United Pursuit Band - We Have Come (Bless The Lord)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Off the Album: Live at the Banks House

Комментарии • 107

  • @ermmiasteclemariam6066
    @ermmiasteclemariam6066 8 лет назад +100

    I can feel this song down to my bone. Jesus saved my life. God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.

  • @MrRuege
    @MrRuege 12 лет назад +8

    United Pursuit is some of the best worship because their music is simple, raw, and displays utter submission to our heavenly Father.

  • @waymangresham5526
    @waymangresham5526 9 лет назад +41

    You have no idea how this blessed me! This was sent to me at 5am. I woke the wife up and we have been in worship ever since! This is authentic!

  • @benatural49
    @benatural49 3 года назад +7

    Who's still listening in 2020? I never grow tired of listening to this song!

  • @WhileAKyle85
    @WhileAKyle85 11 лет назад +3

    Just discovered this song last night! I'm going through personal revival right now and I'm loving this song! Last night for the first time in a year or more, I lost myself in worship singing to this song! Love it!

  • @CultureDweeb
    @CultureDweeb 12 лет назад +7

    Oh how I love United Pursuit! Such genuine worship and songs of praise! They truly have been blessed by the Lord and are a blessing by their leading others in worship!

  • @malanbartleman
    @malanbartleman 13 лет назад +8

    the coolest song to just chill, and spend time with God. "we have come to give You glory"

  • @jakebingler6019
    @jakebingler6019 11 лет назад +2

    I just messed up last night. I used to be in ministry until I went into depression and almost killed myself. After hospitalization, and in my desperation, I got into drugs. The past four months I have been clean and have serving God. But this past week, my depression came back. My first reaction was to ask The Lord for deliverance, but I slipped up an got high last night. I feel terrible about it... I love God so much, but I feel as if I can no longer trust myself.

    • @alexrom8031
      @alexrom8031 7 лет назад +1

      Same here depression is hard to fight but with god u can do it just keep standing up and fighting dobt give in keep moving frwd brother we all fall but what matters is what u gonna do after the fall

  • @constitutionalpesant
    @constitutionalpesant 11 лет назад +17

    You CAN'T trust yourself, none of us can while we're in the flesh. Only trust in Christ Jesus to help you step by step to defeat this strong hold that drugs and depression has on you. Get into a bible based church that has some kind of support system and surround yourself with Christ minded people to help hold you accountable and shower you with God's love, stay faithfully in the word and on your knees. I will put you on my church's prayer list. remember beloved, Jesus loves you as you are.

  • @katieporter5994
    @katieporter5994 8 лет назад +14

    You are so Welcome Lord!!! Rain down on us... Fill us Holy Spirit... Have your way with us... We Praise Your name! Amen Hallelujah!

  • @greymuffinplayz8950
    @greymuffinplayz8950 3 года назад +3

    Just found this Christian artist. So 😊. He has an amazing Gift from God!

