So you aren't a commercial pilot anymore? If the airlines weren't for you, why not fly for a part 135? Aviation is of course a tough industry no matter what, but you obviously have a passion for it, so just curious. I live in a Alaska and if you love flying, this place is pretty awesome. I see the shoe collection though, so maybe the rural lifestyle doesn't seem cool to you, but I hope you let your mind explore the idea. You only have one life to live and this place is a glorious place to fly and there are a bunch of part 135's up here. Or if you have a better paying gig with less stress, then perhaps you can still do that up here and use that money to buy an actual airplane... Either way, I dig your priorities. That's a cool setup. The part 135's that I have worked with (I'm an IT guy) would love to have a setup like this for their pilots' office, although they are cheap wads usually and want only enough to simulate the landscape and approach when doing a charter to a destination for the first time.
I'm very impressed. Frankly I didn't know you could do this without buying a full set of hardware. As a pilot, SEL and instrument, I used to fly into unfamiliar airports using MS Flight to orient me to the runway directions etc. I fly mostly a G1000 172. It worked great and gave me more confidence flying into a new to me airport. I think you have a great setup. Have you tried it with MSFS 2020 yet?
@@danielking104 Maybe he already owns an aircraft and he wants the ease of walking into another room and taking some practice. And a 150? One and a half dudes fit in there with no clubs. Go eat a hamburger and you gotta dump fuel to get home. LOL
rob567321 a 150 is still flying. There are other options too that are just as cheap. But one major difference between a real plane and this simulator is that it takes $0 to own and use this simulator after its purchased.
As a Fellow UK Pilot ( Previously ATPL - Now PPL - 10,000+ Flight Hours) I have to say this is one the most realistic setups for a home simulator I have ever seen,. Makes me want to create something similar instead of the costly charges of flying when I would like, as I have moved away from commercial air crafts. My hats off to you good Sir.
... just make it so ... cannot take it with you ... and this means so much ... go for it ... get everything you want in one chunk ... even have them set it all up in your home ... remember you only go around once ...
I’m an airline pilot, captain, check airman, FAA flight instructor and I’ve trained many a pilot on $50,000-$100,000 sims that were not nearly as nice.
This young man is the greatest example of what human relationships should be like. Humble..well spoken and genuinely humble. He clearly wants to share his knowledge freely while expecting nothing in return.
+Rick Bunch He does seem like a great guy, but as far as nothing in return; I'm sure he's hoping people will purchase items through his affiliate links. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You've got that cool pilot voice - that voice that even if the plane is on fire you speak up - and everybody is instantly comfortable with the predicament.
Ha! Was thinking exactly the same thing - “This is your Captain... Some of you on the right-hand side of the aircraft may have noticed the wing and engines are completely on fire. This is nothing to be concerned about. For passengers on the left, we have a stunning view of the Grand Canyon...” :-)
AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING!!! I too was a pilot for 15 years. Stopped in 2006. Now age 76, so the last thing I want to do is put myself or passengers in danger, as I'm no where as sharp as I use to be, and now have health conditions. So, I too am putting together a sim. Man, thank you so much for sharing info on your sim!!!
what impresses me is people doing what makes them happy. All that flashy stuff is just show. People enjoying the time they have on earth doing what they love is awesome!
"Once a pilot, always a pilot" SO TRUE! Thanks for the insight to your sim! Many of us are "medically retired" and our only flight fix is through our home simulators.
Marc Ernoult Of course it will be. Every game you can play on a pc is compatible with 3+ screens. Just depends on how you want to set it up, whether via software or hardware (triplehead2go for example).
My first ever RUclips comment. Just wanted to say thank you for your detailed explanation. Seen a few multi-display cessna setups online, but no one ever cared enough to actually explain their build. I believe your video is the first I have seen that has actually explained the build and where to buy components from. Appreciate it and keep up the great work.
