Jacob & Bella - Just A Dream

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @nikolinam3328
    @nikolinam3328 3 года назад +117

    When I was younger I was so upset that Jacob and Bella didn't end up together.
    But now I realize that Jacob is too good for Bella

  • @sancharibiswas5007
    @sancharibiswas5007 5 лет назад +227

    I believe in Jacob's Love.....He Loves her so much....I wish Twilight had a another part....❤️❤️

    • @cutefoxygirl5197
      @cutefoxygirl5197 4 года назад +7

      Yea me to because I love the twilight movie I love the part where Jacob jumped over Bella because his friends were being mean and so Jacob came outside and helped Bella and self her lift I thank that Bella should not stayed with Edward because I that that Jacob should have Bella and Jacob can take good care of Bella........??????????🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️

    • @levandamenz2098
      @levandamenz2098 4 года назад

      They are making more but they are still making it

    • @rossianatchagamendes5543
      @rossianatchagamendes5543 4 года назад +2

      Dis is wat unconditional love is.... U don't have to stop loving someone just because they don't love u....u don't have to hate someone hu doesn't feel same for u.....Bella never used Jacob ,Bella love jacob dat she can even die for him..... because she saw how much jacob love and stood by her at all times and he will do desame for Jacob is just dat she can't love him in a romantic way like wat she feels for Edward.....

    • @wolfdragon0111
      @wolfdragon0111 4 года назад

      Sanchu Biswzs yeah and I feel like it's just me and my bf Jordan cause both me and him r both wolves and I love him so much that I want to keep him safe and protect him

    • @hannahmarie8280
      @hannahmarie8280 4 года назад +2

      In the other part edward should die and then Jacob steps up and them jacob and bella get married😂

  • @dakotawalker7117
    @dakotawalker7117 5 лет назад +170

    It's so depressing for jake... u find the love of ur life but you'll always be 2nd best

  • @junemuller5466
    @junemuller5466 6 лет назад +173

    When i first watched the movies i was sad they didn't end up together but now i'm just thinking he was to good for her...

    • @xx_cxitlin_xx9918
      @xx_cxitlin_xx9918 4 года назад +5

      June Müller he was in love with her because of rennesme

    • @maevelancaster9022
      @maevelancaster9022 4 года назад +9

      Xx_Cxitlin _xX that’s not true because he loved her before reneemse was born.

    • @ส่ายฟ้า-ร1ฃ
      @ส่ายฟ้า-ร1ฃ 3 года назад


    • @MomoKanjaki
      @MomoKanjaki 3 года назад +3

      @@maevelancaster9022 Exactly! They really tried to sell us with that bullsh*t. JELLA FOREVER!

    • @ArmelSight
      @ArmelSight 2 месяца назад +1

      are you kidding he was so toxic

  • @tikkishaking5117
    @tikkishaking5117 5 лет назад +89

    Jacob forever ❤️

  • @danetriaskimble5890
    @danetriaskimble5890 6 лет назад +18

    Love me some JACOB...JUST SO BEAUTIFUL....I LOVED HIS CHARACTER... ❤❤❤💓💓💓😍😍😍😍

  • @lemontree647
    @lemontree647 4 года назад +16

    He and his lovee everything is amazing 🤩🤩.he truly deserves to be treated way better than how bella does

    • @ArmelSight
      @ArmelSight 2 месяца назад

      bro he literally assaulted her

  • @amraadili3369
    @amraadili3369 9 лет назад +320

    omg I'm crying omg if I was Bella Jacob is the one

  • @nadiradoesntreallymatter558
    @nadiradoesntreallymatter558 8 лет назад +103

    it's so beautiful it made me cry

    • @leahh7172
      @leahh7172 8 лет назад +6


    • @laralin8344
      @laralin8344 6 лет назад

      It almost made me cry. I was tearing up.

  • @kelab4599
    @kelab4599 8 лет назад +427

    Everybody was talking about how she loved Edward more than Jacob. But no one ever thought about how Jacob felt about the proposal, especially since he's been in love with Bella much before Edward starting liking her. She should of ended up with Jacob in the end.

