BMW Hidden Menu CiC - Coolant Temperature - F10 F11 F07 5 Series

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 76

  • @SimpleCarGuy
    @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +5

    Thank you for watching one of my first videos, please check out a newer video:
    BMW 5 Series F10 Problems to Expect:видео.html

    • @fredachemorelife8262
      @fredachemorelife8262 4 года назад

      Can u display the menu while driving ?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад

      You can have it opened, but I’m not sure if you can change anything while driving.

    • @beckmarchiniak716
      @beckmarchiniak716 3 года назад +1

      @@SimpleCarGuy Do you know what the maximum coolant temp should be for a 2011 535i? Thanks

  • @iJustB58
    @iJustB58 8 месяцев назад +4

    When I add the 5 digits I come up with 35 and when I enter it it’s not giving me the option to see other displays like coolant and oil temp it just goes back to the unlock option like the code 35 is incorrect even though that’s the number when the 5 digits are added. Doesn’t matter it the car is on or off no luck

  • @mikederasmo7621
    @mikederasmo7621 Месяц назад +1

    thank you explaining the part of ( adding the last 5 digits of the vin ) !!! Thsank you very much

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  Месяц назад +1

      Glad it helped! Thanks for watching.

  • @eSchlumpberger
    @eSchlumpberger 3 года назад +4

    The tank portion. That’s fuel pump resistance this is how bmw diagnoses with out an obs tool as obs tool does not check resistance of components to see if there are shorts in electrical if there’s no issue with fuel delivery.

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  3 года назад +1

      Very interesting, thanks for the insight!

    • @eSchlumpberger
      @eSchlumpberger 3 года назад +1

      @@SimpleCarGuy I honestly didn’t know how bmw got access you gave me the key. All I knew is from talking with some mechanics while I worked for big o tires told me about secret menu but he himself didn’t know how to access as it was not a bmw dealer or shop. One of those things learned as a bmw certified mechanic.

  • @TheRealEvo
    @TheRealEvo 4 месяца назад +1

    any idea on how to show the temps in metric, trying to change it from C to F in my car.

  • @kimotemani2190
    @kimotemani2190 Год назад +2

    Hi please maximum coolant temp ???

  • @DaziFeng
    @DaziFeng 7 месяцев назад

    In the video, The tank number is not really correct one is over 600, do you have any issue with your fuel gauge? just curious

  • @skylerbradford379
    @skylerbradford379 2 года назад +1

    What should my temp read at under normal conditions mine is at 250F

  • @ErchinSmail
    @ErchinSmail 2 года назад +3

    Hi. What does conv. Index xxxxxxkm/h stands for? Does anybody know? Is it the mileage of the car? Or something completely different? Because my numbers under “identification” and speedometer dont match? Can somebody check on theirs? :) thank’s

    • @F10Joosbi
      @F10Joosbi Год назад

      Did you find out

    • @ErchinSmail
      @ErchinSmail Год назад +1

      @@F10Joosbi its smt completely different than mileage , every 2014/2015 has the same numbers with conv.index, but its a good way to stress somebody out 😂

    • @F10Joosbi
      @F10Joosbi Год назад

      @@ErchinSmail okay because I got mine last Saturday and was wondering if I got ripped off 😂

  • @denishaveri4660
    @denishaveri4660 2 года назад +2

    You guys are amazing!

  • @Dat550go
    @Dat550go Год назад +1

    Oooohhh🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏽🤦‍♂️I thought you said add "SOME" of our last 5 of vin 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷

  • @derin111
    @derin111 3 месяца назад

    Didn’t work on my 2014 F07 530d GT. Holding the button down for 10-15 secs does nothing. 😢

  • @Orly777
    @Orly777 2 года назад

    I can’t get to this menu , do I have to press the start button once ? Or have it completely off ? I Holden butting for many seconds and nothing pls help

  • @LJ-ou6zv
    @LJ-ou6zv 2 года назад

    do you have any idea if i changed the used CIC then Side view fault and back side camera not working can we reset software?

  • @eduardsutac4534
    @eduardsutac4534 3 месяца назад

    Hi guys is alright if my M235i f22 has temperatures between 106-110°C at the cooling system and the oil to be between 116-119°C. Thanks in advance!

  • @kaaresoiland8207
    @kaaresoiland8207 Год назад

    How do you get that menu at the bottom where it show that battery.vThat blue thing?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  Год назад

      That's not something you can program. It's part of the cluster that changes depending on your drive mode.

  • @rickson1978
    @rickson1978 4 года назад +1

    Hey if my number 7 menu isn’t showing does that mean my temperature sensor is broken?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +1

      What model BMW do you have? If the temp sensor wasn't working, you'd get a -212f or something crazy like.

  • @Blackguycarreviews
    @Blackguycarreviews 2 года назад

    How do I select yes to perform system test? I long press the odometer reset button and it goes back to previous menu if I short press it does nothing

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  2 года назад

      You just have to press the odometer button for a second (but not long enough for it to go back)

  • @svetozar777
    @svetozar777 2 года назад +2

    Hi! I have question... Is it normal 99° coolant temp BMW F10 diesel

    • @michaelcarr5293
      @michaelcarr5293 Год назад

      Mine is the same and it seems fine. 535d f10

  • @UncleDuncan5092
    @UncleDuncan5092 Месяц назад

    So EVERY STEP here must be done with engine running?

  • @leandrojimenez7808
    @leandrojimenez7808 4 года назад

    My f10. 2.0ltr diesel lately shows on dashboard "fan defective" but goes off then randomly pops up again every now and again. Have taken it to garage but no fault can be read with ICU since it just disappears and doesn't stay registered.

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад

      Don't know much about the diesels, but have they checked the actual fan to see if it's running properly once the car is warmed up?

