Rush - Live Kitchener Ontario December 28, 1977 8mm Film (HD)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @bigjim718
    @bigjim718 8 месяцев назад +4

    I know we all would love to see a full concert from this time!

  • @Islander2112
    @Islander2112 Год назад +5

    It's like posters and pictures coming alive from that era! AMAZING!!!

    • @jaym3064
      @jaym3064 7 месяцев назад

      I thought the same thing!! My bedroom at 14 years old come to life! If only the soapy bikini girl washing a car on my opposite wall came walking out on stage 🤔

  • @gregwong1899
    @gregwong1899 3 месяца назад

    Rush was amazing live in the 70s I saw a farewell to kings tour 1977 hemispheres 1978 permanent waves 1980 and moving pictures 1981 and signals 1982 words cannot explain the energy and fury of this band when they were young and Hungry.

  • @sirgilmour
    @sirgilmour Год назад +17

    I absolutely love it! We are having an excellent boom in unearthed footage from the seventies this past few years, hope our praises and support will make you want to release more! Thank you very much and keep on the good moments rolling

  • @toddstein74
    @toddstein74 Год назад +4

    Xanadu is one of the most amazing songs ever, period

  • @LSUOdyssey
    @LSUOdyssey Год назад +3

    Such a holy grail getting all this Rush stuff lately, the couple of unreal 8mm footages and the I Think Im Bald show from March 76, the Northampton 75 show from a few years back, theres been a lot seeing the light of day. Hell we even have little bits of footage of Twilight Zone and Necromancer now....incredible

  • @iggyfritz7150
    @iggyfritz7150 Год назад +3

    God do I miss this Band 😢

  • @sblack48
    @sblack48 Год назад +2

    The kimono period!

  • @colinhamilton6493
    @colinhamilton6493 11 месяцев назад +1

    Absolutely awesome footage! Thanks for sharing, man!

  • @cronejawford978
    @cronejawford978 Год назад +2

    Thanks so much for this. Always loved that ES-355 and those double-necks.

    • @chwthomas09
      @chwthomas09 Год назад +1

      I agree with this, I don't understand why some don't. I remember seeing a comment on a Rush vid that said "I'm glad those doublenecked guitars went out of style" or something similar.

  • @edow9203
    @edow9203 Год назад +2

    Awesome! Even got the Pyro during A Farewell to Kings.

  • @paulwells2227
    @paulwells2227 Год назад +5

    Thank you so much for the incredibly hard work it takes to bring these gems to the fans!

  • @rickshearer
    @rickshearer Год назад +4

    Thanks for posting this extremely rare/personal footage! 🥁🎸📽🎤

  • @jameslighterGTR
    @jameslighterGTR Год назад

    Fantastic. Legendary stuff. Imagine playing shows like that 200+ times/year, and the amount of years these guys were doing that for. Lots of energy, that white 355 looks sharp and new! Great post, thank you for sharing I've been waiting years and years to see Lerxst play the A Farewell to Kings track onstage. So awesome.

  • @jells40
    @jells40 Год назад +2

    This is super cool! Great work by all involved!

  • @reedcording
    @reedcording 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is why I love RUclips. Thanks for the upload. And hey Pete Koza from Reed Hayes.

  • @jib3015
    @jib3015 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great footage.

  • @wearetomorrowspast.5617
    @wearetomorrowspast.5617 Год назад

    Thanks guys. Much appreciated.

  • @stratocat
    @stratocat 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, Twilight Zone. I don't believe they played that live too much. Awesome!

  • @secretjourney4815
    @secretjourney4815 5 месяцев назад


  • @Cool7Songs
    @Cool7Songs 5 месяцев назад


  • @phideaux3
    @phideaux3 Год назад

    Fantastic restoration! My first Rush show was on the same tour - a month later in Flint, MI. Thanks for the memories!

  • @Belexes
    @Belexes Год назад +1

    Never knew the Moog was removed from the stage during the show. Neat!

  • @carlosxd9739
    @carlosxd9739 Год назад +1

    Beautiful 😢

  • @LSUOdyssey
    @LSUOdyssey Год назад +4

    Imagine if it just continued the whole show unstopped. I swear it would be even better than any of their live DVDs so far outside of Cap 76.
    Lets all petition the band to put out LIVE IN ENGLAND 1979 tho. They filmed and recorded 3 shows on 4th 5th and 6th of May at Hammersmith Odeon their favorite non American venue at the time, and probably their top 2 or 3 favorite generally. Those shows have dream set lists and must be released.

  • @sharonastill1027
    @sharonastill1027 Год назад

    I ❤ this rare footage of rush thanks for uploading this! From Shaz in the east mids.

  • @alicethroughthelookingglass
    @alicethroughthelookingglass Год назад

    Talk about looking up your old address! So great! Reliving the past, their hair is a bit longer than the show I saw at the Calgary Stampede Corral the September prior as a kid who was determined to see RUSH, love it! Plus it looks like Max Webster backed them up this night as they did on the show I saw!

  • @RushArchives
    @RushArchives Год назад +3

    Bastille Day​ [0:00]
    Lakeside Park​ [1:01]
    By-Tor And The Snow Dog​ [1:22]
    Xanadu​ [1:41]
    A Farewell To Kings​ [2:44]
    Something For Nothing​ [3:14]
    Anthem​ [3:33]
    Closer To The Heart​ [3:50]
    2112: Temples Of Syrinx​ [4:12]
    2112: Grand Finale​ [4:27]
    Working Man​ [4:49]
    In The Mood​ [5:09]
    Drum Solo​ [5:33]

  • @RushArchives
    @RushArchives Год назад +9

    So happy we finally have some footage from the AFTK tour, this is really great all things considered! Great quality and a decent overall length for 8mm. Though it's a bit sad no bits of Cygnus X-1 were captured. Great job with the audio sync and cleaning up the video! I'd be interested to see if GM works on Daniel Graham's March 23 Rush footage as well.

