M. Bison beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 888

  • @srlinski
    @srlinski 11 лет назад +3770

    I like to think that Raul Julia could fly through the sheer power of his acting alone.

    • @johndoe-cv8pr
      @johndoe-cv8pr 3 года назад +221

      And shoot lightning from his fingertips, as well.

    • @leojamesquiambao1047
      @leojamesquiambao1047 3 года назад +207

      the lightning isn't from his tech, it's his sheer acting force manifesting itself.

    • @Xhumed
      @Xhumed 3 года назад +51

      Of course!

    • @reloadpsi
      @reloadpsi 2 года назад +107

      Okay, so in D&D, your charisma stat is sometimes used to represent your conviction and force of will, to the extent that certain classes use it to determine magic potency.
      But, after reading your comment, I think I'm gonna have to play a charisma caster who does in fact use his sheer ham to power his abilities.

    • @Mvillano13
      @Mvillano13 2 года назад +34

      You think right, good sir. Those lightnings from his hands at the beggining were no special effects

  • @Empyre18
    @Empyre18 3 года назад +1748

    “FOR I BEHELD SATAN AS HE FELL FROM HEAVEN, LIKE LIGHTNING!!!” is right up there with “POWEEEWERRRRR!!!! UNLIMITED POWEEERRRR!!!!” in terms of hammy lines that I dream of somehow being able to say in-context in my life at least once.

    • @Kayriel
      @Kayriel 2 года назад +55

      This guy's a real one. Godspeed.

    • @heitormedina7098
      @heitormedina7098 2 года назад +14


    • @overfailed3639
      @overfailed3639 Год назад +21

      I plan on using Palpatines quote when our solar installation is done. UUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNLIMITEEEEED POOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!

    • @tjhooker824
      @tjhooker824 Год назад

      If you are able to pull off saying this line in the context of something where it makes sense in real life you’ll need a cane…………..to help you walk with those massive balls between your legs.

    • @stefanowohsdioghasdhisdg4806
      @stefanowohsdioghasdhisdg4806 Год назад +7

      Fun fact, this line is (sort of) from the Bible. Luke 10:18. So I donno, get a job as a pastor or something and just spring this on people

  • @HoustonSoto
    @HoustonSoto 4 года назад +2484

    “For I beheld Satan and he fell from heaven like lightning!”
    It’s a pretty powerful image when taken in that these were his last spoken words on screen. A true testament to his craft and always top of his game in any performance.

    • @MrJimmyTide
      @MrJimmyTide 2 года назад +77

      He did “Down Came A Black Bird” after this, but that was a TV movie I believe. These would be his last words on the big screen.

    • @stealthlock6634
      @stealthlock6634 2 года назад +136

      Jesus actually said that, “I beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning”, the first time I bumped into that quote I was like MAAAAAANNN that’s a powerful flex

    • @TheAlmighty8969
      @TheAlmighty8969 2 года назад +9

      What does he mean by that I love the quote I just don’t understand it

    • @stealthlock6634
      @stealthlock6634 2 года назад +75

      @@TheAlmighty8969 He’s claiming to be God, since Jesus said that quote first

    • @TheAlmighty8969
      @TheAlmighty8969 2 года назад +19

      @@stealthlock6634 ohhhhh shitttt that’s wicked

  • @JonNoto
    @JonNoto 4 года назад +2489

    Let me make this factually clear and undeniable. Raul Julias performance is NOT "so bad it's good" it's "so great it's perfect."

    • @makutas-v261
      @makutas-v261 2 года назад +31


    • @wvking
      @wvking 2 года назад +98

      He put so much emphasis on every sentence and it’s almost satisfying

    • @artisticalex1206
      @artisticalex1206 Год назад +29

      I totally agree! He definitely put a big effort into this movie.

    • @ezstudios352
      @ezstudios352 Год назад +32

      Without Raul this movie would have been a train wreck, so much respect for him

    • @ThaProd1gy
      @ThaProd1gy Год назад +4

      I liked and unlike because it's 365 likes already and I didn't want to mess it up so I left a comment instead

  • @altermann1991
    @altermann1991 2 года назад +262

    Came here after the terminal montage video, can't believe that the line was really delivered this epic.