    • @strangeracademy8266
      @strangeracademy8266 8 лет назад +6

      Well thank god she gave birth

    • @stelenadazzle4940
      @stelenadazzle4940 8 лет назад +25

      exactly team jacob

    • @bovleylusakueno5435
      @bovleylusakueno5435 8 лет назад +20

      innit Bella and jaboc should have been together I felt so sorry for him as much as Iike her and Edward but nahhh jaocs bare fit there ment to be💖😂😢

    • @SBSprites
      @SBSprites 7 лет назад +9

      I still can't accept it didnt end in this way. Hahah

    • @bellarkeforever6727
      @bellarkeforever6727 7 лет назад +1


  • @ambriadoomhover917
    @ambriadoomhover917 7 лет назад +31

    this song made me cry😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @nightangel6936
    @nightangel6936 7 лет назад +465

    Am i the only one Who would Love to find a Guy like Jacob?😍

    • @vaishnavinarnaware8517
      @vaishnavinarnaware8517 6 лет назад +12

      Night Angel I am with you 😘😘 Jacob owwww love him

    • @kamranhogg853
      @kamranhogg853 6 лет назад

      Jenn and Jenna Jenny is have a good day at the aquarium is have a good feeling a little button is sick she is a good girl go hi and see

    • @tikkishaking5117
      @tikkishaking5117 5 лет назад +6

      Nope I will want a guy like Jacob

    • @byregirabal8155
      @byregirabal8155 5 лет назад +1

      Me 😊

    • @lydiaholtsongcovers7542
      @lydiaholtsongcovers7542 5 лет назад +2

      Same. Would love a bf like him. 😍😍😍😍😍

  • @hi-nv5sd
    @hi-nv5sd 5 лет назад +112

    In the books she’s heartbroken after she rejects Jacob, she absolutely hates hurting him but she just can’t leave Edward

    • @paige.gulbransen_
      @paige.gulbransen_ 4 года назад +12

      Yeah she loves Jake but as the best friend she’s ever had 💕 but she loves Edward as a lover

    • @sapnarawat2206
      @sapnarawat2206 3 года назад +4

      @@paige.gulbransen_ not really she loved him" Jacob " As a lover 😘

    • @irenemarano8241
      @irenemarano8241 2 года назад +1

      @@paige.gulbransen_ Yes ,and that makes sense . I have loved 😍 a guy as a best friend because he was and I have loved 😍💕 another as my other half.I can understand.how the lines are hard to not cross over for the friend because he feels more.

    • @aniketabiswas5783
      @aniketabiswas5783 7 месяцев назад

      ​​@@paige.gulbransen_ nope she also loved jacob as her best friend cum lover

  • @reneewilliams9825
    @reneewilliams9825 Год назад +1

    This song is telling us about the time where Edward broke up with Bella , and now she needs Jacob to help her with her broken heart with the loss of Edward until she gets back with Edward , this song fits this video extremely well and it is awesome , amazing and beautiful and fantastic ! ! ! ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @laralin8344
    @laralin8344 6 лет назад +626

    Jakob needs a better girl than Bella. I am sorry, but someone had to say it. She just doesn't want him. That's sad though.

    • @jessicascott5648
      @jessicascott5648 5 лет назад +34

      Yall jacob and bella both realized that it was renezmea from the start. Even though she wasnt pregnant yet ..fate brought them together

    • @proudbtsarmy1619
      @proudbtsarmy1619 5 лет назад +5

      Yeah like me..

    • @queenoflovers5078
      @queenoflovers5078 5 лет назад +12

      Lara Lin I know he did more for her then Edward but yet she only wants to be friends which breaks his heart

    • @dashflashhh
      @dashflashhh 4 года назад +14

      I agree, I'm sorry for jacob,,,, bellla is only like using him

    • @xx_cxitlin_xx9918
      @xx_cxitlin_xx9918 4 года назад +6

      I feel sorry for Jacob but I do think, she chose Edward, she even said if she had to chose it would always be Edward, I think he should have gave up then because in my opinion he just kept coming back, and I get Bella was apart of that and it wasn’t just him, but that’s just what I think

  • @sunmoon539
    @sunmoon539 8 лет назад +44

    I was VERY team Edward, and at the moment I'm rewatching the movies and reading the books and rooting for Jacob....I've never been more confused about which team I "play for" and I'm bisexual

    • @ack5836
      @ack5836 4 года назад +3

      sun & moon I’m team e(Jacob)dward

    • @barbaraleal8697
      @barbaraleal8697 3 года назад

      Hahah just the same here, I used to be team edward, now team jacob and I'm bi

  • @moeshaclarke1001
    @moeshaclarke1001 5 лет назад +50

    jacob and bella are made for each other

  • @waterysnowy
    @waterysnowy 8 лет назад +38

    I've always been team Edward, but not gonna lie....this video made me feel something. Their friendship are beautiful!!! Btw, when this song came out Christina Grimmie was still alive, which becomes more emotional than it was before.

