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  • @HouseCatTV
    @HouseCatTV 5 лет назад +13

    Did anyone notice Aeris said "This guy am sick" instead of "this guy are sick"?

  • @Galvajon
    @Galvajon 4 года назад +5

    I think all the different ways of interpreting Aerith's feelings towards Cloud are interesting. My read has always been that they are romantic, that she's initially attracted to him because of his resemblance to Zack, but as many people have pointed out, even in his 'ex-SOLDIER' persona, Cloud doesn't behave much like Zack did. He also has these sweeter, quieter moments with her, like at the campfire in Cosmo Canyon, where his real personality shines through a bit more ("I'm - we're here for you"). She also says during their date that while she did compare him to Zack at first, "Things are different". It's not a huge amount to go on, I grant you, and it's certainly open to other interpretations, but I basically took that to mean that she looked for Zack in Cloud, didn't find him, but has still fallen for what she has found - and is maybe even a little guilty about that. It's almost like she's betraying Zack by preferring (or at least going for) this new guy. I also don't think she intended to die: at one point Cloud suggests that she did, and Tifa insists that she didn't, that "she talked about the future more than any of us."
    I also think that reading Cloud and Aerith's relationship as romantic, at least burgeoningly so, adds to what makes Cloud and Tifa's coming together near the end of the game so poignant. Cloud and Aerith had an almost fairytale romance, what with the meet cute, and him dashingly rescuing her from Shinra, and so on. It would have been great, maybe. But they didn't get to have that. Aerith abandoned the party at the worst time, Cloud led Sephiroth right to her (maybe, or maybe just didn't get there in time), and she got killed. That's it. Everything they could have had is gone. But Cloud and Tifa are still alive, still human, still need each other. Their relationship is a lot less pretty and perfect (the romantic childhood friendship thing even turns out not to have been what we were led to believe). It's not ideal, but that's kind of the point: it's a more mature relationship, and I think it's enhanced by knowing that, in an ideal world, maybe it would never have happened because Cait Sith's prediction about Cloud and Aerith would have come true. But Cloud and Tifa look at reality and accept it and work with it. After all, accepting reality is kind of what Cloud's whole character arc is about.

    @FFVIIFAN 7 лет назад +13

    15:00 *= Aeris broke up with Zack through way of letter in Crisis Core. In Gongaga, she mentions being okay he never came back. Then, unofficially, Aeris fell in love with Cloud when she realized he came to save her...and this isn't because he saved her, but because he went to where she was. This was something Zack wasn't able to do, and also kind of chose not to do. Sure, you can say Zack was busy...but Cloud could have said the same thing, but his care for Aeris was too strong. This is why Zack was broken up with and, unofficially, never became THE love interest of Aeris.*

    • @digitalreframe
      @digitalreframe 7 лет назад +1

      And that is why I say fans need to accept it is a love triangle.
      Neither Nomura, Nojima or Sakaguchi said they had a preference. They only said Aeris was the main love interest, before they changed the story to reflect death and thus thought Tifa or someone else is.

    • @lennethebeauty
      @lennethebeauty 6 лет назад

      Not to mention during her date scene with Cloud she tells him she realizes he's putting up a facade. I don't know where the guy got the idea that Aeris knew she was going to die in his head. How on earth would she have known something like that? Aeris wasn't planning on sacrificing herself, she was just trying to use her Holy Materia to summon Holy. It doesn't require the user to be dead, and it was only Sephiroth's powerful will that kept the magic from activating.

    • @carlgibson7850
      @carlgibson7850 5 лет назад +4

      @@lennethebeauty Old post I know, just getting to this playthrough.
      I was thinking it could as simple as:
      I'm the only one left. Everyone else was slaughtered/captured/etc. She's lived her life with the Turks around her. How likely is it I have a normal life and live happily ever after?

