Why are some people so salty saying people care about Dita because she's Indonesian? When I watched the mv for the 1st time I had no idea which one was Indonesian because I didn't follow the girls before. Dita and Denise impressed me the most in the MV but at the end I choose Dita as my bias. And it's because she's so amazing (others are too ofc) and not because she's Indonesian. People who bias Dita and are not from Indonesia exist too. Stop acting like she has stans just because she is Indonesian when the real reason is she is talented af.
Dita is not fat she has curvy body, that called body with muscle, everything about dita just perfect, tanned skin, bunny teeth, when she smile is like love, I like her cus she like to smile.
@@ohmyinyinsuka suka orng lah mau nonton yg mana dan mau puji yg mana, selama nggak ngejatuhin yang lain. Tolong jangan terlalu sensi kalo orng muji dita, she deserved it. She is such a hardworking queen.
As a dancer Sometimes i feel like Denise is a better dancer but when i watched the fancam of dita i realized she is the main dancer because of her technique she knows when she stops and when she starts dancing and how she does the movements with the facial expressions
I'm a dancer too and when the first time I saw them I feel like Jinny and Denise are a better dancer, but when I watched this video finally I know she's a main dancer for a reason
i dance as well and i knew she was the main from the get go. her moves are so controlled and she knows when to put in more/less energy in moves. she’s SO good.
@@ditafan1495 this group has just debuted and you're already hating a member. You're not a fan. You're actually a hater disguising as a fan to mess up things within their fandom.
@momo's pink lamborghini is it wrong for indonesian to proud of her? She's in her place right now bc her hardworking n not some instant "idol pop-up" also which line that make u think that im overproud?
Sejujur jujurnya gue emang STAN Dita karna dia orang Indonesia, tapi setelah dengar lagu & penampilan mereka sbg Secret Number gue rasa mereka emg layak debut, dari segi semuanya terbaik.
i stan dita, so what? she is talented, she makes indonesian r proud of her. She is the second indonesian that makes debut in korea. N many people said that she only famous bcs she is indonesian? piss off, just shut up she is very talented n humble! iri bilang bos
Dita is reaaaally talented. She graduated from a prestigious performing art school in New York (scholarship) , and was into broadway industries before decided to go pursue her dream ALONE in South Korea. She danced since early ages, done lot of cover dance since middle school. Don't sleep on her talent guys...
Her face strong, her body is a goals! And vocal on point Edit: And guys, please support all of this girls. They all is amazing. But after all my bias is dita:*
Go Dita i know u can go high .. i love how u n member care each other. The chemistry will make SN stronger.. i can't wait SN appear in show like weekly idol, n etc. Dita g syg loe, saranghae, i love u. . .
I just want to say Indonesian people are very supportive of their own or people that appreciate their culture. For example: Siwon's Indonesian cf with sedaap has 11M views, while non of his fancams have that lolol whenever he tweets in Indonesian it exceeds 100k likes while his other tweets don't. Indonesians are hyping up Dita because she makes them proud! She's doing amazing and is very talented. Stop discrediting her efforts just because HER OWN PEOPLE are showing support and giving her love.
Gais, bantu 1 jt viewers video: Secret Number "Got That Boom" dance practice. ruclips.net/video/8Y6wMw2j2o8/видео.html Secret Number "Got That Boom" di The K-POP. ruclips.net/video/NBzlBKTdJVo/видео.html Secret Number "Got That Boom" di MBCkpop. ruclips.net/video/3ZAg7mQtmV4/видео.html Jangan lupa 1. Subscribe akun youtube Secret Number 2. Streaming MV Who dis? dan Got That Boom 3. Vote SN di hallyu dan SMA 4. Spam komen di akun instagram @officialkvibes. instagram.com/p/CJLxko7ndBJ/?igshid=nhi5xpkja5kb Makasiih :>
I'm a malaysian and I'm so impressed when i saw her on the music video even though at that time i didn't even know that she's an indonesian. Later when i found out that she's indonesian i got so surprised and searched for her profile. And yeah, I stan talent's.
