The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Crows in Your Backyard

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 391

  • @NiaDja
    @NiaDja 3 месяца назад +11

    I found an injured adult crow in the road today. Not sure what happened but he was missing several feathers on his back. We got him off the road and to our yard where he stayed in the same spot for several hours. I was looking for a wildlife rescue to call, I was afraid he had been hit by a car. After about 8 hours of sitting in the same spot he started to make a fuss loudly cawing. I kid you not, in only 30 seconds we had a yard full of crows coming to his aid. One crow flew to the neighbors tree and cawed to him, the injured bird was able to awkwardly fly low as far as the neighbors yard. Other crows stayed close to him. They continued to encourage him and he did make it up into a tree eventually. He had a hard time doing so, and one wing appeared to be giving him problems. It was a gift to watch this and I have journaled the event so I never forget the details. These crows all worked together as a team to help the injured bird, it was incredible! It is dark now, and the crows are quiet. I sure hope he makes it. 🖤

    • @kathleenrogers10
      @kathleenrogers10 Месяц назад +1

      Lovely thing to witness! Thank you for sharing. My crow-nies, who have befriended me since our family dog died, are impressive in their familial obligations. It was so touching when, after a few months absence, the parents brought their three fledglings to the deck to meet me. They proceeded to give their young a lesson in dipping the snacks I laid out in the bowl of water. The crow fam visits twice a day. I love them.

  • @susanmeredith4957
    @susanmeredith4957 6 месяцев назад +58

    I must have at least 20 crows coming around in the morning for their breakfast. I give them unsalted roasted peanuts in shell. For treats later in the day if I have grapes going soft I’ll put that out. They love grapes.
    They start crowing when they see me going out of the house in the morning even if to trash can!

  • @rogerbeesley-lo5tj
    @rogerbeesley-lo5tj 4 месяца назад +22

    I have found that the favorite food of crows is sliced hot dogs. When I am reading in my garden, some of the crows will come down and sit with me, 4 or 5 ft away, for a few minutes and then "request" hotdog. There are a couple who I honestly believe I could hand feed. They are remarkable birds. one took a piece of hotdog, hid it in a planter, covered it with a leaf, and came back 5 hours later to eat it!

    • @kathleenrogers10
      @kathleenrogers10 Месяц назад +1

      My crow-nies also come within a couple of feet whilst I am sitting out on the deck. Otherwise known as The Crow Bar. All due respect, hot dogs are no better for crows than for people. High sodium, and chemicals preservatives.

    • @rogerbeesley-lo5tj
      @rogerbeesley-lo5tj Месяц назад

      @@kathleenrogers10 Well, it is not like that is all they are eating, they get peanuts, grapes, sliced apple as well. Another favorite of theirs is pizza, although they don't often get that from me. For an unhealthy food, the birds all seem to like sliced hot dogs. We get blue jays, cardinals, brackles and woodpeckers down for a slice.

  • @LTeppler
    @LTeppler 4 месяца назад +20

    Last summer a large male arrived and started looking around. I called him Poe. He was a bit skittish, but was very interested in a large potting tray that filled up with water next to the compost pile. He began bringing his own food to wash in the tray. Midway through the season, I discovered a mouse, one hole through the head in the driveway. This was also when I started leaving some mandarin oranges and apple pieces on the ground next to the tray. He liked the apples. I tried some sugar free peanut and sunflower balls I liked myself, those barely lasted fifteen minutes. I convinced him to eat off a small ceramic tray and he inhaled everything I put there. He also helped himself to worms in the garden. He vanished for the winter and this year he came back. He was only peripherally concerned that I had put the trays up on a platform to try to avoid other ground dwellers (the cats). Chicken, walnuts, sausage, no sugar added fruit cups, he even stole one of my pizza crusts I didn't watch carefully enough. He followed me to the store down the road and began hurring (his begging call) then followed me to another store and did it again! He now leaves a "present" almost once a week. If I don't get outside by 2pm I know the hurring call will "hurry" me on my way to feed him hahaha. Water must be absolutely clear or he will "stalk" the driveway until I come down and clean it.

    • @alysonhogg6543
      @alysonhogg6543 Месяц назад +1

      @@LTeppler my husband calls our 2 regular ravens that come to visit Edgar Allen Crow and Wes Raven....I'm not really on board yet, he thinks hes hilarious lol. I had started calling them Lamar (as I'm a Baltimore fan) and Quote but he doesn't let me call them that when he's around as he thinks his names are comedic gold!

  • @nancybolduan8564
    @nancybolduan8564 5 месяцев назад +29

    We have 6 indoor cats. Sometimes they don't finish their daily food so I have discovered that the crows really like the leftover cat food! The canned stuff is the most favored, but kibble is also eaten. Peanuts are the number one favorite. I do a human 'caw' four times after I put out the food and within seconds the crows arrive. I have even received a 'gift' from them, a white pebble! Being consistent is recommended if you want your crows to also be on time! I love my crows!

    • @Sammytwo4
      @Sammytwo4 5 месяцев назад

      Waste not want not. They love leftovers..

  • @Vejur9000
    @Vejur9000 5 месяцев назад +25

    Cat food… it never fails.
    Also, toys they can play with, and shiny objects.

    • @how2pick4name
      @how2pick4name 3 месяца назад +1

      Mince meat and chicken are popular here. :)

    • @pat8988
      @pat8988 Месяц назад +2

      Why does the map seem to exclude Southern California? We have plenty of crows here all year round. I have been feeding the crows dry kibble cat food and they gobble it up.

    • @kathleenrogers10
      @kathleenrogers10 Месяц назад +3

      @@pat8988 SoCal is rife with crows. Keep up the good work. For special treat, try scrambled eggs with tortillas.

    • @debbiezee
      @debbiezee 3 дня назад +1

      @@pat8988 I agree. I live in Orange County, California and have at least 5 or 6 crows that come to my backyard to eat daily. I love that they gather together and chase the hawks away when the hawks try to come eat the doves and other small birds.

