
Graaaaand !!!!!
What’s so sick, he wanted the wife and girlfriend together. They wanted no part of him, so he decided to kill his family.
It was about control and his ego
Completely twisted
It was Lust and his ego
Let's call stupid humans
She was naiive
Wow this seriously shook me to my core. I remember saying the same thing to a paramedic after I almost died in a car accident. I almost bled to death I could feel myself slipping away and I kept crying out don’t let me die. It’s like you’re in a dream state and you can feel something pulling you away into oblivion, completely weightless.
lol i love how you just made this about you .
The screaming is so incredibly sad🥺😭💔
The whole situation is sad
It made my soul sad. The daughter begging to be kept alive was unbearable to hear, very very tragic
@Idol 2 Savage bruh gone somewhere😬🤡
@@K-723 lmao 😂😂
Have rears in my eyes
People that think “if I can’t have you, no one can” are so common in society that it’s frightening.
@Red Hot Pepper Spray Did you reply to the wrong comment, or are you making assumptions about how I feel about other criminals with no basis? I’m confused.
Brian your beard is beautiful and so is your opinion
I think Red Hot, was adding to your comment by finding an interesting point in our society. There's a lot of comments clearly written by abusers themselves, that are justifying this man's actions. Red Hot is not saying that you are but instead saying, I bet these same abusers in the comments don't justify Jodi Arias' actions.
People must learn about psychopathy, staying with him after an affair was a great mistake. Psychopaths are vengeful and un remorseful. They consider their spouses and children as their property and treat them as such.
Thats what you take away from this. Not that he was charged with DV because of an unwanted hug so his wife could have full custody, she was draining his bank account. Her daughters were staying in the same hotel room with the lover and their mom! But it was his not wanting to see his wife with someone else thats the reason he killed, wow, how simplistic!
He lost his wife, son and daughters?? NO. He KILLED his wife and daughters physically and his son mentally and emotionally. 😠
The family courts murder the man and his family. Those were not his children they were his enemy. Those girls were gonna lie for mom.
@@silverpairaducks those girls watch the freak abuse their mother. That’s not a man
@@silverpairaducks The girls weren't going to LIE whatsoever. They were going to reveal the abuse the father was dishing out toward them all and he couldn't have that. He'd lost control over all of them, so he had to kill these poor innocent children. A true piece of shit.
@@silverpairaducks you didn't deserve your kids btw.
@@silverpairaducks you speak facts, too bad all these low IQ people in the comments dont understand what it does to a man
hearing a grandma scream like that on the call.. you KNOW she was absolutely petrified.. i feel so bad :/ they did not deserve this.
As a mother I will never understand why a mom or dad could kill there child its one of the biggest unforgivable sins
All sins are equal, and the wages of sin is death (or so they say)
The only unforgivable sin to God is rejecting Jesus...
Nutcase bible bashers 🙄
@@michaelbarnett2527 Amen
@@PraiseParis Bible Says it. Facts.
The fact she was conscious enough to say "I don't wanna diiiieee" and dying is chilling :(
@Alanna Shaw .. Along with the words "someone make me alive" ... Chilling Indeed :((
I don't know how long she was shot before she arrived to the hospital. If she had gotten to the hospital sooner, she would have survived.
The fact that I left a can of soda in the fridge and it’s now cold is chilling …
@@mach183 that literally was one of the shittiest jokes I've ever heard. Feel free to try again!
I hope she went to heaven. The poor girl... :'(
what a monster. His poor daughters didn't do anything wrong, they just loved their mom.
@@mrsx7944 I know you meant selfish, but I agree! Daughters were manipulated by the mom and alienated by her and the lesbian lover from the father
@@mrsx7944 Your foolish.
Comment on Mrs X- That's stupid. She wanted out of a longterm abusive marriage. She left, the children chose to stay with the non-abuser, they have that right. The girls were surely old enough to witness the constant abuse of this man. But hey, maybe you think a husband has the right to abuse their wife?! ..Nah... your comment say it all. You do believe a woman is owned by her husband and he can do whatever he wants to her as long as he doesn't get caught...typical!
@@mrsx7944 Exactly, this might make us sound cruel here. But I don't really care if mom dies. The real victims are the daughters.
@@theresaquidi Husband didn't let her divorce? Or was she just struggling to get out of a relationship? I could understand that, walking away from an abusive partner isn't easy. But I would never go to another person while I'm still in a relationship with the abuser because those people are capable of anything
This hurts my heart. How can anybody anybody destroy their family. It is beyond words. May God bless and keep them
He doesn’t deserve the term “dad”
Same thing I said and neither the term a "man"
I suppose that's why the daughter identified him as "Kraig" the first time the cop asked her who did it.
Ok how about the wife then. More like homewrecker, cheater, unfaithful, greedy
@@okaydudes right nobody blames the "mother" that set off this event by cheating on him, divorcing him and taking the others away from him.