  • @koolaidninja54
    @koolaidninja54 5 лет назад +3

    Oh god kingdom hearts broke my world when wanna said "Tee-dus"

  • @SilverHunterN
    @SilverHunterN 6 лет назад +8

    Why didn't I come across your channel earlier? Dude, your channel is very interesting. Subbed.
    The first video I saw on your channel was that overflow glitch, which was pretty funny. And yes, I've done some programming before so I understood parts of it.
    And yes, everyone at my house including myself pronounces the name Tidus as Tie-dus for the same reason XD

  • @levinium
    @levinium 4 года назад +1

    mako shark (noun)
    ma·​ko shark | \ ˈmā-(ˌ)kō-
    Definition of mako shark
    : either of two relatively slender mackerel sharks (Isurus paucus and I. oxyrinchus) that are dark blue above and white below with long pointed snouts and that are notable sport fish

  • @shmagifyer211
    @shmagifyer211 7 лет назад +1

    Hey man I was looking up some materia guides and I stumble upon u and I really enjoy these videos, keep up the good work

  • @hellojohnhello89
    @hellojohnhello89 6 лет назад +7

    I'm late, but we don't pronounce "tiger" as teeger. so Teedus sounds dumb. Also, names that start with "t" often have an "i" sound following it. (Tyler, Tyson, Tyrone, etc.) Names don't usually have a "tee" beginning, unless female, like "Tina" or... hmm I can't think of another offhand.

  • @jeffchow7176
    @jeffchow7176 5 лет назад +1

    Fun fact, I just started playing this mod, I think it's on 1.5, and you have to fight two Plasmabusters, while surrounded :D

  • @theTRUman
    @theTRUman 7 лет назад +1

    Playing FFVII now, and I just killed Air Buster in 1 shot, using Big Shot from behind! Over 1600HP in damage!

    • @rich1051414
      @rich1051414 4 года назад

      Yep, as a kid, I always avoided shooting it from behind because of counter attack, but when I played it as an adult, I realized that it takes extra damage from behind as well, and I always made that fight take longer than I should have xD

  • @Wilkey89
    @Wilkey89 2 года назад

    Happy birthday a week and a half (and 5 years) ago!

  • @MrDusuke
    @MrDusuke 7 лет назад +1

    this mod really looks nice... i am tempting to play it again :D

  • @Dr.X-Hoff
    @Dr.X-Hoff 7 лет назад +1

    Is there a video of the speed run?

  • @TheTropicotonic13
    @TheTropicotonic13 7 лет назад +1

    A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. DON'T JUDGE ME! *giggle*

  • @EscalarioChan
    @EscalarioChan 5 лет назад

    Aeris: This guy am sick.
    Ahahahaha! Her English are great.

  • @swordoflight7789
    @swordoflight7789 7 лет назад +1

    People confuse the name Aeris alot, nobody gets it right. It is not Aeries the god of war. I once saw a Japanese video on vcd that said the name was designed by the creators to be Heiress, she is named what she is, Because she is the last cetra and sole Heiress to the ancient bloodline. They decided they liked the word but the spelling didn't look appealing so the Alternative spelling was chosen so that it looked better on paper, damn the japanese and their cartoon letters. The root of that word is also the same word we use for Hair and heritage so it also makes sense for her character to have the longest hair. It is pronounced like Air-ess

    • @digitalreframe
      @digitalreframe 7 лет назад +1

      People confuse a lot of things in the game. It is never explicitly spelt out Cloud loves anybody, including Tifa. Yet the game makes it very clear several times that Aeris does love Cloud and is the core love interest. As for what happens, designers decided for story to kill her off thus tossing Tifa in as default. Yet clearly it was in error..

  • @habitatryder
    @habitatryder 4 года назад

    Whoa whoa whoa - how are you healing cloud and aeris by attacking with aeris? Is it one her weapons or something that heals party members by attacking them?

  • @Aukyn1992
    @Aukyn1992 5 лет назад

    Hmmm ok I'm liking what I'm seeing, thoufh the question would be, even if I wanna play this, Ivm spanish so I got the game in spanish, do I have to have the game in english for this mod to work properly?

  • @asharkey3
    @asharkey3 6 лет назад +1

    So what's the deal with hiding the wheel during Tifa's limit? Does it not cycle when you hide it?

    • @twilightturtle
      @twilightturtle 6 лет назад +1

      Its a glitch. When it is not on screen, eventhough you hear the spinning sound effect, it does not spin. You can buffer it to be able to always get the spot you want. Just get it to be one spot before what you want, and the moment you stop hiding it you press the confirm button and it will work.

