The problem is that people started seeing the Imperium as the "good guys" for some reason-most likely because Games Workshop began portraying them as these heroic badasses, rather than the totalitarian theocracy they were always meant to be. It’s kind of like the Starship Troopers effect, where people miss the satire and take the militaristic, human hero imagery at face value Inadvertently falling for fastest propaganda. You also have to consider that a large chunk of the people who are into Warhammer don’t even play the game or understand the lore deeply enough to realize that everyone in that universe is supposed to be awful. It’s a grimdark, bastardized version of a space opera where everyone is an imitation of something worse. And let's not forget, this whole thing was created in the 1980s, in Britain, which was heavily influenced by Thatcherism and Cold War tensions. The satirical edge Warhammer originally had was very much a product of that era-something that tends to get lost when the lore gets watered down or consumed in bite-sized pieces by a broader audience.
I think Is because the imperium, aka humanity, Is in a war on all fronts with Aliens and demons that would kill them all if lucky. While the bad guy, that do completely immoral things, they also display indestrictible courage, Will, discipline and selfsacrifice, so they look heroic in their efforts, except when they start kill Citizen and working them to the Bones, which can be justified since there Is a big enemy. So on and individual level the imperium shows great heroism, while all autoritarism and violence and practical slavery are excused as caused by distorted zealotry and a horrible situation. They're Heroes, but are in a system that distorce good and evil. It's Just tragic. So i Hope the imperium wins, while regaining they're humanity. Plus megaguns are cool
lmao what a ridiculous notion. "if we allow children to read Harry Potter they're going to try actual magic and think they are in good company!" you are literally the modern satanic panic, congratulations, you fucking lunatic.
@@QosmicVoid I hope you're being ironic here. having a game where you play as a fascist does not make you a fascist. did you learn this from extra credits or something?
I think one reason for the decline in satire of this franchise is because the original targets are no longer as valid. This franchise was created in the late 80s to mock the culture and society of said era. But that satire is no longer as valid today. Plus newer fans probably genuinely have no idea about the roots of this being in 80s Cold War paranoia. Sort of how most newer fans of Watchmen have no clue that its basically one big joke at Reagan era America.
Except it ironically became a rallying cry for conservatives because Rorshach, who was unabashedly right-wing, was the only one not to compromise his morals. So ironically enough, Watchmen shows how the right-wing weirdos are cool because they beat the shit out of criminals and don't compromise their values.
"Jesus Christ this year is gonna be rough" I cannot express my sadness at the fact that it was indeed rough but then it got worse, and worse, and worse
I've actually been struggling to explore the warhammer 40k universe recently. There are some aesthetics and ideas within it that fascinate me, particularly the adeptus mechanicus and their religious transhumanism (and their sweet drip) but I'm haunted by the way in recent years people with an affinity for certain traditionalistic authoritarian social models view the religious zealotry of the imperium as an ideal to aspire to, rather than a quirk of a faction that is technologically beyond anything we can imagine but also somehow has reverted to a feudal society as crude and depressing as anything that existed during the dark ages.
My honest advice is to ignore fandom stuff if you want to get into 40K. On it's own, 40K is a fascinating world with immense, scathing critiques of these sorts of societies. Games Workshop (for all their faults) have been clear that the sorts of people who idolize these societies are maniacs who aren't welcome in the communities they can control, so for whatever that's worth, there it is. Don't let the presence of those people in the broader community scare you off.
@@SeanWinters Okay so from the comments you've left on this video - you don't seem to think media, people, or basically anything affects anything in any way. I honestly just think you're deeply uncomfortable with the concept of the thing you like potentially impacting the world or the people who engage with it in ways you feel uncomfortable with. If I wanted lectures on my sanity from someone with this understanding of the world around them, I'd go to a middle school.
@@QosmicVoid The way you think says that half of the English speaking world should be practicing witchcraft and dogfighting, because Harry Potter and Pokemon exist. You are literally just using the same arguments that Christian mom's in the 80's used. Explain how this is any different from the satanic panic. It isn't. It's literally the same thing. Grand theft auto didn't cause a rise in car theft and Mortal Kombat didn't lead to a rise in Traditional martial arts, nor spine ripping. Risk hasn't lead to more war. Based on your comments it's clear that you have flirted with fascism, that it's set sort of temptation for you. Here's a little secret: this is projection. You see, most people aren't tempted by fascism, thus playing a game where you play as a fascist, or roleplaying online as a space-fascist, doesn't lead to becoming fascist in real life. Just like watching (C)orn doesn't lead to Grape.
@@SeanWinters People who act shitty in a fandom tend to make that thing shittier, yes. See - RWBY, Steven Universe, Harry Potter, Rust, basically every fandom property on Earth, etc. the reason you're mad at me is because you consider yourself part of the Warhammer fandom, and so you perceive this as a personal attack on you. Which given that I've said that there are decent people in the fandom and decent groups, probably does reflect on you because you seem to identify with the crappier elements. So congratulations on outing yourself on that front. If you're done humiliating yourself in my comments sections, that'd be great.
I feel I'm rather left but I like Daemons of Tzeentch and Tyranids mostly because they're the most fun to assemble and paint I'd say. (Though I'm more a WH fantasy battles lad where I like Lizardmen and Daemons of Tzeentch. Started dipping my toes into AoS recently.) Anyway great vid, and this is for the longest time what I hated about 40K. It took Alfabusa to make me do a 180 on the setting and enjoy it.
ayy i play Tzeentch in AoS. It's a really versatile and OP faction in there. My advice as an ancom is don't let your political beliefs affect that much the factions in games you play. Especially if they are all morally grey. A very very grimdark kind of grey.
I always find it weird when people say 40K is satire because, before I got on the internet, 40K (on the big picture/setting level) didn't make me laugh, it made me sad. Everything about everyone in it except the tyranids screamed to me "look how far we've fallen" I took it as a dystopian nightmare and cautionary tale. Then again I was introduced into this setting by my father as a child so I was part of that mess of a galaxy before I had time to develop the adult gallows humor required to get 40K as a joke instead of nightmare fuel.
satire isn't necessarily always funny, it's just an exaggerated analogy to point out the flaws in something. for another example, the boys. a satire of american politics, fascism, corporate culture, and the superhero genre. sure, there's a good bit of comedy in the show, but the entire thing is genuinely pretty harrowing.
I think you’re right on most things here. But one of the problems I have whenever this topic gets brought up is the word “satire”. I don’t think 40k is strictly satirical just because it highlights the pitfalls of authoritarianism and ideological extremism of various flavours. 40k is extreme often to absurdity by our societal standards but it’s not really funny is it? Which is meant to be a key part of satire. But maybe I’m just nitpicking here. My main point is I think there’s some Defense of SOME of the people who lean into and idealise the ideology of the Imperium specifically. I think just like you enjoy playing the T’au because they come the closest to your real world politics the same can be said for SOME of these guys. They may just be people who are relatively traditional and authoritarian - believing in militarism to some degree and bureaucracy etc. But they are conscious of the flaws and evils of the Imperium just as you are with the T’au. I like Chaos for the same reasons - because fuck the Emperor - even though Chaos is obviously evil and even If I might larp a little bit as a Chaos worshipper in 40k communities it’s always just a bit of fun, basically role playing as the most extreme anti authoritarian and individualist being imaginable. I think some of the guys who venerate the ideology of the imperium are just doing the same thing as we are. Naturally if this is the case they likely still hold opinions we’d disagree with but I don’t think they’re all fascists is my point.
I think the best faction/sub faction in 40k are the farsight enclaves. they seem like the OG tau in actually caring about their people unlike the current Tau where GW made them more "grimdark" by making the ethereals preform mind control and castrations.