@@_Shinique Mmm, odd, or was theirs a family where first names replaced M&D '¿?
In every picture, he's smiling just with his mouth. Look at the eyes, there's no smile in there, just rage.
He definitely has the crazy eyes.
You’re right about the smile and the rage in his eyes. He’s the true definition of a narcissist.
Dumb comment. So dumb.
@@Buttington_Headerson r u that jealous someone actually has something to say instead of calling comments dumb all day
Unfortunately, the moral of this story, as devastating as it may be, is don’t antagonize your spouse or anybody for that matter. We live in a world where people have a false sense of security and believe that they can do things to other people as long as the law permits it. This should be a reality check for everyone especially people getting a divorce.
That poor little boy… He lost his entire family. I hope he is able to live a happy and peaceful life.
That's his mother fault.. she broke the family up it's not messing with a woman got to drive any man crazy and unfortunately his craziness and her and daughters life
@@nateb5030His wife was basically an object for him, having to do everything he wanted. At least she was happy for a few months. It's not her fault he is a psycho who was incapable of treating her better when he had the chance. They are all HIS victims.
@@nateb5030 please do not get married and have children
@Carlè Ne he didn't want his son growing up around two women together they probably go against his beliefs... She made him lose his job making $150,000 a year got him locked up from domestic violence for over a hug lies..$3,000 a month child support crazy... I don't blame him.. now I agree you shouldn't have killed his daughters but they turned on them too so I feel them all the way around..
@@nateb5030 please get psychological help
What a misogynist tool. The phone call was excruciating. Never understand how a man could kill his children. Family annihilates, sociopathic with narcissism.
I really wish I hadn’t clicked on this. Something about that child screaming “I don’t want to die” and “make me alive” is so very haunting and disturbing.
I know I agree. That was heart wrenching to listen to. Those poor baby's 🥺
It's sad 😥.
I’m glad I saw this comment, I’m getting the hell out of here before I have to hear it!
@@lynzo13 I did likewise. The father will get his comeuppance.
@@abbie.ireland one can only hope! 😫
Maybe because it's in hindsight, but his eyes... They look positively insane!
My very first thought most killers have that look in their eyes.
The man had 'crazy eyes' long before his wife divorced him for a woman. You literally get the chills looking at him.
Do you blame him I don't agree killing his own daughters but the two lesbians yes
@Steven Escamilla You're disgusting. You're saying he had all right to kill those women because they loved each other. I don't really have much of an opinion on the LGBT community but I'm guessing the woman fell in love with someone of her own sex because of the way her husband treated her. (Perhaps she didn't want to be treated the same way with a male lover)
@@stevenescamilla9277 yes clearly we do blame him. Are all you lot just children?
How does it make sense to you to be violent because you have hurt feelings? That’s how 2yos act until they learn how to cope with there emotions in a healthy way. Pretty sad that so many men in this comment section seem to think the emotional intelligence of a toddler is goals 😳🤦🏼♀️
@@bronminett4042 look who's talking you got your feelings hurt of what I text
Those cries for help at the start were beyond chilling
As a father of three, this is extremely painful thinking that a person could be this evil to take out their family like this.
its not that simple you love your family and they love you ,in this case the wife did not love the father and brainwashed the kids to not love the father ,in fact she tried to destroy him and was successful by means of take his money take his children take his job and get a court order for him to pay $3000 a month , she emptied any love left in his heart and turned him in to a animal with pure hate ,she killed her self and the children
@@peterrenshaw9237 I agree with you 100% cause I witnessed my adopted son’s biological father murdered his wife cause he thought she was having a affair .
I read most of comments here and nobody blame on his wife who is actively involved with sexual perversion . One of the easiest way to invite demons in your life is adultery and sexual perversion .
@@peterrenshaw9237 💯 Pushing a volatile person too far 💀
@@peterrenshaw9237 I agree she was also in the wrong ,she tried to destroy him ,mentally, and emotionally, financially
You can tell that the daughter didn't love or respect him. When asked who did it she said Craig twice and then my dad. He was going to go to jail anyway for failure to pay child support since he didn't have a job or money anymore because his wife and the courts wiped him out. He figured if he's gonna go to jail he might as well make it good. This is one of the reasons that I would never defend this country against a foreign invasion, let it burn.
“I messed up” 😧 you do NOT get to say “I MESSED UP” after killing four people! Two of them your own children!!!
@Alpha Omega lol! Ah another poor me. That’s total bs and you know it. Yes there are cases where postnatal depression are involved and no that does not mean they get away with it. They may get a reduced sentence or go to a mental institute but I’ve also seen that happen to men. I also think you’ll find that defence is long gone when your children hit teenage years. I’ve seen many cases where women have done things just a vile as this and they have been jailed for life so please stop with the “it’s not fair” crap. It’s childish and unnecessary and it’s also untrue.