  • @LTWeezie
    @LTWeezie 4 месяца назад +7

    Terrific video! We moved here from Ohio to our little ranch in central NM close to 25 years ago and totally love it! Nice to not have to worry about severe storms and tornadoes! Every day I feed the crows and ravens and also every other bird. The Corvids know me, and wait in the trees (like a scene from THE BIRDS!) until the horses are taken care of and then they know it's BREAKFAST! We have the rubber Fortex feed buckets with fresh water (several all around the barn and house). Our deer family usually visit at least once a day, and I put rocks inside one of them for the smaller birds to reach the water. Every once in a while, I will find a "thank you" gift from the crows and ravens. They have left a beautiful shell , a rainbow marble, and a shiny Denver Penny. This is pretty common for them. I just have to have a cry, it is so wonderful! They also let me know if there are coyotes around. We have a family of Canyon Towhees who have been with us for years, and they bring their little ones over to visit when they are just little fluff balls. They are a lot like cardinals and we feed them finch seed and mealworms. They follow me all around when I do my outdoor work every day. They will come into the barn and sit on the stall and jump down to see if there are any yummy bugs (not in my barn LOL!). They also eat from our hands and come flying over when I sit on the front steps. Sometime I look like Snow White LOL! We also have four species of hummingbirds. We live on the edge of a national forest. NM is, after all, the Land of Enchantment! 🤠🐴🐦🖖❤

  • @francepowell7718
    @francepowell7718 6 месяцев назад +16

    Here in Vancouver, BC, crows live all year around. They feed on shellfish from the shores by dropping them from high onto hard surfaces. At night fall, hundred of crows fly to the eastern part of town to roost in tall trees. It is a sight to behold. Our local crows can be aggressive towards people at time, as reported in the media. I love watching pairs gently groom each other and practicing various calls, soft or raucus. They are referred to as tricksters in Indigenous stories. Such amazing birds!

    • @ChelleLlewes
      @ChelleLlewes 6 месяцев назад +1

      And then there was Canuck! The crow that rode the train! 🥰

    • @Lucy-d7s
      @Lucy-d7s 5 месяцев назад +3

      Probably aggressive because some people are aggressive to them. They've got an exceptional memory.

    • @jillianlewarne8480
      @jillianlewarne8480 5 месяцев назад

      They are really only ‘aggressive’ during nesting season, which is understandable.

    • @julylee2502
      @julylee2502 5 месяцев назад

      I fed crows when I lived in Vancouver. And fed them sometimes also in the park. They're super smart. They make feeding so much enjoyable cuz I can see how they operate as a group. And they seem to share the food as long as they're in the same flock. Incredible birds 😍

  • @garywickham5223
    @garywickham5223 7 месяцев назад +76

    Great videos. If I don’t put feed out in the morning, this one crow will land on the deck corner, post and look right at my bedroom, window & CAW until I come out the bedroom door that goes under the deck & give him peanuts, etc.
    Keep the videos coming I love them ‼️❤️

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  7 месяцев назад +3

      I've never had a crow come to my window, but the other birds will perch on the windowsill and look in when the feeders are empty!

    • @judycook4314
      @judycook4314 5 месяцев назад +4

      My neighbors don’t appreciate them yelling at me every morning.
      On another note, I watched a crow dipping a mole into the bird bath to remove the dirt before he ate it. I’ve seen the crows regularly hunt moles at a nearby yard where there are always fresh tunnels and dirt piles.

    • @warshipsatin8764
      @warshipsatin8764 4 месяца назад

      ​@@judycook4314its really cool you got to see that

    • @dianneleon2522
      @dianneleon2522 4 месяца назад +5

      When I was feeding a family of crow, their favorite were always peanuts 🥜 in the shells. I also had a spot I’d put mice that were caught in traps. They never laid there long. 😂 Nothing goes to waste on the farm.

  • @AriesKJJ2
    @AriesKJJ2 7 месяцев назад +19

    II see so many people feeding crows these days it's great! I'm not even embarrassed about walking around with a pocket full of peanuts for them anymore! 😀
    Our local crows are in big flock now but will soon be back looking for nest sites. Several of them know a little tune and have taught us to give them peanuts when they sing! If we're lucky they'll sing with us which just warms this old heart right up! Feel free to check it out at our channel!
    We should have some updated videos in a couple months and hoping for hand feeding this year!
    Nicely done video, take care!

    • @how2pick4name
      @how2pick4name 3 месяца назад +3

      I have a couple I have been feeding over a decade now and at some point I thought, I'll just stuff my pockets with peanuts and throw some around when I see a crow while riding my bike.
      This resulted in several areas along the way with their own group of crows knowing me within a week and flying up when they spotted me.
      If you want to talk about people looking at you strange ... :D

  • @shoudonnie
    @shoudonnie 5 месяцев назад +10

    Watermelon! The crows in my yard love em😊

  • @JamesHill-lj2dy
    @JamesHill-lj2dy 5 месяцев назад +5

    I put out unsalted in-the-shell peanuts; it seems the crows enjoy extracting the nut from the shell. I also occasionally put out hard boiled eggs (shell on) and the least expensive hot dogs I can find ($1.89/lb), and sometimes raw chicken livers on an absorbent "platform" of sliced bread to absorb the liver juices. Crows are omnivores and enjoy meaty protein.
    I've been feeding this family of crows for more than 30 years. They know who I am and I "call" them by making a special kind of vocal sound. I make no attempt to "domesticate" them, although a couple do seems friendlier than most. "My" crows are bigger and more handsome than other crow families in neighboring areas because they are well fed.

  • @neetikaushik7285
    @neetikaushik7285 7 месяцев назад +10

    Nice video 👍
    The crows in our area love cottage cheese. It’s their treat item so to say! Many of them take food from my hand as well 😊

  • @austinpratt1923
    @austinpratt1923 3 месяца назад +2

    Our crows love the high quality kibble we feed our dog. That gives them a protein boost.

  • @MonicaEGolak
    @MonicaEGolak 5 месяцев назад +5

    I always have a bag filled with unsalted peanuts with me. 🥜 The crows knows me. As they see me, the fly up to me and make their laud crow sound.💖 If they want more, they keep flying towards me, as I keep walking towards my destination, and to say "I want more".. I have doing this for years. They unfortunately, don´t come to my balcony. They´re very shy.

    • @how2pick4name
      @how2pick4name 3 месяца назад

      If you make an open spot for them to sit so they can flee right away they will come.
      I have this pair here and mom is the most panicky thing you will ever see. she attacks shelled peanuts to make sure they are not alive. THAT panicky.
      There is this little wall with a bit of railing in front of my 2nd story apartment. It took ages for her to trust me enough to sit on that. I do have to move away or else she won't come over.
      I have to tell dad to move out of the way, he's not scared of me at all. Now I'm waiting for the next generation to be presented. I hope this one doesn't listen to mom like the previous one, That just wandered into my hallway. :D Just make sure they can get away fast and they WILL come.