  • @UnworthySubject
    @UnworthySubject Год назад

    Everything I know is directly from our Heavenly Father God made possible through Jesus Christ our Savior. I see the path forward isn't violence. It's understanding the brain and how it works. This is how we release ourselves from the prison the world creates for us. If you would like for me to explain this more in detail, I'll be more than happy to share.
    Growing up in the U.S.A as a child, adults always had the last say in everything no matter the situation. Adults would twist facts, making one feel less than human. Thinking what we say as children has no meaning and no actual worth. It'll break just about anyone and can cause some serious trust issues. Knowing you're saying the truth and being told to be silent and take orders without question created lasting effects. Seeing adults had the last say made me want to be a law enforcer. That's who I believed would fix everything. My small mind believed every problem would be fixed by law enforcement. Biting my time until I grew up to become an adult.
    After some time, you start to question and understand things that as a child one couldn't possibly comprehend. As teens, we start seeing the world is much stranger than what we're told and fed. This make believe law and order is meant for those who aren't given the same opportunities. Laws are meant to keep populations in a state of imprisonment, pretending to create peaceful communitiies when in fact they're meant to keep certain classes down.
    Violence is all we know and see growing up in the "Hood". Media feeding us hateful stories around the world instead of figuring ways to fix such issues. Creating hostile environments and confusing humans into believing that's part of life, its the main objectivem of some. Knowing who keeps this endless cycle of dystopia around the world is vital to progress and not end up in situations some strive to enchain us with.
    Most songs we hear today are filled with nonsense that make our brain hostile and dull. News stations enhance these hateful mindsets that take control of our actions, making unreasonable decisions instead of allowing our brains to have control and make responsible choices.
    The world around is filled with marketing that increases our consumption. Every second of our lives are filled with endless marketing with false solutions to serious issues. Pretending material objects will make our lives enjoyable, when infact it'll supress the issues for a few hours max. Waking up the next morning feeling emptier, deeper in debt.
    Although the population must also strive to live on needs instead of wants. It's practically impossible when those who run the country don't care what the country turns into as long as they stay in positions of "power. We're kept in zombie like mindsets, feeding on each others ego. Every second of our lives is filled with ads. These marketing campaigns manipulate the mind to keep us from being satisfied with what we have.
    Believing that happiness can be purchased, our minds drown every sense of reason in order to achieve small satisfactions. It's how some keep us from achieving great things and becoming one as a community. This matrix of a world is controlled by few that know exactly how humans works. The ego satisfying need of approval and attention seeking drives us, instead of allowing our brains to control the body. Some folks enjoy seeing us argue with eachother over insignificant situations. Knowing how the ego works, some use this as a weapon against the populations.
    Marketing products in a way that attracts the gullible masses, products they partray as being life changing. Painting products colorful with make believe joyful ads that are meant to bring out the child in us. Taking us back to the first days in a toy store, sustaining the monopolies we see today.
    Keeping workers too busy to understand themselves and able to achieve self control. Thinking clearly is made impossible. The brain is kept in a prison of its own. We aren't given enough time to relax and enjoy nature. Creating loving, peaceful and joyful memories are practically kept out of reach and nonexistent. Our minds are always seeking ways to make money in order to survive or purchase "happiness".
    This game goes back throughout history and most aren't given the time to explore and understand their purpose in life. I've dedicated my life to understand the brain and see how this system is kept under the shadows. Most that understand the game seek self interests instead of helping the people around them.
    Not all of coarse can be placed in that category. You will find many people try to send hidden messages in movies and songs. If people would take the time to challenge their brain more, they'd realize it's hidden in secret messages. We usually enjoy the action part of movies and curse words in certain songs. Instead of listening and understanding the scenes. Most songs in mainstream radio are chosen specifically to broadcast the worst of our societies.
    Everything I know is directly from God and I see the path forward isn't violence.
    Everything I see and understand is from my King. I serve only him and no one else.

  • @ArticleOneVideos
    @ArticleOneVideos 12 лет назад +2

    It's not about changing people from bad to good but changing them from dead to alive...