@Alpha Omega it's always the men excusing domestic abuse and murder as mental illnesses as if genuinely shitty people don't exist. He literally was abusive towards the wife. Repulsive and disrespectful to the multiple generations slaughtered for you to condone this guy's actions😒🙄
@Alpha Omega you sound like you're probably abusive as well. She doesn't have to have sex with him. That's rapists mentality. You're just revealing yourself oof
@Alpha Omega comparing psychosis after childbirth which is a bigger toll than marriage ????? To full grown 16 year old kids who were murdered. What's your comparison? She didn't kill her kids and probably had postpartum depression because it's very common after birth. He killed his kids because she divorced him. Uhhhhhhh make it make sense. Your username is ironic, I've never seen a more weak and immature male before
@Alpha Omega you’re the druggie here mate no one else. You’d have to be to think the crap you are spouting has any validation.
That poor little boy. Hope he has a decent life after what he had to experience....
definitely. that boy lost so much that day and probably has survivors guilt. hopefully he can find strength to be a better man than his father
My heart breaks for him. He will never be able to fully heal from what he had to see and experience, but I pray he can move forward and feel some sort of peace and serenity in his life. It makes me sick how a father can hurt their loved ones. Let alone their own children. 😞
He probably feels guilty that he was spared by his dad.
@@samreynolds3789 sad but true 😢
Bruh she charged him for hugging her though that’s literally the most petty thing I have ever heard
😂😂😂 I'm getting some ideas
It's very bad when a person kills their lover/ spouse , but for someone to kill their own children is next level Monsterous!
@Snarick Klash What's that supposed to mean???
@Snarick Klash bro what?
So let me get this straight, a man that made all the money. Worked hard and has a great career. Gave his Wife everything she wanted. Even allowed her to have a girlfriend. The wife would then flaunt her other relationship in front of his friends and family embarrassing him. then she tried to divorce him, take all his money and the kids and run off with her lesbian girlfriend? Even after he tried to move the family and win her back? That would drive many people insane. The “innocent” loving wife’s story doesn’t add up.
@@maurice7433 He ALLOWED her to have a gf HE'S A MONSTER
@@tyriexs5 if he was so abusive she would have never stayed and strung him along letting him believe he can fix the relationship or have a threesome. That is total bs. Lol he didn’t just magically believe that unless she told him. What she really wanted all along was to buy time and plan how she would make out on top, all the while he attempted to patch the marriage. She also took 50k from him. I didn’t just make this up. They said that. Who was really the controlling one and manipulative? The video can’t hide how toxic she sounds though they try hard.
A father killing his daughter. WHEW. This is beyond sick.
The devil has taken over and devouring who he may.
You should see the one where the MOTHER gunned down her two daughters to make their father miserable for the rest of his life. Thats fucked
Daughters...his daughters because they had a mind of their own, different than his.
There are fathers that do worse. Remember that.
Daughters.. Plural
people don't become like this. He was always like this. People just didn't know.
I mean in the video they said he would force sex with his wife. That's pretty gross
@@Jadenmic that's rape
You’re exactly right
Same with my son’s dad. I was married for almost 19 years until he snapped and did bad things.
@@johnronalnondo8598 ?
This is so sad!
Prayers to the extended family🙏🏾
May the victims Rest In Peace🙏🏾
He seems like an extremely selfish person. As soon as his wife decided that she would no longer be his slave and he would not get a harem he killed her and his own kids. Like how do you kill your own kids?
The wife pushed him beyond rational thought, I'm not saying what he did was right but the position he was in unhinged his judgement and mental state.
@@ItsWAWGaming he was insane and abusive. She didn’t push him to do anything, she was pushed to leave him because he was a control freak. The man was deluded, he is responsible for all their dead bodies. Unless she physically helped him pull the trigger, the man was acting on his own accord.
EDIT: Adding on, there have been many couples that have divorced because they fell out of love, interested in someone else (different or opposite gender) and nobody died. So other people went through similar situations but this man was just deluded.
@@purplepanda9794 Getting arrested in front of the work place and loosing the job after the bank account was cleared out by her and he had to pay her an insane amount of money and seing the kids being taken away I can see how this can push someone over the edge. This happens so often its not surprising it happens in this case. In countries without guns they take hatchets etc. Doesnt mean its justified but its not like its coming out of nowhere. I just dont see why they always have to kill the kids too. PS if he lost the job after the judge decided about the payments he had to make that would mean he still had to pay the amount from the good paying job times regardless if he still has the job which leaves him with soon facing jail. Maybe its time to change some laws to avoid pushin people into such situations.