Very true - The enclaves are about as morally ethical as one can get in 40K - Naturally though I imagine this means they're going to be obliterated fairly soon
The castration thing is a myth. But the ethereals have done way worst things. I genuinely hate that they changed the Tau like that as well. Turned them from a refreshing and genuinely unique faction to idiots following liars, like all of humanity in the setting.
I think another group that's very rarely talked about but might be considered "good" is the Inquisition sub faction called the Recongregators. They are a political philosophy that sees the Imperium's interests and humanity's interests as two separate things and they prioritize humanity's interests at the expense of the Imperium's. They're concerned with things like trying to improve the lives of imperial citizens and reforming imperial power structures.
I'm not too familiar with the kekistani memes to be honest. I know they got popuylar because of Sargon of Akkad, but thats about it. It's always had a fascistic connotation, hasn't it?
I don't think it was ever meant to be satire past the 1st edition. The Imperium is based almost fully on the middle ages, with a flavouring from dictatorships old and new all around the world, but its core is "space knights" , and modern people are just incapable of stomaching a setting not set in 20-21st century like sensibilities. And that's before we get to the whole bunch of "modern people" being unable to see that authotarianism and fascism are two different groups, and the same people only thinking that fascists were the only group ever to exist who did anything questionable. I scoff at this excuse of historical ignorance.
I like how you think "Satire" and "based on the middle ages" are opposed to one another. Or that I said fascists were the only ones to do anything questionable. That really tells me where your allegiance is, buddy. Like every other one of you, your type never learn when to keep the quiet part quiet.
@@QosmicVoid There is plenty of satire of the Middle ages and the 3rd Empire, and Warhammer isn't satire. Jolly scenes of German soldiers putting cheese into their ears or a peasant showing off his blackened teeth with pride are all there for you. This is the idiotic reddit take on a franchise that is done for brownie points and "seal clapping" . You can go after Warhammer, sure, but at least have the intellectual minimum of having complaints that have a basis in reality. I'll help you out, my challenged friend, it isn't hard. "Look the models are so expensive!" or "The story is the same for two decades" are starter points. Perhaps it would be better served if as you put it, your kind stuck to funko pops and Netflix. Also, fascists were also a type of socialist, and the Imperium isn't big on the common people thing. It is like equoting a direct democracy with any council. This one tract thought process is what would drive any man of even the humblest education to correct it.
@@balazsvarga1823 Oh - so you're just stupid. Right, that explains it. You literally don't know what satire is, or what fascism is. Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up.
@@QosmicVoid Hm, yes, you clearly got nothing better to rest on than name calling. Truly, your intellect is so inspiring, even That Guy will be a welcomed altarnetive to such towering brilliance as yours. If edgelords keep your type away from warhammer, I'll have to be way nicer to them. They are doing me a large favour.
@@balazsvarga1823 I could explain how socialism and fascism are opposites, and fascists called themselves socialists to trick people like you, or how satire is when you exaggerate for comedic effect, not make actual points about the cost of figures - But you and I both know you wouldn't listen and continue talking in what I assume is supposed to be a LARPY impression of a British intellectual (or a take on Arch's terrible fake accent so, yeah, the first thing) So why waste my time? I can get the exact same result by calling you an idiot and spending the rest of my day watching "If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device" and eating candy while occasionally stabbing myself with a fork. But hey, if you feel like commenting and boosting this videos algorithms so more people see it, by all means, have fun.
14:30 imagine being an """expert""" on the lore of one of the most imaginative expanded universe ever created and being unable to imagine anything about 3rd gender pronouns in 40k other than conservative schlop. You could think of a badass hive city gang playing with hormonal aug' "be gay, do crime" vibe, almost every chapter of space marine has his own way of calling each others because they are basically warrior-monk who rarrely interect with the emperium at large, therefore it would be entirelly in canon to have some chapters with very different views on the concept of gender, hell i'm sure some of them would be like "gender is just a view that divide us all under the true umbrella of humanity", i'm baffled that he would think that a techpriest wouldn't be offended at you asking if he was born a female or a male, they view the flesh as weak, its basically asking a complete fanatical zealot about his life before he joined his faith, best case scenario you'd probably be met with a passive "what does it matter?" Kind of answer, worst case, you'd greatly offend him by insinuating a trait from his previous, impure, life still defines him. But yeah, muh woke culture indeed I guess
I like 40k but I do admit that some people need to realise that the setting is satire. It's basically "What if everything that could go wrong,did go wrong?" that and the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror fusion just appeals to my tastes in media.
What you also need to realize is so many people are so fed up with current political climate that they are more than willing to go for extreme means to bring on extreme changes. What you call satire is a mockery of what was born as real political views. Nationalism, ethnocentrism and own group preference are totally real political view points and to just wave them away as "fake parody politics" is extremely dangerous
I mean, it's not really satire then. there are some satirical elements of Warhammer, but all it is is a game / story which shows that humanity is under attack by a bunch of crazy aliens and even though humanity is horrible, it's still better that humanity lives then to have them be killed by any of the alien races. so while it's not satire, it is grim dark. there's nothing wrong with grim dark.
@@SeanWinters...they have chain swords? You can love something satirical my dude it doesn't make your enjoyment invalid. 40k is funny. Everyone is so stupid and I mean EVERYONE they constantly shoot each other on the foot and it is hilarious. Want to read grimdark? Read 1984. THAT is grimdark.
I feel Games Workshop is in a bit of a bind that they got this universe with a facistic empire that's intended to be aweful, but their own bottom line depends on how much merch of this highly popular faction they can push, giving them an incentive to make it cool. I'm reminded of a commentor ranting about how black elves in Rings of Power (which I haven't seen) are a desecration of Tolkien's mythology and "What's next, rewriting the Bible with non-binary angels." I couldn't resist pointing out that, A: the Norse mythology that Tolkien heavily based his on has black elves (granted, these were evil and are the inspiration for Drow, but they did exist). And B: non-binary angels isn't a woke rewrite, that's just the original. Catholic dogma holds that angels are neither male nor female. And even those sects that say the depictions of angels as male humans are not just artist impressions or the angels assuming a recognizable form generally don't claim there are also female angels with which they mate. So they'd still be non-binary, just... uniary I guess?
I would argue that the Tao aren't very close to fascism. They are definately authoritarian. But they aren't very focused on excluding out groups, they aren’t trying to recover some glorious past. Basically by the most common definition of fascism, they have relatively few of the traits. The Imperium is, the Eldar and Dark Eldar may be (not as familiar with thier cultures). The Orks aren't really. The Tyranids aren't really very big on it, and are arguably a single organism (though some of the Gene stealer cults could be considered fascist or protofascist). Not really sure if I would describe Chaos as a whole to be Fascist, though some of the views of the traitor Space Marines definitely seem to line up with it. Not sure that I would necessarily say that the we shouldn’t consider what the shooter says radicalized him as possible. Though given the commonality of internet radicalization and people's general problems with self evaluation; doesn't seem like his (the shooters) claim is necessarily a reason to discount the more common form of radicalization. But I also didn't read the Manifesto, so it’s likely the people who examined it and said internet culture radicalized him have a good point.
The term you're looking for is ''enlightened despotism.'' That's when an authoritarian group seeks to use its power for the betterment of all, but wishes to keep its absolute power over everyone.
Told my local gaming group I'd be starting a Drukhari armie, they said I can't because Drukarys are massive douchebags and "evil". Apparently Warhammer community can excuse space fascism, but they draw a line at space non-con bdsm.