    • @GenesisMuseum
      @GenesisMuseum  Год назад +4

      coming up next

    • @RushArchives
      @RushArchives Год назад +1

      @@GenesisMuseum Good luck! A friend of mine has been working on a sync for that one, though it has been quite difficult so far.

    • @GenesisMuseum
      @GenesisMuseum  Год назад +1

      @@RushArchives No doubt. I've done a lot of syncs and that one was one of the hardest I can remember.

    • @felipeaoyama3274
      @felipeaoyama3274 Год назад +1

      @@GenesisMuseum Is there a footage of Rush's first show in Hartford 2002?

  • @thedude3423
    @thedude3423 Год назад +1

    I love old COLOR footage. Then it seems like it coulda been last week! This footage is great+ !

  • @mahoganyrushfan5688
    @mahoganyrushfan5688 29 дней назад

    This is Great! I Love the AFTK Tour!! Thanks!!!

    • @GenesisMuseum
      @GenesisMuseum  29 дней назад

      You are welcome. We have a number of other mid-70s Rush 8mm films on our channel you may like as well!

  • @Sheehy223
    @Sheehy223 Месяц назад

    If there's any other Geddy nerds here, note how at the very beginning he's playing his brand new (at the time) '77 Rick (note the absence of a white cover around the bridge and the 1" Neck Pickup spacing), then later he switches to his original '73 Rick (white cover suddenly appears and the neck pickup moves closer to the neck) and the tone actually changes pretty significantly if you listen really closely. The '77 sounds fatter and the '73 is more thin but with that weird lower midrange character it always had on the earlier albums.

  • @OutOnTheTiles
    @OutOnTheTiles 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing this! I encourage every Rush fan to read or listen to Geddy’s bio “My Effin Life”…’s incredible!

  • @PlayerVieja
    @PlayerVieja Год назад

    Amazing video! I love Rush ❤️. Thanks!

  • @DoncampbellUSMC
    @DoncampbellUSMC Год назад +1

    Right On ✌️ THANKS 👍

  • @hamhead2765
    @hamhead2765 Год назад

    This is incredible

  • @frk75
    @frk75 Год назад +1

    wow, that was nice, i didnt know they actually removed the minimoog off the stage near the end of the show. great piece of history here...

  • @paulfromt.o.7384
    @paulfromt.o.7384 Год назад +2

    Wow just when ypu think you've seen just about every live Rush clip, this happens 😅😊

  • @zachsmith3
    @zachsmith3 11 месяцев назад

    3:00 holy shit
    Often time it feels like I'm there.
    Other times it feels unworldly.
    It's so good.
    Oh to be there

  • @robertnobody
    @robertnobody Год назад

    This is when Neil's drum kit began to grow, you can see he added the orchestral percussion to his setup.

  • @robertmccoy9901
    @robertmccoy9901 Год назад


  • @nonsuch
    @nonsuch Год назад +1


  • @rafaa151
    @rafaa151 Год назад +1

    Sadly only fragments. This seems a great "pomp prog"concert.

  • @LudwigSC93
    @LudwigSC93 Год назад about the whole concert :)

    • @GenesisMuseum
      @GenesisMuseum  Год назад +1

      🤔Interesting...I wonder if the description has any information about that

    • @LudwigSC93
      @LudwigSC93 Год назад

      @@GenesisMuseum I admit I did not read the description lol but I still would like the whole concert :)

  • @katiegrundle9900
    @katiegrundle9900 Год назад +1

    a mystery has been solved! alex did play the double neck on something for nothing. i think geddy played the doublr neck on passage to bangkok? i think the red doubleneck was the one that got injured from the stage lights falling on it

    • @Kohntarkosz
      @Kohntarkosz 9 месяцев назад

      It was a PA horn, but yes Alex said it sheered the pickups off the red doubleneck and then landed on on his ES-335.

    • @katiegrundle9900
      @katiegrundle9900 9 месяцев назад

      Was the es 335 the white one?

    • @Kohntarkosz
      @Kohntarkosz 9 месяцев назад

      @@katiegrundle9900 No, that was an ES-355. The ES-335 is the sunburst guitar you see him playing in most of the early photos and video footage. It was his main guitar on the first few albums.

  • @ratio567
    @ratio567 Год назад +1

    Still waiting for the day fountain of lamneth shows up In a bootleg

    • @genesisappsegames
      @genesisappsegames 7 месяцев назад

      Never played entirely in live

    • @ratio567
      @ratio567 7 месяцев назад

      @@genesisappsegames it actually did, I know this from when I actually met ged and Alex at a my effin life book tour show. They both recalled it being played entirely “once or twice”. (It was also confirmed in a few interviews and fan recollections)

  • @andrerenault
    @andrerenault Год назад

    Pete Koza is the GOAT

  • @rogerdebougainville889
    @rogerdebougainville889 Год назад

    What is the audio source here?

  • @wenmoonson
    @wenmoonson Год назад +1

    Guys...I really need MORE KIMONO!

  • @Tranquillado
    @Tranquillado Год назад

    Lemony cake.

  • @paologiannetta5297
    @paologiannetta5297 Год назад