@@purplepanda9794 no this man didn't want to pay child support $3000 a month for the kids. He had control of money and home. He was ok with the lesbian relationship as long the family don't break up. But, she file divorce causing a broken family probably kept custody of children. All his hardworking for the family went down the drain. Even got arrested in front of his co workers at work and embarrassed him and lost his job and she dry out his account. You only can beat a controlling man down til his mind explodes. The affair partner probably told her to drain him dry financially when divorcing then he goes nuts and depression/pycho kicked in to do this horrific murderous intensions. Now, the son going to view women differently because what happened to his father and mother.
Not seems, IS. :(
Let’s see how controlling he is in cell block c. What a pathetic man.
He will be victimized in GP,HE will get what he has coming..You don't give your wife a Allowance, that ( might) be for your young kids!!
This is what happens when cowards and and control freaks are given guns.
i thought he got the death penalty
Pretty sure he got the death penalty. So he’s not in any cell blocks lol
That’s so sad the girls dying knew their own father did this to them
Or thier mother did this to them.
*Mother did it to them. Father was only a tool.
The father died inside long before that knowing his daughters did that to him.
Yah I couldn’t shoot my kids. I’m not gonna say his wife deserved to die but that was a really shitty thing to do. Just leave. You don’t need embarrass him, take his job, and demand child support.
@@ski740 it was all him.
That was one tough grandma, RIP to the victims in this tragic situation it's almost unimaginable
“Make me alive” is one of the most chilling last words I’ve ever heard... RIP to her such a beautiful girl x
I teared up when she said that.
What do you think she ment by that?...
@@jasonjames5076, She wanted him to save her life and do something so she wouldn't end up dying. It's like a cry for help, her mind is just running on adrenaline at that point, so I'm sure she wasn't able to think the clearest.
@@jasonjames5076 I took it as her pleading to something we can't see. Like if she was half in and out.
That poor little boy. He has a long road ahead of him.
What a senseless nightmare 😢😢
You can see and feel the pain that policeman’s eyes. Heartbreaking.
And to the son who had to go through that ordeal, I send all my love 😞
Kraig has evil eyes in every photograph ! Sick horrible man.
No such thing. Just normal eyes. Going around judging strangers on their appearance is part of the reason these things happen.
@@Ortzmet but he does have evil eyes
I noticed his eyes
@Beer tester Not really sure what's so "Karen" about that but I"ll just let you have your moment.
@Alpha Omega also why would his wife have intimacy with him when he’s abusing her?
This case is a shining example of why the death penalty should be enforced more often.
I'm not against it but our legal system doesn't make it a deterrent
A better solution. Enforce better gun control..it's absurd
no your country is a shining example of backwards thinking. The only country in the civilised west that still has a death penalty. Murder is murder by a person or the state. Makes me laugh as well when religious people want the death penalty when their books says 'thou shall not kill'. lol
@@60toodles By all means, please suggest a better punishment.
@@60toodles The United States is way too diverse for anyone to speak on behalf of it as a whole. We all have different opinions and we all read different "books".
Man the grandma was one tough lady. Had the wherewithal and mental toughness to be able to call the cops while the shooting was happening, identify the shooter to them and survive for several days after. Respect.
The deputy was not ready to enter that home. By the way he looks, he is still distraught today by the horror of that home.
by the way he looked in this. he has handled it better than i ever could have.
You can hear the distraught in his voice...so sad.
@@sophialindsey5889 yes. Very.
@@nrood3821 that's a fact
I mean if having a teenage girl basically die in your arms after admitting her father did that to the family doesn’t change you…you might be a sociopath.
The police officer and the son have life sentences, living with this nightmare
Yes. agreed. And that’s really tough
@@bigmike1850 shut up!! Think of the horror they have to go through instead of being critical
@@bigmike1850 Great, seeing you have such a strong constitution you should be the ride along to go on ambulances that get called to car accidents and you can be the one who picks up the severed body parts and decapitated heads and match them to the right body. They each get their own designated plastic bag. To many people make it through EMT training just to quit with the simple sight of a severed head.
definitely. cant imagine the pain that boy must be feeling, even now. my father murdered my mother when i was a baby, but i have no memory of having seen it, and dont even know if i was present while it happened, which is a huge relief. the thought of witnessing not just anyone, but your father, kill your family is horrible. i hope hes getting proper therapy. i feel for the officer as well, but sadly seeing vile shit comes with the job. that boy had no preparation to handle what happened to him
He's sentenced his son to a life of torturous pain. Probably drug or alcohol addiction and a lifetime of therapy.
@Truth Tellerdid you know her?
@Truth Teller so you know her personally ?? break it down for the rest of us all, we wanna know.
yes, people who grow up secure, in love-filled, two parent homes never ever become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.
With your comment I'm leaving. I haven't heard that yet. I still hear Trayvon Martin's screams before I go to sleep.
The real victim here is the son and the texan dad.
I once had a coworker tell me her husband's abuse lead her into the arm's of another. She found true love and understanding in her. So sorry for this woman and her children. RIP🌹ladies.