Congrats Indonesia. You now can proud of having the first artist in Kpop industry. Dita fighting. Secret Number fighting. From Vietnam💓 P/s: If anyone watch I-LAND, please show your loves for Hanbin (Vietnamese contestants)so he can be the first Vietnamese member to debut in a Kpop group. He is so talented, I am so proud of my country too.
That wink at the end just put a smile on my face, why are you being so cute dita kkk They just debuted but I already can't wait to see them comeback in more diverse concepts
I just realized her buns are uneven! So cute! I wanna appreciate SN’s team - especially hair & stylists. I like their outfits so far, I notice that they’re often altered from the original forms - sometimes stylists just put together different stuffs they bought but I like that SN’s stylists go beyond that. Looking forward to your future stages, goodluck SN ❤️
Hard working and focused since the beginning, she already has the basics of musical theater and one million dance and this is the amazing result. Stan Dita 😭👌
I don't understand why people tell Indonesian to choose bias not because we have the same country. I mean, beside that Dita has talent, and it's worth it. Supporting someone from the same country, nothing wrong with that. And, other girls too will get the affect tho, Indonesian still streaming and vote their group. Who care about personal popularity? The group will get it too!
Why are some people so salty saying people care about Dita because she's Indonesian?
When I watched the mv for the 1st time I had no idea which one was Indonesian because I didn't follow the girls before. Dita and Denise impressed me the most in the MV but at the end I choose Dita as my bias.
And it's because she's so amazing (others are too ofc) and not because she's Indonesian.
People who bias Dita and are not from Indonesia exist too. Stop acting like she has stans just because she is Indonesian when the real reason is she is talented af.
Yes agree
You are smart babe
So damn truuuueeeeee
Those people can't relize that Dita is so Talented.
She is a hard worker. That's why she deserve to be an idol.
That's the point
After watching dian's live with her. I respect her more
Definitely. She's struggled and fought to be where she is right now. She deserves the love she's getting.
디타 춤도 잘추고 실력도 나쁘지않고 스타성있고 매력있음
그나저나 인기 죤나 많네
Dita is not fat she has curvy body, that called body with muscle, everything about dita just perfect, tanned skin, bunny teeth, when she smile is like love, I like her cus she like to smile.
Dita has the reason to be main dancer. Her move is so satisfying to watch and i love her facial expression when she dance. Main dancer material!!!
Tlg pji n like yg lain donk. Mencrigakan masak. Ka Dita yg ngelike kok bnyk bgt jauh amat jumlh like ny msg2. Org luar bkal mkir yg kagak2.
@@ohmyinyinsuka suka orng lah mau nonton yg mana dan mau puji yg mana, selama nggak ngejatuhin yang lain. Tolong jangan terlalu sensi kalo orng muji dita, she deserved it. She is such a hardworking queen.
Bnr bet suka² orng mau nnton yang mna,lagian dita tu mnonjol d grup nya...
Kamu lucu ya,
Selera orang beda beda lah
디타 에 엄청 귀엽네 ❤❤😊😊🌈🌈 디타 인도네시아 인가? 그런것 치고 한국말 잘한다 ㅋ
It's true that Dita is from Indonesia, especially Bali Province, she is very talented
Dita has sharp move now we know why she is the main dancer !
Dita cantik banget disini
디타 너무 좋아요~ 대박 나세요 > _
As a dancer Sometimes i feel like Denise is a better dancer but when i watched the fancam of dita i realized she is the main dancer because of her technique she knows when she stops and when she starts dancing and how she does the movements with the facial expressions
And her dance so stable
I'm a dancer too and when the first time I saw them I feel like Jinny and Denise are a better dancer, but when I watched this video finally I know she's a main dancer for a reason
i dance as well and i knew she was the main from the get go. her moves are so controlled and she knows when to put in more/less energy in moves. she’s SO good.