    • @smt3
      @smt3 2 года назад +15


  • @Psykiro
    @Psykiro 8 лет назад +968

    Raul Julia owned this role like it was nobody's business. He went too soon, RIP to an incredible actor

    • @drakkenmensch
      @drakkenmensch 8 лет назад +66

      He should have been Doctor Doom too. Imagine his legendary hamminess and sheer intensity as the super genius and master magician, cursing the name he hates most on this world at the top of his lungs: RICHAAAAAAAAAAARDS!!!

    • @hermetic_wizard777
      @hermetic_wizard777 3 года назад +29

      He did it for his kids.

    • @leojamesquiambao1047
      @leojamesquiambao1047 2 года назад +9

      @@drakkenmensch sad. He would've nailed that role to a T with extra on top

  • @tomasrivero6423
    @tomasrivero6423 2 года назад +274

    he literally carried the whole film on his own acting prowess

  • @thermonuclearcollider4418
    @thermonuclearcollider4418 4 года назад +992

    I love how he screams "like lightning!". And I also love the fact that Raul Julia, a Puerto Rican playing a character whose ethnicity
    ationality was never stated, put on a British accent because M. Bison is a villain and villains always sound like Brits.

    • @tomasrivero6423
      @tomasrivero6423 2 года назад +69

      it truly makes him sound like a man from a fictional country

    • @daisukegori2112
      @daisukegori2112 2 года назад +57

      I always felt like Bison was a Thai military dictator. He has that evil Asian communist look as well.

    • @rubynall80
      @rubynall80 2 года назад +62

      Canonically, no one knows his true race/ethnicity/nationality, because he's always changing bodies when one grows too old and weak.

    • @ThrilloVanHouten
      @ThrilloVanHouten 2 года назад +22

      @@daisukegori2112 Yeah, I'm almost 100% certain that SFII the game shows him as being from Thailand.

    • @odakidakida9193
      @odakidakida9193 2 года назад +4

      just a bit shame his character didn't got named "Vega", it would fit on his case i think

  • @clarencealger8380
    @clarencealger8380 2 года назад +669

    By all means this line never should have worked. On paper, it sounds so terrible but he did it. He delivered it with so much gusto that it just feels perfect.

    • @florinivan6907
      @florinivan6907 2 года назад +92

      Probably because it could only ever work if said by someone who seems to trully believe in it.

    • @thermonuclearcollider4418
      @thermonuclearcollider4418 2 года назад +60

      ...most lines read terrible when in script form, that's why you need actors to deliver them. And Raul Julia was a great actor.

    • @osvaldogarrido3726
      @osvaldogarrido3726 2 года назад +3

      @@thermonuclearcollider4418 that's not true

    • @officialFredDurstfanclub
      @officialFredDurstfanclub Год назад +67

      Honestly it’s pretty excellent. Calls himself a God, directly quotes a passage from the Bible that plays into his character and tops it off with a cheeky reference to his Lightning powers. Regardless of the quality of the movie I think a lot of people will admit it has some genuinely well written lines

    • @tjhooker824
      @tjhooker824 Год назад +2

      I think the line lands perfectly.

  • @harrywhitehead7442
    @harrywhitehead7442 7 лет назад +175

    "Something the matter, Colonel? You came here expecting to fight a madman, and instead you found...A GOD?!"

    • @Babuiski
      @Babuiski 2 месяца назад +3

      I swear he believes it so much yourself that you start believing it too talk about Raul Julia selling it lmao.

  • @Co-Jinn
    @Co-Jinn 6 лет назад +1858

    Raul Julia was not only physically miscast as the role, but was also dying.
    Yet still was the single greatest thing in that movie.
    Which is sad, because a talent like that comes around once in a life time.

    • @GenGamesUniverse
      @GenGamesUniverse 5 лет назад +274

      He only took the role of M Bison because of his sons being fans of Street Fighter II.

    • @psychogunner7062
      @psychogunner7062 4 года назад +303

      He knew he could only manage one more movie before cancer took him, so he asked his children which he should make
      They asked him to be in Street Fighter, so he did, and gave it his all

    • @nodinitiative
      @nodinitiative 3 года назад +157

      But it was thanks to his A Class acting that made this movie into a very memorable movie.

    • @GoGasgano
      @GoGasgano 3 года назад +13

      He could’ve done a great non-Japanese version of Yasunori Kato

    • @CaptanF0rever
      @CaptanF0rever 2 года назад +78

      Chun-Li: My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away. A hero at a thousand paces.
      M. Bison: I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it.
      Chun-Li: You don't remember?!
      Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.
      That scene was exceptional because it was two very qualified actors speaking and understanding the emotions of their characters. Ming na was so underappreciated as an actress back then.