  • @chrisjohnson9542
    @chrisjohnson9542 8 лет назад +31

    lord i wanna follow you with all my heart. i have come to give you glory and praise lord. jesus i love you so much. please toich me father fill me with your holy spirit. please help me get off of this medication that has made me so sick father i am tormented i scream in agony every day. and my mind is being eaten by chemicals and viruses lord i am sick and i believe you will make me well. cover me in the blood of jesus and wash me of my sin. i sin day after day after day and i excuse it with the fact that i am so ill lord there is no excuse for sin. but what about mental illness? when im not aware of what im doing? or i am and i watching myself but i cant control it? lord please show me how to get better i cant live life lord i will use my akathisia to praise you. it is so painful but lord i just listen to this music and i ask that you let these words be the words of my heart lord. i just thank you for loving me. please lift my torment father i stand on your word and i ask you to fill me with your holy spirit lord god. baptize me with fire and let me be consumed by your love and purpose and mercy. father i claim the birthright that youve blessed each of your children with that we have dominion over all the earth and the animalsin the water eath and sky lord i come before you with the whole armor of god wearing your helmet of salvation the belt of truth the shield of faith the breastplate of righteousness and the sheoes of the gospel of peace and lord the sword which is your word and is sharper than a double edge blade sharp enough to peirce through the soul. lord i stand on your promises that no weapon formed against me will destroy me and that i have the power to trample on snakes and scorpions. lord jesus i call down a heavenly host of your angels father. angels to minister to my heart angels to war for me on my behalf lord and angelsto me messenger to you father. lord i thank you for giving us all the tools we will ever need to fight any sickness disease cast out any unclean spirits and to worship you to share your gospel and tolaim jesus as our lord and savior. and i stand firm in faith right now against the enemy the evil spirits and powers of darkness and principalities. lord i cast these vile things off of my body and out of my body in the name of jesus!. lord i thank you for your victory and that youve already won. lord. i praise you father. oh jesus oh jesus. i love you jesus. please stand next to me please i give all these medications to you father bless me and let then not make me ill anymore and heal my body and mind right up underneath them jesus. heal my nervous system and brain and my thought proccess. lord heal my muscles and my organs my liver my blood my heat my lungs. lord please kill destroy remove all lyme disease and any othe infection from my mind and body. lord i give thanks to your holy name hor i know i am already healed in heaven i just ask that you make it so on earth father and thst it would be so i can praise you more effectively. and be a true disciple lord. right now these illnesses keep me from fully doing anything right. my mental state is hurting other people the akathisia and terror and obsessions lord i say be gone in the name of jesus. lord i thank you for Kristen and her husband who i have not met yet lord but i thank you for their prayers and i ask for protection over them and their family lord as they pray for me please direct them and give them wrds to pray and ears to hear. lord i ask this of myself also father and my family. lord i just thank you sooooo so much for your endless love and i ask that you let me draw nearer and nearer to you. abba. oh thank you papa. please protect erin. lord im so sorry for the hurt ive caused her from my symptoms and all the weight and stress father please lift this in jesus name father. please bring peace to her heart lord. oh father oh lord i just worhip your holy name and i praise you with everything i have lord i give you everything lord everything. in jesus name i pray amen

    • @jlotiffh
      @jlotiffh 8 лет назад +6

      Amen! God we humble ourselves to your mighty presence. We bind all illnesses in JESUS NAME. Father let no weapons prevail. I ask in the name of Jesus to cloth this servant of yours under your wings Father. Lord, like you parted the waters, like you healed my tumor and my heart murmur, I ask in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Sprite to move inside him and let healing begin. He is searching for you Lord, let him seek your face and find it God. I pray in the name of Jesus that you set this soul on fire for you God, and that in the name of Jesus! He is set free and is made a new creature in you, Amen!!!

    • @rosmerysilvera9432
      @rosmerysilvera9432 8 лет назад +1


    • @paullet24
      @paullet24 7 лет назад +1

      Chris Johnson God hears your cry, he knows your heart, He will answer your an give you peace

    • @sonneversets3530
      @sonneversets3530 7 лет назад +1

      Chris, praying for your peace, that surpasses *all* understanding of our finite minds. The *peace that only comes from Jesus. Who, along w/His Mighty Father, loves us all beyond our comprehension.*

    • @JamesRhymes
      @JamesRhymes 6 лет назад

      Give thanks to God and LET IT BE SO!

  • @HGray59
    @HGray59 11 лет назад +5

    "Jesus didn't die to get you into heaven, He died to get heaven into you" - Todd White

  • @Craftman368
    @Craftman368 12 лет назад +1

    All of them would be amazing. But Love is above all. After all, that IS what we were built for, being loved by God and loving God. God is Love! And yet... we keep sinning... If we truly understood the Love of God, (which is humanly impossible), we would NEVER sin again. EVER. I don't know about you, but I'm trying to change. Trying to seek God, and His Holy Love. Trying to yearn, earnestly for Him. And the more I find Him, the more I wan't Him. And I'll never find all of Him. He is infinite!! :)

  • @nhoelpholis2281
    @nhoelpholis2281 9 лет назад +22

    very simple but so powerful when i started singing it. God is so great and greatly to be praise!