Yo, was not expecting a dig on Sargon of Akkad, but honestly with Warhammer I shouldn't have been surprised XD Great points all, and I'm just happy to see the discussion being kept alive. EDIT: I didn't realize you might've been joking about a guy who just calls himself "Sargon of Akkad" online instead... given that context, I still shouldn't have been surprised XD
I went to the university the founders went to and part of the tabletop society they set up. Warhammer is a very, very 1980s british satire in the same way 2000AD and everything Alan Moore did in that period. It's both not subtle at all and also too subtle/easyly coopted into facism because of the same issue a lot of facist parody and satire does: It treats facism with too much seriousness and respect. It coopts their astehtic and talking points. It is so easy to play it all straight, and thus people DO. But you can do a satire and takedown on facism and it be impossible to be coopeted back by the alt right etc. Springtime for Hitler is proof of that. You just have to show the ridiculous nature of facism more than the 'badass' stuff.
Hello capo, a guy from Mexico who copied the video, his name is talking vidya and the video is called "warhammer 40k and the death of satire" I'm just letting you know in case you didn't know. bye
Legitimate question, what seperates agender as you defined it from a political statement that you refuse to allow societal expectations to influence your behaviour unrelated to identity? The way you phrased it made it come across more as a political statement than the standard definition of agender I've heard.
I love how meaningless a "critique" that is. first of all, no examples provided Secondly, of course I think that. Literally everyone does - why, precisely, would I beleive things I think are wrong?
I would like to stay with the exception of arch and the one off douche, from what i have seen most of the 40k communities are pretty chill left leaning people (least sense i joined in 2019) and i hate to say but every fandom has the vocal trash minority. I hope people dont feel discouraged from 40k cause of a few people
I've been a part of this community literally since I can remember and I've never found a fascist or a racist other than the aforementioned Arch. It's genuinely silly to me how big of a deal everyone makes it out to be, as if 1 out of every 3 Warhammer fans was a skin head waiting for the next Reich. I don't think Warhammer atracts fascists more than, for example, Star Wars.
So Arch cant have politics in his vid, and when he does he is "stupid" because he has a different view than yours. Because in the clip he spoke clearly and stated his point in the most understandable way. It just depends if you choose to listen to him or hear only what fits your narrative.
So little fun fact about when i entered 40k via lore videos at the time the 3 big channels were Luetin09, arch and 40k theories. I delved into all their stuff deeply lore wise and for a while i didnt get the hate for arch (keep in mind i really only paid attention to his lore videos). Eventually majorkill did a video about why arch was a figure of controversy for 40k community and after being informed of everything i realized i couldnt stay subbed to him anymore. Ill admit his strictly lore videos seemed decent and helped me understand certain aspects more but once i heard of everything against him i couldnt stomach to watch his stuff anymore
40k was never satire. It was a kinda punk grimdark future with really bad pop culture jokes. Now it's a slightly less grimdark future without the really bad pop culture jokes and a lot of corporate over management.
Arch just.. makes me mad and exhausted. There is so much of what he says to dissect, but frankly, i'm gonna go and have a better time. I'll follow the advice of a proper Warhammer 40K youtuber. "No matter what you do today, do try to make make some time for fun"
Did you just call the tau fascist? They are authoritarian sure but fascist? The only nation I can think of that fits fascisem is the imperium of man in 30k not 40k there too feudal for that
The single biggest failure of anti-fascist education is the claim that fascism is a coherent ideology. It isn't. It can manifest and morph itself into whatever form it needs. Of course the Tau are fascist - They put themselves above the rest of the galaxy, intend to spread the greater good by force long before they knew of the nightmare state the rest of the galaxy was in, have a literal caste system, believe in eugenics to the point they forcefully split their species into four, with a master race at the top dictating everything. They're more soviet than anything else - but the Soviet Union was also a miserable hellhole that had extended periods of fascism - they just claimed not to be. Words mean little from a government - action does.
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 it means every system has the potential to turn into a fascist version of itself - you can have a country that is ostensibly Democratic which behaves in ways that are fascistic, you can have a nation which claims to be socialist, does none of the things that would make it socialist, and acts indistinguishable from a fascist state, you can have a nation that has historically fought against fascism, and makes being anti-fascist a corner of its identity, while engaging in fascistic acts (Russia), you can have more ‘traditional' versions of fascism which are more openly authoritarian and yell "we are fascists, we are the bad guys, please come and kick us in the nads", openly, though - For reasons that might be surprising - they don’t tend to do that all that often anymore, because the last time they did that, it ended in them getting their teeth kicked in by literally the entire rest of humanity. Fascism is different to something like Communism or socialism, which has a universal definition and end state - Fascism is more like a mode of behaviour than anything else, which changes depending on where it finds itself - A consistent form of fascism would have *One* Master race, but you'll notice that most, say, British Fascists don’t tend to agree that say, the Germans are the superior Race, or vice versa. It’s entirely vibes based, and the easiest way to identify it is as a series of behaviours, rather than a collection of governmental policies, because trying to identify it via a strict definition basically means you can’t identify it until the death camps are already open and the mass slaughter has begun. And at that point literally what have you accomplished?
Arches argument is that one should never disregard the Direct statements of a mad man and duming down his manifesto to the Mems made him do it is stupid. Ya Arch is a bet of a conservative authoritarian but by us standers he's about as left wing as you are.
I'd almost certainly remake this video in massively major ways nowadays, and have considered outright removing this and remaking it - but with respect I have no idea what you're even saying here. That, and Arch and I have ideologies so diametrically opposed we've been killing each other for centuries. He isnt even left eing. He openly oposes leftism. US political sensibilities are not the be all end all.
It's very funny the difference that 3 years and the mainstreaming of a franchise can do. Arch for example has gone from "This is the biggest content creator and why 40k has a nazi problem" to being literally-who in the majority of the new fandoms eyes. Luiten, Majorkill, Weshammer, Adeptus Ridiculous, all have eclipsed this fasc-freak and I couldn't be happier to see them pushed more and more out of relevancy. Hell, bricky who hosts AdRic does a meme video going over the factions, and it is now the defacto thing people first see when joining warhammer.
Unironically calling Arch a "white supremacist and a fascist" is absolutely ridiculous. This is literally a call to violence and you ought to take this video down.
You know he's since basically admitted he is one right? You're just uncomfortable with the Warhammer fandoms behaviour and you're projecting it onto me. That's all thats happening here. Also I suggest learning what a "Call to violence" is. If you could tell me where I said someone should harm him physically, I'd love to know. It sounds to me like you're the one hearing things that aren't there.
@@QosmicVoid Citation needed. No seriously, if you're going to call someone a white supremacist, you better have a citation or any sort of proof other than "lmao trust me bro, he likes Warhammer". Our entire society (the anglosphere) is violently opposed to white supremacists. I know, shocking right? It's literally totally acceptable to punch a na zi in the face, so when you falsely call someone a WS, you're purposely calling for them to be attacked. What is my reason to not out you as a ChoMo?
Anyone who isn't intelligent enough to recognize Arch Warhammer (of all people!!!!), as a Fascist, should probably be purged from the Earth, such transcendent stupidity cannot be allowed to exist.
@@thepoliticalgunnut8018he was on a podcast with a self described “Neo Nazi and white supremacist” years ago and basically agreed with him Then there is the fact he defends the Christ Church shooter claiming white Europeans should commit violence against “invading non whites” His old twitter was filled with him posting that crap and it’s why he was banned from basically every 40k and Battletech forum after he started threatening admins who had posted about their ethnicity with “a new holocaust”
It’s not flawless but conceptually and broadly, yes. I’m British. Shockingly, the entire country went to hell after leaving the EU so that's been solid enough proof for me that it's a net positive.