  • @SurroundedByGreen
    @SurroundedByGreen 2 месяца назад

    I just witnessed my first crow on my feeder. ☺ I'm so excited! Thank you for this info! 🙏

  • @christine3043
    @christine3043 5 месяцев назад +1

    I live in the red area and we've always had crows coming year round. And not just to our feeders, they're all over the city. We have some ravens stop by as well.
    I have been feeding a murder of them for years and still am learning. There are some I recognize and some that are difficult to tell apart. They love dog kibble. They also get unsalted peanuts and occasionally eggs and other nuts.

  • @mikedunn7795
    @mikedunn7795 2 месяца назад

    I have a feeder on a pole in the backyard. It has a squirrel baffle which is quite effective. I put the gristle from my steak dinner on the roof of the feeder,it is gone in no time. Raw excess fat from steaks is also very popular with crows. Finally,on weekends,I get rid of fat when frying bacon by putting a piece of bread in the pan,which soaks up bacon grease. Thrown on the garage roof,it is gone in minutes. Neat to see crows flying away with a grease soaked piece of bread in their beaks!

  • @theparanormalentomologist2234
    @theparanormalentomologist2234 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for the advice!

  • @SkipaJig4Bass
    @SkipaJig4Bass 3 месяца назад +1

    I took care if a grounded Fledgling Crow for 8 days. It was an incredible experience. I had to "feed" the baby with food on the point of my index finger, placed down the throat of the baby when it demanded food. What a riot!
    They eat an amazing amount of food. With a bed at a window (screened in) the family of birds Cawed if I Cawed a call to them. This got the baby excited. Once he could fly well enough without crashing..from the couch to the TV, to the bed, to the coffee table, to the dresser... LOL. I decided it was time. At first he couldn't fly well enough and I had to help him get out a a plastic garbage can he had fallen into, but he finally got high enough onto a cable line and then a tree.
    I haven't seen him in a few weeks which makes me think maybe they didn't care for him anymore. Which I would really regret! This crow was personable, friendly, would finally land on my head or shoulders, he would nuzzle with his Beek to my face and head. I could sense feelings and sensitivity in the Crow. I named him "Charlie".
    Only one problem. Since I took the baby in to prevent it from being run over by a car, or attacked by a cat or raccoon, the other crows remember my face, and send an alarm whenever I walk where they are.Kaw kaw kaw kaw incessantly! I tell people that the noise is about ME, but they think I'm nuts. Even though they got their baby back, they still mark me as Persona Nongratis.
    In addition, I don't seen the baby with them. There were 4 crows and the baby in their family. I only see the 4... two loud adults and two big juveniles. I pray that they are feeding Charlie and he is growing up. He couldn't feed himself.

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  3 месяца назад

      It sounds like the fledglings are dependent on the parents for a few months after leaving the nest. A local wildlife rescue can also help injured birds.

  • @anim8torfiddler871
    @anim8torfiddler871 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the information.

  • @RonHammers
    @RonHammers 5 месяцев назад +2

    We have mostly Carrion Crows, and they seem to prefer meat, and harassing the birds and squirrels at the neighbor's feeder. They also warn about Hawks in the neighborhood. Great neighbors, imo, especially if you have a small dog.

  • @LaureeHammel
    @LaureeHammel 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have been feeding the crows unsalted roasted peanuts for years no problem. It’s their favorite. They love it. They don’t last very long in the yard. They take them away real fast.

  • @Mangsaab1954
    @Mangsaab1954 4 месяца назад +2

    In Australia crows don't go "caw caw caw" they go "fark fark fark". They love mince.

  • @tink_a
    @tink_a 5 месяцев назад +1

    I only feed the birds during winter and I have three feeders. One is for rather small birds like Robin, sparrows. The other is more suitable for black birds and of course I feed the large birds- on the ground on a plastic tray. It has gotten a hole last winter which is convenient. I place it so that the rainwater can drain.
    I like to offer to those who do not get the chance to reach the feeders- so a few seeds are scattered around as well.
    I mix my own foods:
    Walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts in whole for crows and magpies
    Ground nuts for soft food eaters like small birds and blackbirds.
    For the blackbirds some raisins (without sulfurdioxide!!!) sprinkled in as a treat.
    And oat flakes in oil for all birds (pigeons love those as well). I let that sit overnight on the counter and it's the most sought out food.
    And in harsh weather without snow or rain I leave water out for all of them. It freezes over quickly but there is at least a chance to drink for some time.

  • @da73
    @da73 6 месяцев назад +2

    I feed the crows at my work walnuts. They love em.. Didn’t know the peanuts had to be unsalted. I bought salted ones and they don’t take to them right away. Now I know

  • @how2pick4name
    @how2pick4name 3 месяца назад +1

    I have a pair here that rules the area I live in. Every morning when i air my apartment they get a peanut breakfast and if they're lucky and I was lazy the day before they might get some mince or chicken. (They love meat lol)
    So now is breeding time and I know their young is big enough now because mom joins the party again in the morning.
    I'll be getting introduced to the new one soon I guess, like every year. It's always a bit hit or miss with the trust because mom trusts nobody.
    I used to give them shelled peanuts and she would first attack them to see if they were "dead". She is that panicky.
    I hope this one doesn't listen to het either, like the last one that just wandered into my hallway. :D

  • @forgipper
    @forgipper 6 месяцев назад +4

    I feed mine a variety of nuts.
    And leftovers. They LOVE French fries. (They were the ones responsible for ripping our garbage bags open, which why I started putting out a little of our leftovers from time to time.)

  • @coreymac2381
    @coreymac2381 5 месяцев назад +1

    The crows that visit my backyard love dried mealworms and walnuts.

  • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
    @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  7 месяцев назад +1

    Does anyone here have experiences with feeding Crows or have any stories? Let me know! Several of you report that the winter range map (migrating south) is incorrect. Unfortunately, I can't edit the video. Thanks for letting me know though!

    • @milesjohnson5487
      @milesjohnson5487 7 месяцев назад +1

      I feed the Crows in my area left over cooked chicken skin. (California)

    • @loriwatkinson6425
      @loriwatkinson6425 7 месяцев назад

      I used to make air pop popcorn for my crows. The would wait for me in this big cottonwood tree. I'd go out and shake the bag and they'd all come. I'd spread the corn on my driveway. They loved it 😅😅

    • @borg386
      @borg386 7 месяцев назад

      I've been feeding a family of 5 for a year now here in Florida.
      They eat just about anything except fruits.
      They love all meats, eggs,nuts,cat food. Their favorite is peanut butter on taco shells. Or I'll just put some little gobs of peanut butter on the ground, and they just love that.
      They tried to eat a live turtle one time, and I had to run them off to save the turtle.
      They often have to fight off the buzzards when I have meat to feed them, so I can only feed them meat when the buzzards aren't around.
      I named them the Jackson 5.
      Love from Florida ❤BTW, I use a crow whistle to call them. Two toots on the whistle let's them know it's feeding time.