Really cool build! Every time I see a large DIY project on RUclips the costs always seem to be glazed over. I appreciate the time you took to get the exact costs of every component in your build, big and small. As for the folks that are raggin' on you about the PC costs, don't worry about it! You specifically said you wanted to support the PC builder's business. Some people are envious of this build and the comments that undermine what you've done here serves as a way to convince those people they still have some kind of upper hand. The same folks that can build a PC for less probably can't do the PVC and woodworking you've done here. You worked with what you knew and what you had, and you ended up with a beautiful sim. All-in-all, this is a great build! ...And for $7k, that's definitely worth the price! I would guess that's only about 30 hours of renting in LA 😂!
Hey also I am not envious of the build since I have a similar build myself and am just trying to help people so they don’t get ripped off on a build that doesn’t cost that much and doesn’t have components that match up with one another
@@Jdplayz-bq4ys right? Everyone assumes that a person that trashes on the cost of something is just envious or jealous. I HATE people who take advantage of those less than knowledgeable in current PC hardware because I was taken advantage of a few years ago. Now I stay current with pricing and performance so that doesn't happen again. I7 8700k @ 5.1ghz Noctua NH D15 cooler Asus Z370 Prime 16gb Corsair Lpx ram Rtx 2070 XC Ultra 120gb SSD boot drive 1tb SSD X2 1tb X2 mechanical drives. Evga 1300G2 power supply (eBay special) Cooler master H500 case All put together for a little over $1700 Not posting to brag, just to point out the glaring over pricing of the PC in the video. It's not even a TI model of the gpu.
@@atomicdeath10 he did it 2 years ago so it was probably around 2-2.5k back then and 200 bucks for delivery puts it around 2500 dollars. Few hundred bucks for building it is probably the standard although I dont know if getting it done by a pro would give a significant boost in performance vs an avg person so he probably lost around 1000$ but he said he wanted to support that buissness. Considering he has to be pretty rich to be able to afford to be a certified pilot and drop it and buy a 7000$ flight sim it's probably a drop in the bucket for him
@@insanezombieman753 I'm all for supporting a small business, but at reasonable prices. Even if he built that system on launch day for all the hardware or was still way over priced. You lose or gain literally nothing by having a "professional" build it. Well, technically you lose the knowledge that you would gain by doing it yourself.
Man - I love that you put this bad boy together and made your dreams happen. Being new to the flight sim world I really appreciated seeing someone who has their license love the versatility of the sim. Keep it up man!
Hi my friend, very nice set up you have there. I was simply scrolling through RUclips and stumbled across your a Captain of 20 odd years I always enjoy seeing people take up interests in flight and enjoying there experiences wether it be via Simms or real flight experiences. I subbed to your channel so I'll be sure to watch your back catalogue also. Once again great Video and very impressive set up...wish I could have that back in my days. Cheers.
I think the VR looks and feels far better. It is also able to chang for different planes. The same system handles 172s, or other planes, and also works for my f-18 in DCS.
Being a licensed pilot for 40 years and having to quit flying due to physical problems I really appreciate this video. I'm looking into a similar build in the near future. This young man was easy to listen to, very knowledgeable, and complete on the information I was looking for. This video is fantastic
Got this idea from a pilot in my country. She very easily and smoothly landed a Boeing 787 during storm Eunice at Heathrow Airport, London. And she went viral. Months later she posted a screenshot of texts between her and her son.... which revealed that she has a flight simulator at home. Makes sense to keep practicing even when you're not at work, ... and even before you become a licensed pilot.
Almost 20 years ago, I bought my first ultralight. After 3 or 4 years of buying and fixing different ULs, paying for engine rebuilds, parts, fuel, and years of storage at the airport... I probably pissed away what you've spent here (adjusted for inflation). The money per hour of flying just wasn't worth it for me, so went back to motorcycles. You have an awesome setup, and now that I'm in my 70s, it might be a better solution to get back into flying. Thanks for sharing!!!!
I'm searching for opinions on home flight simulators and stumbled upon this.. just wow. Such a bad ass set up. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with all of us!