  • @dkupke
    @dkupke 7 лет назад +466

    It's a testament to his great theatrical background that he could give such a cliche character such depth

    • @alexanderavila4662
      @alexanderavila4662 2 года назад +2

      cliche????????? nah

    • @Kyle-2020
      @Kyle-2020 2 года назад +31

      I was just thinking the same. This was the greatest final movie any actor could have possibly had because he took what would have been a generic role in a generic movie and dialed it up to 11 quadrillion. If ever you wanted proof that there are no small roles, only small actors, here is your fucking proof! Raul Julia hamming it up to heaven.

  • @kento2851
    @kento2851 9 лет назад +958

    best epic line from raul julia as bison ever lol
    raul julia is truly a legend when it comes to acting may he rest in peace

    • @attilaamihan3118
      @attilaamihan3118 5 лет назад +6

      General M Bison beheld satan as he fell from heaven like lightning
      Til you face captain america

    • @jayr4720
      @jayr4720 5 лет назад +18

      its a quote from Christ . in the gospels . a bit cheezy the way they used it . but a lot more serious teaching in the bible .

    • @godzillavkk
      @godzillavkk 4 года назад

      Round house kick you into your screens.

    • @FillmGeekOfDoom
      @FillmGeekOfDoom 4 года назад +30

      That is the line read of a man KNOW that'll be the last line he'll ever utter on screen before his untimely demise. And it's GLORIOUS. God bless you, Raul Julia. You were taken far too soon from us.

    • @SuperMarioJulian
      @SuperMarioJulian 3 года назад +20

      Not just epic, but also cold when he said "this might be a good time to pray to him."

  • @JonathanFerGold
    @JonathanFerGold 10 лет назад +600

    The entire dialogue during this part of the film was brilliantly executed because of Raul Julia.
    Despite this movie's faults, Raul Julia entertained me in it from beginning to end, just like he does in any one of his other films.

    • @forestgank982
      @forestgank982 10 лет назад +36

      I guess that he, after reading the script, was like: "Oh wow, no one will take this shit seriouslly, at least I'll make it fun to watch". He is so hilarious, love it :]

    • @JonathanFerGold
      @JonathanFerGold 10 лет назад +30

      Yeah I mean, he basically did a flat out great performance as Capcom Japan's satanic criminal tyrant, that Hollywood turned into a joke villain. Between the great Raul Julia and that, it's fucking brilliant. I always end up coming for seconds, as I've owned the movie for many years. And you should check out the soundtrack for this movie, it's quite wonderful actually.

    • @its-morbintime
      @its-morbintime 10 лет назад +17

      Watching his delivery, actually makes me want to watch this movie. Even if the rest is absolute shit, his overacting just makes me laugh my ass off. At least its entertainment.

    • @lsebastian9086
      @lsebastian9086 10 лет назад +35

      Forest Gank
      His reason to take this film: He was dying of Cancer, his time was limited, so when he was going to pick his next film, he took a request from his grandchildren who were fans of the street fighter games and he took a determination to make his role memorable so his family could watch, since it could be his last film to be ever made. And boy did Raul Julia Deliver, may he rest in peace.

    • @forestgank982
      @forestgank982 10 лет назад +10

      lsebastian9086 Oh wow! That's an moving history. His decision paid off, regardless how bad is the film overall, he made it watchable and even enjoyable.

  • @SorianoYuri
    @SorianoYuri 6 лет назад +243

    And to think Raul Julia was already dying when this movie was made. Yet, he acted with such power and intensity that you tend to forget he's severely ill. Vaya con Dios, senor Raul!

  • @NegativeIons
    @NegativeIons 2 года назад +91

    One of the greatest moments in cinematic history. When this moment came up, I just tilted. I couldn't believe the insane mix of absurdity, campiness and the glory that is Raul Julia's Performance. Love it.

  • @michaeloverton04
    @michaeloverton04 Год назад +45

    Knowing that Raul Julia took this role for his kids makes this so heartwarming/breaking. Rest in peace.

  • @linkieloos
    @linkieloos 8 лет назад +109

    Raul Julia's Bison vs Frank Langella's Skeletor = Ultimate ham-to-ham combat

    • @EnemyAce88
      @EnemyAce88 7 месяцев назад +2

      Both were spectacular.

