@@queententoomanjenjenje7299 Good!! Holding him accountable to his mistake/acctions… kurecorder kunodhura for someone to just infringe copyright without any consequences lol!!!
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
Atleast have a sit down navo kana wafarira song yavo uchida kuiisa shuga vokupa mvumo they have a right to get a small amount paunozotengesawo song yacho chero ka small percentage ikako its ok panekuja nevamwe hako
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
People needs to be creative the charambas are christians they deserve respect.signal is not respectfull.you can not take a christian song and sing vulgar no thats disrespectful
The issue isn't on the Bible text I can sing the same words, but melody and code progression that one it's charamba's. At times it's not good to sympathize with those who are doing the wrong thing. Kuremadza munhu ane potential ne capacity to create his own identity. If was America he was going to be sued for big money or jail term, but luckily they are not after that, he must seek permission to use someone's work. If you remove words and hum the songs that's when you can get the truth. Nyaya haisi hayo paBible anyone is free to use the text, but line arrangement and melody ndopanozonzi waba chete .
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
But akachimhanya hake ,,,hazvina kunaka vanhu kurwira mashoko e bible paingoda kunzwisisana apa kutadza ndekwavanhu baba charamba semunhu anonzwisisa shoko rashe dai vakatsiura mwana chinyararire pachi corner not kuzodai
I support the Charambas on this one.
Signal unozo nyanyawo
Yes the Chirambas are very correct luckily they are not suing him Jah signal usaite kurondatsimba it's bad😮
Zvina Mwari mukati ukaita mafunnies nazvo unoita jambwa nerushava shava kweupenyu hwose Tambai nezvimwe henyu
True apa votamba vakashama
That's too much Signal you owe respect to the Charambas
Uyu ngasungwe anojairira zvisina basa
Ngaaimbe zvake uyo
Vanofanira kuwirirana frst nemunyori wesong
Wapedza mwana wamai.
Jah signal haana respect zvachose anonyadzisa vakakutadzireiko the charambas vaunokopera nziyo nzavo
Anga akujairira
Wanorwadziwa awo
Ndakunyarira jah sveee kubira chembere nyarawo
Nziyo dzamwari dzinongoda kutambwa nekuimbwa ne respect
Neimwe iya kana vanhu vangu, anoda sue big time!!
Dzese dzakabviswa
@@queententoomanjenjenje7299 Good!! Holding him accountable to his mistake/acctions… kurecorder kunodhura for someone to just infringe copyright without any consequences lol!!!
Uumm signal ngaadzidze kuita zvinhu zvake zvaatanga ega kwete kutora zvashandzwa nevamwe hasvisi right kuisa vanhu vanonamata pamuedzo uku
Haaa the Charambas are right…..!!!
Wanga waenderera wo too much 😢😢
Uyu anozonyanya kukopakwacho kukopanezita😂😂
Mukoma makabva manyanya kutora ne tune.makadii kuti mafuta ngaatengwe zviti siyaneiwo
nhai 😂😂😂
ko ivo macharamba acho akabhadhara Bible here
Kkkk akanyanya kuda The Charambas uyu haaaa Sig ka
Akabhaiza siginari pafair aifanira
He must seek permission to do so !!!
Zvino vanhu havaskuzvinzwisisa
That's true
Signal siya zvakaitwa nevamwe hiweee
Akazonyanya kukopa nemo nemo 😂😂😂
The truth must be said jah signal akaimba song iyi zvinonakidza mai charamba vachiimba munhu anogona.kungobatwa nehope nekuti hazvinakidze zvachose
Mukomana akaita Zec
Iyaaaaa jaz signal wadarongeizve
Mateo 25.......Mai Charamba........Jah what what. Can't dig can't get it
thank you the Charambas for teaching nhubus
Signal kambwa aka ngakasungwe kambavha😂😂
Zvaazvanekakudherera mukati.Vakamurambidza yekutanga he went on to produce vakati pads opamhazve thats very wrong.
Zimbavha signal
Koo kuzo tevedzera zvakaimbwa nevamwe ndoo kudii kugumirwa nekufunga here
Zvanga zvasangana nekudherera
Aaaa wange wakuzvinyanyawo sig
chidofo chacho chanyanya. kukopera NEZITA
Zvanga zvanyanya kujairira
Anopenga mfana uyu
Signal has the tendency to revamp songs... His own songs are very few
Vanhu vakaziva kuti hausi muroyi…
Vanotsemukira kuti tsemu tsemu
Jah signal must go to jail
Ko ivo zvavakaimba bhaibheri rese vaiti vamwe vanozoimbeyi
Katova kamashakada kadiki kampfanha aka
Mupfanha wacho anenge anga azonyanyawo 😂😂😂 aikaka 2 ma songs ese
kkkkkk haa swah unemusikanzwa
Ehe anojairira shuwa
Hahah sigi unoda shamhu
Zita rekuti signal as long paita signal manumber evamwe tora mozoikurukura at a later stage
Akabvisa pachikomba(Jesu) akazviisa iye haaaa it's not only plagiarism alone but also blasphemous
Dzoda kufambirwa Makandiwa akazviita ku a Apostle Chiwenga asi akairuza after vanyorerawo Yu tube vachitsanangura zvipa ground
Aaaa iwe Signari unozozvinyanyawo iwe. Ungabva wabawo zviri pachena kudaro? Unojairira iwe😠
Siginari wakazozviwanawo iwe
Chikomba ndiSigi
Oooh gosh ma1....2 songs hr hazoda
😂😂haa jah signal anodhererq
The disrespect 😂😂😂
The Charambas used law
Kangoma kacho kanga karirisa kufarisa
Signal imbavha
Where did he get permission to sing ma song a the charambas without their permission Jah signal is wrong.