    • @iclite3656
      @iclite3656 3 месяца назад

      I put out some spring water for them also in a little bowl. They seem to put the suet or kibble in the water first. Really beautiful birds they are❤. Great vid👍.

    • @wandakelley1074
      @wandakelley1074 3 месяца назад

      Our winters in Michigan have become so mild that the robins hang around. Winter robins! I have a large heated water bowl for my winter birds.
      P.S. your map may be changing with global warming.

  • @mainman2999
    @mainman2999 2 месяца назад

    Ive been feeding Russell for past 6 years, he had a wife for the first 5 years and always brings his one or two new babies over beginning of June every year. Hes been getting whole raw eggs in shells, cooked sliced ham, peanuts, the odd frankfurter, ready meal trays with lasagne etc leftovers, wet soggy brown bread, hard boiled egg yolks. The little buggers seem to eat anything including grapes, cherrys, apples, strawberrys, chinese special fried rice and indian takeaway, chicken tikka massallla being their favourite ! Cant be doing them any harm hes as fit as a fiddle at 7 years old and comes and knocks on my back door then comes in and sits down for a while. his wife comes and preens his feathers too !!

  • @tupperlake100
    @tupperlake100 2 месяца назад

    When Crows fed at my place, 4 Crows would come. One Crow always served as lookout and this job was shared by all 4 Crows. I just watched them from the kitchen window. There is a type of Crow living on an Island off Australia this considered one of the smartest types birds in the world.

  • @naptime1900
    @naptime1900 5 месяцев назад +1

    I use boot trays with holes drilled in them to drain water. The ravens will eat from them along with chipmunks and squirrels. The little birds will come to the trays too.

  • @websterwilliams5807
    @websterwilliams5807 4 месяца назад +1

    The crows here land in nearby trees and wait until I walk away. I have a plastic call and make the same number and rhythm of caws, so they know immediately the food is there, if they can hear. They know me, and they know I won't sit around forever. Just as soon as I'm 20 feet away, they're on it. Often the blue jays are the most fearless and will swoop right down while I'm there sometimes. They play a game of trying to catch peanuts in midair. They all know I'm not to be feared; I've been doing it for years, and I'm pretty sure the adults show their youngster where I am (the high pitched caws sound like begging). (I can identify at least four by their voices and rhythms of caws; they announce themselves in terms of their location to others.)
    Occasionally squirrels come to take peanuts from my hand. I do wonder what the crows think about that (I know they think something-they watch). The problem is, you're really not supposed to give unroasted peanuts to squirrels. Roasted peanuts cost more than unroasted, and it's not cheap to roast them. Whatever you do, don't give birds and squirrels salted nuts. Sometimes I cook eggs (hardboiled or scrambled) in bulk and keep them in the fridge; I break a couple in the shell and leave pieces out-crows here adore that. The squirrels are pretty intrepid these days about eating lightly hot-sauced nuts, and too much hot sauce turns off all the birds. Squirrels eat suet too. I haven't found the perfect balance about using hot sauce. It can't be great for their digestion, even though they eat it (apparently they don't taste it or mind the taste). I like feeding crows & squirrels, but everyone goes all the food It's interesting to see which other birds come, but they mostly only eat the unshelled nuts. The crows tend to get upset (they scold) when people they don't know are around outside nearby. I've left a few shiny trinkets out occasionally to see what would happen, but never any takers. Maybe someday someone might come right up to me. Hunger is a motivator. But who knows? If I were them, I'd be very careful too.

  • @bobpourri9647
    @bobpourri9647 7 месяцев назад +5

    Crows will eat many things, but I have not had much luck with fruit or even nuts. Not corn, either. Very, very tepid enthusiasm. They do like bread okay. What they really REALLY like is raw meat and fat. When I put meat scraps in the yard, they descend on it like vultures!

  • @melsmith7852
    @melsmith7852 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the informative video. Great info.! ✌🏻😉🙏🏼🎉🎉

  • @RedPanda74
    @RedPanda74 5 месяцев назад +1

    I live in Western Australia and have been feeding a pair of our crows (and their offspring) for years. Mine love peanuts in the shell, cashews and meal worms. I have tried giving them chicken fat and skin, but they have a a terrible habit of hiding it in my gutters!

  • @jorgeg0327
    @jorgeg0327 5 месяцев назад +1

    Yep crows prefer meat all right. My neighbor tree was filled with these brown birds with yellow in their belly. There were about 5 nests in it. The crows started raiding the tree and taking the mostly grown chicks right out the nest to eat.
    Some chicks managed to fly away but most were caught mid flight by the crows to be eaten. The parents birds where making a loud ruckus but they where only about 1/3 the sized of the crows and were mostly ignored by them.

  • @ChelleLlewes
    @ChelleLlewes 6 месяцев назад +1

    On peanuts for wildlife: use only raw peanuts, not roasted. The oils in nuts that birds crave will go rancid once they have been heated. Raw nuts are always best because both crows and jays store nuts for later.

  • @daineminton9687
    @daineminton9687 7 месяцев назад +3

    I've had a family come by every year for 3 yrs now. I'd agree but my local spoiled brats love breads more than anything else.

    • @loriwatkinson6425
      @loriwatkinson6425 7 месяцев назад +1

      My crows love it when I throw out stale bread. It's probably not the best for them but they sure like it 😅

  • @susanfarley1332
    @susanfarley1332 5 месяцев назад

    I was feeding crows table scraps when i visited my daughter. And also meat trimmings. When i came back home my faughter decided to throw out some meat trimmings one day and 5 minutes later she was surprised to find the back yard full of viltures. They came so fast the crows didnt even get s chance to get a nibble. Since my daughter was expecting crowd she was very surprised. Those vultures ate huge!

  • @anthonyjourneymusic
    @anthonyjourneymusic 4 месяца назад

    I fed crows a food they came back for over and over again for a few years until we left the property: avocados. It is a delicacy to them.