    • @josephgarcia7511
      @josephgarcia7511 4 месяца назад +4

      Hamming it up is such a reductive sentiment. They brought all their theatrical presence and craft to those roles, and no one has even come close to the power of a villain in lieu of these portrayals. I'd also throw in Paul Freeman and Pam Ferris into this mix because Paul, as Ivan Ooze, is just class and evil at the same time, while Pam, as Agatha Trunchbull, is commanding and dominant.

  • @ultraanton
    @ultraanton 3 года назад +67

    I love imagining the moment Sr. Julia decided to take the role - read somewhere apparently his kids or grandkids or something were big fans of the game and talked him into it;
    RAUL: "I changed the world with 'Kiss of the Spider Woman;' What film shall I do next?"
    RAUL: "Then I shall do... STREET FIGHTER"

    • @e-122psi3
      @e-122psi3 Год назад +3

      That is so adorable that I want it to be the reality.

    • @dhufflepuff348
      @dhufflepuff348 Год назад +3

      @@e-122psi3: It kind of was actually. His kids loved loved the video games and he decided to take the role because of it. They even helped him study and prepare for the role.

    • @sumthingwikked4257
      @sumthingwikked4257 8 месяцев назад +1

      😭😭😭😭😭 STOP! IT'S TOO ADORABLE!!!

  • @redstonecasey4713
    @redstonecasey4713 2 года назад +52

    It’s always fun to watch scenes when an actor was clearly enjoying themselves.
    Rest In Peace, Raul Julia. Your glorious ham is greatly missed.

    • @Sonichero151
      @Sonichero151 5 месяцев назад +1

      He knew this was just his last chance to cook, and so he cooked the most succulent, tender, and glorious honey glazed ham in all of the market.

  • @Makoto5555
    @Makoto5555 2 года назад +8

    “Without your signature crouching kick you are powerless to stop me!”

    • @Calios
      @Calios 2 года назад

      *ROUND 1*

  • @chadking1938
    @chadking1938 6 лет назад +73

    The final words from Raul Julia. He is the true M Bison.

  • @HLHReviews
    @HLHReviews 9 лет назад +253

    Only M. Bison can quote a verse from the Bible..before dying.

    • @nossenkanter
      @nossenkanter Год назад +7

      Actually that's happened to a lot of characters 😂 ever seen Hellraiser?

  • @GlitchanBlack
    @GlitchanBlack 2 года назад +15

    0:19 - I beheld Satan as he feel from Heaven! LIKE LIGHTNING!!!
    Without your signature crouching kick, you are powerless to stop me!

  • @JonathanFerGold
    @JonathanFerGold 10 лет назад +99

    1 person still refuses to ACCEPT.... General Bison's godhood.

    • @Honsanmai
      @Honsanmai 7 лет назад +2

      I love the perfectly timed spark

    • @skyblade7438
      @skyblade7438 6 лет назад +4

      9 people didn't see Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

    • @saamjaza1742
      @saamjaza1742 8 месяцев назад

      63 people kept their own gods.

    • @belaohenrique
      @belaohenrique 8 месяцев назад

      64 people are prayng to their God right now.

  • @galactimus1990
    @galactimus1990 3 года назад +18

    No matter how cheesy this movie was, Raul Julia as Bison is and will always be iconic with his amazing delivery.

  • @eternalhalloween1
    @eternalhalloween1 5 лет назад +29

    As a church organist, I have to say it's especially powerful when a devout Catholic (obviously Raul Julia) can play such an evil character and quote the scriptures in a twisted way. I don't know why it is, but it seems that sometimes the most nicest people play villains the most convincingly. Jean Claude Van Damme (obviously Guile) said that Raul Julia was wonderful to work with.

    • @makutas-v261
      @makutas-v261 2 года назад +3

      Yeah, as a Catholic too, his final line is pretty heavy hitting stuff, it's powerful.

    • @eternalhalloween1
      @eternalhalloween1 2 года назад

      @@makutas-v261 You are SO right! :)

  • @Engineer5344
    @Engineer5344 10 лет назад +37


    • @Fm123ify
      @Fm123ify 9 лет назад +7

      Bison you're off tha aaiiah

  • @gabrielperrella
    @gabrielperrella 9 лет назад +95

    The pinnacle of hammy voicing, and it is fucking beautiful.
    Vaya con Dios, Raul :,)

  • @crater044
    @crater044 8 лет назад +95

    Considering the very LOW quality of video game movies........this is actually one of the better ones and one that I thoroughly enjoy every single time I watch it!! The overt campiness, the acting, the comedy, the characters, some of the dialogue and just the movie in general is entertaining for me from start to finish. Mortal Kombat was technically a better film......but this is one that I enjoy watching a lot, despite its faults

    • @MrSleepy677
      @MrSleepy677 7 лет назад +14

      Street Fighter may be flawed, but it's enjoyable and never took itself serious.

