Translation: "When it comes to Joe Biden, there are many apparent weaknesses that the media should've shed light on, for example the economical corruption that Biden has been accused of for a long time is something that we only know about now because it is corruption on a large scale. He has been credibly accused of sexual assault. And he is also, I would like to point out, obviously mentally handicapped. But this is not shown by the media, instead they talk about the percieved "obvious weaknesses" of Donald Trump"
Tumme ned röstare måste skicka plats och tid för knogmackemöte , sthlm med omnejd!
"When it comes to Joe Biden, there are many apparent weaknesses that the media should've shed light on, for example the economical corruption that Biden has been accused of for a long time is something that we only know about now because it is corruption on a large scale. He has been credibly accused of sexual assault. And he is also, I would like to point out, obviously mentally handicapped. But this is not shown by the media, instead they talk about the percieved "obvious weaknesses" of Donald Trump"
Klockren!! Fortsätt säga sanningen