  • @angellbattle
    @angellbattle 9 лет назад +10

    We sang this song at church today! Very powerful!

  • @onepotfitness8271
    @onepotfitness8271 4 года назад +2

    This is my heart. To follow God, to give Him glory, to give Him praise.

  • @TheCannonizer
    @TheCannonizer 12 лет назад +1

    i have probably listened to this 100s of times. cant get enough!!

  • @salemaboubaker3588
    @salemaboubaker3588 8 лет назад +1

    I can feel the spirit and its feels good. To have that kind of feeling we are in a bondage with god. His love is never-ending!!!!!! Ermmmmiassssssssss

  • @christianlynch6338
    @christianlynch6338 3 года назад +2


  • @DTruth850
    @DTruth850 8 лет назад +4

    Whatever it is that we go through, our lord Jesus understands and he will heal whatever it may be in you. Life is grand if you surround yourself with other believers. Once you practice the faith, others will see a good example.. Just be yourself and follow your passions because God wants the best for us.

  • @williamwallace2844
    @williamwallace2844 9 лет назад +2

    That you Jesus for music to praise you. Our faith is to be lived out loud and to make a noise to the world. Now is a time for God's Children to follow God with all their heart and fulfill the Great Commission Matthew 28:16.

  • @shiffterCL
    @shiffterCL 11 лет назад +2

    Keep your eyes fixed on God and dont look away! ill be praying for you :)

  • @hannah3970
    @hannah3970 4 года назад +1

    I loved this song when I was little. Wow the nostalgia. 🥺😣💕🙏

  • @thomasschaffnit8521
    @thomasschaffnit8521 4 года назад +3

    2020! Oh how this song has blessed my soul!!! Jesus!!

  • @snowyavrmobile
    @snowyavrmobile 5 лет назад +1

    Didn't know it then, but this song represents one if the biggest and bests part of my life.

  • @AZtrueflow18
    @AZtrueflow18 11 лет назад +1

    jesus gave us authority over demons, command the spirit of depression giving the thoughts and the cloud of sadness over you to the pit in jesus name. Luke 10:19-20

  • @marybridges7743
    @marybridges7743 7 лет назад

    So thankful for this band's supplying our spirits with songs with more-than-words.Every day this past week have woken with this anthem playing in my head-what a fabulous reminder of why we are here and Who welcomes us to be washed and renewed in His Presence.Whoever believes in Him is not condemned (John 3:16-18)Wonderful news-nobody excluded!Great son-thanks!

  • @ceri64
    @ceri64 10 лет назад +7

    Have just been given this album as a thank you gift and now keep playing it! love it!

  • @cherokee890
    @cherokee890 13 лет назад +3

    this an awesome song WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO JESUS RULES

  • @danafoster5260
    @danafoster5260 9 лет назад +10


  • @MrJdom24
    @MrJdom24 12 лет назад +2

    Praise the Lord and all He has done for you! Show Him the glory!

  • @mariarivera-ve8de
    @mariarivera-ve8de 6 лет назад +1

    Have your way, have your way..have your waaayyyy!..we have come to give you glory, we have come to give you praise, you're welcome in this place, you're welcome in this place...have your way...God. Bless the Lord oh my soul and let all that's within me shout out! Amazing song, it breaks me everytime.

  • @sarahsullivan9985
    @sarahsullivan9985 11 лет назад +2

    ahhhhh HALLELUJAH! He is so good and so worthy of praise!!!!!

  • @billmilburn90
    @billmilburn90 9 лет назад +5

    I love listening to this during Adoration

  • @tprice9033
    @tprice9033 6 лет назад +2

    I've only just come across this album this week absolutely love it, praise and worship at its best, raw and real.