@@QosmicVoid the whole EU went to hell since the pandemic and going deeper into totalitarian hell hole, but I guess I don't live in UK to know the difference from where I sit
@@Wolcik3000 First off, If you think the EU is totalitarian you clearly have no concept of what totalitarianism is. Judging by you're name you're Eastern European of some kind - in which case I have to assume you're a child, because clearly you did not experience the actual totalitarianism of the Soviet occupation of that region that you would compare *the god-forsaken EU* to totalitarianism. If that’s what you consider totalitarianism, you are in dire need of historic education. Secondly, literally the *entire planet* went to hell because of the pandemic. No one predicted it, and the only reason it isn’t over yet is because of conservative led and backed anti-vax movements across the globe. If not for them, this would have been dealt with a year ago. That’s hardly an issue specific to the EU. That would be like blaming Poland for the continued poverty in Eastern Europe, which would be a baffling proposition. Third of all, the Tau are comparable to the EU only in that they don’t blow up their own planets, engage in trade, would like others to join, and are relatively peaceful and tolerant within their own borders (at least far far FAR more so than the Imperium of man.) Outside that, they're hardly even remotely comparable. One is an economic market, the other is a singular state. If the EU were a single state it would be more comparable. And finally, I don't base my beliefs regarding this stuff on personal experience, I base it on data, which shows massive job losses, economic downturns, and the fact that the conservatives in the UK lied about every single word they said in relation to this subject. I’m not interested in your crusade against nations engaging in basic economic trade required to survive in a global market (which will never go away now, this is the way the world is and forever will be from now on, unless you'd like to go back to 1800's living conditions). When your points are comparable we can talk, until then, I’m not interested.
@@QosmicVoid Thank you for such a long post. I actually enjoyed and the last paragraph suggest why UK is doing poorer as not part of the bigger country that is EU. I guess EU is not totalitarian state - we don't have working Death Camps and people are not disappeared or suicided by secret police very often. I guess time will tell if we could have finished the pandemic - that was already predicted by people at least in 2015 - within a year. If everyone was vaxxed to 95+% as countries with 90% vaccination rate still have the same bell curves when looked up the statistics, but I guess its because of the new variants coming from abroad created in the unvaccinated only. I heard Austria wants to have the prison sentence for not being vaccinated by the time next version for Omicron comes in, and since EU didn't find that breach of human right volition then other countries will follow suit. That might get us closed to 100% vaccinated in ages 5+. Vaccination for children has already been mandatory with penalties for lack of compliance so it was just a matter of agreeing to give it to children and then enforcing the laws already in place. But for that experiment to work Omicron which is taking over all over the world cannot be less deadly as it looks now. Anyway, I'm more interested in Tau now - whenever its Utopia in Sci-Fi story or propaganda taken at face value from that story - cause there are some troublesome questions whenever I watch videos about the lore of Tau.
@@QosmicVoid I don't know dude. I'm not progressive or a leftist so I can't see what you see. As a individualist-capitalist and watching his videos and streams for the past 4 and a half years. I can tell you he is not a fascist. Because I have zero tolerance to fascists for the same reason I have zero tolerance for communist or any authoritarian-collectivist group. They would love nothing better that to see me not breathing before they start killing each other over who gets to rule over the ash and heap.
@@SasukeStand Okay so you're an AnCap, got it. Well, the lines between AnCaps and fascists are basically paper thin anyway. You having Zero Tolerance for fascists doesn't mean that you recognize or even know what a fascist is. you seem to have a hatred for Communists when you don't seem to know what a communist is, so, like, I dunno what to tell you on that one. You not being able to recognize when someone is a fascist does not mean that they aren't a fascist? ArchWarhammer, aside from openly admitting he's a fascist in his discord - Which you can find on r/sigmarxism - has associated with Sargon of Akkad - An Ethno Nationalist, and The Golden One - A "Hitler didn't hate Jews, he hatred Jewry" Neo Nazi, and had a secondary RUclips channel (The Lodge) where he does nothing but talk about politics, which include but are not limited to immense islamophobia, how the world needs states, and.... Mostly just shitting on Muslims in all honesty. Like I don't know what to tell you my dude. I mean, if you think that's all just not fascistic behaviour you might want to take a look at your values yourself.
@@SasukeStand look up arch's old gnoblar video. He hid it off his channel but in it he makes fun of jews and uses terms such as 'house n-words' to describe gnoblars. Guy is completely an asshole and has terrible views, made even worse by the fact he keeps changing 40k in his videos to fit his narratives. Like his imperium isn't fascist video, first he tries to say it's not a dictatorship because of high lords, even though a dictatorship can be a small group. (And also there is several times in lore where the imperium just straight has a dictator with full power, the period were the lord of eclisarchy took over, or the one were the high lord of assassins had all of the high lords murdered and now in current lore, roboute guiliman had made himself the imperial regent, meaning the only one above him is crippled emperor who doesn't talk). And then goes on how it's a theocratic state, even though that means literally nothing since a theocracy can still be fascist. Which has spawned an entire group of people who use world salads to defend the imperium, like that's it's a Roman style feudal theocracy. Which is fucking hilarious considering mousiloni took heavy inspiration from the Roman's but whatever. His other attempts to graft his brand of politics into 40k is his labeling tau communist. (Even though they have a caste system and its never explained in any of their books who owns the means of production but probably the ethereal ruling caste). And his labeling genestealers as neo marxists, which he admitted to dawn stir was intentional. Neo marxist is also linked to a very old fascist plot about jews spreading communism ie cultural bolshevism. Go to dawn stirs channel and watch the 5 most political faction video, near the end he goes over some arch stuff. Edit fixed some spelling
I would say 40K WAS satire.
Now it just wants to make more money than god.
GW wants to make more money than God, 40K is just the means to the end.
The problem is that people started seeing the Imperium as the "good guys" for some reason-most likely because Games Workshop began portraying them as these heroic badasses, rather than the totalitarian theocracy they were always meant to be. It’s kind of like the Starship Troopers effect, where people miss the satire and take the militaristic, human hero imagery at face value Inadvertently falling for fastest propaganda.
You also have to consider that a large chunk of the people who are into Warhammer don’t even play the game or understand the lore deeply enough to realize that everyone in that universe is supposed to be awful. It’s a grimdark, bastardized version of a space opera where everyone is an imitation of something worse. And let's not forget, this whole thing was created in the 1980s, in Britain, which was heavily influenced by Thatcherism and Cold War tensions. The satirical edge Warhammer originally had was very much a product of that era-something that tends to get lost when the lore gets watered down or consumed in bite-sized pieces by a broader audience.
I think Is because the imperium, aka humanity, Is in a war on all fronts with Aliens and demons that would kill them all if lucky. While the bad guy, that do completely immoral things, they also display indestrictible courage, Will, discipline and selfsacrifice, so they look heroic in their efforts, except when they start kill Citizen and working them to the Bones, which can be justified since there Is a big enemy. So on and individual level the imperium shows great heroism, while all autoritarism and violence and practical slavery are excused as caused by distorted zealotry and a horrible situation. They're Heroes, but are in a system that distorce good and evil. It's Just tragic. So i Hope the imperium wins, while regaining they're humanity. Plus megaguns are cool
If you allow ironic Fascists, you're gonna be overrun with actual Fascists who think they're in good company
I think that ship left the warp a LOOOOOONG time ago...
lmao what a ridiculous notion. "if we allow children to read Harry Potter they're going to try actual magic and think they are in good company!"
you are literally the modern satanic panic, congratulations, you fucking lunatic.
