ipad 10th gen (silver, 64gb) unboxing 💌 apple pencil + accessories | ipad aesthetic setup

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @lenyyrn
    @lenyyrn  11 месяцев назад +9

    🌷 latest ipad setup: ruclips.net/video/Cd8W_GHzBeQ/видео.htmlsi=7NC_5oMIW48Ywysk
    ⭐️ what’s on my ipad (2024): ruclips.net/video/1-DTuuDzjtM/видео.htmlsi=sPOH9Xr2BfrTq9on
    - hiii, this is my current ipad setup for the first month of the year! let’s be productive together 🌱
    a reminder: u are enough and loved

  • @poppyorange5061
    @poppyorange5061 Год назад +167

    eyy i also asked my parents for an ipad 10th gen on my graduation too but whenever i talked about it they shut off the conversation so i thought okay then i probably wasn’t getting anything and then on my graduation day they surprised me with an ipad air 5, congrats on yours ❤

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +35

      yay! congrats on your air 5! same as you, been talking about it for months before my graduation, and they jokingly said they wouldn’t buy it for me. I only just asked for an ipad 9th gen, then my mom said why not 10th 😭 belated congrats on your graduation!

    • @themoonstarsisters
      @themoonstarsisters Год назад +2

      Oh I saw you on another vid lol

    • @hrts4min
      @hrts4min Год назад +3

      I have seen this comment on like 6 vids

    • @Heylaena
      @Heylaena 10 месяцев назад +1

      your parents are so sweet!

  • @yrstefina
    @yrstefina Год назад +58

    congrats! it's a different kind of joy when we got the things what we prayed for :)) i can feel your happiness

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +11

      thank you!! I’m rlly happy with it

  • @snich2140
    @snich2140 Год назад +6

    3:20 Wait ! Apple pencil 1 doesn't have magnetic isn't it ? or i was wrong ? How you magnet it with left side of an iPad 10 ? 😅

    • @MONSTER36974
      @MONSTER36974 7 месяцев назад

      yeah,every reviewer said it doesn't attach to the side megneticly!

  • @ngkhanhhwynnhu
    @ngkhanhhwynnhu 4 месяца назад +2

    Got the same iPad with the same storage as the one in your vid but in Purplish Blue 💙. Kinda regret getting the 64gb rather than the 256gb one 🥲. I'm planning to change mine to iPad 11th Gen 256gb next year.

  • @janeri-ji2ut
    @janeri-ji2ut Год назад +11

    Thanks for the Apple pen charging tutorial, I thought it was so confusing as what other vids says 🥹

  • @genevadiariess
    @genevadiariess Год назад +2

    congratulations on your new ipad!! ❤

  • @athenaromes
    @athenaromes Год назад +8

    cute unboxing! 10th gen looks good tho, but some says it's confusing lol

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +4

      it takes a little effort in charging the pen, but overall rlly like it! ^^

  • @shashankshekhar3791
    @shashankshekhar3791 Год назад +12

    Oh wow I just finally realised they have this magnetic accesory for first gen pencil to mount on the side mimicing second gen pencil

  • @Wsstysss
    @Wsstysss 4 месяца назад +1

    Hi! Where did you get your case? May I have a link?

  • @cielovh3552
    @cielovh3552 7 месяцев назад +1

    update abt the storage? is it alr full? I was wondering if 64gb is worth it

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  7 месяцев назад

      hiii! I checked my iPad storage and I still have 10.73 GB left. I only have few images and some important apps and files.
      But if you’re in doubt, you can purchase the higher storage if you want to store most of your videos and photos, and download lots of applications as well.

  • @sunnyannie
    @sunnyannie Год назад +10

    I got an iPad two years ago but I never put the time or effort into setting it up aesthetic - this is motivating me hahah

  • @hitomirata1995
    @hitomirata1995 4 месяца назад

    i'm going to buy mine tomorrow i'm sooooo excited 🫶🏻

  • @clararrara
    @clararrara Год назад +10

    oooh the pink theme looks so cute! it's so pretty and aesthetic!
    btw i'm also looking to buy an ipad, do you think this one is good for studying? as in was it worth the price?
    glad you got your answered prayer len!