@@ditafan1495 this group has just debuted and you're already hating a member. You're not a fan. You're actually a hater disguising as a fan to mess up things within their fandom.
Denise looks more satisfiying because of her height. But yes, Dita have more control.
People like Dita not bcs she's indonesian, but bcs she DESERVED ALL THE LOVE n she's talented So do the other member as well 😍💙
Dita lokal indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@momo's pink lamborghini is it wrong for indonesian to proud of her? She's in her place right now bc her hardworking n not some instant "idol pop-up" also which line that make u think that im overproud?
I don't think so
@@shaqilaisha udh bubar
I'm from Malaysia but I'm proud that Dita made her debut with Secret Number even though she is from Indonesia. LOVE FROM MALAYSIAN FANS!!!
Thank uu❤️❤️
Hai... malaysia im from indonesia
greeting from kroya sista...
ASEAN Family :D
Dita 귀엽네.. 꼭 성공하기를 바람..
Since i first saw Dita on MV debut, i don't even expect Dita's voice to be that deep because she's so cuteee
Ya sangat Cutee
Mirip Yuqi g-idle
Mee too..
Me too!
@ambyarrr jangan samain sama yuqi wooii Gidle terlalu berbakat di dita bukan level mereka
Dita 😍
Di kamera aja cantik apa lgi aslinya 🤧dan dia imut bngt ☺️
Sejujur jujurnya gue emang STAN Dita karna dia orang Indonesia, tapi setelah dengar lagu & penampilan mereka sbg Secret Number gue rasa mereka emg layak debut, dari segi semuanya terbaik.
For those who say they are look thick
Why would people even look to see that in the first place? Shouldn’t people just be appreciating the dance and the masterpiece?
yeahhh i love their healthy body more thann idol who tooo smal its make me worry
They look healthy, and that's why they look pretty period.
Princess Dita🤍🥰
i stan dita, so what? she is talented, she makes indonesian r proud of her. She is the second indonesian that makes debut in korea. N many people said that she only famous bcs she is indonesian? piss off, just shut up she is very talented n humble! iri bilang bos
Awalnya gu ngira lu bule beneran bro :v
di ahir kalimat itu ngakak sih 😂
Aku dari Malaysia and Aku suka die pandai menari Dan lain2 💞💞✨✨
Iri bilang bosss mantav jiwa" +62 masi ada:v
진짜예쁘다. .인형같아...
매우 예쁘다(。’▽’。)♡♥♡♥♡
Saya suka sekali sama Dita, salam fans dari Indonesia❤️
Dita is reaaaally talented. She graduated from a prestigious performing art school in New York (scholarship) , and was into broadway industries before decided to go pursue her dream ALONE in South Korea. She danced since early ages, done lot of cover dance since middle school. Don't sleep on her talent guys...
dita our talent queen:) and so pretty
@@ditafan1495 ofc she is :)
Let's go 800k🔥
Imut,Manis,cantik DITA
Cakep banget My Princess ❤
her face expression during dancing, shows that she is a true dancer.. a big plus, she can sing too.. bravo Dita
before she become idol, she was a professional dancer..
Her expressions and her hand gestures shows that she really is a performer. I really like her hair too she reminds me of Tenten 💖✨
Beautiful Ten ten
Yes I love her expressions too.
Btw I'm Tenten's friend 😄
Ready set Fight !!
Pain approves
@@Pain-yx1ri oh, you're my Enemy. Byakugan !!