Good guy u are,and u have a lot of understanding. Most women have been beaten or raped at some point. I was tied up with broken ribs for 3 days and escaped with shirt on my back. I WAS LUCKY. Bless u hun,have a great night 🌙
@@catebartley9865 No one should endure abuse. I'm proud you escaped. All my best wishes to you. You are one of the lucky ones🙏
@Jesse Millar , abusive, controlling and sick minded men who kidnap women with possibly sadistic intent is definitely not to be loved and welcomed into your life. I kind of think that a little dislike can save a life there don't ya reckon? Here's to not making the same mistake over and over by recognizing the signs and disliking them enough to stay away from these "men" .
@@catebartley9865 liar
@@kaysmith9187 what about my ex wife who beat and burned me. Would I deserve death
I feel so bad for the son, Shaun. What a horrible thing for his father to put on him- that he claims he killed his family for his young son. I can’t imagine the amount of therapy this poor kid will have to receive, and the amount of survivor’s guilt he must battle.
Like, wtf with him going into the foster system too?
And demanding the kid be raised by the DADs parents. Who are they going to say is the good guy in the shooting?
Mental illness and religious brainwashing does a real number on ppl. It's so sad that the boy was sent to live with his families' killer's parents. They raised the monster who destroyed the parent and siblings who actually loved him, so I have little hope that they'll be a good influence on him. Probably keeps up the righteous religious homophobic rhetoric that his dad used as an excuse.
He had so much hatred for women that he would kill in his son's name. That little boy would have rather had his family, I'd imagine. He was trying to put that hatred into his boy. So glad that little boy told on his father.
@@suzannehartmann946 All Karen's family are dead except for her sister. Maybe her sister couldn't or didn't want to raise her nephew. They never mentioned Karen and her sister's parents. They only talk about their grandmother, the one who was murdered along with Karen and her daughters. She was the great grandmother to Karen's children, and they were all killed at her house. I think the husband's parents were the only grandparents or family members left to raise the spared son of the killer.
@@LadyAstarionAncunin ...Bull!!! He had hatred for the 2 women who had done this to him.
“He liked his son”. That one sentence just sickens me to my core
I found solace with that comment.
Why would anyone harm either of their kids?? It's bad enough he killed his wife. Why harm your own kids though?? That's the most sadistic monster!!!
His son was young enough to mirror back positives to his dad - who is a narcissistic psychopath..had he been older and less admiring he would be dead too.
Imagine how his son feels. Imagine knowing that in your dads eyes you were the only one who deserved to live while he gunned down your whole family. He probably feels like its his fault. I feel bad for him. He’s still a young boy who needs a father figure in his life. I hope he can grow up to be a fine young man, but these types of events, especially at a young age, change people and sometimes for the worst. I pray for his good health and wellbeing. I am so sorry for his loss.
Divorce would have been a better choice.
He didn’t LOSE the affection of his wife and daughters, he never had them. He controlled them with fear and manipulation. What a narcissist
When I was 7, my mother started an affair with my sister's school teacher (a woman) and treated my Father like absolute shit, abused him, humiliated him and make false police reports against him, vandalised his property and did everything she could to destroy him and take us away from him due to her own mental health issues and anger at him for wanting shared custody of us. After all that, my Father never snapped and murdered us all. This guy needs to be locked up forever.
That sounds like your mother is a monster and deserves to be treated like shit, sorry that's the truth!
I hope you’re dad is happy now x
I’m sorry for all that mess you were thrown into but this is exactly why I don’t really care what reason a murderer has. Something like this is something only a monster could do! The ppl that turn into a killer always had that seed in them, slowly growing. The circumstances could be anything, no one has it easy.
" He had lost the affection of his daughters" yep, cos they had lived in the house with him ! If he controlled their mother he controlled them too.
Nope don't get twisted girls have tendencies of siding with mom no matter craps she's cooking too bad they were pawned while being manipulated,so tragic
@Imhotep Genius Are you saying that it was okay that he killed his daughters?
@@cw5451 shut it.
@@familyhouse2106 that's very true
@Imhotep Genius he took good care of them by abusing their mother??? Yea makes sense
He says his son is his little buddy and cares but makes him testify instead of just pleading guilty. be a man, you know what you did and you’re not getting away with it. why put him through that
Because he gets off on it. Abusers live off of fueling trauma in others.
If he cared about his son he would have WALKED AWAY not killed his MOTHER his SISTERS and his GRANNY in front of him.
@Bloody Shark NOT when its murder
So sad for these teenagers. Barely started living and murdered by the man who suppose. To love and support them thier entire life. So sad for the son too. He has to live with what his "Dad" did.
Yeah. I'm sure she was terrified of him because he "hugged her against her will", as he claims. Dude has some _serious_ crazy eyes.
Nope. The structure of the eye has NOTHING to do with what's going on in a person's mind.
The eyes are the only visible part of the brain. The eyes share a lot about what's going on in the brain. That's basic biology lol.