  • @mirandasummerset
    @mirandasummerset 11 лет назад +10

    song fits them perfectly

  • @reneewilliams9825
    @reneewilliams9825 Год назад +1

    This song fits this video extremely well and it is awesome , amazing and beautiful and fantastic and it is telling us about Jacob wishing that he could give Bella everything that she needs and only is just a dream ! ! ! ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mollyreynolds7526
    @mollyreynolds7526 7 лет назад +13

    Rest In Peace Christina Grimmie ❤️❤️

  • @makaylalynn381
    @makaylalynn381 7 лет назад +61

    I love this so much. This is my absolute favorite.#Teamjacob

  • @rosalie7229
    @rosalie7229 6 лет назад +14

    I cried sm 😭😍

  • @HarmanOberoi
    @HarmanOberoi 7 лет назад +5

    I just discovered this song ..this sounds awesome

  • @breharper3119
    @breharper3119 7 лет назад +8

    a love this song so much Thank you for making this song it means a lot to me

  • @mackenzierevolte8146
    @mackenzierevolte8146 7 лет назад +29

    "i was thinking about you
    thinking about me
    thinking about us
    what we're gonna be
    open my eyes
    it was only just a dream"
    y'all that's my fav part💕

  • @angelprincess9428
    @angelprincess9428 5 лет назад +154

    2019 And still team jacob like me.??? 🙋🙋

  • @karlanton224
    @karlanton224 4 года назад +2

    I don’t know how often I cried because of Jacobs sad Love Story💕😭
    I was just so happy when I red Breaking Dawn, with Nessie and Jake❤️❤️

  • @alphasummers9424
    @alphasummers9424 4 года назад +30

    I feel bad for Jacob. Bella knew he loved her, but she was in love with Edward. In the end Jacob gets Bella's daughter, which is a good happy ending. And we all know he will treat her right.

  • @Rdlpi
    @Rdlpi 2 года назад +2

    I am really out here rewatching this in 2022 but still equally just as crushed as when I first saw this in 2012.
    EDIT: I am also so glad this video is still up. A brief flash back to when I was still in high school haha.

  • @breharper3119
    @breharper3119 7 лет назад +10

    I love you Jacob, Edward and Bella you guys are the best

  • @bobbysmith9129
    @bobbysmith9129 4 года назад +1

    She's always so happy to see and be around jacob

  • @Marshy_Dreams
    @Marshy_Dreams 8 лет назад +342

    does anyone else feel sad after watching this :{

  • @ngakwanchan6340
    @ngakwanchan6340 9 лет назад +6

    I cried while watching this

  • @kendoll4142
    @kendoll4142 6 лет назад +60

    Who wouldn't want Jacob? I mean he turns into a wolf, he has muscle and he's over protective. Meanwhile Edward it cold and kills people. Bella was wrong, she never understood the love Jacob had for her, he waited for her but in the end she choose Edward. He did everything he could. But it was never enough for Bella. Smh

    • @lea_3o18
      @lea_3o18 4 года назад +9

      Ken Doll true i would take jacob🥺

    • @xx_cxitlin_xx9918
      @xx_cxitlin_xx9918 4 года назад

      Jacobs amazing but he was supposed to end up with rennesme

    • @ambergray7645
      @ambergray7645 4 года назад +2

      Xx_Cxitlin _xX he weren’t supposed to end up with renesmee. he imprinted on her so the other wolves couldn’t hurt her. personally i think that jacob and bella were supposed to be together as he did more and risked everything for her :)

    • @chanelxo3990
      @chanelxo3990 4 года назад +2

      But Edward was protective he hunted people that hurt others and he only ate the animals

    • @chanelxo3990
      @chanelxo3990 4 года назад

      i would pick edward

  • @gauravvashisth19
    @gauravvashisth19 11 лет назад +2

    Waaaaaa firwt tjis my fav song second for jacob i must say its awesome

  • @bryanab7388
    @bryanab7388 7 лет назад +6

    its just like what Jacob is thinking lol I love it!