  • @Tony-ns4rn
    @Tony-ns4rn 5 месяцев назад +1

    Love a crow

  • @stevenwalker2634
    @stevenwalker2634 5 месяцев назад +1

    While sitting on my deck watching a humming bird feed on a flowering shrub a few feet away a dark shadow flashed over my shoulder and grabbed the hummer without any noticeable pause. The crow disappeared into the trees to enjoy the snack. They eat anything that moves and fits their size requirements.

  • @baronvontollbooth484
    @baronvontollbooth484 4 месяца назад +1

    I have a small group of 3 or 4 crows that come to my deck for the peanuts, walnuts, cranberries, etc. I put out for them. At first I was giving them raw peanuts in the shell but then I read that raw peanuts can contain a fungus (?) that can be harmful to them. Is that true? Since then, to be safe, I have been giving them only unsalted roasted peanuts in the shell along with the other items I mentioned. I have named them Braveheart, Upstart, Heckle, and Jeckle but honestly I can't yet tell them apart. It's great fun to watch them!

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  4 месяца назад +1

      I looked into the raw vs roasted peanut issue. Seems there's no proof of raw peanuts being an issue, at least according to Wild Birds Unlimited and the Cornell Lab. Just make sure the roasted nuts are dry roasted (no added oils or flavors).

    • @baronvontollbooth484
      @baronvontollbooth484 4 месяца назад +1

      @@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 Thanks for the information and the link. Very helpful and appreciated!

  • @Greg_M1
    @Greg_M1 7 месяцев назад

    Here in northern New Mexico crows are ever-present year round. Yes to the food you mention, though I've seen crows reject fruit most of the time. No problem, though, cuz the deer will finish it off. Thanks.
    Edit update: I'll have to look further about crows in northern New Mexico "year round". We definitely get lots of them during the winter, as you mention. But this year their numbers are vastly reduced once Spring arrived. But we still get ravens which are reproducing as we speak. Thanks again.

  • @dboyette42
    @dboyette42 3 месяца назад

    I have two crows to my starter group. Mine like hot dogs or hamburger, dry dog food and they dip in in the water bowl before eating

  • @gboutdoors5198
    @gboutdoors5198 4 месяца назад

    my mom had thrown out an old ham from Christmas and the crows went nuts I saw maybe 15 to 30 crows

  • @rubynugent2131
    @rubynugent2131 5 месяцев назад

    I live in Canada & the crows live here all winter.

  • @chrisbommelje
    @chrisbommelje Месяц назад

    They love popcorn

  • @RobertCraft-re5sf
    @RobertCraft-re5sf 7 месяцев назад +2

    FEEDD THE CROWSS!!!!!!!!

  • @verone272
    @verone272 4 месяца назад +1

    0:30 what??? Crows live in my town year round! I am in the red zone 😅

  • @lindaadams6300
    @lindaadams6300 Месяц назад

    I can't be outside or near a window or my one (yes ONE) crow will fly off. I have seen 2 at the platform feeder, but just once. I've ben feeding him since April of this year (2024) He likes eggs, raw or hard boiled, shelled peanuts, Meow Mix, banana chips, Cheezits, and cheese.

  • @Vandelay666
    @Vandelay666 5 месяцев назад +1

    My crows doesn't like peanuts, they do love Cashew however

  • @fartzr.schmelli3351
    @fartzr.schmelli3351 2 месяца назад

    Dunno. Got at least 2 or 3 that will eat raisins. Full shell roasted peanuts is the standard offering though. Unsalted of course.

  • @greatlambrini8722
    @greatlambrini8722 5 месяцев назад

    Rows are omnivores and not too fussy about what they eat. In the wild they love to eat bugs and will search under fallen leaves. They love carrion. Good luck getting them to eat apple or cracked corn.

  • @Ead32180
    @Ead32180 3 месяца назад

    But how do I get them to eat? Im afraid of just throwing the food down in the yard and having it getting covered in ants

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  3 месяца назад

      If crows are coming around at certain times of the day, try putting food out a bit prior to those times. It can be tough if they are not (other birds or animals eating it first).

  • @joopjulicher9436
    @joopjulicher9436 5 месяцев назад

    I feed “my”crows dry dogfood and mealworms and fly larves, you didn’t mention dogfood; you think dry dog and catfood isn’t good? I live in europe

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  5 месяцев назад +2

      I didn't know they would eat dog and cat food until several comments here mentioned it. It's good to hear about crows in Europe!

    • @joopjulicher9436
      @joopjulicher9436 5 месяцев назад +1

      More specific; the Netherlands :-)

    • @iclite3656
      @iclite3656 3 месяца назад

      ​@@backyardbirdscincinnati5166they sure do like the dog kibble and water. I recently learned bout it from Papa Joe knows and tried it, and the Crows and grackles both like it😊

  • @echognomecal6742
    @echognomecal6742 5 месяцев назад +1

    Remove the apple seeds? I have apple trees all over the place here. Why is there a difference? 😕

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  5 месяцев назад

      That was the advice I've read about. It's probably more of a concern for small birds than larger ones.

    • @echognomecal6742
      @echognomecal6742 5 месяцев назад

      @@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 Maybe... Birds of all sizes here.
      Better safe than sorry, tho.

  • @suburbohemian
    @suburbohemian 5 месяцев назад +1

    I feed my local murder our leftover bread from after the date has gone past but it's not moldy etc. I tear it into pieces and put it on a crow-shaped plate that was a former Halloween decoration. I place water dishes nearby for the dipping they like to do. Many crows come to eat, but even after 14 years of doing this, not one single thank you present has been left. Instead, I get a treeful of them sitting and cawing at me when the plate is not out yet! Ungrateful beggers, I must be getting all the teenagers in the murder! ;) LOL!

    • @theenforcer9967
      @theenforcer9967 4 месяца назад +1

      My well-fed crows are a bunch of ingrates as well, not one gift just lots of "cawful" criticism! 🙂

    • @iclite3656
      @iclite3656 3 месяца назад

      They are beautiful. Be thankful for the friendship😊. Have you seen the crow movie with Brandon Lee? Sometimes...they only give you something you've lost, or something to tell/teach you something💯.

  • @paulyhart
    @paulyhart 4 месяца назад +1

    You guys are missing pumpkin seeds.

  • @kbrown6635
    @kbrown6635 6 месяцев назад

    does the hot sauce not bother the crows?