@watchgoose sharks are smooth www.theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2015/jun/02/how-your-eyes-betray-your-thoughts
Those eyes
@@watchgoose agreed but they are still crazy looking
It broke my heart in pieces when she kept screaming she didn't want to die. At first I felt as if she was genuinely going to make it.
Grandmother lived a lot, but it was unfair with daughters
I hoped she would too
@@crazyanimaltv344 it was unfair for all of them, regardless of age. Nobody deserves to be murdered like this. I can’t imagine the terror they felt.
The most dangerous thing in the world is a man with nothing to lose
Only if he has a gun.
What about a lion with nothing to lose?
Man? This was no Man he was a controlling freak of a husband he didn’t lose his wife he gave her away. The bastard had 3 children he killed 2 because they had a different opinion to him. That poor kill begging not to die is haunting may they all RIP
@@ArchangelExile men are much scarier than lions.
No the most dangerous thing is a man who believes hes lost everything and has nothing to live for
They weren't freaks until he couldn't join in anymore. Sick hypocrite.
I don’t usually get choked up but I have two daughters and a son and I couldn’t imagine ever doing anything like that.
I do too my son is the youngest I would never ever think of this wtf
I have 7 kids and I love them more than life itself I can never picture myself doing what he did he wasn't human
@@royalreviews5270 Holy shit seven kids! 😳
@@saltymcpepper5777 it's people out there who have 10, 15, and 20 kids me and my wife love our children
@@royalreviews5270 My grandmother had eight. Three’s enough for me lol.
Something wasnt right with dudes eyes in that family picture.
😂😂😂😂😂same thing I said
Crazy eyes.
As Tony Montana said, " The eyes, chico. They never lie"
He was born this way, born a killer always a killer
The fact that all of the victims he murdered were defenceless females makes him as cold-hearted as you can get.
and children too like, lowest of low. such a sad case
@loveutill theendoftimes stfu
@loveutill theendoftimes stfu
His wife literally ruined his life. She called the police on him, costing him his job, took money from their joint bank account and left him in debt and broke, taking his kids and cheating on him with another woman. If you ask me, i say the wife deserved it. Maybe not the kids and the grandmother. But the wife definetly deserved it. She knew what she was doing, and intentionally ruined that mans life to hurt him. So he hurt her back. Dont cheat folks. It never works.
@@rebeccamckee7806 stfu
edit: those are some wild crazy eyes on kraig, yeesh. Not a single photo where he looks stable.
love triangle killings always freak me out a little. Like, you really had to escalate it to death? The deaths of people who weren't even involved? You couldn't have worked it out like adults in any way?
It’s completely bazaar
@@puffandpass60 it's completely evil. Look at his eyes. This love triangle is outside the natural order of things
@@dilucwithamustache He was such a controlling creep. He didn't love her or anyone in his family. He just didn't want to lose.
His life was over anyways, wife cost him his job and turned the kids against him, she was gonna put him in jail over child support anyways so might as well earn jail
Dont cheat folks.
Only a true demon in human skin could do something like this. The 911 calls gave me chills, couldn't hold my tears back. Only a monster could listen to their own child beg for their life & still murder them 💔👁 "she was taking my kids & leaving me" Sir your kids were almost grown & that just shows your level of control Sick monster
No, Demons are better than this.....and probably punish people like him in Hell.
Demons are Not better than this...Actually, they are worse. He will see. He'll experience it. He had a demon in him...you could see that by the absolute control he demanded. He will get WAY worse than what he gave here on earth, when he goes to hell...and it will never end.
No these are REAL people. These are not 'demons' and these people are everywhere.
#witchlove 👁✨🖤😊
That’s how the news channel framed him...I wouldn’t trust the news...not to say that what he did was right because it wasn’t...but I don’t trust the narrative of the tv show...what we do know that are facts are this...his wife cheated on him and continued to cheat on him after they moved, she divorced him and he was forced to pay 3k in child support, and then he was arrested on her word alone, he lost his well paying job, moved back with his parents, and his daughters sided with the cheater....so is it a surprise he snapped when he was left with practically nothing while, in his eyes, the woman who cheated on him got everything....of course this doesn’t take away from the monster that he is but let’s not lose perspective here people.
Her last words were so sad “I don’t wanna die! Make me alive”. How could he do this to his own children
I've seen some things but those words will haunt me 😢
@@nwonomad me too. Once you hear those words... you can never un-hear it! Gosh, how I wish she was able to be saved! No person shld ever be in a predicament like that! It is too unnatural and completely unfathomable.
People do it all the time to their ungrateful little bastard children
@@matthewmiller2219 wow, this is an incredible malicious comment
@@themiddleclasstaxslave651 i know, its great
Judgment is upon them
With the son as the only sole survivor, I hoped he lived a good life despite evertything.