  • @ParachuteManiac
    @ParachuteManiac 4 года назад

    Is that BC-0 showing the real mileage of the car? Because in my country, many imported cars from Japan and the UK, the mileage has been tempered to make it lower.

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +1

      It’s supposed to show the real mileage. Of course, if some is tempering the mileage, they might be able to modify this as well. I don’t really know on what level they modify it.

    • @lewisvincent7479
      @lewisvincent7479 4 года назад +1

      It only shows the mileage since the last trip reset, not the full mileage of the car

  • @MsCuprar
    @MsCuprar 4 года назад

    Is This permant all the time or if off the engine and on the engine again This option gone?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +2

      This will reset when you turn off the car.

  • @catvisimo
    @catvisimo 4 года назад +1

    this hidden menu it not work on my f10 535i i have end test st option 4, identification jumps to 10, input the sum of the last 7 vin and nothing happens

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +1

      It’s the last 5 digits of you vin added together. Try that.

    • @sonymata6500
      @sonymata6500 2 года назад

      i don’t understand how you ad last 5 digits together can you explain better please

    • @jae2482
      @jae2482 Год назад

      @@sonymata6500if the last 5 digits are 77777 on your VIN add that up it would be 35 for example

  • @madelineirizarry5836
    @madelineirizarry5836 2 года назад

    Please I just watched this video, how do I know the code to unlock,

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  2 года назад +1

      The code is the last 5 digits of your VIN added together.

    • @madelineirizarry5836
      @madelineirizarry5836 2 года назад

      Please I have a 550igt 2010, how can I change the map to another country

  • @thegobots
    @thegobots 6 месяцев назад

    What is the red indicator under the p ' it goes 0. 20. 40. Then to a blue battery

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  6 месяцев назад

      That’s your MPG and when it goes to blue, that means it’s charging the battery. Normally, if the battery does not need to be charged it will idle the pulley and not use engine energy to spin the alternator.

  • @andychongcc9333
    @andychongcc9333 4 года назад

    Hello ,when i walk in a used car sales ,when i check it with this hidden menu,they show some error codes but it show 0 ( active)? WHAT ITS MENAS ?TQ

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад

      I'm not sure what you mean exactly. For which option does it show 0?

  • @mikepolley6666
    @mikepolley6666 3 года назад

    can it be seen in Farenheit?

  • @iv3043
    @iv3043 4 года назад +1

    Hey just curious, i just bought a 2012 535i xdrive and the red bar to the left displayed under the miles left on the range does not fill up completely even when I fill it up completely with gas. It only stays at 343 miles when the car is filled up but it tick marks show up to 500 miles. Do you know why this could be happening? Do I just need a reset some where?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад +1

      Funny enough you mention this, it bugged me when I first got the car as I get the same thing. However, I've noticed that when I fill up when it's cold (fuel is more dense) it fills up all the way to the edge and when it's hot, it will only go to 2-3 marks off from the full. Not really sure what is going on, but I believe it is normal.

    • @iv3043
      @iv3043 4 года назад

      @@SimpleCarGuy okay thank you! i'm going to get it checked out, ill keep you in the loop!

    • @dinushka06
      @dinushka06 3 года назад +1

      I heard that this is based on on your driving style.

  • @khaledsamy7062
    @khaledsamy7062 2 года назад

    Is there a way to keep this menu all the time , once you switch off you need to unlock again . I want to see the coolant temp all the time

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  2 года назад +1

      There isn’t unfortunately, you’d have to get an obd reader for that

    • @madelineirizarry5836
      @madelineirizarry5836 2 года назад

      Please how did you unlock

    • @khaledsamy7062
      @khaledsamy7062 2 года назад

      @@madelineirizarry5836 add the last 5 digits in your vin number and the result is the code

  • @jjoness87
    @jjoness87 4 года назад

    How do you find your vehicle number?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  4 года назад

      It’s the last 5 digits of your vin added together. You can find your vin under the windshield as well as on the door sill

  • @viewingeye3233
    @viewingeye3233 5 лет назад +1

    So I changed my battery, they told me I need to register it too. I spend $250 on the battery and now they want $175 to “register “ the battery... would resetting software do? Or do I really HAVE TO GO , to the dealer and spend that $175

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  5 лет назад +1

      You have to register the battery. Resetting the computer won’t do anything. If you don’t register, the car will overcharge your new battery and kill it in under a year.
      Good news is that you can buy Autel AP200: for $50-60 and do it yourself. I have a video on how to use this device for programming injectors, but it works just a well on batteries

  • @tylervision707maul
    @tylervision707maul 2 года назад

    What year?

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  2 года назад +1

      This is a 2014 BMW 550i

    • @khaledsamy7062
      @khaledsamy7062 2 года назад

      @@SimpleCarGuy what is the normal coolant temp ? Mine is 650i and reaching 110 C

  • @toddduncan8230
    @toddduncan8230 2 года назад

    You didn’t show how to reset

    • @SimpleCarGuy
      @SimpleCarGuy  2 года назад

      How to reset what?

    • @toddduncan8230
      @toddduncan8230 2 года назад

      @@SimpleCarGuy I changed my sensor and it’s still reads coolant level low even though my temperature and everything is fine the display still read that I thought you could do a manual reset through the unlocked menu

    • @jae2482
      @jae2482 Год назад

      @@toddduncan8230update me, didn’t anything change with the coolant thing?

  • @byronsingletary3904
    @byronsingletary3904 Год назад

    Yes I found this out about two days ago. What do you have? Me:528i. I’m having
    acceleration issues any suggestions?

  • @carlosallanos6849
    @carlosallanos6849 2 года назад

    my last numbers of my vin number are 79882 what code should i put