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  6 месяцев назад

      It is safe for them to eat, as far as I know. Wild Birds Unlimited talks about it more in depth:

    • @theenforcer9967
      @theenforcer9967 4 месяца назад +1

      @@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 A couple of years ago, I researched the commercially available "hot, squirrel-proof" bird food; it was outrageously expensive so I made my own. Since I *love* hot sauces, I had several varieties on hand which I added generously to some bird seed. With high hopes of thwarting the squirrels, I fed some to the birds and waited. Within 10 minutes, those wretched rodents had gobbled up every bit with zero consequences! 🐿🐿 Now, I simply put out extra food and furry, feathered, and human critters exist together in harmony. 😁

  • @agu3425
    @agu3425 5 месяцев назад

    In spring and summer they like protein, worms for their chicks

  • @shawnpeterson2523
    @shawnpeterson2523 5 месяцев назад

    The hot sauce doesn’t bother the crows?

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  5 месяцев назад

      It shouldn't. Here's an article talking about hot sauce and birds

  • @cachecow
    @cachecow 4 месяца назад

    I have a crow that lands on my 3rd floor window sill, he hangs out a little, prefers to eat what I eat, mostly meat and i give him a lot of the fat ..... and pasta

  • @Catarinawon
    @Catarinawon 5 месяцев назад +1

    I feed crows POP TARTS.

  • @odellhegna9732
    @odellhegna9732 6 месяцев назад +156

    4 years ago, a baby Crow (Wolfgang)fell in our backyard with a broken wing.
    Wr took him in the house and,bound his wing.
    He took over our dog pack and, went everywhere with the family (camping to).
    Anyway after he healed up,he got a girlfriend (Sam).
    He moved out to a tree in the back yard and, now has a kid.
    I feed them regularly, they co.e when called and, follow us all around town.😂

    • @garyharmon1155
      @garyharmon1155 5 месяцев назад +5

      Hi I found a young crow with a damaged wing too.
      Any advice on care or treatments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • @odellhegna9732
      @odellhegna9732 5 месяцев назад +11

      @@garyharmon1155 find a safe way to bind the wing. Don't use regular tape or something that will pull feathers out. Food is anything from crushed worms and, bugs to soft crushed dogfood all mixed with water.
      The bird will try to swallow your whole hand if it could. This might be shocking at first. That's totally normal for how they eat.
      They eat and, poop often so, prepare a safe place that can be changed out regularly.
      After the baby (blue eyes) the bird will be more like a chicken following you around (probably riding on you) and, emulate the rhythm of your house.when it is a good flyer again, make sure it gets outside around other crows. These will be it's hatchmates anyway as they are territorial.
      You will have an avian friend for life including the bird's hatchmates.
      They are soooo smart.
      The other crows will catch him up on any skills he missed earlier.
      Please post on how it's going.

    • @odellhegna9732
      @odellhegna9732 5 месяцев назад +7

      @@garyharmon1155 we used paper tape from Walgreens. Still sticky and, came off on its own. I called all the wild animal vets and, DNR about what to do.
      If anyone says you can't save the bird they are wrong. DNR says you are on your own. No problem.

    • @garyharmon1155
      @garyharmon1155 5 месяцев назад +4

      @odellhegna9732 thank you for the information.
      Lucky its a young adult and strong. I had to clip a lot of flight feathers on one wing they were so damaged.
      I've got it in a med sized dog kennel with some branches to perch on. Which its using.
      Appetite is good so far im worried about infection more than anything

    • @odellhegna9732
      @odellhegna9732 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@garyharmon1155 he will be fine! Great job!
      YOU ROCK!

  • @tomlauritzen9522
    @tomlauritzen9522 5 месяцев назад +33

    I lost one of my backyard chickens to a hawk.. I put up a feeder for the local crows and feed peanuts. They do a great job of chasing off any hawk that comes close. Now when I walk the dog crows in a two mile area around my house fly up and ask for peanuts. I guess I'm the crow guy in the area now lol.

    • @backyardbirdscincinnati5166
      @backyardbirdscincinnati5166  5 месяцев назад +7

      You've found a natural hawk defense system :)

    • @myhounddog
      @myhounddog 3 месяца назад +4

      So true! The Crow chase away Hawks. Keeps your smaller pets safe

    • @renoraider9817
      @renoraider9817 Месяц назад +1

      I put out peanuts and every bluejay in the neighborhood come and take and stash them away.

    • @debbiezee
      @debbiezee 3 дня назад +1

      Same here. I have watched the crows chase hawks out of my yard several times. I love our beautiful black crows.

  • @alansylvia4276
    @alansylvia4276 7 месяцев назад +109

    The local crows come when I call them. I give them meat. That is what they prefer.

    • @Darkmoor.
      @Darkmoor. 6 месяцев назад +2

      I love crow

    • @Darkmoor.
      @Darkmoor. 6 месяцев назад +1

      I in North Carolina

    • @Darkmoor.
      @Darkmoor. 6 месяцев назад

      I need help feeling the crow

    • @Darkmoor.
      @Darkmoor. 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @Darkmoor.
      @Darkmoor. 6 месяцев назад

      I need help with my crow

  • @mikemilnes7093
    @mikemilnes7093 5 месяцев назад +62

    I have three crows that have been coming to my yard for a few years now, they trust me enough that I can walk right under them while they sit in the tree waiting for me to give them the days offering in fact they will call for me to come outside, they have me trained pretty well. I call them Humphrey, Moe and princess and I love them dearly.

    • @odellhegna9732
      @odellhegna9732 4 месяца назад +2

      That us AWSOME!

    • @how2pick4name
      @how2pick4name 3 месяца назад +1

      Mine do the same. If I take too long they call me.
      I'm waiting for the next generation to be presented right now. :D

    • @CindyGifford1827
      @CindyGifford1827 3 месяца назад +2

      can you tell them apart?

    • @odellhegna9732
      @odellhegna9732 3 месяца назад +3

      @@CindyGifford1827 Wolfgang is easy because he is big. The others are about the same size. The new kids are small. Hard to know how many there are(kids).

    • @CindyGifford1827
      @CindyGifford1827 3 месяца назад

      @@odellhegna9732 thanks. I have three sometimes four who visit everyday. Love!

  • @HaukeLaging
    @HaukeLaging 7 месяцев назад +46

    I did some extensive testing and it turned out that my city crows (hooded crows, Berlin, Germany) have this nut preference (best to worst): cashews (by far), walnuts / Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds. During winter most of my 20 crows prefer cashews even over meat. The best meat there is for them is fried minced meat. They love chicken hearts, too, and like any kind of meat in general. They also love fish. I give them fish sticks/fingers. Egg yolk is one of their favourites, too, especially when feeding the nestlings. But the best (i.e. most loved) food there is for crows (which I know about) is mice. They would start a war for those. The healthiest food for crows is superworms and house crickets but I consider those too much effort (and they do not really like them that much).

