My biological family wanted to me to lose, but they couldn't break my spirit. So God has to come along to ensure it does everything in its power to make me lose, and after God having me lose for 20 years, is god finally tired? Or bored? Of constantly making me lose?
My biological family wanted to me to lose, but they couldn't break my spirit. So God has to come along to ensure it does everything in its power to make me lose, and after God having me lose for 20 years, is god finally tired? Or bored? Of constantly making me lose?
God doesn't make u lose. We are joint-heir with Jesus Christ in ALL that the Father has! It's the devil who does those things. And the devil uses his own minions to accomplish it. Too often it is weak ppl who end up being used by the Adversary to do his evil bidding.©️
My ex thinks we getting back together because I have luv for her kids still, wat a ametuer..she forgot it got levels to this shit
I want to forget her