    • @leothewhiteranger
      @leothewhiteranger 3 года назад +10

      One thing you can never fault it for - it understood M. Bison. And then add Raul Julia to the role, and while he might not physically be Bison... his energy and the sheer effort he puts in makes you believe he's M. Bison

    • @shaunince6336
      @shaunince6336 3 года назад +5

      @@leothewhiteranger back in the original street fighter games bison didn't look that big. Sure he was tall and imposing but it wasn't until alpha that he turned into the beefcake. I thought Raul was great bar not really being able to do martial arts. It's a guilty pleasure movie I don't own but will stick it on if its on TV.

    • @shaunince6336
      @shaunince6336 3 года назад +2

      Guilty pleasures, I have this and a couple of other movies that most people bash but I thought were great. Howard the Duck to name one.

    • @thebigandgreat1
      @thebigandgreat1 2 года назад +3

      @@leothewhiteranger could you imagine with CGI nowadays and a young healthy Raul Julia reprising his role as Lord General Master Bison leader of Shadaloo it would have been AWESOME!
      R.I.P. Raul Julia!

  • @furioussherman7265
    @furioussherman7265 6 лет назад +27

    There is exactly one good thing in this movie, and it's Raul Julia. Every scene he's in is pure entertainment.

  • @GardevoirBoy
    @GardevoirBoy Год назад +16

    As much as I love to hate the movie, Raul Julia did a great job portraying M. Bison. That quote, "For I beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning!" really shows Bison's god complex. Even in his humble portrayals, he is a heartless human monster who plays god and will do anything for power.

  • @88Anesthetize
    @88Anesthetize 7 лет назад +269

    Don't know about the rest of you but I for one accept Raul Julia's godhood with open arms.

    • @Acord718
      @Acord718 5 лет назад +9


    • @thompsonm1a1
      @thompsonm1a1 3 года назад +3

      🙌 amen brother

    • @eamonndeane587
      @eamonndeane587 3 года назад +10

      ALL HAIL GENERAL BISON!!!!! And his Glorious New Regime...
      Sincerely Little Girl...

    • @scottmatheson3346
      @scottmatheson3346 Год назад +3

      I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to accept Bison's godhood in other places ...

  • @SotoSlasher57
    @SotoSlasher57 2 года назад +25

    For I beheld Satan as he fell from heaven! Like lightning!!!!!!!
    *Telepathically throws bell on a crowd of people.*
    *Akuma lifts bell*

    • @sirtieman
      @sirtieman 2 года назад +4

      *shocks ryu’s leg*

    • @smt3
      @smt3 2 года назад

      @@sirtieman cue the bonus stage car killing M Bison.

  • @DarthBigBen
    @DarthBigBen 6 лет назад +46

    0:24. I could listen to him roll that R all day.

  • @BabsJohnson111
    @BabsJohnson111 10 лет назад +28


  • @Xander77Ru
    @Xander77Ru Год назад +5

    "He was only doing this movie for his children, and he leapt into it with all the energy and glory of a man leaping on a grenade for the same reason. "

  • @movingtonewchannel.8360
    @movingtonewchannel.8360 8 лет назад +74

    You know, looking back, this movie has Raul Julia giving a stellar performance as only Raul Julia can give! Plus, this is closer to depicting Street Fighter games as a whole, more than the Legend of Chun-li EVER could. XD

    • @miamimagicians
      @miamimagicians 8 лет назад +8

      Saw this movie and Mortal Kombat as a kid, and IT WAS FUCKIN AMAZING! We all flipped out everytime there was a super power move!

    • @Gun14Slinger
      @Gun14Slinger 8 лет назад +4

      just saw this movie yesterday and it was awsome. to be honest it was my second time seeing this movie. I watched it a vey long time ago when I was a kid. but the movie was awsome. and still is.

    • @gokusondbz
      @gokusondbz 8 лет назад +8

      SonicZeroRider don't even get me started on Street Fighter Legend of Chun-Li. seriously bison blonde hair and blue eyes black suit Irish businessman what were the people smoking?.

