Music of Old Serbia (Spiritual and Religious) - Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • Serbian Medieval music, like the art of the period, developed within the sphere of the activities of Byzantine culture in the Serbian state from the 12th to the 15th centuries. However, it also continued to develop during the five centuries of slavery under the Turks. The singing was one-part, done as a solo or by a choir (in the two choirs of the church). Through hand movements, the director (domestikos) indicated the flow of the melody which was learned by heart. The lead singer (protopsaltos) would sing the initial intonational formula which was actually an abbreviated melodic preparation for the song, a melodic-rhythmic unit which characterised a certain church melody (knowledge of these formulae made it possible for an experienced singer to sing the whole song). Then the song would be started in unison, in one voice with the choir, though songs could also have other forms as well. If the melody were melismatic, the soloist would sing alone, accompanied by a sustained tone by the choir, the ison. As sources (models) for the Serbian church melodies were the melodies of the Osmoglasnik. The Osmoglasnik was a collection of church songs for the Sunday service dedicated to the resurrection of Christ. These songs were repeated cyclically over eight weeks throughout the church year in one of the eight church voices - each voice corresponded to a certain modus based on a defined number of formulas. The songs of the Osmoglasnik served as a model for the creation of other church songs. Songs dedicated to Serbian sovereigns had a significant impact, as did those songs written by Serbian writers: in those songs the Medieval notes (the neume) are not to be found, but there are symbols for certain voices, which means that they were meant to be sung.
    A certain number of Medieval Serbian manuscripts record the neumes. Their author was probably Kir Stefan the Serb, whose works reveal common melodic-rhythmical characteristics. Previous research has shown that he lived in the 15th century. Traces of his existence are found in the monastery in Kumanovo, in today's Macedonia, in a monastery in Romania, but also in the court of despot Lazar Branković in Smederevo. His work was followed by Nikola the Serb and Isaiah the Serb, whose songs were written in honour of Serbian saints. Even though Kir Stefan, Isaija and Nikola are the only reliably Serbian Medieval composers known till now, there is another name: "Joachim domestikos of Serbia" - as he signed in 1453 in more places in the manuscript number 2406 from the Athens National library.

Комментарии • 41

  • @lypcizhenaf8988
    @lypcizhenaf8988 4 года назад +73

    Vi srbi ste blagoslovljeni narod. Pravoslavlju drzite i necete nikad gubiti. Od Albanac do srbin kazem ovo. Moramo ostaviti uspomene na rat. Vaznije je da mi pravoslavci poducevamo ljudi sto nisu hriscanci evandjelju umjesto da se borimo oko beskorisnih granica. Bog vas blagoslovio!

    • @hela607
      @hela607 3 года назад +6

    • @tibuzde
      @tibuzde 3 года назад +10

      Тачно тако, Бог благословио тебе и сав православни народ у целом свету!

    • @bahosmohammed7953
      @bahosmohammed7953 3 года назад +7

      Mir se vini ne serbis vlasni. Mi srbi i pravoslavni albanci smo braca

    • @radojkadjukic9557
      @radojkadjukic9557 3 года назад +8

      Bog vas blagoslovio i zdravlje dao, kad se i vama ova muzika dopada. Predlažem Vam da pogledate Divna Ljubojević, Danicu Crnogorčević itd. Pozdrav iz Srbije.

    • @plavaspilja9154
      @plavaspilja9154 3 года назад +6

      Long live orthodox Albania

  • @kneznevski8624
    @kneznevski8624 10 лет назад +43

    Slava Gospodu što je našem narodu podario ovakvog čovjeka..

  • @ЛепиЈова
    @ЛепиЈова 7 лет назад +57

    Najlepsi muski glas ikad! Spaja sa Gospodom.

  • @snezanabokinjac3544
    @snezanabokinjac3544 9 лет назад +41

    Pavle Aksentijevic je Bogougodnik, snazan pojac I vrsni Ikonopisac

  • @bobanperic5595
    @bobanperic5595 9 лет назад +43

    pomoz bog rode moj pravoslavni ,KAKAV GLAS IMA OVAJ COVEK

  • @obrenilic9722
    @obrenilic9722 10 лет назад +39

    О Б Р И К А.

  • @savasavic3839
    @savasavic3839 9 лет назад +33

    ko razume, shvatice, tj drugim recima receno .. svaki komentar je suvisan, jer samo pojanje govori za sebe ... amin!!!

  • @slaves2964
    @slaves2964 2 года назад +4


  • @AlexandarShmex
    @AlexandarShmex 3 года назад +11

    Hvala ti Gospode što mogu ovo da čujem.

  • @tihomirracic
    @tihomirracic 11 лет назад +24

    Ovo je da se naježiš

  • @pc101100
    @pc101100 11 лет назад +15


  • @radojkadjukic9557
    @radojkadjukic9557 3 года назад +5

    Slušajući ovo pojanje Gos. Pavla, mogu vas misli odneti u sva prošla vremena, kad su naši preci slušali svoga pojca Pavla i divili se kao mi sada, sa istim takvim osećanjima. Bog vas blagoslovio, i zdravlje dao Vama i svim dobrim ljudima!!! SLAVA dragom Bogu, Amin!!!

  • @nena153
    @nena153 3 года назад +6

    Njegovo pojanje uznosi.SlavaGospodu!Sama pomisao da je ovakvo nesto postojalo u srednjem veku,govori mnogo o nasim precima.

  • @radojkadjukic9557
    @radojkadjukic9557 3 года назад +5

    Bog vas blagoslovio i zdravlje vam dao, dragi naš Pavle, da dugo, dugo slušamo vaš anđeoski glas. Hvala dragom Bogu što nam je dao takvog Čovjeka, koji Pravoslavlje u nebesa pesmom diže !!!

  • @boskosimicevic3418
    @boskosimicevic3418 6 лет назад +9

    Gospode pomiluj,Gospode pomoluj,AMIN.

  • @jelenik77
    @jelenik77 6 лет назад +12

    Lijepa muzika....

  • @aleksandarpavic1414
    @aleksandarpavic1414 4 года назад +5

    Hvala ti što postojiš...

  • @milos-endofstory
    @milos-endofstory 10 дней назад +1

    Izlecili ste me.Sama spoznaja te cinjenice za Vas je najodanije priznanje Vasoj muzickoj Umetnosti.Ziveli

  • @igorhajdukovic
    @igorhajdukovic 11 лет назад +12

    Retkost dobar glas

  • @sladjanajankovic7321
    @sladjanajankovic7321 10 лет назад +12

    Pomaze Bog

  • @milos-endofstory
    @milos-endofstory 11 дней назад +1

    U redu je.Hvala mnogo❤

  • @dijanaveselinov9920
    @dijanaveselinov9920 5 лет назад +4


  • @stojanmomic6108
    @stojanmomic6108 2 года назад

    Aleksandre uz postovanje dijelim vase misljenje

  • @nknight
    @nknight 10 лет назад +4

    Krchi .. $teta

  • @lightcyy
    @lightcyy Год назад +1


  • @zivoslavkadamnjanovic2289
    @zivoslavkadamnjanovic2289 2 года назад +1


  • @doomoverlrod
    @doomoverlrod 2 года назад +1

    iskona nase duse

  • @dejanklincov5237
    @dejanklincov5237 28 дней назад


  • @SunilKeshari
    @SunilKeshari 8 лет назад

    ॐ om mani padme hum

  • @kitkarsonprvi9097
    @kitkarsonprvi9097 5 лет назад +5


    • @majatosic2668
      @majatosic2668 5 лет назад +5

      Slava Gospodu,za ovako divan glas!