  • @user-ov6jg4ug9d
    @user-ov6jg4ug9d 4 года назад +1

    39:39 right here my game glitched out and gave me the Hades materia...
    And then Reno disappeared and turned into the 3 guards that blocked my way
    I was able to leave thru the front door I went out and back in and flagged the "you don't know me" text and it was normal again but I still have Hades so win? Lol

  • @clarkymark1042
    @clarkymark1042 4 года назад

    I'm trying to play this but it keeps crashing on the first fight. No idea what I'm doing wrong to install it. In the menu before the very first fight it shows cloud and dead and a full item menu of 0 potions.
    Can't figure out why it's not patching properly.

  • @Demonwhisper
    @Demonwhisper 4 года назад

    Making me feel old with those dr tran refrences man lol

  • @Loukgob
    @Loukgob 2 года назад

    As a non-NES from Europe but mostly speaking Thai and English in my everyday life I know one thing that many non-NES have a hard time to wrap their heads around, and that's how especially vowel's changes sound in different words in English. Let's take Malay or Bahasa/Indonesian, which still uses the latin script. E will always sound like in Evil. I will always sound like in International, not shift between Ay and "ee". A will always sound like Anaconda, not shift between Mako or Mayko (or one of the most used Thai words in US - which is a little unfortunate - Kratom would never be Kraytom.
    So, words like lets say eyes makes little sense to most non-NES who came from a different script (since Thai etc. and Lao even more, is quite straight forward in pronunciation). eye would make more sense being spelled like Ais, but then how to spell ice? etc. etc. etc. I know there are nuances, but to a non-NES that struggles with things as pronouncing Th, those will not be noticed. (however, for being a latin-based language, as a Swede I must say English makes a lot of sense after all compared with Swedish, and don't get me starting on German and French, lol....)

  • @amg9856
    @amg9856 6 лет назад

    Aeris should have known so much more about what was going on having felt zack in the beginning during his death. Not fully understanding how to speak with the planet hindered a lot of foresight she would have had.

  • @Nick-fc2zo
    @Nick-fc2zo 6 лет назад

    Xenogears is on the PSN store. You can play it on the PS3 and PSP. Just so you know.

  • @HouseCatTV
    @HouseCatTV 5 лет назад

    Instead of Teedus you can call him Tedious :p

  • @spagnewton
    @spagnewton 2 года назад

    tfw you mistranslate the mistranslation

  • @brandonlogan3089
    @brandonlogan3089 2 года назад

    I loveeeee that they changed the shading on clouds clothes in this mod. That purple shading was so friggin lame.

  • @Puremindgames
    @Puremindgames 5 лет назад

    It's obviously Tee-dus because of how Tifa is pronounced, it's not Ti-fa or Tie-fa it's Tee-fa.
    I did originally pronounce it Ti-fa(it's how Titfa came about) and I also pronounced it Mah-ko and Aries

  • @HansenPodcast
    @HansenPodcast 7 лет назад +3

    I have alot of more hours to go

  • @GeoCode6
    @GeoCode6 7 лет назад +1

    Death or anyone else please help me out. I wanna play FF7 again but the original is kind of easy for me. As i have seen though there are several mods and some of them really seem to be pain in the ass. Which mod is kind of harder but not like super hardcore 40 minutes boss battles, and are all these mods for free?

    • @4-8Productions
      @4-8Productions 7 лет назад +8

      I highly recommend the New Threat Mod, it is difficult, but not too difficult, and has a great difficulty curve. The battle are intense but aren't super long. And yes, these mods are free, just google 7th heaven mods and the New Threat Mod. I will also have a tutorial on modding soon, I have a lot of other projects to finish first though :)

    • @GeoCode6
      @GeoCode6 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much. I love your work!

  • @twilightturtle
    @twilightturtle 6 лет назад

    41:45. YES! I thought I was the only one. When you read it 'Tidus' the 'T' and the 'd' is what gets grouped together in your head ('Tid'). That split is more common as the mouth movements are closer (The 't' and 'd' are both made by the tongue on your gums/teeth right behind the front teeth, essentially very close together) so your mind chooses those two sounds to be closer and hence one syllable and hence makes the 'i' a long vowel. Someone mentioned Tifa and how we don't pronounce it with a strong 'I'. Well, as opposed to Tidus, the 't' and 'f' sounds are made with different mouth locations. 'T' is still behind the front teeth but the 'F' is your top teeth on your lower lip. This creates the separation there 'ti' and 'fa'. The 'ti' in this case is more often associated with a long 'E' vowel sound.
    On a separate note... English is one of few languages where the "i" is not always pronounced with the long 'E' sound. As I kid, had I known... Tidus would have been Tee-dus for me. Stupid english being the mutt of the language world.