    • @ianalen1687
      @ianalen1687 7 месяцев назад +2

      In winter, their metabolism slows down and they switch to a purely vegetarian diet and don't eat too much.
      Maybe it's not even good to give them meat in winter.
      In the winter, I only give them peanuts and oatmeal, plus I add multicereal rolls torn to pieces or corn biscuits sprinkled with ground peanuts every other time. I only feed them every other day so that they can look for food on their own, but I always feed them after a rainy day.
      By mice you mean live 'mouses'? Here, Bratislava, white mice cost 1.5 eur a piece

    • @HaukeLaging
      @HaukeLaging 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@ianalen1687 My impression is that they will always look for food, no matter how much you feed them. If noone feed them, they spend most of the day looking for food. So what should they do with all that free time? If they are not hungry any more they can limit their search to insects which are very healthy for them.
      I have only bought frozen mice. Something like 1EUR per mouse (for a box of six). Depends on the mouse age/size, though.

    • @SolidGoldHedgehog
      @SolidGoldHedgehog 5 месяцев назад

      Do you just feed crows or also magpies? There are quite a few magpies in my Hof that spend time on my windowsill.

    • @HaukeLaging
      @HaukeLaging 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@SolidGoldHedgehog I tried but never managed to. There is at least one magpie couple in my vicinity. I guess the problem is that crows treat both their larger and their smaller relatives quite badly. Most certainly the magpies are well aware that I am the crow friend here. Either that makes them suspicious enough to not approach me or their distance keeping is not related to me at all but to the crows only. They probably have noticed the beatings the crows give each other when they meet on or around my balcony. And certainly no magpie wants to share this fate. The crows are not just much more powerful individually but the crows outnumber the magpies by quite a lot. The magpies seem to have decided to live in this area nonetheless. It seems to be a reasonable strategy to avoid conflicts with the local corvid superpower at any rate.

    • @SolidGoldHedgehog
      @SolidGoldHedgehog 5 месяцев назад

      @@HaukeLaging hmmm that's a shame. Thank you though.

  • @waterwitch8902
    @waterwitch8902 3 месяца назад +21

    My crows live on my property. I feed them, they have water and plenty of trees to rest and nest in. I love the little gifts they leave for me. They also let me know if something is coming on my property. They are very smart birds and great company.

    • @bozcoustics5448
      @bozcoustics5448 2 месяца назад +4

      You can't leave a comment like that and not tell us what gift's they've brought you!

    • @debbiezee
      @debbiezee 3 дня назад +1

      @@bozcoustics5448 Seriously! Inquiring minds want to know. LOL

  • @vasanthats3612
    @vasanthats3612 5 месяцев назад +7

    Here in India it comes to my house daily, almost the same time, thrice a day... It calls loudly.. We offer rice, bread, fried items etc. It almost receive the food from my hand..

  • @MarshallArtz007
    @MarshallArtz007 6 месяцев назад +9

    My SF Bay Area crows love roasted unsalted peanuts 🥜 in the shell. They enjoy walnut halves as well. Another big favorite is scrambled eggs. They don’t care much for meat. 🐧

  • @Mascotal
    @Mascotal 6 месяцев назад +7

    I feed my wild crows every day at the same time so they know when to come around. They wait high in the trees until I come out of the house, then fly down to get their snack.

  • @borg386
    @borg386 7 месяцев назад +8

    My family of 5 crows ( the Jackson 5) come flying from way over yonder with 2 toots on the crow whistle.
    They don't like fruit, but will eat anything else, especially meat and peanut butter.

  • @misterdedlift4879
    @misterdedlift4879 7 месяцев назад +5

    I wanted to be nice and tried giving them fresh berries once. They looked at me as if I'd thrown a turd at them. Back to peanuts I guess 😬

  • @Wulfenburg
    @Wulfenburg 5 месяцев назад +6

    Oh neat, I didn't know a lot of this! I love crows so much :)

  • @lindas.8036
    @lindas.8036 5 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you for the video. We fed dozens of crows daily, morning and afternoon. They were great fun. Here's the thing, tho. Crows will eat ANYTHING! They loved food scraps and pet food scraps of any kind! We always gave a scoop of dry dog food, and added scraps to that. Anything the crows didn't want, which was literally nothing, the raccoons would eat. And while some may disagree with our methods and say it isn't organic or healthy, look around. Crows hang out by restaurant dumpsters looking for a treat! Hubby spent hours watching crows.

  • @dennisszejman6390
    @dennisszejman6390 5 месяцев назад +5

    I give my crows some raw meatballs, theyll love you forever. Peanuts are great too. They sometime bring me little gifts like pinecones and little trinkets they find.

  • @bluebee5266
    @bluebee5266 6 месяцев назад +2

    Not the best idea to feed birds plant food in the winter, when they need more protein. Plants are more empty calories to them. Nuts, meat, eggs, bugs, and worms provide more needed protein. An adult crow needs 11 oz of food each day.

  • @markgotschall2914
    @markgotschall2914 6 месяцев назад +6

    Mine love kibble n bits puppy food and leftover corn chips on Mexican food night. Mine land at my feet as I put out their food.

  • @lauriecheeley5785
    @lauriecheeley5785 5 месяцев назад +4

    Helpful and informative video. I live in the Pacific Northwest of the US, and am lucky enough to be graced by crows year round. When they see me leave my home or start my car, they land on the neighbor's roof and make their presence known by vocalizing. I've been feeding them dog kibble--they appear to like the salmon and lamb best. Sometimes they'll drop safety pins, paper clips, or small twigs with berries on it at my feet. I'm in love.

  • @miltonmartins8217
    @miltonmartins8217 5 месяцев назад +4

    I live in Naples, Florida, there's a crow that comes once in awhile and sits right next to my car parking spot when he sees me driving home, I then go inside the house gtab a chocolat chip cookie and put it on the floor by the front door. he then takes it and flyes away. I live in a association with lots of other cars but He seems to recognise my car ... It has been going on for more than a year, I think it's pretty cool how smart those birds are!!

  • @MelindaGreen
    @MelindaGreen 7 месяцев назад +5

    Good video. I like your wooden trays. I need something like that which won't collect rain water.
    Crows do go nuts for peanuts. I think they prefer them in the shell because they love hammering them open with their beaks. It's soft compared to other nuts so they enjoy the challenge. I think dried cat food is the best of all because it's the right size and contains most or all of what they need.