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +4

      hiii! the size of the screen fits perfectly for studying, and all the notetaking apps are available on the AppStore like on the other ipads…I think it is worth the price and I didn’t regret purchasing it

    • @clararrara
      @clararrara Год назад

      @@lenyyrn ohh awesome thank you so much :)))

  • @Lunaaplayzz
    @Lunaaplayzz 5 месяцев назад

    Im getting one in 4 days!!!! Should i pick pink or silver

  • @balz_6966
    @balz_6966 6 месяцев назад

    Which is better, the ipad 10th gen or ipad air 5? Some said that the battery life of the 10th gen is better than the air 5. How long does your ipad last?

  • @2Ra_Yah2
    @2Ra_Yah2 3 месяца назад

    I asked an air 11 ipad because my friend got an ipad so i was jealous, i kept yapping so they finally got it! It's coming tomorrow:D

  • @Lunaaplayzz
    @Lunaaplayzz 5 месяцев назад

    Im getting one in 4 days!!! Should i get pink or silver?

  • @kimchiwon
    @kimchiwon Год назад +2

    i love unboxing! what about the old one you had?? isn't this expensive?

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +2

      Hiii, my brother is the new owner of the old one 😂 ….probably quite pricey, but the 2nd affordable option for me :>> thnx for watching!

  • @ashlee4512
    @ashlee4512 Год назад +4

    Nice. I have iPhone 11 Pro 512g white iPhone 14 plus 128g and iPad 10 gen 256G. I got in May Cell data model. Love all 3 my devices ❤❤❤. Got all this yr❤❤❤❤😅

  • @katcraft2274
    @katcraft2274 4 месяца назад

    Where to find this wallpaper on the lockscreen?

  • @martinayvonnecorteza5889
    @martinayvonnecorteza5889 Год назад +2

    I also just got an ipad 10th gen last day on july 8

  • @AiraLazarte
    @AiraLazarte Год назад +1

    YEEEY literally watched right away after seeing your IG story! So happpy for youu

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад

      thank you po, ate Aira!!

  • @CC-hf7tc
    @CC-hf7tc Год назад +1

    Is the apple pencil charging a hassle for you? I was looking into buying one but was unsure if the apple pencil will be a problem since it charges weird.

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +4

      a little bit, coz you should always take your apple pen adapter and connector with you…honestly, it charges so fast and doesn’t take an hour to fully charged

    • @CC-hf7tc
      @CC-hf7tc Год назад +2

      @@lenyyrn Ok thank you so much! This will help me make a decision.

    • @BrayanHernandez-Lopez
      @BrayanHernandez-Lopez Год назад +3

      @@CC-hf7tcWhen I had an 8th gen iPad with the 1st gen pencil I really only needed to charge it once about week, if I used it for hours everyday sometimes it will only last me 4 days.

  • @christopherpoggi7305
    @christopherpoggi7305 Год назад +4

    I'm saving for one and I luv this video keeps me motivated while saving 😊

  • @Abada189
    @Abada189 6 месяцев назад

    وأنا أيضا اشتريت ايباد مثل هذا واشتريت السماعات في اللون الوردي لكنني لم أستطع التصوير😢

  • @bengisu777.
    @bengisu777. Год назад

    does the first gen pencil stick to the side of the ipad? I am about to buy the ipad and my case preference depends on your answer. :)

    • @unloosedhades
      @unloosedhades Год назад +1

      No it doesn’t, gen 1 Apple Pencil (which this iPad supports) doesn’t have MagSafe

    • @bengisu777.
      @bengisu777. Год назад

      @@unloosedhades thank you so much, I currently have the first gen but it seems like I will buy the new type-c apple pen to be able to stick it to the side…

    • @unloosedhades
      @unloosedhades Год назад +1

      @@bengisu777. btw heads up, the iPad 10 have a dedicated slot for Apple Pencil, but the Smart Connector on the side (used for keyboard) contains MagSafe magnets which you can (but not intended) use for the Apple Pencil. That means that you can’t use the Apple keyboard while sticking the Apple Pencil

  • @themoonstarsisters
    @themoonstarsisters Год назад +1

    I’m saving up for a that ipad I’m so excited

  • @Sofianoon
    @Sofianoon 7 месяцев назад

    Does it break easily?

  • @Leapfrog-qq4bc
    @Leapfrog-qq4bc 2 месяца назад

    My7 year old cousin got this ipad for christmas…. But its literally already a bit bended

  • @mrperfectlynotfine
    @mrperfectlynotfine Год назад +1

    hi!! where did you buy this?