I got my license in 1992 and stopped flying for real in 2015. "Once a pilot always a pilot".. well said. Great job on the cockpit. Mine is primative compared to yours but its getting there!
wow, that's amazing! Great setup you have there! I've built myself a space sim cockpit for Elite Dangerous but you have far more consoles, switches etc than I do. There isn't that many controls for the ships in Elite but my PC uses: a 4k HDR gaming screen, HD touchscreen with cockpit panels and system usage info, 2x tablets (one orrery map with tools and apps for Elite, one for voice, speaker and mic volume with touch for levels), 2x phones (directional audio output of the 8 channels and system performance), logitech G19 (with LCD screen using Aida 64 with a custom app) an X52 pro HOTAS, Pro flight rudder pedals, TrackIR / Vive, Kor-fx vest for right and left feedback, Subpac S2 for rear feedback and subpac m2 for centre / sub. For speakers, I'm using 9 subs, 9 tweeters and 9 mid range speakers for 8 channel directional output (shown visually on one of the phones as I said, at the end of the throttle). Keep up your great work and fly safe
I've had a yoke and pedals for decades and they are still going strong! Plus, I've got an older HOTAS that still works. Been waiting a long time to break them back out! The best part is that I got them from a thrift store for dirt cheap and they are worth more now, than when originally sold at retail price! And I've got a 32" HDTV @1080P and that's all I need. This setup is nuts!
This is great.. thank you! I recently earned my PPL last at the young age of 73. Given a need to keep my skills up I put together a simple simulator with XPlane and tied in my Fore Flight . I love it! Basically I spent the most on the PC and 3 screens to get as close a I could to 180 view as possible. You have given me some great ideas to enhance the experience. Most of my time is spent in a 172 or 152. Given I live on the Northshore of Chicago flying is pretty much control by erratic weather which is common here.. as they say Chicago has two seasons... July and winter!
Thank you for your time and energy explaining to me what it will cost to setup a simulator. I just can’t afford renting an aircraft, paying for fuel, maintenance, insurance. Thanks to your information I know now it will take around $8000 to setup a simulator and yes,I CAN FLY!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
"Once a pilot, always a pilot". So very true. I received my rating in 2001 and still love to fly. When I'm not flying, I wish I was. What an amazing home set up. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on this set up! Having owned two different airplanes over my lifetime (Cessna 150 and Beech Sundowner) I can assure you that this is what I would be getting into if one day I couldn’t fly anymore. I had a magneto go out right after an $1,200 annual. It cost me another $1,100. So this is SO cheap compared to the real costs of General Aviation. It really is a crap shoot in GA ownership. I got out of ownership 6 months ago, haven’t looked back. Cheers, Jeff.
So how do you fly now? I'm interested in getting into flight simulators and if money ever permits, I wouldn't mind going for the PPL and even buying an airplane :)
@@k3iler05 No longer flying. If I were you, I would get a nice sim and learn as much as you can with it as possible, it will save you $$$ if/when you go for your PPL.
Hello Capt, greetings from the Philippines. Your humbleness, great voice and a clear narration of what you have is very much appreciated! Loved to see your simulator set up and how you designed the cockpit. Brilliant!!! Will follow your channel indeed.
Stunning build! I'm building my first Simulator rig at the moment but I am an absolute beginner with all of it. Already made a mistake by buying the wrong type of computer. That is SO cool to hear that you actually flew aircraft before and you find the simulator to be enjoyable. Great video with lots of info! Thank you!
I know people that spend more than this every year on golfing. It's great that you can follow your passion and create such an awesome experience! Thanks for sharing with us!
Come on bro what your wife has to do with this. She should respect you for not running after other women. This is what you love to do as a hobby. So don’t be afraid. However I would still advise you to go back to professional flying as you are still young. Actual flying is much more fun than simulators.
@@HomeSimPilot Probably commonly asked question by newbies, but how different are flight sim and real flight? I mean technically and psychologically.
4 года назад+1
@@ExacoMvm To physically sit in the pilot's seat of a plane and experience 'real' scenery, weather, instrumentation, vibration, etc etc is something any sim is still a long way from (if you drive a car, how close are 'car sims' to the real thing?). However...with MS2020 things have taken a significant jump forward in fidelity. Add in the upcoming HP Reverb G2 VR set (and a seriously powerful PC) and you take that immersion factor to the next level. Of course, not every button/action/effect is mapped into the sim.