  • @inokerogoyawa
    @inokerogoyawa Год назад

    Still on this in 2023 !! 🔥🔥

  • @matthewfildes1620
    @matthewfildes1620 11 лет назад +2

    In our weakness gods power is made perfect

  • @shanedegen
    @shanedegen 13 лет назад +1

    Seriously annointed in Daddys Heart

  • @atticus126
    @atticus126 13 лет назад +1

    can't stop hitting replay! wonderful!!

    @PLURIC 11 лет назад +2

    Best call to worship song ever! Play those hymns right after this :)

  • @junioroliveira9526
    @junioroliveira9526 5 лет назад +2

    I cannot express how my soul fell !!!!❤❤❤

  • @Deanna974
    @Deanna974 11 лет назад +2

    I have faith that you'll be free from this one day. I say this because I am going through something a little similar, and God has promised me that I'll be free one day. It's a process. I feel terrible too, but I can't spend my time doing that, it's just a distraction from what God wants us to do. :] I can't really trust myself either, but we can trust God. He's trustworthy, and he promises that we'll both be free from our bondages. *hugs you* :)

  • @awach1
    @awach1 12 лет назад

    This is a powerful worhship song.. To God be the glory for this band.....

  • @claudiawells6792
    @claudiawells6792 9 лет назад +2

    Wow ! Yes Lord !!!!
    Have your way Abba!!

  • @bellamckendree
    @bellamckendree 4 года назад +1


  • @mwhitley4
    @mwhitley4 12 лет назад

    I really like how the piano compliments everything else in this song. it's a nice mix of sounds

  • @shoeman3434
    @shoeman3434 12 лет назад +1


  • @Mineman393
    @Mineman393 12 лет назад

    Awesome song!!!!!!!!!!!! Bless the Lord O my soul indeed!!!

  • @andrewkofiemily
    @andrewkofiemily 10 лет назад +1

    beauty - peace and love. more please. the holy spirit we welcome you x

  • @nachobeltran3785
    @nachobeltran3785 10 лет назад +2

    Bless the Lord oh my soul...

  • @natewatson6962
    @natewatson6962 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Jesus

  • @ZackfowlerOFFICAL
    @ZackfowlerOFFICAL 11 лет назад +1

    You guys have done well with this song :)

  • @trialandheir
    @trialandheir 11 лет назад +1

    The truth of the matter is that the Spirit lives in the Christian giving them the same power Jesus had...living the Christian life is not up to you to live....it is up to you to allow Him to live it in and through you...He will pull it off if you will quit trying and allow Him to do it

  • @VaughnMalecki
    @VaughnMalecki 8 лет назад

    All glory and Praise be to Yahweh our God.

  • @imazing08
    @imazing08 8 лет назад +3

    Song definitely on my heart today!

  • @rheagalsim7497
    @rheagalsim7497 11 лет назад

    Thank you so much for this. blessings!

  • @danielgoins1699
    @danielgoins1699 11 лет назад +1

    I'll pray for you brother. Keep me posted on how you are doing man!

  • @Lesleykupa
    @Lesleykupa 11 лет назад

    Love this! You doing great guys!

  • @Craftman368
    @Craftman368 12 лет назад

    God's love. Whether we know it or not, it's what we need and want. Yet, we try to fill this want with so many other things. Porn, smoking, popularity, bullying, cutting, ect. When we do these things, when we sin, we are saying God isn't worth it. That this sin is more better than God. Can anything be less true?! What do we gain from sin? Pleasure? For a season? Maybe? (Not to mention we loose so much more) What do we gain from God? There could be sooo many answers to this question. (word limit)-

  • @96Piuma
    @96Piuma 9 лет назад +1

    This is beautiful!

  • @richardthrockmorton1499
    @richardthrockmorton1499 10 лет назад +2

    The Peacemaker

  • @CJCforJ
    @CJCforJ 12 лет назад


  • @elizabethturner4031
    @elizabethturner4031 11 лет назад

    Love this!