  • @jonathanspaulding3771
    @jonathanspaulding3771 4 года назад +1


  • @pmhenry1986
    @pmhenry1986 6 лет назад +2

    It's definitely pronounced Tie-dus not Tee-dus.
    Wakka finds him floating in on the morning Tide... so he calls him Tide-us.
    Wakka whacks the blitz ball. Keepa is the goal Keeper. Tidus floated in on the Tide.

    • @Puremindgames
      @Puremindgames 5 лет назад

      That's the weirdest logic of why something has to be pronounced a certain way I've ever seen, lol.
      And if it's pronounced Tee-fa then how is not Tee-dus?

  • @Mikimarux
    @Mikimarux 6 лет назад +1

    I always called Tidus Tie-Dus i feel it makes more sense as its obviously a play on tidal, following the naming convention of Squall and Cloud, based on water. Im pretty sure its just the voice actor that pronounced it Tee-dus in the behind the scenes documentary then other games followed suit, (if it is even said in Dissidia or Kingdom Hearts)

  • @fatfalcon2798
    @fatfalcon2798 7 лет назад

    0:45 you mean ff:dark souls

  • @TheGeneReyva
    @TheGeneReyva 7 лет назад


  • @MelodeathxTed
    @MelodeathxTed 7 лет назад +1

    Kill...... Reno.

  • @mhenderson1984
    @mhenderson1984 7 лет назад

    Death, I know you wanted to play Xenogears. I will lend you my ps1 copy original to play and document should you wish. I can send it to you. Let me know.

  • @DanielEscovedo
    @DanielEscovedo 5 лет назад +1

    Why the hell do you have to play skiping everything as if you were speedrunning the game!? This is a mod which one of the most interesting features is that it adds different dialogues and events etc, but as you skip everything those who watch your videos can't enjoy the story well. And don't you think I'm a hater or anything, I've given likes to more than hundreds of your videos, I really love ff7 and I think you do a great job to the game and the community, but I also have my own opinions and I'm telling you so that you can perhaps reflect on this. In any case, thanks a lot for everything you do for the ff7 community, I really admire your work. How can I donate you something?

    • @4-8Productions
      @4-8Productions 5 лет назад +2

      I wanted to show off the combat aspects of the mod and didn't want to have to stop to read everything as it would have slowed everything down. I figured if anybody wanted to hear the rewritten story, they would have a great reason to play the mod themselves! I keep reading dialogue to my Let's Play series. Thanks for the support!

  • @lennethebeauty
    @lennethebeauty 6 лет назад +5

    First of all, Aeris never considered the possibility that she was going to die. She just charged forward doing what she could. Second of all, Aeris and Zack was never a serious thing. The original translation was wrong about them, they were nothing more than really friendly with a slight possibility for romance but that was never actualized. She refers to him as a good friend and in a "would have been nice" sort of way. Zack and Aeris weren't together. And if you ever paid attention to Aeris' date she straight up tells Cloud she's interested in the "real him", so she also sees through his Zack Facade and wanted to be with the real Cloud. Aeris did fall in love with Cloud, and Cloud fell for her, that's part of why his guilt nearly collapses him in AC and starts living in her church, hiding away from Tifa and Marlene.

  • @sghost128
    @sghost128 6 лет назад

    ZFAWA is so OP. Blizz pls nerf.

  • @MetroAndroid
    @MetroAndroid 6 лет назад +1

    I really don't like the oversimplification of Aeris and Cloud's relationship to "Cloud like Zack, Aeris like Zack; but Cloud not Zack, so not good enough." Their relationship is one of my favorites in the whole game because of how mature it is. Love isn't this black and white "Fulfill these criteria and I love you" type thing. In real life, you don't have a defined "love interest". There's this huge mish-mash of emotions that go into it. Aeris' personality is very protective, and so she's very perceptive of Cloud's emotional issues. Something like romance gets mixed in and becomes even less clear up until the date scene. But even after that, the "comforting" part of love that helps give you a reason to live and fight is still there, in my opinion, even stronger as they've had to work through these hardships on an interpersonal level and within the plot. The fact that Tifa's there as well, gives all the feelings involved an even more complex dimension, as there's this sense that "We both feel strongly for eachother despite having someone who it makes more sense for us to be with". But it's not like this huge "YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE" type thing... They're all comforted by one another.
    I completely agree that I think she does know that she's going to die at the time that she goes on the date with Cloud. I think the reason why she leaves is because she doesn't want to make her death more difficult (and she knows she'll need to spend a long time praying with the White Materia, free from distractions). She doesn't want to become closer to Cloud/the party because she thinks it will just make it hurt more when she dies.