@ (if you drive a car, how close are 'car sims' to the real thing?). Cars unlike planes are muscle memory based ( getting used to clutch, shifting, wheel "sensitivity" ). I haven't played a Racing Sim with a proper steering wheel and shifter ( only with keyboard and mouse ) but in general it's pretty similar except that Racing Sim's such as Assetto Corsa sucks at clutch mechanics. But overall i think IRL it's easier just because of much superior spatial awareness ( maybe when playing with decent VR it's on par ) , better engine sound cues and physcially feeling the car. But in terms of actually operating the car i think it's nearly identical.
By far the best video on hardware for new flight sim builders. I’ve watched dozens of videos and this is the most detailed I’ve seen. Thx very much for the info! You answered almost all my hardware basic questions.
That is a dream setup for me. I just ordered the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. Going to start with that an MSFS and see how it goes. I grew up with a pilot dad. I spent lots of time flying with him in planes and especially helicopters. I always wanted to get licensed but life has a way of changing you plans. Most of my kids are now old enough to do there own thing (got twins still at home but not for all that much longer) but I still want to fly again. So Flight sim is my way of learning without spending a ton. I think it will help when I go to take the training. Thanks for the inspiration. One day I expect my system to be that good. Hopefully....
I have a similar story. I was a pilot in the US Army and haven’t touched an aircraft in about 9 years other than occasionally flying with my cousins. I have finally decided to get back in the saddle again and I’m starting with sim and text books. Thank you for the motivation
This could be a business. high income professionals want a quality simulator. with the numbers quoted 10,000 finish price of a build that can be done in a week or less.
It seems strange that so many people publish on RUclips without a clue on what it takes to make a great video. You Rock! Great, informative video. Thank you. 3 years old and still a great source of information. Yup, I wish I could fly for real, yup, flight sim would be a great second best option. But right now I guess I'll be spending my bucks on stuff that is closer to home and more pressing. other words.....your a complete can build a simulator set up and fly it....and a pilot for real....I am giving you the are to worthy
mannnn, so glad I stumbled upon your video! I NEVER comment on anything but this is just so damn impressive! I hope one day I can build something like that! (btw, I'm surprised it didn't cost as much as I thought, but all your hours building that from scratch, woodwork, metalwork, count as a lot too!) You're gonna have a BLAST with MSFS 2020!
It’s considered rude to ask someone what they paid for something so finding this video that showcases my favorite setup is so cool. Obviously, a labor of love. Great job, fantastic detail. Take care.
Great Job on that build and thanks soo much for the exact price details. Very smart thing, to get yourself a SIM built to increase your hours for free, to get experience again to get back into the real thing. Good luck with getting back into real flying. I was an instructor for years and miss flying.
So I've been watching for a while, and you are by far one my my fav sim channels out there. I had a question, why the Cessna? I think it's awesome, and you don't see many full built single engine simulators. And I wanted to maybe know the story behind what first sparked your love for the Cessna, and why you decided to build the sim. Maybe make a video on it! If you have already, apologies, I haven't watched every video yet. Thanks for being awesome, and keep it up!
@@TJ-bl6lr Im talking Used. Fix er ups. Stripped down. Classic. Etc. If youre not buying New, loaded or high end, easy to find used AC in that price range. Like buying a boat. Just cost more to store and operate
Expensive? Nope. You took the hobby up to a whole new level. My insulin pump is $8,100 (includes first 3 months of supplies). 3 months of pump supplies is about $1,500. 3 months of insulin is just over $3,200. Thank God for insurance! But I still have copays & deductibles. That cost keeps me alive. But flight sim makes me want to stay alive. Props to you for a beautiful setup!
I'm a GA pilot with no plane and the FBO gone. Your simulator is very impressive. I agree, 7K for all the free flights you want and to keep your skills sharp is reasonable compared to professional sims starting at 20K. Thanks for sharing and the inspiration.
