Luban No.7 Adjusted Passive effect's damage against different targets. "Luban's Passive works the same regardless of the target's Health, so heroes cannot guard against it by increasing their Health. As such, we've reduced his effectiveness against high-Health targets. As compensation, we've increased his ability to threaten the enemy carry. Passive-Suppressive Fire: Damage to Heroes: Before: Physical damage equal to 6% of target's max Health (+1% per 100 extra Physical Attack). Now: Physical damage equal to 60-120 (+4.5% of target's max Health, +1% per 100 extra Physical Attack).
Luban No.7
Adjusted Passive effect's damage against different targets.
"Luban's Passive works the same regardless of the target's Health, so heroes cannot guard against it by increasing their Health. As such, we've reduced his effectiveness against high-Health targets. As compensation, we've increased his ability to threaten the enemy carry.
Passive-Suppressive Fire:
Damage to Heroes:
Before: Physical damage equal to 6% of target's max Health (+1% per 100 extra Physical Attack).
Now: Physical damage equal to 60-120 (+4.5% of target's max Health, +1% per 100 extra Physical Attack).
Gi review skin augran di cn
Woke siap
Jadi gimana bre, sekarang mending pake mm lain kah?
Masih oke sih cuma harus late game
@@ugihok walah, baru juga dapet skin honor passnya