    • @TheEmperorHyperion
      @TheEmperorHyperion 7 лет назад +7

      gokusondbz Think they got the Street Fighter and Fatal Fury scripts mixed up somehow.

    • @gokusondbz
      @gokusondbz 7 лет назад +1

      TheEmperorHyperion fun fact bison from Legend of Chun-Li was the bad guy in season 4 of Arrow. The exact same look and everything.

  • @MrSinister1979
    @MrSinister1979 15 лет назад +34

    I love this movie, just because Raul Julia clearly had so much fun playing Bison. It's totally craptacular otherwise, mind - but in a loveable way :P
    "For you, it was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

  • @TheJustice35
    @TheJustice35 2 года назад +19

    Here because of Terminal Montage

  • @drzerogi
    @drzerogi 8 лет назад +102

    Still yearning for the Pax Bisonica. Guile was the true villain in this movie.

    • @Acord718
      @Acord718 5 лет назад +16


    • @seronymus
      @seronymus 3 года назад +5

      One of these days...

  • @CarlosSilva-bn6xk
    @CarlosSilva-bn6xk 2 года назад +8

    Terminal montage brought me back.

  • @levobupivacaine
    @levobupivacaine 9 месяцев назад +5

    For Satan, it was the most important day of his life for he fell from Heaven like lightning.
    But for Bison... it was Tuesday.

  • @nickgreen4731
    @nickgreen4731 Год назад +5

    That scenery didn't explode. Raul just chewed it into atoms.
    May we all face our mortality with that kind of attitude.

  • @michelrpg
    @michelrpg 13 лет назад +13

    Bison beheld Satan as he fell from heaven like lightning. But for him, it was still just a tuesday

  • @Spexx92
    @Spexx92 2 года назад +10

    Terminal montage brought me here

  • @Cenoura
    @Cenoura 10 лет назад +62

    Once again, i came to this video and commented just to say Raul Julia made this scene so badass, The way he says this quote is so epic

  • @rodrigo-oliveira-86
    @rodrigo-oliveira-86 2 года назад +8

    I didn't remember this at all. Then Terminal Montage got me here. rofl

  • @Vesperitis
    @Vesperitis 4 года назад +4

    I can think of no better last words for a character, an actor, and a man.

  • @splitjawjanitor5369
    @splitjawjanitor5369 Год назад +4

    Raul devouring the scenery's very soul while delivering the Bible quote rightfully gets all the attention, but "Keep your own god! In fact, this might be a good time to pray to him!" is a raw as hell line in its own right.

  • @BiggHefty
    @BiggHefty 3 года назад +36

    Raul Julia and Chadwick Boseman were truly dedicated to their craft even when they were dying, as well as other actors and actresses Im not aware of.

  • @DashieNegan41
    @DashieNegan41 9 лет назад +76

    movie may of sucked but Raul Julia as M Bison made him look badass

  • @Aenygma_
    @Aenygma_ 8 лет назад +59


    • @RAFMnBgaming
      @RAFMnBgaming 6 лет назад +14

      M. Bison: Dramatic speech about being a god.
      Guile: Mumbled One-Liner.
      We all know who ought to have won.

  • @Tounushi
    @Tounushi 8 лет назад +18

    That scenery must've been *delicious*!

  • @johngonzalez4298
    @johngonzalez4298 6 лет назад +17

    I recently bought the movie on DVD. Raul Julia was a great actor and may he RIP. Its been so long since he passed on. I was sad when he passed away and he's one of my favorite actors still although he has passed but his acting is unforgettable. I had the game on Super Nintendo and enjoyed it. This movie is still a classic in my eyes. Viva Raul Julia

  • @007isdcraig
    @007isdcraig 9 лет назад +49

    Vaya con Dios, Raul...

  • @TrumpLester
    @TrumpLester 2 года назад +4

    *Without your signature Crouching Kick, you are powerless to stop me!*

    • @smt3
      @smt3 2 года назад

      Cue the bonus stage car appearing and killing M Bison.

  • @Beriorn
    @Beriorn 2 года назад +37

    All the damage in the scene wasn't done through Bison's lightning, but rather through the sheer force of Raul Julia chewing the scenery.

  • @picvajzpikcers
    @picvajzpikcers 9 лет назад +158

    Could someone make a mod for SF IV Bison with Raul Julia's voice?

    • @lucristianx
      @lucristianx 8 лет назад +38

      +ПичвајзПикчерс OF COURSE!