There was a massive life insurance policy on the mother and daughters plus all property/money in bank accounts/ 401k/investments all reverted to the son and once he is 18 all of it will be his and hopefully he will use it wisely and that he sees it as his mother helping him the only way she could after what his father did.
O yeah I'm sure he's doing dandy!! NOT!!!
Neither the husband or wife loved each other anymore, he was just crazy obsessive and controlling and couldn't handle that his wife found someone new and didn't want to separate and find someone new himself, so flew into a jealous rage. These are the worst type of people, if you fall out of love, you fall out of love, get over it and move on, these children did not have to die, such a shame.
She didn't just "find somebody new". She brainwashed their daughters against him and was having a lesbian affair in front of his children.
@@broeheem2804 I don't understand how being in a lesbian relationship is some how a bad thing? An affair is an affair and is a shitty thing to fo but its no exuse for what he did. And if his solution yo her leaving him was to kill his entire family, then it stands to reason that he was a shittu person before hand and that was possibly part of the reason his family turned against him. I don't trust a damn thing he said because he wants to make it seem like his wife was some how responsible for her and her daughters deaths
Didn't you pay attention moron, She took everything from him and flaunted her lover IN front of everyone like it was normal, not to mention get her to daughters involved probably even made them take part in it, Don't expect to live the high life after taking everything from a man without consequences. when all he did was provide for his family then was toss out in the streets with no job, money or family.
@@gaynano42 Finally some common sense in the comments. The wife used the husband and threw him out when she was finished squeezing him dry.
@@gaynano42you have hit it on the head , there is very few people with sense in this comment section, it's sad when women say they know men and then say and do things that then break people. Not just men but fellow women and children. What he did was obviously wrong but any sane person can see he was pushed to the edge and then flung over it, and you know what the really sad thing is. ? That if he had taken his gun and blown his own head off without harming anyone Sonny would have taken his place in his home and he would have been called weak and then forgotten about. We all campaigned for change so EVERYONE could live without persecution and prejudice and now its here I find myself wishing everyone had a little more insight into Humanity.
6:41 “Make me alive” gave me chills, I would have started crying right there smh, poor thing
Yeah ...that was definitely a tough sound byte.
I'm sure he did cry. I can't imagine holding someone while they die.
She obviously felt her life force leaving her body .. damn that’s tough to listen.
The wife and her lover share this responsibility!
Shooting his own Daughters is evil😤 & disgusting🤮
This happened in Burlingame, KS. It’s 45min or so to the nearest hospital. On top of that, most of our small town was out of town for a wedding. Burlingame is a small town who still is shaken by this. He drove by my house right after, scarring my parents who were trying to keep the mom and daughter alive. All in Burlingame hate him
@@audrakahler3638 does Sean have a ig or Facebook ?
I really hope sean can find some peace and a good life after this tramua. Heartbreaking
Who cares what you think, you were fine watching his life set on fire by his wife
So, what could they have done?
I would love to hear your solution of the situation.
@@NickanM shame her, not celebrate her degeneracy
Hold his hand and support him
Poor kid is going to grow up without a family now... That's rough man.
To bad his mother was such a horrible human. As was his sisters and grandmother
@@growbydoing7290 You mean the father right the daughtes didn't do anything and the mother is in the wrong but didnt deserve death
@@Mar-oh8ro Interesting how you twist facts. Fact, wife committed numerous adulterous affairs despite claims of sister here. It’s on the court records. Fact, daughters lied and covered them up for the mother. Fact daughters not only lied on her behalf gaslight their father when he grew suspicious , but then they maligned him and degraded him further. Fact grandmother also said these horrendous things about him. They all on the record took malicious joy in insulting his intelligence, his faithfulness, his prowess as a man. Yet, you’d lay the blame upon one person. The father…while pretending it’s partially mother’s fault but still blaming him right? The truth is nobody is driven to these actions by one misdeed, was a campaign that spanned decade plus. His final straw was loosing his money, home, rights as a father, his life he built so diligently with a narcissist who trained her daughters to manipulate and lie and abuse and use as well. It’s not surprising he attempted to kill them all. The shocking part is reading these disgusting comments and listening to this fabrication of a story that paint him as the monster. Ha, in a pigs eye to that. Look around you ladies, society is on the collapse , men are opting out of the work force, dating and marriage schemes. You are vastly going to realize the whirlwind of karma. Just keep on lying and abusing men. It’s working out swell, there’s not going to be anywhere left to hide from the consequences soon.
@@growbydoing7290 Ya'll just mad the tables have turned.
@@chalupasupreme5672 Don’t reproduce, we’ve enough morons on the planet.
Holy hell. Why the children? Dont get me wrong. Killing anyone was wrong, but what the H did they have to do with this? This man was evil.
Yeah killing a woman whose name is Karen is never a crime, I have sympathy for daughters he might have thought they would grow up to become Karen's so he wiped the shit out of them too.