So beautiful my bias dita♥️
Malaysian here but I really like Dita and other members.. I like her deep voice and sharp moves.. She’s really talented 😘😘
Thank u
idk why but something about dita’s smile makes her looks so pure🥺
Dita karang 😊☺👍💘👌
Her face strong, her body is a goals! And vocal on point
Edit: And guys, please support all of this girls. They all is amazing. But after all my bias is dita:*
디타 귀엽다😍
Serius. Baru kali ini aku ngikutin update idol kemana2 sampe aku cari2 apa yang terbaru huhu semangat kak dita
Ehhh samaa beneran. Idol kpop terakhir exo. Trs lama vacum, ehh ada kak dita. Semangattt lagii aahhhh
Go Dita i know u can go high .. i love how u n member care each other. The chemistry will make SN stronger.. i can't wait SN appear in show like weekly idol, n etc. Dita g syg loe, saranghae, i love u. . .
Go 1M Dita's Fancam♡♡♡
우와 케이팝 첫 인도네시아 멤버여서 그런지 장난아니네 조회수,,,인도네시아에서 관심이 많나보다 ㅎㅇㅌㅎㅇㅌ 상처받을일 없이 활동하길
JI MIN 그건 수담님이고 이건 디타님인데용?
학폭논란 다 루머에요
@지민 네가 그 사람을 오해한 것 같아 ㅋㅋㅋ
@지민 wtf so you believe that? Crosscheck first before you judge lmao.
@지민 lol
Who dis : Casual
GTB : Glamour Dark
Fire Saturday : Retro
I just want to say Indonesian people are very supportive of their own or people that appreciate their culture. For example: Siwon's Indonesian cf with sedaap has 11M views, while non of his fancams have that lolol whenever he tweets in Indonesian it exceeds 100k likes while his other tweets don't.
Indonesians are hyping up Dita because she makes them proud! She's doing amazing and is very talented. Stop discrediting her efforts just because HER OWN PEOPLE are showing support and giving her love.
hello elf and an intellectual, i stan ✋🏼
Thankyou. I hate it when people say Indonesians are overproud like can't we be proud of other Indonesians doing amazing things?
Yes Dita is really talented and worth the hype
Eh oppa ngapain disini,,,wkwk
Gais, bantu 1 jt viewers video:
Secret Number "Got That Boom" dance practice. ruclips.net/video/8Y6wMw2j2o8/видео.html
Secret Number "Got That Boom" di The K-POP. ruclips.net/video/NBzlBKTdJVo/видео.html
Secret Number "Got That Boom" di MBCkpop. ruclips.net/video/3ZAg7mQtmV4/видео.html
Jangan lupa
1. Subscribe akun youtube Secret Number
2. Streaming MV Who dis? dan Got That Boom
3. Vote SN di hallyu dan SMA
4. Spam komen di akun instagram @officialkvibes. instagram.com/p/CJLxko7ndBJ/?igshid=nhi5xpkja5kb
Makasiih :>
Setelah 10 bulan baru sadar ada ujung oppa
charismatic and powerful>v
Me encanta Dita, como se mueve en el escenario, los gestos que hace *-*❤
great girl
Gas yok 1 juta
The real princess. I love you Dita
I'm a malaysian and I'm so impressed when i saw her on the music video even though at that time i didn't even know that she's an indonesian. Later when i found out that she's indonesian i got so surprised and searched for her profile. And yeah, I stan talent's.
Thank u. But i'm really sad that people judge her because she is most popular and Indonesian. I hope she does not read the bad comments.
Hello Malaysian here as well.. Idk she’s indonesian as well until I saw some people mention it and yes I stan talent as well
Family serumpun🙌🏻
Mantapp thank you malaysian bro and sis
Congrats Indonesia. You now can proud of having the first artist in Kpop industry. Dita fighting. Secret Number fighting. From Vietnam💓
P/s: If anyone watch I-LAND, please show your loves for Hanbin (Vietnamese contestants)so he can be the first Vietnamese member to debut in a Kpop group. He is so talented, I am so proud of my country too.
sorryy, it's not first idol from Indonesia, but first women idol from indonesiaa..btw thankyouuu
Of course Hanbin❤
Her power thooo. All videos with her face in the thumbnail = guaranteed viral! Lol. Go DITA our talented baby.