Kkkkkk apa anorova mukomana
apa wakanyanyaeo
Akatora mu Bible manzwi aJesu awo if Jah akanyorera ku RUclips . Anodzoserwa ma songs ake
Tune ndipo pane copyright. If he sang the same words with his own tune no problem
Haina kufanana tune Marvin Gaye akairuza wani anoiruza Charamba.
Pakanzi Sigi asati adzoka mubible ndepapi? 😂 The copyright is not on the words but panellist/ tune/rhythm
Haana brain mufana uyo , ndozvovapa hudofo izvozvo , a lot zvekunyora woimba vanonakirwa vonakirwa not kukopa
Zvakaoma Sig akatora futi song ya Katelele ching'oma weku Malawi inonzi Kuwoniwa akatora futi kure kure ya James Chimombe
Haagoni kutanga zvake anongoti kas..... ro
But honaika kusimbisana muzvinhu tanga tatovakanganwa mai charamba avo
Yah he is in the wrong mkomana uyu, no doubt
Jag signal uridofo
This song was no copyright ask Monoz
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
Atleast have a sit down navo kana wafarira song yavo uchida kuiisa shuga vokupa mvumo they have a right to get a small amount paunozotengesawo song yacho chero ka small percentage ikako its ok panekuja nevamwe hako
Mira tiku report iwew i copyright futi iyoyi
This song from that bible not from charambas so akanyora mubbble must take tha charambas to court also
This in the bible so no one owns it
Sig ari wrong akatadza zvaakaita
Haaa kudiiko kuba song kudiiko nhaymi zvinhu zvingori mubhaiberi iye akuimbawo zvemubhaiberi ,bhaibheri handirenyu mega zvee zvekuti makutolimiter vnhu kuti vasaimba zvakadai mnhu anoimba zvaada nhay musade kungotipawo busy yekuswero mukira kudefender kuti nhingi is right nhingi is wrong ahhhh dzane makore manganiko song dzacho dzamakuona izvezvi kuti dzakabiwa tibvirei uko
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
Thats a Bible verse how can someone own it
Ane imwe yemapostori ft inoti hupenyu hwangu, toda kuziva kana akapiwa mvumo
this is too much
🤣🤣🤣🙄 Yake song ndeipi
People needs to be creative the charambas are christians they deserve respect.signal is not respectfull.you can not take a christian song and sing vulgar no thats disrespectful
Seek permission to v jey.
All most 50% of Jah signal music are copyright
Kkkk funny part is not a story frm e bible here kkkkk vakwane vana charamba ava kondimi makanyora bible racho 😂😂😂😂😂 u matuzvii kkkkkkk
taura hako chasara kurambidza vanhu ku verenga bible nokuti ratova ravo 😅😅😅
The issue isn't on the Bible text I can sing the same words, but melody and code progression that one it's charamba's. At times it's not good to sympathize with those who are doing the wrong thing. Kuremadza munhu ane potential ne capacity to create his own identity. If was America he was going to be sued for big money or jail term, but luckily they are not after that, he must seek permission to use someone's work. If you remove words and hum the songs that's when you can get the truth. Nyaya haisi hayo paBible anyone is free to use the text, but line arrangement and melody ndopanozonzi waba chete .
He is wrong on all levels
So he wants to copy all their songs
You busy blaming Charamba but Signal arikutoenderera kkk, jus seek permission from the owner mowirirana simple
He is wrong simple
Koimi makapihwa nani permision yekuimba zviri mubible ndokunonzi kurwa ne nyama uku
Respecting artists’ rights is crucial, While Jah Signal is talented at performing covers, it’s important to recognize that using the same melody and rhythm as the original song without permission goes beyond inspiration-it’s using the creative property of another artist. The Bible and its stories are in the public domain, so they don’t have copyright protection, but contemporary songs do. Labeling music as ‘covers’ doesn’t exempt an artist from copyright laws if the melody and rhythm are copied. It’s about giving credit where it’s due and ensuring artists are compensated for their work.
@@douglasmaposa947 thanks for clear explanation my father be blessed if it was one was going to shout me without explanation
But akachimhanya hake ,,,hazvina kunaka vanhu kurwira mashoko e bible paingoda kunzwisisana apa kutadza ndekwavanhu baba charamba semunhu anonzwisisa shoko rashe dai vakatsiura mwana chinyararire pachi corner not kuzodai
Havasi kurwira mashoko. Dai akaimba same words with his own tune pangadai pasina nyaya
Shoko raMwari harirambidzwe asi dai akaitawo neimwe version not kuti nemonemo tiri vanhu venyama hama
Charamba ndoo akutoita kunge mana mudiki nxaa
Clearly he is inspired by the Charambas , he listens to their songs but he is going about it the wrong way.
Fair play .
No anotodherera
Sigi idofo
Haiwavo iwe Charamba siya mwana iwe unoimba zvemu bhaibhiri ndezvako? Jah musungisewo anokopa uyo nxaa
Kkkk haaa really....pure copy writing iyi
Ngatsvage basa,cheap vulture.