  • @oskamunda
    @oskamunda 7 лет назад +2

    That being said, I agree completely about pronouncing Tidus. I think it sounds leaner and meaner, and reflects the weather/environment them with FF main characters...Cloud, Squall, Tidus -- like a tide...especially because he has a heavy connection with the water as a blitzball star.
    I also pronounce it MAY-koe, and will never ever ever pronounce it MAH-koe. Just won't. MAH-koe sounds dumb, and MAY-koe sounds like a a Mako Shark. Just works better thematically. MAH-koe sounds like a gibberish sound that a cabbit repeats over and over as a chibi character. Incidentally, BAKA is essentially Japanese for "idiot," and it has the same first syllable pronunciation as the "correct" form of MAKO.

    • @MetroAndroid
      @MetroAndroid 6 лет назад

      May-ko sounds goofy to me. Like a cute girl named "May" with Japanese "ko" added at the end for cuteness (Mei-ko~~♥). Whereas long "aa/ooh" sounds reflect formidable power (fitting of mako's ancient power). For instance, Majin meaning demon god. Or "Otoo-samaa" meaning Father (with great respect).

  • @michaelhowell2809
    @michaelhowell2809 4 месяца назад

    Lol after remake, she always knew. Jk

  • @skudzer1985
    @skudzer1985 7 лет назад

    Tifa is pronounced TEE-fuh.
    Tidus is pronounced TEE-dus.
    What's the problem?

    • @Sticksnstones77
      @Sticksnstones77 7 лет назад +5

      The problem is that English isn't very consistent, and there are a lot of rules for speech that get ignored constantly. Tifa is a word that doesn't have very many other words that are similar to it, the only one I can think of is Lima but that's not a strictly "English" word (and Lima is pronounced differently than lime because the letter e is weird and has a ton of it's own rules). The structure: usually has the first vowel long, so using that rule it would be pronounced TIE-fuh. However, there's another rule where, if a vowel is at the end of a syllable, then it's pronounced short, so: TEE-fuh (Plus TEE-fuh sounds more natural in English sentences).
      Tidus unfortunately has a word that is very similar to it: tide, which also fits with the character's theme of water considering that he's a blitzball star. However, tide is a one syllable word, so it's harder to guess where the first syllable ends in Tidus. Compounding this issue is that the format of a word doesn't usually have a 'u' as the second vowel so I can't even guess at how another word like it should sound (look at the word unusual, why is the first vowel short, but the second two are long? Is it because 'un' is a prefix?). To better understand what I mean... how do you pronounce the word tides? Tides is only one letter off from Tidus, but tides still only has one syllable, and it doesn't end on a vowel! It's the 'u'! the 'u' is the problem!
      But seriously I think that the real problem is that even as a native English speaker I spent waaaay too long on this question and looking up grammar rules for about an hour because I was legitimately curious which one is correct. I gave up after a while when I remembered that English is complicated, dumb, and there's always exceptions because a word might've come from another language. I continued watching the vid and realized that I might have saved a lot of my time if I just listened a little longer.

    • @digitalreframe
      @digitalreframe 7 лет назад +1

      sticksnstones) Again, I think the peeps confuse the designer's intents with FF7. It is left open as to whether Cloud loves Aeris, Yuffie, Tifa or anyone - not because they prefer one over the other. But because the main designer chose to kill Aeris off & change story, leaving it a triangle. However they each admitted Aeris is the main one.

    • @vsriotact
      @vsriotact 6 лет назад +3

      So your argument is two words start with the same two letters? By that logic Tiffany should be pronounced tee-fanny and Tim should be Teem.

  • @Dr.X-Hoff
    @Dr.X-Hoff 7 лет назад

    Are you making fun of people who play Pokémon??

  • @Zeratul723
    @Zeratul723 7 лет назад +1

    Bioshock Infinite is trash.