  • @snowyavrmobile
    @snowyavrmobile 8 лет назад +1

    have your way

  • @dorisolorio4789
    @dorisolorio4789 9 лет назад +1


  • @usafrcmech
    @usafrcmech 11 лет назад +1

    jake its ok to make mistakes :) that doesnt mean you failed the Lord! Keep in mind, He knew you were going to do that before you did. Just apologize and ask for His forgiveness. When Jesus died on the cross His last words were, "it is done" meaning He has cleansed us of our sins. keep on trucking and keep your head in the clouds. If you dont keep your head up high then its hard to see the big picture...dont you agree?

  • @novakdan5
    @novakdan5 12 лет назад

    DUDEEE! YEAAAH! :D word!

  • @DShenzho
    @DShenzho 11 лет назад


  • @zackahle6588
    @zackahle6588 11 лет назад

    ME TOO!

  • @anoakstale
    @anoakstale 10 лет назад

    Good Stuff!

    @J3WISHBUFFALO 11 лет назад


  • @kwing112
    @kwing112 11 лет назад +1

    @jake Bro god trusts you. And if you don't trust somethingvthe almighty trusts(yourself) then your saying the almighty is wasting time. The thing is the lord NEVER wastes time.

  • @funhopes2739
    @funhopes2739 10 лет назад +1


  • @rutatutut
    @rutatutut 8 месяцев назад

    Is there a lyric sheet to help me memorize all the words to this song? ;)

  • @jordankalaluka5987
    @jordankalaluka5987 7 лет назад +3

    this song makes cry it does not sound happy i am not a chritan

    • @paullet24
      @paullet24 7 лет назад +1

      jordan kalaluka you are so loved!

    • @sonneversets3530
      @sonneversets3530 7 лет назад +2

      jordan k; It is your spirit crying out for *Jesus.*
      God left an 'empty' part in our hearts, that can be filled *only w/Jesus.* And when we allow Him to come into our open hearts, He *fills* that hole; that 'emptiness' that was always there. It's no longer.
      *Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Believe on Him as your Lord, & Risen Savior, who loves you beyond comprehension.*
      He will forgive all your sins, washed by His bloodshed for you.
      Lean about Him & what He did when He was here, walking the earth. And what was done after, by his Apostles & followers.
      And what's happening now & what's to come.... *soon.*
      We are in the *End of the End Days,* & God is calling *all* w/an open heart, eyes & ears, to *come to Him & be saved, by Jesus.*
      Your tears will turn to *JOY* when you hear this & other worship to our Savior.
      It will have another meaning for you then. So will your life. You will *never* be the same. Let *Jesus* minister to your soul, jordan. He's waiting for your invitation.
      Then find Greg Laurie here on RUclips & learn about Him. He's a good man of God. Very basic & *real,* on point, teaching about Christ.
      He's holding a *Harvest America* on June 11, 2017. It's nationwide & you can go on line to see what church or place is hosting it near you, for the public to go to. Don't be afraid to go. Bring a friend or family member to go w/you. Most will have some good food to eat there, too! ;)
      Some are holding it in churches, live stream. Others are doing it in their homes & having it live streamed.
      *Please look into it! Please let Jesus minister to you.*
      He so wants to bring you into His family & have you w/Him in Heaven, *Forever.*
      I'll be praying for you. Please give me an update! :)

  • @doosds
    @doosds 11 лет назад

    same thing?

  • @AZtrueflow18
    @AZtrueflow18 11 лет назад +1


  • @MichaelSeeds
    @MichaelSeeds 12 лет назад +1

    @purelove7777 Your twisting sentences together to confuse people... I don't insult God when I say i'm not perfect, but it is the truth and it glorifies him because his grace can be more cleary seen. His goodness can be seen, not mine, and that glorifies Jesus, more than whatever your trying to say. His blood is sufficient! :) and his grace is bigger than we could imagine!