@@QosmicVoid I hope you're being ironic here. having a game where you play as a fascist does not make you a fascist. did you learn this from extra credits or something?
wow so get rid of people you don't like where have I heard that before you people are hypocrites and I dare you weakling to try
I think one reason for the decline in satire of this franchise is because the original targets are no longer as valid. This franchise was created in the late 80s to mock the culture and society of said era. But that satire is no longer as valid today. Plus newer fans probably genuinely have no idea about the roots of this being in 80s Cold War paranoia. Sort of how most newer fans of Watchmen have no clue that its basically one big joke at Reagan era America.
Ah yes.. the cold war of the 80s
Except it ironically became a rallying cry for conservatives because Rorshach, who was unabashedly right-wing, was the only one not to compromise his morals. So ironically enough, Watchmen shows how the right-wing weirdos are cool because they beat the shit out of criminals and don't compromise their values.
You do realise you can still critique fascism.In the modern times right
The take of "They don't care about gender, therefore they should gender themselves" is extraordinaryly dumb
I really thought I had just misheard him or misunderstood him because it didn't sound coherent.
"Jesus Christ this year is gonna be rough" I cannot express my sadness at the fact that it was indeed rough but then it got worse, and worse, and worse
I've actually been struggling to explore the warhammer 40k universe recently. There are some aesthetics and ideas within it that fascinate me, particularly the adeptus mechanicus and their religious transhumanism (and their sweet drip) but I'm haunted by the way in recent years people with an affinity for certain traditionalistic authoritarian social models view the religious zealotry of the imperium as an ideal to aspire to, rather than a quirk of a faction that is technologically beyond anything we can imagine but also somehow has reverted to a feudal society as crude and depressing as anything that existed during the dark ages.
My honest advice is to ignore fandom stuff if you want to get into 40K. On it's own, 40K is a fascinating world with immense, scathing critiques of these sorts of societies. Games Workshop (for all their faults) have been clear that the sorts of people who idolize these societies are maniacs who aren't welcome in the communities they can control, so for whatever that's worth, there it is. Don't let the presence of those people in the broader community scare you off.
@@QosmicVoid so according to you, the problem with Warhammer is Warhammer fans? I don't think you understand how any of this works.
@@SeanWinters Okay so from the comments you've left on this video - you don't seem to think media, people, or basically anything affects anything in any way.
I honestly just think you're deeply uncomfortable with the concept of the thing you like potentially impacting the world or the people who engage with it in ways you feel uncomfortable with. If I wanted lectures on my sanity from someone with this understanding of the world around them, I'd go to a middle school.
@@QosmicVoid The way you think says that half of the English speaking world should be practicing witchcraft and dogfighting, because Harry Potter and Pokemon exist. You are literally just using the same arguments that Christian mom's in the 80's used. Explain how this is any different from the satanic panic.
It isn't. It's literally the same thing.
Grand theft auto didn't cause a rise in car theft and Mortal Kombat didn't lead to a rise in Traditional martial arts, nor spine ripping.
Risk hasn't lead to more war.
Based on your comments it's clear that you have flirted with fascism, that it's set sort of temptation for you. Here's a little secret: this is projection. You see, most people aren't tempted by fascism, thus playing a game where you play as a fascist, or roleplaying online as a space-fascist, doesn't lead to becoming fascist in real life. Just like watching (C)orn doesn't lead to Grape.
@@SeanWinters People who act shitty in a fandom tend to make that thing shittier, yes. See - RWBY, Steven Universe, Harry Potter, Rust, basically every fandom property on Earth, etc.
the reason you're mad at me is because you consider yourself part of the Warhammer fandom, and so you perceive this as a personal attack on you. Which given that I've said that there are decent people in the fandom and decent groups, probably does reflect on you because you seem to identify with the crappier elements. So congratulations on outing yourself on that front. If you're done humiliating yourself in my comments sections, that'd be great.
Get your politics out of my sci fi political nightmare
I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or not.
I'm sorry, did you look at it the imperium
And just not think it was satire
3:09 Lutein09 is great for War hammer 40k lore for those interested OR the 40k Explained By Bricky
Lutein is good if you like a college lecture for your lore and bricky is the drunk friend that explains the hobby after he gets smashed
I feel I'm rather left but I like Daemons of Tzeentch and Tyranids mostly because they're the most fun to assemble and paint I'd say. (Though I'm more a WH fantasy battles lad where I like Lizardmen and Daemons of Tzeentch. Started dipping my toes into AoS recently.)
Anyway great vid, and this is for the longest time what I hated about 40K.
It took Alfabusa to make me do a 180 on the setting and enjoy it.
ayy i play Tzeentch in AoS. It's a really versatile and OP faction in there. My advice as an ancom is don't let your political beliefs affect that much the factions in games you play. Especially if they are all morally grey. A very very grimdark kind of grey.
@@torcaace y'all nerds
@@KnightofEkron yes
Left wingers liking all consuming forces with a hive mind or demons who force change for changes sake.
Who would have thought
@@FlawlessP401 your comment made my day. Thank you. Been a while since I laughed that hard.
I always find it weird when people say 40K is satire because, before I got on the internet, 40K (on the big picture/setting level) didn't make me laugh, it made me sad.
Everything about everyone in it except the tyranids screamed to me "look how far we've fallen" I took it as a dystopian nightmare and cautionary tale.
Then again I was introduced into this setting by my father as a child so I was part of that mess of a galaxy before I had time to develop the adult gallows humor required to get 40K as a joke instead of nightmare fuel.
satire isn't necessarily always funny, it's just an exaggerated analogy to point out the flaws in something. for another example, the boys. a satire of american politics, fascism, corporate culture, and the superhero genre. sure, there's a good bit of comedy in the show, but the entire thing is genuinely pretty harrowing.
I think you’re right on most things here. But one of the problems I have whenever this topic gets brought up is the word “satire”. I don’t think 40k is strictly satirical just because it highlights the pitfalls of authoritarianism and ideological extremism of various flavours. 40k is extreme often to absurdity by our societal standards but it’s not really funny is it? Which is meant to be a key part of satire.
But maybe I’m just nitpicking here.
My main point is I think there’s some Defense of SOME of the people who lean into and idealise the ideology of the Imperium specifically. I think just like you enjoy playing the T’au because they come the closest to your real world politics the same can be said for SOME of these guys. They may just be people who are relatively traditional and authoritarian - believing in militarism to some degree and bureaucracy etc. But they are conscious of the flaws and evils of the Imperium just as you are with the T’au.
I like Chaos for the same reasons - because fuck the Emperor - even though Chaos is obviously evil and even If I might larp a little bit as a Chaos worshipper in 40k communities it’s always just a bit of fun, basically role playing as the most extreme anti authoritarian and individualist being imaginable. I think some of the guys who venerate the ideology of the imperium are just doing the same thing as we are.
Naturally if this is the case they likely still hold opinions we’d disagree with but I don’t think they’re all fascists is my point.
but you are describing people who are literal fascists, wether they identify as such or not.
I think the best faction/sub faction in 40k are the farsight enclaves. they seem like the OG tau in actually caring about their people unlike the current Tau where GW made them more "grimdark" by making the ethereals preform mind control and castrations.
Very true - The enclaves are about as morally ethical as one can get in 40K - Naturally though I imagine this means they're going to be obliterated fairly soon
@@QosmicVoid yeah. which would/will suck. I hope they actually do something with them though. cause they're actually a neat faction
The castration thing is a myth. But the ethereals have done way worst things.
I genuinely hate that they changed the Tau like that as well. Turned them from a refreshing and genuinely unique faction to idiots following liars, like all of humanity in the setting.
