The Red Dawn of Zarathustra`s Eros II -Magic of Youth, our Motherland, Language, Soul&Body vs. Ego

  • Опубликовано: 26 фев 2024
  • The Second Speech of the Red Zarathustra to His Disciples
    Autobiographical Advice on questions of Love, Travel, Overcoming Obstacles, Resentment, Decadence, Expression in Language.
    Also the Red Dawn Summary of Indo-European History, Languages, Taoism, Early Hellas, Minoan Crete and the now Growing New Atlantis on Crete.
    Metaphysical Riddles about the Essence of Time and Space
    As Roots of Our Red Dawn Wisdom remain from the Speech I:
    Nietzsche's moral critique,
    his method of re-evaluation of all traditional values,
    his concept of one source of life
    (either strong and healthy or weak and decadent),
    his difference between necessity and law
    (= all what happens naturally , happens also out of necessity,
    e.g. there is no conscious entity, who formulates natural laws.
    Ludwig Klages´s concept of enmity between
    Spirit (=Cognition or analytical reason) and Life
    (= bipolar unity of body and soul in all living organisms).
    Ludwig Klages´s rationally formulated and logically hard-edged revelation that all cognitive functions are ontologically functional derivations
    of the soul. In modern terms: … of the morphogenetic field of the soul.
    The origin of cognitive functions lies in the human ego.
    Its effect on the soul field manifests:
    as a reduction of its vital power (coming from the living body)
    and as a reversal of the life energy flow.
    Instead to flow from the software of all the dynamic life forms (Urbilder in Klages) in the external world towards the soul of an inspired individual, the diverted and ego-transformed life energy of the soul stars to shoot in singular, discrete burst of will power and intentional consciousness-quanta towards the - also by the ego - constituted external objects. ( Husserl partly correct)
    Klages´s method of dissolving the personal Ego
    in the ecstasies of Cosmogonic Eros.
    Our own insights in developing the studies of Nietzsche and Klages
    in the 21st century with the help of other deep thinkers backing our point
    - or better sphere - of view:
    Krishnamurti, Rudolf Steiner, Allan Watts,
    Milan Machovec, Peter Sloterdijk and Wolfgang Iser - my highly valued lecturer and tutor during our studies in the Phenomenology of Reading at the University of Constance, Germany - Principal books: Act of Reading, The Implicit Reader.
    The necessity of representation of phenomenal experiences
    (in symbols pictures, language, mathematics and geometry)
    for the evolution of intelligent life.
    Yet there is danger of self-destruction inherent in the essence and in the application of representation during the final stages - the decadent stages - of intelligent civilisations.
    The danger lies in the replacement of the whole of ontological reality and its human phenomenal experience with the currently valid heuristic models of representation.
    These models logically exclude the phenomenal experience (because it is not measurable) and they also omit a stratum of possible data,
    which are not yet measurable by the empirical method of various sciences.
    This omission is demanded by the command of financial profit, which decides the usage of theoretical empirical sciences in technological innovation and production.
    Inversion of Descartes’s conception of a soul as a disturbance
    of pure reason and of body as a mechanical machine.
    For us, the birth of cognition (Ego and its 5 derivative functions of the soul field)
    is potentially life-threatening disturbance of individual human soul
    and of life on any planet.
    The Five Holy Cows of cognition and the cognitive sciences are:
    personal egoistic consciousness,
    personal egoistic self- consciousness,
    personal egoistic will,
    personal egoistic objectifying perception
    (The objective eye sees solid things, lines and surfaces sharply separated from each other instead of a dynamic, emotionally charged flow of forms and light impressions)
    personal egoistic conceptual thinking
    (Abstract conceptual models, later supported by AI - rather than phenomenally experienced realities and their description in human speech - dominate, politics, culture and the economy
    Yet, cognition and its dangerous fruits
    - modern technology and modern ideas -
    can still be used for the benefit of life.
    For this usage we recommend Heidegger´s idea of “Gelassenheit” ,
    i.e. understanding thoroughly the essence of techne
    (a form of poesis - creativity, which is life supporting)
    and of technology (= machines produced out of homogenized earth matter (Mother)
    with only a limited knowledge of the essence of matter and life).
    With a good doses of “Gelassenheit” (serenity, equanimity, composure ),
    that is, with a synopsis and solid understanding of all relevant aspects
    of technology, communication, language theory, psychology, physiology,
    philosophy, history, art, medicine and politics
    we can use our technology and still develop a modern life-supporting
    civilisation on planet Earth.

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