  • @cyurisich
    @cyurisich 11 лет назад

    It's a way better song to play/see live than in this format. Pretty boring version really.

  • @chrisjohnson9542
    @chrisjohnson9542 8 лет назад +1

    lord i wanna follow you with all my heart. i have come to give you glory and praise lord. jesus i love you so much. please toich me father fill me with your holy spirit. please help me get off of this medication that has made me so sick father i am tormented i scream in agony every day. and my mind is being eaten by chemicals and viruses lord i am sick and i believe you will make me well. cover me in the blood of jesus and wash me of my sin. i sin day after day after day and i excuse it with the fact that i am so ill lord there is no excuse for sin. but what about mental illness? when im not aware of what im doing? or i am and i watching myself but i cant control it? lord please show me how to get better i cant live life lord i will use my akathisia to praise you. it is so painful but lord i just listen to this music and i ask that you let these words be the words of my heart lord. i just thank you for loving me. please lift my torment father i stand on your word and i ask you to fill me with your holy spirit lord god. baptize me with fire and let me be consumed by your love and purpose and mercy. father i claim the birthright that youve blessed each of your children with that we have dominion over all the earth and the animalsin the water eath and sky lord i come before you with the whole armor of god wearing your helmet of salvation the belt of truth the shield of faith the breastplate of righteousness and the sheoes of the gospel of peace and lord the sword which is your word and is sharper than a double edge blade sharp enough to peirce through the soul. lord i stand on your promises that no weapon formed against me will destroy me and that i have the power to trample on snakes and scorpions. lord jesus i call down a heavenly host of your angels father. angels to minister to my heart angels to war for me on my behalf lord and angelsto me messenger to you father. lord i thank you for giving us all the tools we will ever need to fight any sickness disease cast out any unclean spirits and to worship you to share your gospel and tolaim jesus as our lord and savior. and i stand firm in faith right now against the enemy the evil spirits and powers of darkness and principalities. lord i cast these vile things off of my body and out of my body in the name of jesus!. lord i thank you for your victory and that youve already won. lord. i praise you father. oh jesus oh jesus. i love you jesus. please stand next to me please i give all these medications to you father bless me and let then not make me ill anymore and heal my body and mind right up underneath them jesus. heal my nervous system and brain and my thought proccess. lord heal my muscles and my organs my liver my blood my heat my lungs. lord please kill destroy remove all lyme disease and any othe infection from my mind and body. lord i give thanks to your holy name hor i know i am already healed in heaven i just ask that you make it so on earth father and thst it would be so i can praise you more effectively. and be a true disciple lord. right now these illnesses keep me from fully doing anything right. my mental state is hurting other people the akathisia and terror and obsessions lord i say be gone in the name of jesus. lord i thank you for Kristen and her husband who i have not met yet lord but i thank you for their prayers and i ask for protection over them and their family lord as they pray for me please direct them and give them wrds to pray and ears to hear. lord i ask this of myself also father and my family. lord i just thank you sooooo so much for your endless love and i ask that you let me draw nearer and nearer to you. abba. oh thank you papa. please protect erin. lord im so sorry for the hurt ive caused her from my symptoms and all the weight and stress father please lift this in jesus name father. please bring peace to her heart lord. oh father oh lord i just worhip your holy name and i praise you with everything i have lord i give you everything lord everything. in jesus name i pray amen

    • @snootypoot2479
      @snootypoot2479 6 лет назад +1

      I declare healing over you in the name of Yeshua. I command every sickness, pain and suffering to flee in the name of Jesus. Every spirit that is not of Jesus Christ, I rid of you; binding you up by Holy Spirit and casting it out of this precious son of our Lord and Savior. Let the blood and love of Jesus cover you from head to toe. You are a beloved child of Christ Jesus and I declare you healed in Jesus’s name. Be free and be blessed. Praise be to the Father and no mortal man. Love ya man. Peace rest in and on you