    • @Gadreth
      @Gadreth 8 лет назад +20

      The world needs that

    • @ori.g4mi
      @ori.g4mi 6 лет назад +3

      SFV now pls

    • @GenGamesUniverse
      @GenGamesUniverse 5 лет назад +3

      @@lucristianx For him, it was Tuesday!

    • @WhyHelloJill
      @WhyHelloJill 4 года назад +7

      All I want to do is to create the perfect, genetic soldier...Not for power...Not for evil...But for good!

  • @reloadpsi
    @reloadpsi 2 года назад +17

    They cut a very important line here that was kept in the comic adaptation, namely, after "this might be a good time to pray to him," he's supposed to say something like "may I recommend Luke 10:18" and then quote it (which we still see him do.)
    Cutting that line obviously helps the pacing of the scene considerably, but it robs the next one of its proper context. Bison didn't behold Satan; he's saying that Guile is beholding Satan, falling from heaven like lightning... because he's flying into him to kick the crap out of him :P

    • @scottmatheson3346
      @scottmatheson3346 Год назад +2

      i don't think you need the line to get the idea. bison is obviously satan since he's the lightning in the scene (also because he's such a magnificent bastard).

  • @Shadowkey392
    @Shadowkey392 8 лет назад +15

    *salutes* Raul Julia, we miss you. You were great.

    • @smt3
      @smt3 2 года назад

      If I had to choose between which M Bison to work for, it's Raul Julia Bison.

  • @DukeSeager
    @DukeSeager 13 лет назад +4

    I actually can't stop watching this!

  • @acepedro12
    @acepedro12 Год назад +4

    One of the greatest scenes in cinema history and it lasts less than a minute.

  • @whosaidiwantedahandle
    @whosaidiwantedahandle Год назад +5

    He should've kept spamming the long-distance lightning blasts. Those seemed pretty safe and effective.

  • @gamacichi
    @gamacichi 10 лет назад +74

    Raul Julia's role of M. Bison was the only thing redeemable in this movie.

  • @luechang9436
    @luechang9436 2 года назад +8

    Ah, I came here to reminisce because of Terminal Montague's SF2 video

  • @kiratross
    @kiratross 2 года назад +7

    I expected a car to show up

    • @smt3
      @smt3 2 года назад +1

      Nice reference.

  • @KronnangDunn
    @KronnangDunn 8 лет назад +67

    Descanse en Paz Raúl Julia... Fun fact: He actually did the film because his sons were fans of the game...

    • @deionpehowdy
      @deionpehowdy 2 года назад +3

      And M. Bison was Their favorite Character.

  • @sammydane5988
    @sammydane5988 3 месяца назад +3

    0:20 The passion ❤️👏🙌

  • @Planars
    @Planars 2 года назад +3

    here i am after 13 years to revisit this.... all thanks to TerminalMontage

  • @FrinniferFran
    @FrinniferFran 2 года назад +12

    Bro, all it took to kill Bison was a Roundhouse Kick?! After that GODLY line delivery? Seriously?!

    • @cellardweller5245
      @cellardweller5245 8 месяцев назад +3

      Had 1 HP left, decided to go for a taunt, it worked, got too confident and tried to pull off a move that would take away most of opponents health bar. That move left him open for a kick.
      Happened to me in fighting games looots of times tbh

    • @FrinniferFran
      @FrinniferFran 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@cellardweller5245 Pride cometh before the fall. 😔

  • @plbeckman
    @plbeckman 2 года назад +6

    What an incredible performance.

  • @lordgoro
    @lordgoro Год назад +2

    this BISON scene is LEGEND!!! RIP Raul, or M. Bison

  • @StaceyGardner
    @StaceyGardner 4 года назад +6

    Raul Julia set the bar for true acting talent. RIP good sir.

  • @mikdan8813
    @mikdan8813 10 месяцев назад +3

    Not many know this, but for this scene, Raul Julia actually learned to shoot lightning from his finder tips.

  • @Cloudeusz
    @Cloudeusz 2 года назад +2

    The rawest line from a video game movie ever

  • @jamrock719
    @jamrock719 3 месяца назад +3

    😔damn I wish he was still alive he's a magnificent actor

  • @planetofthegapes
    @planetofthegapes 12 лет назад +18

    You still refuse to ACCEPT my godhood?! KEEP YOUR OWN GOD, infact, this might be a good TIME to pray to him! For I beheld Satan as he FELLLLL FROM HEAVEEENNNN LIKE LIGHTNIIINNNNNGGGGAHHH!!! --- I fucking love Raul Julia. Straight from the Calculon Acting School.