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +1

      hi, at the sm store ^^

  • @yunsheen
    @yunsheen Год назад +3


  • @biscuits2463
    @biscuits2463 Год назад +3

    so happy you got this ipad!! may i know how heavy it is? ❤️

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +1

      hii!! it weighs 477 grams (or nearly half kg i guess) based on google ^^
      for me it’s not too heavy nor too light, maybe just right lol

  • @shreyasvanjo7269
    @shreyasvanjo7269 3 месяца назад

    I wish if somebody give me I pad 10 gen with apple 1gen pencil and triple flip back cover and matte screen protector 😢

  • @piwie_entertainment
    @piwie_entertainment Год назад +2

    I want to buy the 10th Gen one, but I didn’t have enough money to buy it. So, i have got the 9th one, its good too

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +3

      9th gen is indeed good!

  • @rebornracheltocalifeworlda6890
    @rebornracheltocalifeworlda6890 Год назад +2

    It coles to my bifrday im tuning 10 and i am geting ipad10th for my bifeday🎉🎉

  • @pockyammui
    @pockyammui 29 дней назад +1

    hi it has been over a year so idk if u will answer. im rn thinking of buying one but i dont know which one i should pick. the 64gb or 256gb one. could u please help me bc rn im struggling. i will use the ipad for note taking like school and like very light gaming only one game and i will also use it for entertainment llike yt or so. Im a student . Which one should i pick since the 256 is very expensive

    • @klxliah.
      @klxliah. 20 дней назад

      64gb will be enough

  • @yellow-lb5xt
    @yellow-lb5xt Год назад +1

    pretty! 🤩😁

  • @kharismawina1981
    @kharismawina1981 Год назад

    I have this ipad to and the same colour. I was excited to unboxing this ipad and this performa it was great 👍🏻

  • @chacarino808
    @chacarino808 Год назад

    hi where did u buy ur case

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад

      hello, from shopee shop: Goodojoq official store

  • @cocholatte13
    @cocholatte13 11 месяцев назад

    I love how you share your faith, God bless youuu!! ❤❤❤

  • @potatoavocado-eb1gi
    @potatoavocado-eb1gi Год назад +14

    love the unboxing! so relaxing to watch ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +1

      thank you!! 🤍

  • @riamaedeleon
    @riamaedeleon Год назад

    That's nice, Sana maranasan ko rin yung mag unboxing na iphone❤

  • @harveybeehat
    @harveybeehat Год назад

    i literally have the same pink case for my ipad 8. AND CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING

  • @Yk_carmen
    @Yk_carmen Год назад +2

    Is it just me or whenever I get a new device I immediately move like all the useless apps in one folder and download a bunch of apps ?😂

  • @isabellabello5724
    @isabellabello5724 Год назад

    so cutee

  • @ItzTreasure123
    @ItzTreasure123 Год назад

    Did you get the headphones off of Amazon?

  • @DrummingwithZiggy
    @DrummingwithZiggy Год назад

    Are you still liking your iPad 10 or now regretting it

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +2

      I'm liking it, and probably won't regret having this ^^

    • @DrummingwithZiggy
      @DrummingwithZiggy Год назад

      @@lenyyrn How many gigabytes did you get for your iPad 10

    • @lenyyrn
      @lenyyrn  Год назад +1

      @@DrummingwithZiggyi got 64 gb, only for school files :>

  • @rodionkadatskyi182
    @rodionkadatskyi182 Год назад

    Nice unboxing video. Love this
    Also love your NIV Bible :)
    God is good

  • @fcleur
    @fcleur 7 месяцев назад

    sis can you give link product casenya? sangat cute btww!

  • @Sangharsh72
    @Sangharsh72 Год назад +1

    Is that enough for mbbs students...

  • @liaestevez8080
    @liaestevez8080 Год назад

    Headphone link?😊

  • @madizzen
    @madizzen Год назад

    hii what’s the lock screen wallpaper called

  • @ssssheecrazyy
    @ssssheecrazyy 6 месяцев назад

    I will also be getting this ipad, I can't wait for it!!! ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧

  • @rebornracheltocalifeworlda6890
    @rebornracheltocalifeworlda6890 Год назад +1

    On september the 1frs

  • @thikieutrinhluong8530
    @thikieutrinhluong8530 Год назад

    I wish I had ones 🥹

  • @potatoavocado-eb1gi
    @potatoavocado-eb1gi Год назад


  • @h3arts4meew
    @h3arts4meew Год назад +1

    I ordered the ipad 10th gen in silver , its coming this week or next week !!🤍🤍