  • @SunShineDance7
    @SunShineDance7 5 месяцев назад

    Taylor is a really good actor !! ❤ he should have gotten more opportunities in hollywood .. hope he rises back up real soon ... xoxo

  • @sophiej8575
    @sophiej8575 7 лет назад +57

    I love Jacob

  • @Shamini-fq4ue
    @Shamini-fq4ue 7 лет назад +1

    super song👉👌👈

  • @radkakocourkova3262
    @radkakocourkova3262 5 лет назад +10

    ❤ Just❤ a❤ dream'.....❤❤

  • @tonomathia1901
    @tonomathia1901 12 лет назад +1

    Beautiful ;***

  • @stelenadazzle4940
    @stelenadazzle4940 8 лет назад +550

    am i the only one who thinks bella did wrong with jake ,she never understood jake's love for her

  • @sarahweeks5301
    @sarahweeks5301 5 лет назад +1

    i love this song i lesen to it over and over again

  • @mellla_8856
    @mellla_8856 7 лет назад +3


  • @kanrt7744
    @kanrt7744 6 лет назад +2

    Magnifique ! ❤️❤️

  • @thebellatwinstwilightbella4646
    @thebellatwinstwilightbella4646 8 лет назад +165

    jacob and bella are soul mates 💜💜👌👌👌

  • @umasom5045
    @umasom5045 2 года назад +1

    Love Forever Jacob ❤️ in this whole I think Jake is truly loving caring protectable handsome guy ❤️❤️

  • @_.gabriela._
    @_.gabriela._ 5 лет назад +9

    Bellcob 🙋‍♀️❤️❤️

  • @GoodThingsEtc
    @GoodThingsEtc 10 месяцев назад

    Sadly Jacob got shafted and it was wrong on both their ends to let it go that far but then again you can’t always fight what the heart ❤️ wants ! Great movie and hopeful for another sequel! A huge fan!

  • @byankaalexandra9626
    @byankaalexandra9626 7 лет назад +6

    O Brasil ama esse filme!!! Melhor par 💘💋❤💖💖❤

  • @irispwp500
    @irispwp500 7 лет назад +10

    Jacob is the BEST!!😍😘😘😘

  • @ranjitkaur2347
    @ranjitkaur2347 8 лет назад +1

    jst lv ths song and jacob,,,

  • @sergeantoinevassor659
    @sergeantoinevassor659 7 лет назад +5

    I really love this song is like my life, and I will never forget twilight saga forever

  • @mackenzierevolte8146
    @mackenzierevolte8146 7 лет назад +2

    SONG OMFG😍😍😍😍❤💕

  • @fairuzyosef5203
    @fairuzyosef5203 9 лет назад +14

    Team Jacob forever!! 💙💙😍

  • @isaline5854
    @isaline5854 6 лет назад +11

    Team Jacob forever ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

  • @heathercross1540
    @heathercross1540 10 лет назад +130

    I miss twilight so much, twihard forever

  • @elza-xp2tc
    @elza-xp2tc Год назад

    Beautiful ❤

  • @xoxkatexoxlee102
    @xoxkatexoxlee102 8 лет назад +293

    Team Jacob!

  • @sophiamills7214
    @sophiamills7214 3 года назад +2

    This is so cute 💖😻💖

  • @elkiana
    @elkiana 5 лет назад +8

    The person who made this is obviously #teamJacob

  • @lopz0108
    @lopz0108 6 лет назад +1

    I was crying and I like Jacob!!!

  • @donnatilson6419
    @donnatilson6419 8 лет назад +59

    Team jacod!! He is just so handsome and cute

  • @aliceamador5717
    @aliceamador5717 8 лет назад +49

    I love this good job❤️
    Team Jacob btw😉

  • @emmatia04
    @emmatia04 6 лет назад +4

    Love it ❤❤

  • @andreabanfi5434
    @andreabanfi5434 8 лет назад

    Hmm .. Gyönyörű dal és film! .. Hmm.. Beautiful song and movie!.. Jacob & Bella - Just A Dream

  • @leonieliebmann
    @leonieliebmann 8 лет назад +6

    I love jacob 😍😍

  • @machabernier5936
    @machabernier5936 11 лет назад

    The most beautiful video I've seen so far. Good job.

  • @fazleelahisumon2242
    @fazleelahisumon2242 4 года назад +3

    Why jacob is soo beautiful, cute,loving,adorable,handsome n hot? Bella is just a dumb. .....his smile is sooo precious.