디타 신인이지만 벌써부터 스타성이 보인다 디타도 블핑 리사처럼 인기많아질 듯
Dita lucu sekali kayak anak sma 😊
Mbak Dita lucu banget sih, kan jadi Gemezzz😍
Cantik banget
Her eyes reminds me of Sulli's eyes and she is look a like of Hani.
Ah i guess i'm not the only one that thinks she looks a bit like Hani. ^^
Whos hani?
@@flipflop2628 hani from exid
Yes and sometimes look a like victoria fx
yaaa her smile somehow similiar to sulli too
Dita Eonnie는 매우 아름답습니다.
body & warna kulit nya Indonesia bgt. Lovyu mba ditt ❤️❤️
That wink at the end just put a smile on my face, why are you being so cute dita kkk
They just debuted but I already can't wait to see them comeback in more diverse concepts
cute cute cute
Dita fighting....big hug from indonesia...
My Ditamin 🥰
If nobody said it to me that she is Indonesian, I would never know
DITA 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Love you gorls😉
Streaming Fire Saturday guys! (Love)
Not getting bored, I'm watching the secret number, what else do you see, Dita dancing so powerful
너무 귀여워 ~
I still can't get enough just waching ur vid like this... So prooouuuddd uri sweet girl we love SECRET NUMBER!
I really love Dita.. I hope secret number will be the most popular girlband ❣️
I can feel shes getting more comfortable with the stages and she looks amazing in this stage ♡︎
I just realized her buns are uneven! So cute! I wanna appreciate SN’s team - especially hair & stylists. I like their outfits so far, I notice that they’re often altered from the original forms - sometimes stylists just put together different stuffs they bought but I like that SN’s stylists go beyond that. Looking forward to your future stages, goodluck SN ❤️
gosh she's so talented??!!!!! her moves are on point and right on the beat! also her facial expression???!!! GOSH SHE IS BORN TO BE A PERFORMER😭😭💕💕💕💕💕
south east asian represent!!!!!!!!!
Hard working and focused since the beginning, she already has the basics of musical theater and one million dance and this is the amazing result. Stan Dita 😭👌
I don't understand why people tell Indonesian to choose bias not because we have the same country. I mean, beside that Dita has talent, and it's worth it. Supporting someone from the same country, nothing wrong with that. And, other girls too will get the affect tho, Indonesian still streaming and vote their group. Who care about personal popularity? The group will get it too!
Her moves is so satisfying to watch!!! Not to mention her expression ❤
Lemme say this again, dear yang mulia Dita karang, if you see this. Hello! i'll support you till the end. fighting!
yang mulia wkwksk
Oh Yas Anak agung
Bangsawan bali
Berhubung doi dari Jogjakarta, harus yang mulia🤣🤣🤣
Beli albumnya dong
dita so pretty 😍
Dita looks so cute in those space buns ❤️
디타... 내가 많이 사랑해 뿌까머리가 이렇게 아찔할 일이야?
엄청 이뿌장하게 생김
Dita 👍👍👍👍
omg, she's so pretty and cute at the same time.
She is Really something. Believe Me. In the Future Dita will help lead this Group be Famously.
This girl pursued dance education in New York and trained in 1Million studio. Proud of her
Dita is my bias uuu luv ..
Keren, 👍❤❤❤
Her face and her move of dance is stronge, thats move of a main dancer .. Thats my point after see this video 👍
she's so pretty and talented and charismatic and cute and unique 🥺🥺
Mbak Dita HWAITINGGGG 💪 !!!!!!!
Semangat, Terima kasih atas dukungannya
The best Lockey
디타는 그런 옷을 입고 매우 아름답습니다!
디타를 계고마워속 응원 해용
@@ranggackm7529 나는 확실히 당신을 위해 그것을 할 것입니다
디타 매력있음
She is really charismatic lol i love her
Secret Number ❤
she's has a lot of charisma on stage thats why she deserve to be an Idol...