I think another group that's very rarely talked about but might be considered "good" is the Inquisition sub faction called the Recongregators. They are a political philosophy that sees the Imperium's interests and humanity's interests as two separate things and they prioritize humanity's interests at the expense of the Imperium's. They're concerned with things like trying to improve the lives of imperial citizens and reforming imperial power structures.
Something similar happened to the kekistan memes
I'm not too familiar with the kekistani memes to be honest. I know they got popuylar because of Sargon of Akkad, but thats about it. It's always had a fascistic connotation, hasn't it?
@@QosmicVoid no it was parody at the beginning but well
I'm a Chaos main personally but I do the love the Tau's asethetic and their weaponry.
Gundam meets Separatist B1 battle droids
Which god do you favor?
I don't think it was ever meant to be satire past the 1st edition. The Imperium is based almost fully on the middle ages, with a flavouring from dictatorships old and new all around the world, but its core is "space knights" , and modern people are just incapable of stomaching a setting not set in 20-21st century like sensibilities.
And that's before we get to the whole bunch of "modern people" being unable to see that authotarianism and fascism are two different groups, and the same people only thinking that fascists were the only group ever to exist who did anything questionable.
I scoff at this excuse of historical ignorance.
I like how you think "Satire" and "based on the middle ages" are opposed to one another.
Or that I said fascists were the only ones to do anything questionable. That really tells me where your allegiance is, buddy. Like every other one of you, your type never learn when to keep the quiet part quiet.
There is plenty of satire of the Middle ages and the 3rd Empire, and Warhammer isn't satire. Jolly scenes of German soldiers putting cheese into their ears or a peasant showing off his blackened teeth with pride are all there for you.
This is the idiotic reddit take on a franchise that is done for brownie points and "seal clapping" .
You can go after Warhammer, sure, but at least have the intellectual minimum of having complaints that have a basis in reality. I'll help you out, my challenged friend, it isn't hard. "Look the models are so expensive!" or "The story is the same for two decades" are starter points.
Perhaps it would be better served if as you put it, your kind stuck to funko pops and Netflix.
Also, fascists were also a type of socialist, and the Imperium isn't big on the common people thing. It is like equoting a direct democracy with any council. This one tract thought process is what would drive any man of even the humblest education to correct it.
@@balazsvarga1823 Oh - so you're just stupid. Right, that explains it. You literally don't know what satire is, or what fascism is. Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up.
@@QosmicVoid Hm, yes, you clearly got nothing better to rest on than name calling. Truly, your intellect is so inspiring, even That Guy will be a welcomed altarnetive to such towering brilliance as yours.
If edgelords keep your type away from warhammer, I'll have to be way nicer to them. They are doing me a large favour.
@@balazsvarga1823 I could explain how socialism and fascism are opposites, and fascists called themselves socialists to trick people like you, or how satire is when you exaggerate for comedic effect, not make actual points about the cost of figures - But you and I both know you wouldn't listen and continue talking in what I assume is supposed to be a LARPY impression of a British intellectual (or a take on Arch's terrible fake accent so, yeah, the first thing)
So why waste my time? I can get the exact same result by calling you an idiot and spending the rest of my day watching "If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device" and eating candy while occasionally stabbing myself with a fork.
But hey, if you feel like commenting and boosting this videos algorithms so more people see it, by all means, have fun.
14:30 imagine being an """expert""" on the lore of one of the most imaginative expanded universe ever created and being unable to imagine anything about 3rd gender pronouns in 40k other than conservative schlop.
You could think of a badass hive city gang playing with hormonal aug' "be gay, do crime" vibe, almost every chapter of space marine has his own way of calling each others because they are basically warrior-monk who rarrely interect with the emperium at large, therefore it would be entirelly in canon to have some chapters with very different views on the concept of gender, hell i'm sure some of them would be like "gender is just a view that divide us all under the true umbrella of humanity", i'm baffled that he would think that a techpriest wouldn't be offended at you asking if he was born a female or a male, they view the flesh as weak, its basically asking a complete fanatical zealot about his life before he joined his faith, best case scenario you'd probably be met with a passive "what does it matter?" Kind of answer, worst case, you'd greatly offend him by insinuating a trait from his previous, impure, life still defines him.
But yeah, muh woke culture indeed I guess
I like 40k but I do admit that some people need to realise that the setting is satire.
It's basically "What if everything that could go wrong,did go wrong?" that and the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror fusion just appeals to my tastes in media.
What you also need to realize is so many people are so fed up with current political climate that they are more than willing to go for extreme means to bring on extreme changes. What you call satire is a mockery of what was born as real political views. Nationalism, ethnocentrism and own group preference are totally real political view points and to just wave them away as "fake parody politics" is extremely dangerous
I mean, it's not really satire then. there are some satirical elements of Warhammer, but all it is is a game / story which shows that humanity is under attack by a bunch of crazy aliens and even though humanity is horrible, it's still better that humanity lives then to have them be killed by any of the alien races.
so while it's not satire, it is grim dark. there's nothing wrong with grim dark.
@@SeanWinters...they have chain swords? You can love something satirical my dude it doesn't make your enjoyment invalid. 40k is funny. Everyone is so stupid and I mean EVERYONE they constantly shoot each other on the foot and it is hilarious. Want to read grimdark? Read 1984. THAT is grimdark.
@@berilsevvalbekret772 I'm not some fanboy, I'm just interested in accuracy, and 40k is most often the prime example of what grimdark is.
Glad you described the Soviet Union accurately
A lot of lefties seem to think we should hold previous "Left wing" fuck ups to a lower standard. I tend to hold them to a higher standard.
Higher standards is the only way progress ever gets done
@@silversheep7369 And what progress has anarchism gotten done?
I feel Games Workshop is in a bit of a bind that they got this universe with a facistic empire that's intended to be aweful, but their own bottom line depends on how much merch of this highly popular faction they can push, giving them an incentive to make it cool.
I'm reminded of a commentor ranting about how black elves in Rings of Power (which I haven't seen) are a desecration of Tolkien's mythology and "What's next, rewriting the Bible with non-binary angels." I couldn't resist pointing out that, A: the Norse mythology that Tolkien heavily based his on has black elves (granted, these were evil and are the inspiration for Drow, but they did exist). And B: non-binary angels isn't a woke rewrite, that's just the original. Catholic dogma holds that angels are neither male nor female. And even those sects that say the depictions of angels as male humans are not just artist impressions or the angels assuming a recognizable form generally don't claim there are also female angels with which they mate. So they'd still be non-binary, just... uniary I guess?
I would argue that the Tao aren't very close to fascism. They are definately authoritarian. But they aren't very focused on excluding out groups, they aren’t trying to recover some glorious past. Basically by the most common definition of fascism, they have relatively few of the traits. The Imperium is, the Eldar and Dark Eldar may be (not as familiar with thier cultures). The Orks aren't really. The Tyranids aren't really very big on it, and are arguably a single organism (though some of the Gene stealer cults could be considered fascist or protofascist). Not really sure if I would describe Chaos as a whole to be Fascist, though some of the views of the traitor Space Marines definitely seem to line up with it.
Not sure that I would necessarily say that the we shouldn’t consider what the shooter says radicalized him as possible. Though given the commonality of internet radicalization and people's general problems with self evaluation; doesn't seem like his (the shooters) claim is necessarily a reason to discount the more common form of radicalization.
But I also didn't read the Manifesto, so it’s likely the people who examined it and said internet culture radicalized him have a good point.
The term you're looking for is ''enlightened despotism.'' That's when an authoritarian group seeks to use its power for the betterment of all, but wishes to keep its absolute power over everyone.
Told my local gaming group I'd be starting a Drukhari armie, they said I can't because Drukarys are massive douchebags and "evil".