  • @tatumselby7440
    @tatumselby7440 7 лет назад +1

    love it and love you Jacob and Bella

  • @bea7596
    @bea7596 7 лет назад +4

    I love Edward and Jacob 😘😻❤💕

  • @manojmathw516
    @manojmathw516 6 месяцев назад +1

    I like Jacob and Bella ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Alexandra-zz2dm
    @Alexandra-zz2dm 4 года назад +6

    OMG... I'm crying.... He's much better than Edward, he's sweet kind sexy and so much more.... I love him❤️😍❤️I don't understand Bella, why Edward

  • @noorfatyma4334
    @noorfatyma4334 6 лет назад +2

    I love Jacob❤
    If you ever loved somebody put your hands up🙋🙋

  • @lydiaholtsongcovers7542
    @lydiaholtsongcovers7542 5 лет назад +5

    Christina Grimmie's song fits in so well with this video. Anyone else think the same?

  • @nitinchitransh6874
    @nitinchitransh6874 5 лет назад +1

    What a song

  • @AlejandraLopez-dv4dp
    @AlejandraLopez-dv4dp 8 лет назад +120

    team Jacob for ever

  • @1minutodeatencao291
    @1minutodeatencao291 9 лет назад +5

    💞 Passo o dia tooodo ouvindo essa música😍😍

  • @sandrawitcherlove4014
    @sandrawitcherlove4014 8 лет назад +25

    i love YOU Jacob

  • @videomixt
    @videomixt 4 года назад

    i love twilight and your video goes really well with the music 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👍👍

  • @AishiBhattacharyaOfficial
    @AishiBhattacharyaOfficial 7 лет назад +6

    For me it's not about Edward, Bella or Jacob. It's all about Kurt , Sam and Christina who made this song so Amazing and more popular than the original.

  • @Leeno254
    @Leeno254 4 года назад +1

    I miss this franchise 🥺

  • @melanie222mai7
    @melanie222mai7 8 лет назад +17

    Jacob's so beautiful 🔥😞

  • @krystalcanfield3553
    @krystalcanfield3553 3 года назад +2

    I'm team Edward but this was amazing.

  • @laurafreitag3509
    @laurafreitag3509 9 лет назад +14

    Ich find einige Lieder davon so cool

  • @diannapilivi1349
    @diannapilivi1349 5 лет назад +1

    This is the best song for Jacob

  • @anavitoriacardoso4183
    @anavitoriacardoso4183 6 лет назад +59

    Team Jacob ❤️.

  • @marybucki3625
    @marybucki3625 5 лет назад +2

    Team Jacob all the way 💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @jurebovha4166
    @jurebovha4166 8 лет назад +17

    first it's just a book (movie).
    + has anyone thought how bella would feel if she would pick him? one day he would imprint on someone too... what about her feelings

    • @wolfblood8471
      @wolfblood8471 4 года назад +2

      See, but if she ended up with Jacob then renesme what I've never been born for him to imprint on

    • @MomoKanjaki
      @MomoKanjaki 3 года назад

      @@wolfblood8471 *He never would've imprinted on her to begin with if TLOHL was Bella. That was just a BS retcon they came up with in the first place to get rid of -the completion- Jella.

    • @MomoKanjaki
      @MomoKanjaki 3 года назад

      The competition *

  • @melynaquantinet9373
    @melynaquantinet9373 7 лет назад +1

    j'ai 9 ans mais je suis actuellement amoureuse de toi je t'aime fort mon amoureux.😍😘😚😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😚😚😚😊 tu es trop beau.

  • @munelamaa8838
    @munelamaa8838 8 лет назад +35


  • @gabriesaragirasole9428
    @gabriesaragirasole9428 7 лет назад +1


  • @shaniceendres9665
    @shaniceendres9665 8 лет назад +22

    Bella + Jacob = LOVE 💞 😚 💋

  • @angelicarona5946
    @angelicarona5946 4 года назад +1

    Still Watching 2020 & Listening So Handsome Jacob And Good Actor 😍🥰❤️
    6:55 Pm

  • @mercedesalonso6700
    @mercedesalonso6700 9 лет назад +1

    Can you make one with Jacob and Bella Story of life by 1D or fight for you by Jason D? love the video good job keep up the GOOD WORK.:)

    • @Lovietje16
      @Lovietje16  9 лет назад

      +Mercedes Alonso I will see what I can do :-)!

  • @babysuga7502
    @babysuga7502 6 лет назад +5


  • @jackiey4472
    @jackiey4472 7 лет назад +6

    that'll be weird dateing a wolf buh jacob 😍😍😍 n the song💯💯

  • @hanahanifah9282
    @hanahanifah9282 5 лет назад +7

    I have to get me a friend like Jacob :))

  • @zuzabukowiec3946
    @zuzabukowiec3946 4 года назад +2

    I always wanted Bella to be Jacob...He loved her so much..🥺