  • @pjabrony8280
    @pjabrony8280 10 месяцев назад +2

    "That was good, Raul, but I feel like you're holding back. Don't be afraid to explore the space."

  • @e-122psi3
    @e-122psi3 Год назад +2

    Raul Julia's final moments on screen are the figurative and literal definition of 'going out with a bang'.

  • @Faith99-r4m
    @Faith99-r4m 4 месяца назад +2

    Raul Julia single handily carried this movie even though he was dying

  • @Jrocc811
    @Jrocc811 Год назад +2

    Raul was amazing. The only reason to re-watch that movie.

  • @animathehallowed1380
    @animathehallowed1380 Год назад +1

    Without your signature crouching kick, you are powerless to stop meeeee!!

  • @godzillavkk
    @godzillavkk 7 лет назад +27

    Bison dies here, Julia dies shortly after. I dunno if that's fitting or ironic. But hey, at least he by a roundhouse kick. There's no shame in being beaten by that.

    • @truemperahzentertainment6133
      @truemperahzentertainment6133 6 лет назад +1

      I guess you didn't see the Post Credits scene he lives.

    • @RAFMnBgaming
      @RAFMnBgaming 6 лет назад +4

      IIRC he took the role because he wanted to make something that his kids could watch before he died.
      That's quite possibly at least partly wrong.

  • @sesmar99
    @sesmar99 7 месяцев назад +2

    "Bison, youre off the air" peak writing right there

  • @TheNN
    @TheNN 7 лет назад +17

    In case you're curious, he's quoting the Gospel according to (St.) Luke, chapter 10, verse 18.

    • @colliric
      @colliric 5 лет назад +2

      He's specifically quoting Jesus

  • @BRexxors
    @BRexxors 3 месяца назад +4

    The entire movie is justified for this Raul moment.

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 месяца назад +1

      The "it was a tuesday" is also SO GOOD

  • @bbkd3b
    @bbkd3b 2 года назад +3

    FromSoft bosses transitioning to their second phase be like

  • @galahad3195
    @galahad3195 2 года назад +5

    Strength: 1

  • @aclevername9381
    @aclevername9381 3 года назад +3

    I'm glad CRT monitors are no longer a thing, because they obviously contain some some seriously unstable high explosives.

  • @sirislandknight4378
    @sirislandknight4378 8 лет назад +13

    Best 30 seconds of cinematic history 0:00 - 0:30

  • @retronova_official
    @retronova_official 2 года назад +3

    And just like that, Raul Julia and his career literally went out with a bang.

  • @deionpehowdy
    @deionpehowdy 2 года назад +2

    Well, He Gave His Children What They Wanted, and M. Bison Went Out With a Bang.

  • @zacfella3699
    @zacfella3699 2 года назад +3

    So that's what Leviathan was referencing in Skullgirls!

  • @redtexan7053
    @redtexan7053 2 года назад +2

    I can’t think of a more perfect line to end my career on

  • @Ifalvarado
    @Ifalvarado 5 лет назад +8

    0:02 could've sworn that stunt actor was able to land on his feet at the edge of the frame...

  • @HoChiMints2007
    @HoChiMints2007 9 лет назад +153

    Strong Kick beats Psycho Crusher? NERF PLS

    • @apatano20
      @apatano20 8 лет назад +7

      +Ho Chi Mints FLASH KICK!!!!!

    • @KronnangDunn
      @KronnangDunn 8 лет назад +12

      Yeah. They probably intended it to be a Flash Kick... but it did not look like one at all...

    • @PolarPhantom
      @PolarPhantom 8 лет назад +16

      He even does a Flash Kick during the final fight.
      Props to Van Damme for that one.

    • @coold8d
      @coold8d 6 лет назад

      Call me

    • @MasterMacLeod
      @MasterMacLeod 5 лет назад +1

      @@KronnangDunn nope its f+mk

  • @kepe9531
    @kepe9531 2 года назад +6

    In the next scene a Ferrari or Lamborghini will save his ass

  • @scottmatheson3346
    @scottmatheson3346 Год назад +3

    I approve of Bison's religious tolerance here. Not trying to insist that his religion is the only way.

  • @timmaloney9976
    @timmaloney9976 4 года назад +6

    How can anyone hate a villain who spouts off dialogue like this and can fly?