Apparently Warhammer community can excuse space fascism, but they draw a line at space non-con bdsm.
anti Imperium chaos propaganda, reported to the Inquisition
Sunt Up rper
Yo, was not expecting a dig on Sargon of Akkad, but honestly with Warhammer I shouldn't have been surprised XD Great points all, and I'm just happy to see the discussion being kept alive.
EDIT: I didn't realize you might've been joking about a guy who just calls himself "Sargon of Akkad" online instead... given that context, I still shouldn't have been surprised XD
I went to the university the founders went to and part of the tabletop society they set up.
Warhammer is a very, very 1980s british satire in the same way 2000AD and everything Alan Moore did in that period.
It's both not subtle at all and also too subtle/easyly coopted into facism because of the same issue a lot of facist parody and satire does:
It treats facism with too much seriousness and respect. It coopts their astehtic and talking points. It is so easy to play it all straight, and thus people DO.
But you can do a satire and takedown on facism and it be impossible to be coopeted back by the alt right etc. Springtime for Hitler is proof of that. You just have to show the ridiculous nature of facism more than the 'badass' stuff.
The Tyranids are the best faction.
They see everybody in the galaxy as equal: Equally Delicious!~
Great video man
Deep Think Special ?
Think the Arch clips gave me a aneurysm...
Hello capo, a guy from Mexico who copied the video, his name is talking vidya and the video is called "warhammer 40k and the death of satire" I'm just letting you know in case you didn't know. bye
Legitimate question, what seperates agender as you defined it from a political statement that you refuse to allow societal expectations to influence your behaviour unrelated to identity? The way you phrased it made it come across more as a political statement than the standard definition of agender I've heard.
I saw some shitty comments so like, cool video, ur cool
"People who disagree with me are just schewpid"
- This guy
I love how meaningless a "critique" that is.
first of all, no examples provided
Secondly, of course I think that. Literally everyone does - why, precisely, would I beleive things I think are wrong?
@@QosmicVoid calling different political view points stupid aint exactly tollerant innit
@@KneeCapHill I’m not tolerant of idiotic political ideologies, this is correct. I never claimed to be. Are you confused?
@@QosmicVoid muh popper paradox to disqualify any non globalist agenda
@@KneeCapHill coherent sentences, please.
A concentration camp was the anterior stage to the extermination camp…
I would like to stay with the exception of arch and the one off douche, from what i have seen most of the 40k communities are pretty chill left leaning people (least sense i joined in 2019) and i hate to say but every fandom has the vocal trash minority. I hope people dont feel discouraged from 40k cause of a few people
I've been a part of this community literally since I can remember and I've never found a fascist or a racist other than the aforementioned Arch.
It's genuinely silly to me how big of a deal everyone makes it out to be, as if 1 out of every 3 Warhammer fans was a skin head waiting for the next Reich.
I don't think Warhammer atracts fascists more than, for example, Star Wars.
So Arch cant have politics in his vid, and when he does he is "stupid" because he has a different view than yours. Because in the clip he spoke clearly and stated his point in the most understandable way. It just depends if you choose to listen to him or hear only what fits your narrative.
This channel after reading through some of his comments has a clear bias. I wouldn't take his midwit political critiques too seriously if I were you.
This lunatic mentions his own wrong opinions at the start of the video.
His point is "why would a faction care about gender?!?
Anyway, that's why they should have used gendered pronouns".
So little fun fact about when i entered 40k via lore videos at the time the 3 big channels were Luetin09, arch and 40k theories. I delved into all their stuff deeply lore wise and for a while i didnt get the hate for arch (keep in mind i really only paid attention to his lore videos). Eventually majorkill did a video about why arch was a figure of controversy for 40k community and after being informed of everything i realized i couldnt stay subbed to him anymore. Ill admit his strictly lore videos seemed decent and helped me understand certain aspects more but once i heard of everything against him i couldnt stomach to watch his stuff anymore
40k was never satire. It was a kinda punk grimdark future with really bad pop culture jokes. Now it's a slightly less grimdark future without the really bad pop culture jokes and a lot of corporate over management.
So the whole imperium of man Being
Fascist was totally not satire.
Imperium isnt fascist doesn't me there are good guys
Arch just.. makes me mad and exhausted. There is so much of what he says to dissect, but frankly, i'm gonna go and have a better time.
I'll follow the advice of a proper Warhammer 40K youtuber.
"No matter what you do today, do try to make make some time for fun"
Ya Arch agreement about the machinus is fairly stupid as the machines actually uses titals as and they them pronounce in the books.
Did you just call the tau fascist? They are authoritarian sure but fascist? The only nation I can think of that fits fascisem is the imperium of man in 30k not 40k there too feudal for that
The single biggest failure of anti-fascist education is the claim that fascism is a coherent ideology. It isn't. It can manifest and morph itself into whatever form it needs. Of course the Tau are fascist - They put themselves above the rest of the galaxy, intend to spread the greater good by force long before they knew of the nightmare state the rest of the galaxy was in, have a literal caste system, believe in eugenics to the point they forcefully split their species into four, with a master race at the top dictating everything. They're more soviet than anything else - but the Soviet Union was also a miserable hellhole that had extended periods of fascism - they just claimed not to be. Words mean little from a government - action does.
@ but then does that not mean everything Can be fascist?
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 it means every system has the potential to turn into a fascist version of itself - you can have a country that is ostensibly Democratic which behaves in ways that are fascistic, you can have a nation which claims to be socialist, does none of the things that would make it socialist, and acts indistinguishable from a fascist state, you can have a nation that has historically fought against fascism, and makes being anti-fascist a corner of its identity, while engaging in fascistic acts (Russia), you can have more ‘traditional' versions of fascism which are more openly authoritarian and yell "we are fascists, we are the bad guys, please come and kick us in the nads", openly, though - For reasons that might be surprising - they don’t tend to do that all that often anymore, because the last time they did that, it ended in them getting their teeth kicked in by literally the entire rest of humanity.
Fascism is different to something like Communism or socialism, which has a universal definition and end state - Fascism is more like a mode of behaviour than anything else, which changes depending on where it finds itself - A consistent form of fascism would have *One* Master race, but you'll notice that most, say, British Fascists don’t tend to agree that say, the Germans are the superior Race, or vice versa.
It’s entirely vibes based, and the easiest way to identify it is as a series of behaviours, rather than a collection of governmental policies, because trying to identify it via a strict definition basically means you can’t identify it until the death camps are already open and the mass slaughter has begun. And at that point literally what have you accomplished?
Arches argument is that one should never disregard the Direct statements of a mad man and duming down his manifesto to the Mems made him do it is stupid. Ya Arch is a bet of a conservative authoritarian but by us standers he's about as left wing as you are.
I'd almost certainly remake this video in massively major ways nowadays, and have considered outright removing this and remaking it - but with respect I have no idea what you're even saying here. That, and Arch and I have ideologies so diametrically opposed we've been killing each other for centuries. He isnt even left eing. He openly oposes leftism.
US political sensibilities are not the be all end all.
It's very funny the difference that 3 years and the mainstreaming of a franchise can do. Arch for example has gone from "This is the biggest content creator and why 40k has a nazi problem" to being literally-who in the majority of the new fandoms eyes. Luiten, Majorkill, Weshammer, Adeptus Ridiculous, all have eclipsed this fasc-freak and I couldn't be happier to see them pushed more and more out of relevancy. Hell, bricky who hosts AdRic does a meme video going over the factions, and it is now the defacto thing people first see when joining warhammer.
Unironically calling Arch a "white supremacist and a fascist" is absolutely ridiculous. This is literally a call to violence and you ought to take this video down.