How can you kill your own children? Your own flesh and blood.
Why say a killer husband "lost" the wife and daughters, when he planned to murder them.
Once you start to get more abuse awareness it becomes painfully obvious how much the media put effort into victimizing the abusers and demonizing their victims. This entire bit is trying to justify his murders, and they even downplay his dv charges. His family wanted nothing to do with him because he was an abusive piece of shit. Idk why tf they would allow that child to be raised by whoever tf his parents are.
Many people things that when a man murder his wife he probably had great reasons, I’m not joking, every time this happen you’ll have people victimizing the murderer.
He lost them before he planned on killing them. His wife ruined his life. It lead to him snapping and committing this horrific crime.
@@AnnedolfFrankler911 How about not being a controlling, manipulative abuser and cold blooded murderer? His fault entirely, he drove her from him then slaughtered everyone. A monster.
@@ellyjett I agree - he should not have been controlling. And she should not have cheated on him, humiliated him, taken his money and made him pay child support. All of this could have been avoided and settled in a better way. Both were in the wrong and the kids got caught in the drama and got killed.
It makes me sick when premeditated monsters try and illicit sympathy during an interrogation
What transgression could warrant the response of leaving your 16 year old daughter bleeding out on the floor, without even the decency to end her suffering. And to make your son watch and leave him without a Mother, Sisters and a Grandmother, replacing their influence and protection with the horrific memory of their death.
He wanted them to suffer
Absolutely right. An ego with an assault rifle stole the lives of his own family. We have to teach our male children better.
@@lizardog I couldn't disagree with you more. We need to teach ALL OF OUR CHILDREN BETTER.
Just you taking that stance against young men everywhere adds to their base of anger, you pop them out then expect perfection even though you weren't a perfect parent TEACH ALL YOUR KIDS RIGHT AND WRONG
@@lizardog That's an absolutely DISGUSTING comment you added there. "We have to teach our MALE children better" discriminating making it an all male issue, we should instead teach all our CHILDREN better. Stop being a complete sexist, this is not just a MALE issue although its more males commiting the crime. You should teach both genders better! Disgusting you.
He was being honest. Not trying to garner sympathy.
She was able to point the finger at him tho. Poor baby. Hearts breaking over this
"i dont want to die" "make me alive!" very painful to hear
I was so sad and angry when i heard that. Even chills
Such unnecessary waste of a life. Awful.
May grandmother, mother, and two sisters rest in peace 🙏🏿
NEVER make the mistake of loading anyone with the burden of making you happy.
This result is worst case scenario. Sad for all.
People need to be more like a domestic cat. Fewer problems.
Interestingly, all my cats are crazy about me.
Well said lol
So true! Something I need to keep in mind, to be honest. I'm the only one who can make myself happy. Thank you for your words 🙂
@@Millzik0 Simple truths are often forgotten for a time.
@@Millzik0 ruclips.net/video/d35W__OuHAk/видео.html
That’s what they want you to think. Remember, dogs have families, cats have staff.
How could he shoot his innocent daughters? 😠
He could have developed a hatred for women, in light of the lesbian affair. It was a blow to his ego, having his wife leave him for another woman. Any breakup is emotional hell for a partner. Some react spitefully and violently, while others hide their pain and push through with the divorce.
Because they sided with there mother that’s why they died...soooo tragic! May they Rest In Peace
It’s always that so called “ perfect family” that people envy and wish they had their lives. They are usually the most messed up. Don’t be jealous of them, you never know what’s happening behind closed doors.
People don't like to remember a void so they will replace it with the "perfect family." If they were assholes they would say so. But rarely do you hear that they didn't leave an impression.
I see a red flag with people who go to great lengths trying to project perfect family or perfect something, with great show, they are over compensating for something which they are trying to hide.
Unfortunately, the moral of this story, as devastating as it may be, is don’t antagonize your spouse or anybody for that matter. We live in a world where people have a false sense of security and believe that they can do things to other people as long as the law permits it. This should be a reality check for everyone especially people getting a divorce.
@@bertdesantis Your comment should not be buried on this page. Countless people failing to get the most important point of it all...
You, did not...
BRAVO friend.
I could imagined how he felt. Killing your own family because your wife leaves you for another woman. Is insane!
Sadly, none of these type stories surprises me anymore. Some people just cannot accept rejection.
And the people defending his actions in the comments are also examples of little boys who can't take any rejection either.
They are complexed and need constant approval to awaken their tiny manhood which they never reached.
And I thought men were suppose to be the "rational" gender 😒
Let's see. His wife cheats, steals his money, costs him his job, and turns their kids against him...yeah I can see why he killed her. Take away a man's purpose in life and will to live and he will react. I don't hate that he killed his ex wife, she was evil
Usually men. How many haven't died and still keep dying by their hands 😐
Hearing that little girl say "make me alive" broke my heart in a million pieces