Wow, this is really awesome! I think I would actually prefer this multi-screen approach over VR or whatnot, but I guess that all comes down to cost of screens and the additional GPU horsepower to run it all. This just is more immersive than the VR type approach, IMHO. Thanks for sharing all this with us. Very, VERY cool.
I have always love aviation. My father (now passed) flew B-26’s, transitioned to B-25’s then up to the big boys such as the B-36’s and then the BUFF, the B-52. I like the smaller stuff and have the components I’ve begun to collect to built a P-51 sim by A2A and will be holding out for a model of that. Subscribed to your channel and will be following it closely. Call sign “Bronco”.
@@silviutudorescu8114 The problem with VR is that you can't see what you're doing. But if you have virtual hand controls and uses the switches inside the virtual world it might be ok
Well done! I can see that you put a lot of time into your setup and it shows! This will be my first project when I retire- if I still have any money left after 3 girls in college!!! Again- great job- enjoy!!!!
I am so glad to hear that you're a licensed pilot, I spent the whole video hoping you were. I have only tried sim once in my life, years ago in flight school, I personally don't see the appeal; to me nothing beats feeling a smooth bank in real life, flying for lunch to the nearest island, or just being in the air. That said it is an impressive setup, great job!
Great Video, was wondering about cost and now I know. Don’t think my computer skills are good enough to get all that working at 1 time. I would probably end up jumping out the window, glade I live in a 1 story house.
Thanks for watching. It definitely requires some reading and patience to get everything working right.
4 года назад+2
That is seriously impressive and if you've got spare space in the house, definitely go for it if it's something you're really keen on. The fact you're a certified pilot explains a lot - flying must be a passion with you. There are a large number of hobbies costing far in excess of this. I played guitar in a busy local dance/function band for many years and the cost of the gear was...a lot more. I wonder, though, if you'd be interested checking out that incoming Reverb G2 VR unit - MRTV's 'through the lens' videos show it to be seriously impressive compared to the competition, giving you a significant boost in immersion.
Really cool. I love the mix of ingenuity, skill, hard work and a perfect final resolution. Nice work and really amazing! I now feel let down flying MSFS with my VR !!
Totally impressed with your build and with your flight talents. What a great channel you have here, glad I found it. Will be watching your videos with much interest and thank you for adding to the aviation and flight sim community.
His skills are unparalleled then since it was the biggest SAR mission in history with countries sending search units equipped with the most modern tech (at the time). The whole SAR mission almost looks like a "show-off" ground for developed countries to show their assets. Sadly the plane was still not found.
I’ve thought about getting something like this as a less expensive way to pursue a pilots license without dumping all the time and money into something that I may not like or can’t fully afford. Thank you for your honesty in pricing and thought process in making this presentation. I’m sure it has saved people some money and put them on the right path for their needs.
Hey homie you must not be married my wife would have a COW and then through me out of the house along with all that gear. LOL Cool setup I wished I could have that kind of setup. I'm not a pilot but love the flight sims The only thing from me becoming a pilot is learning how to talk on the radio. Scares the hell out of me they just talk to damn fast for me I would be saying repeat the last trans all the time. lol
I learned recently that the MS2020 isnt going to be geared towards hardcore flight simmers like us; you would be able to fly most aircraft with an xbox controller. Been reading a lot of comments lately about this from ppl who've tried it and were depressed afterwards.
@@utley the only thing negative it said was subscription based Again do some research a developer said it will not be subscription based the only way it would be linked is that it's on gamepass wait till it comes out then judge it
I really admire your flight sim, I went through the same process and spent double in cost. This was mainly due to trail and error. I ended up spending $7000 just on the PC alone. I spent an additional $3000 on the second PC and overall cost on the complete sim was $15600 That included all the software and hardware. this also included the power regulator station and G1000 MFD and PFD also the 3 Ipads which i use for RF cockpit RF glass and RF radio. I also have my PPL which i fly different planes is why i chose my setup. awesome job on your setup.
Very sorry to say home sim pilot's simulation was so real when he crashed his whole house burned in the wreckage because he did not dump enough fuel before emergency landing, rest in paradise homie your forever flying high now 😂 🇨🇦🍁🇨🇦
When I was in a house I built a cockpit but nothing this advanced. I'm in an apartment now but if I ever get back in a house I hopefully can build something close to this.... absolutely awesome.