You know he's since basically admitted he is one right?
You're just uncomfortable with the Warhammer fandoms behaviour and you're projecting it onto me. That's all thats happening here.
Also I suggest learning what a "Call to violence" is. If you could tell me where I said someone should harm him physically, I'd love to know. It sounds to me like you're the one hearing things that aren't there.
@@QosmicVoid Citation needed. No seriously, if you're going to call someone a white supremacist, you better have a citation or any sort of proof other than "lmao trust me bro, he likes Warhammer".
Our entire society (the anglosphere) is violently opposed to white supremacists. I know, shocking right? It's literally totally acceptable to punch a na zi in the face, so when you falsely call someone a WS, you're purposely calling for them to be attacked.
What is my reason to not out you as a ChoMo?
Anyone who isn't intelligent enough to recognize Arch Warhammer (of all people!!!!), as a Fascist, should probably be purged from the Earth, such transcendent stupidity cannot be allowed to exist.
@QosmicVoid when did Arch admit to being a white supremacist or fascist? I watch his content and have never seen him support such abhorrent ideals.
@@thepoliticalgunnut8018he was on a podcast with a self described “Neo Nazi and white supremacist” years ago and basically agreed with him
Then there is the fact he defends the Christ Church shooter claiming white Europeans should commit violence against “invading non whites”
His old twitter was filled with him posting that crap and it’s why he was banned from basically every 40k and Battletech forum after he started threatening admins who had posted about their ethnicity with “a new holocaust”
You still buy that bs about gamergate you are a said said man.
if you like TAU then you must love EU and its laws
It’s not flawless but conceptually and broadly, yes. I’m British. Shockingly, the entire country went to hell after leaving the EU so that's been solid enough proof for me that it's a net positive.
@@QosmicVoid the whole EU went to hell since the pandemic and going deeper into totalitarian hell hole, but I guess I don't live in UK to know the difference from where I sit
@@Wolcik3000 First off, If you think the EU is totalitarian you clearly have no concept of what totalitarianism is. Judging by you're name you're Eastern European of some kind - in which case I have to assume you're a child, because clearly you did not experience the actual totalitarianism of the Soviet occupation of that region that you would compare *the god-forsaken EU* to totalitarianism. If that’s what you consider totalitarianism, you are in dire need of historic education.
Secondly, literally the *entire planet* went to hell because of the pandemic. No one predicted it, and the only reason it isn’t over yet is because of conservative led and backed anti-vax movements across the globe. If not for them, this would have been dealt with a year ago. That’s hardly an issue specific to the EU. That would be like blaming Poland for the continued poverty in Eastern Europe, which would be a baffling proposition.
Third of all, the Tau are comparable to the EU only in that they don’t blow up their own planets, engage in trade, would like others to join, and are relatively peaceful and tolerant within their own borders (at least far far FAR more so than the Imperium of man.) Outside that, they're hardly even remotely comparable. One is an economic market, the other is a singular state. If the EU were a single state it would be more comparable.
And finally, I don't base my beliefs regarding this stuff on personal experience, I base it on data, which shows massive job losses, economic downturns, and the fact that the conservatives in the UK lied about every single word they said in relation to this subject.
I’m not interested in your crusade against nations engaging in basic economic trade required to survive in a global market (which will never go away now, this is the way the world is and forever will be from now on, unless you'd like to go back to 1800's living conditions). When your points are comparable we can talk, until then, I’m not interested.
@@QosmicVoid Thank you for such a long post.
I actually enjoyed and the last paragraph suggest why UK is doing poorer as not part of the bigger country that is EU.
I guess EU is not totalitarian state - we don't have working Death Camps and people are not disappeared or suicided by secret police very often.
I guess time will tell if we could have finished the pandemic - that was already predicted by people at least in 2015 - within a year.
If everyone was vaxxed to 95+% as countries with 90% vaccination rate still have the same bell curves when looked up the statistics, but I guess its because of the new variants coming from abroad created in the unvaccinated only.
I heard Austria wants to have the prison sentence for not being vaccinated by the time next version for Omicron comes in, and since EU didn't find that breach of human right volition then other countries will follow suit. That might get us closed to 100% vaccinated in ages 5+.
Vaccination for children has already been mandatory with penalties for lack of compliance so it was just a matter of agreeing to give it to children and then enforcing the laws already in place.
But for that experiment to work Omicron which is taking over all over the world cannot be less deadly as it looks now.
Anyway, I'm more interested in Tau now - whenever its Utopia in Sci-Fi story or propaganda taken at face value from that story - cause there are some troublesome questions whenever I watch videos about the lore of Tau.
HA, this is pretty dumb!
But... Arch Warhammer isn't a fascist?
I did like, two videos on him. He literally is and claims he is on his own discord. And believes all the same things fascists believes in, sooo...
@@QosmicVoid I don't know dude. I'm not progressive or a leftist so I can't see what you see. As a individualist-capitalist and watching his videos and streams for the past 4 and a half years. I can tell you he is not a fascist. Because I have zero tolerance to fascists for the same reason I have zero tolerance for communist or any authoritarian-collectivist group. They would love nothing better that to see me not breathing before they start killing each other over who gets to rule over the ash and heap.
@@SasukeStand Okay so you're an AnCap, got it. Well, the lines between AnCaps and fascists are basically paper thin anyway.
You having Zero Tolerance for fascists doesn't mean that you recognize or even know what a fascist is. you seem to have a hatred for Communists when you don't seem to know what a communist is, so, like, I dunno what to tell you on that one. You not being able to recognize when someone is a fascist does not mean that they aren't a fascist?
ArchWarhammer, aside from openly admitting he's a fascist in his discord - Which you can find on r/sigmarxism - has associated with Sargon of Akkad - An Ethno Nationalist, and The Golden One - A "Hitler didn't hate Jews, he hatred Jewry" Neo Nazi, and had a secondary RUclips channel (The Lodge) where he does nothing but talk about politics, which include but are not limited to immense islamophobia, how the world needs states, and.... Mostly just shitting on Muslims in all honesty.
Like I don't know what to tell you my dude. I mean, if you think that's all just not fascistic behaviour you might want to take a look at your values yourself.
@@SasukeStand look up arch's old gnoblar video. He hid it off his channel but in it he makes fun of jews and uses terms such as 'house n-words' to describe gnoblars. Guy is completely an asshole and has terrible views, made even worse by the fact he keeps changing 40k in his videos to fit his narratives. Like his imperium isn't fascist video, first he tries to say it's not a dictatorship because of high lords, even though a dictatorship can be a small group. (And also there is several times in lore where the imperium just straight has a dictator with full power, the period were the lord of eclisarchy took over, or the one were the high lord of assassins had all of the high lords murdered and now in current lore, roboute guiliman had made himself the imperial regent, meaning the only one above him is crippled emperor who doesn't talk). And then goes on how it's a theocratic state, even though that means literally nothing since a theocracy can still be fascist. Which has spawned an entire group of people who use world salads to defend the imperium, like that's it's a Roman style feudal theocracy. Which is fucking hilarious considering mousiloni took heavy inspiration from the Roman's but whatever. His other attempts to graft his brand of politics into 40k is his labeling tau communist. (Even though they have a caste system and its never explained in any of their books who owns the means of production but probably the ethereal ruling caste). And his labeling genestealers as neo marxists, which he admitted to dawn stir was intentional. Neo marxist is also linked to a very old fascist plot about jews spreading communism ie cultural bolshevism. Go to dawn stirs channel and watch the 5 most political faction video, near the end he goes over some arch stuff.
Edit fixed some spelling
Wow a Capitalist that can't spot a fascist. Color me shocked