    • @petercsigo3314
      @petercsigo3314 7 месяцев назад +1

      Be careful with low quality cat food. It does more harm than good for the crows.

    • @bernardwills3217
      @bernardwills3217 7 месяцев назад +1

      At Broadstone Recreational Park,Dorset,U.k. is a flock of a 100 plus.I noticed that about 10 percent had several white feathers.When My Dalmatian Douglas was recooperating from an injury ( A long leash,so not to aggrevate injury)I would throw kibble for for Him to find. 4 or 5 yards away.The White feathered crows would arrive.Id Throw them kibble,Dug paid no mind to them.withen 2 minutes we would be Surrounded by the whole "MURDER"(can be seen on Tube under Dalmatian Dugs Diary).I told My Dad and drove to the parking lot where the Field was,Ten soccer pitches in Size.As I got Out of the Car the Crows were congregated at the Far corner of the Square field 350 yards away.I scattered some kibble.No response from the Murder,untill I let Dug Out of the Car.Within 15 seconds, The Whole Murder turned up.White feathered Freinds in the Vanguard and last to stop following.My Dad Len thought Id been joking up until He saw it with His own eyes.,😮That was 5 years ago.They both passed now.🙏 I went back a few Months back.In the same Car As I got Out the they flocked to greet Me.😮 Incredible Memories. There happened to be 5 other Dalmatians exercised at that Park.I would say to them that;If Your being followed by the Crows, Don't be Scared it's not an Hitchcock Film. Corvids Have.I feed My Jack Doors, Crows.ive this Family of Jackdoors for 33 Years.Each summer they build a satellite Nest on My Chimney.One has a twisted wing He flies perfectly.I Mimick There call, It's next Me notime

    • @iclite3656
      @iclite3656 3 месяца назад +1

      Drill some holes in the bottom👍. I agree bout the pnuts😂. They do seem to like the shelled ones. ❤

  • @AmiWhiteWolf
    @AmiWhiteWolf 5 месяцев назад +3

    Ours like captain crunch cereal. They left a quarter one time.

  • @CalebTrask
    @CalebTrask 5 месяцев назад +4

    Crows love kibble, and it provides balanced nutrition.

  • @Crocs4cats
    @Crocs4cats 4 месяца назад +2

    I thought crows couldn’t have fat?🤔
    Been feeding a flock that I walk past nearly every day for past few months and it really motivates me to go out! One or two will spot me as I come out of the woods and then they all ( about 30 ) come swooping in cawing. I love the way they bounce towards you across the grass! They loooove monkey nuts and after I’ve thrown a few handfuls to them all you can hear is surround~sound crunching!😆 They really make my day!

  • @loribelmores6061
    @loribelmores6061 5 месяцев назад +3

    My crows that come will sometimes Karate Kick the hanging bird seed feeder. The others learn from this and stand by for the dropped food!

  • @hexefroschbein8486
    @hexefroschbein8486 4 месяца назад +2

    Peas are a favourite treat and great if you have tons of seagulls competing since they don't enjoy them.

  • @liquid2air
    @liquid2air 5 месяцев назад +3

    been feeding crows costco cat food for 2 years and they still don't trust me. I think they communicate between each other that humans aren't to be trusted and that consensus kind of sticks for a certain community of crows. wish I could get closer but I'm glad to have the relationship we've established

  • @debbiezee
    @debbiezee 3 дня назад +1

    I love the crows but the squirrels who feed in my yard keep scaring them away. i decided to place some peanuts (in the shell) along the top of the block wall so they can easily swoop down and grab them. I watched one crow grab three of them into it's mouth at one time. I will say though, one of the squirrels wasn't' having it and he climbed up on the wall to eat the peanuts I left for the birds even though he/she had plenty on the ground to eat. LOL

  • @46cab
    @46cab 7 месяцев назад +15

    This was enjoyable.
    I live in Southern Ontario Canada( red area) and I've been feeding crows and ravens for a year. It takes time and patience to earn their trust. In the summer of 2023 before they migrated, I discovered the love cooked egg yolks and plain sardines. I've tried several types of fruit with no luck. I'll try again this spring when they all come back

    • @dathonlawler81
      @dathonlawler81 6 месяцев назад +2

      Please update! I would love to hear a success story

    • @حسينالمشتت
      @حسينالمشتت 6 месяцев назад +1

      الغربان اخاصتكم الان هي في العراق بسبب اعتدال الجو جميلات جدا تعيش معي في المنزل

  • @mikegallimore863
    @mikegallimore863 7 месяцев назад +3

    Been feeding some for awhile love meat and unsalted French fries

  • @markgoostree6334
    @markgoostree6334 5 месяцев назад +2

    On my daily walks I carry small vitamin bottles of suit balls. The crows will come to the low wires or tree limbs. I put out a small amount. they will often come to the food before I'm 50 feet away. Sometimes to let me know of their presence they do a low "fly by" and swoop up to the phone lines. Often they are very quiet... other times... very loud.

  • @stevemartin4249
    @stevemartin4249 7 месяцев назад +7

    Nice video. Upvoted, subscription turned on.
    4 crows here on the outskirts of Tokyo have trained me to feed them dry cat-food (nut sized and crunchy). But I also throw in a handful of larger stick-shaped pieces of meat-based cat/dog food because the sparrows, wagtails, and starlings will often leave the veranda clean before the crows come a-calling.
    I toss out the food at night before I go to bed because they come at the crack of dawn. I'll throw out a bit more at lunch time if the veranda has been stripped clean, and just before sundown, the crows start hanging close (as close as a couple of meters if I don't make sudden moves) for a light evening snack.
    It's a toss-up between which I like better, those nearly domesticated wag-tails or smart-as-a-whip crows. Meh ... they're all good.

  • @turkrane12
    @turkrane12 5 месяцев назад +2

    I get cashews from Amazon in 5 lb bags the crows love them

  • @syrpentina
    @syrpentina 5 месяцев назад +2

    I've never been able to get my American Crows to come in to the feeder, but in the Spring the Fish Crows come to our area, and they come to the feeder for raisins 🤗

  • @mesaeddie
    @mesaeddie 5 месяцев назад +2

    I buy the large bags of unsalted peanuts for my Magpies they love them.

  • @b-villeboy2704
    @b-villeboy2704 4 месяца назад +1

    My crow family loves to eat ... salted peanuts. They also love popcorn chicken ... again ... salted is fine.