How to Remove Background from PDF File on Windows and Mac (Including Batch Remove Process)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @sadddee
    @sadddee Год назад +4

    Well, how to put it. I had to install the suggested app and the instruction in the video seems worthless, since:
    1. There is no option called "edit background". Instead, the options are : add, delete or update of the background.
    2. When the option "delete the background" is chosen, the app notifies you that "There is no background in this document."

  • @Flat_Earth_Sophia
    @Flat_Earth_Sophia Год назад +5

    Does not work. Says there is no background.

  • @suesherrill4557
    @suesherrill4557 2 года назад +5

    Mine Says "No deletable background" @ 4:47

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  2 года назад

      Could you let us know more information?

    • @Flat_Earth_Sophia
      @Flat_Earth_Sophia Год назад

      Same problem. I hare these videos that tell you nothing.

  • @godlikeexcellence1201
    @godlikeexcellence1201 Год назад +1

    is there a tool to delete images from PDF documents in bulk, all of them at once?

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  Год назад

      Hi there~ The bulk delete pictures feature is not available in PDFelement yet. We will work on it for the future version.

  • @Rehanashaikh666
    @Rehanashaikh666 2 года назад +1

    Excellent I like it thx for sharing very easy

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  2 года назад +2

      We are glad to hear that. Thanks for your feedback.

  • @saurabhverma2458
    @saurabhverma2458 2 года назад +1

    sometimes it shows that no background found

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  2 года назад

      Hi, your specified case needs to be checked by our support team and find out if there is some problems. Could you please send an email to Thanks a lot.

    • @Flat_Earth_Sophia
      @Flat_Earth_Sophia Год назад

      I have the same issue.

  • @emageaitalia1000
    @emageaitalia1000 Год назад

    Does this work now? since the comments say it doesn't work

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  Год назад

      Thank you for your interest in our product. Our software has always been capable of removing backgrounds; however, in the industry, this technology typically works best with standard-format PDF backgrounds. For non-standard formats, the software may not be able to detect and remove the background accurately. We appreciate your understanding.

  • @Flat_Earth_Sophia
    @Flat_Earth_Sophia Год назад +1

    Video is half over and still no explaination!

  • @matthewminami9293
    @matthewminami9293 Год назад

    This software also does not allow you to make the background transparent.

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  Год назад

      Appreciate your feedback! Our software indeed supports replacing the background of a PDF in standard formats and adjusting color transparency. If you're facing difficulties editing transparency, it might be related to the specific element you're working with. If the background is in image form rather than the entire PDF background, the feature may not apply directly. In such cases, you can right-click on the image and go to the Properties menu under the Edit function to adjust the transparency of the image.

  • @awebesmile316
    @awebesmile316 8 месяцев назад

    not following you is sinfullness

  • @nilsnorden2092
    @nilsnorden2092 Год назад

    Thx a lot - but please don't move your hand and arm such nerves and unnatural please ...

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  Год назад

      Thank you for your feedback, and we'll continue to work on improving our videos~

    • @pyt4058
      @pyt4058 Год назад

      Plus, please use a person with a better vocal range. I had to mute the audio and turn on the closed captions.

    • @PDFelement
      @PDFelement  Год назад

      @@pyt4058 Thank you for your feedback. These issues have already been addressed in our latest video.