At first I thought the price was outrageous. But then you explained your position and it made perfect sense. You have a fantastic set up. Congratulations
That may very well be true but in reality, if you're always looking to save money then you'll never end up buying anything because there's always a better deal somewhere else. The true value of anything that you buy is what you get out of it, not how much money you spent on it.
@@ItzCaptGaming How so? I'm basically saying that no matter what price someone buys something at, someone else will inevitably come along and claim that it was too expensive or they could have got a better deal elsewhere. So my personal philosophy is that if I want something, I'll buy it at the price I see it at, and enjoy it for the 'personal value' and enjoyment I get out of using it, and not strictly for the 'monetary value' I paid for it.
Very impressive setup. I could picture myself spending every free minute of my life trying to keep all these components running. I'd guess the MTBF of the entire system is less than hour. Thanks for the video.
Total price: $7,350
The PC was purchased 2 years ago SEPTEMBER 2018. Today, this system does not cost the same.
So you aren't a commercial pilot anymore? If the airlines weren't for you, why not fly for a part 135? Aviation is of course a tough industry no matter what, but you obviously have a passion for it, so just curious. I live in a Alaska and if you love flying, this place is pretty awesome. I see the shoe collection though, so maybe the rural lifestyle doesn't seem cool to you, but I hope you let your mind explore the idea. You only have one life to live and this place is a glorious place to fly and there are a bunch of part 135's up here. Or if you have a better paying gig with less stress, then perhaps you can still do that up here and use that money to buy an actual airplane... Either way, I dig your priorities. That's a cool setup. The part 135's that I have worked with (I'm an IT guy) would love to have a setup like this for their pilots' office, although they are cheap wads usually and want only enough to simulate the landscape and approach when doing a charter to a destination for the first time.
I'm very impressed. Frankly I didn't know you could do this without buying a full set of hardware. As a pilot, SEL and instrument, I used to fly into unfamiliar airports using MS Flight to orient me to the runway directions etc. I fly mostly a G1000 172. It worked great and gave me more confidence flying into a new to me airport. I think you have a great setup. Have you tried it with MSFS 2020 yet?
Dude a Cessna 150 is 20k. The real airplane.
@@danielking104 Maybe he already owns an aircraft and he wants the ease of walking into another room and taking some practice. And a 150? One and a half dudes fit in there with no clubs. Go eat a hamburger and you gotta dump fuel to get home. LOL
rob567321 a 150 is still flying. There are other options too that are just as cheap. But one major difference between a real plane and this simulator is that it takes $0 to own and use this simulator after its purchased.
What youtube was made for. This channel makes me genuinely happy.
Wow I really appreciate that! Thanks for watching
As a Fellow UK Pilot ( Previously ATPL - Now PPL - 10,000+ Flight Hours) I have to say this is one the most realistic setups for a home simulator I have ever seen,. Makes me want to create something similar instead of the costly charges of flying when I would like, as I have moved away from commercial air crafts. My hats off to you good Sir.
... just make it so ... cannot take it with you ... and this means so much ... go for it ... get everything you want in one chunk ... even have them set it all up in your home ... remember you only go around once ...
I’m an airline pilot, captain, check airman, FAA flight instructor and I’ve trained many a pilot on $50,000-$100,000 sims that were not nearly as nice.
This young man is the greatest example of what human relationships should be like. Humble..well spoken and genuinely humble. He clearly wants to share his knowledge freely while expecting nothing in return.
I totally agree.
If he could bottle it, I would buy it.
+Rick Bunch He does seem like a great guy, but as far as nothing in return; I'm sure he's hoping people will purchase items through his affiliate links. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You've got that cool pilot voice - that voice that even if the plane is on fire you speak up - and everybody is instantly comfortable with the predicament.
Ha! Was thinking exactly the same thing - “This is your Captain... Some of you on the right-hand side of the aircraft may have noticed the wing and engines are completely on fire. This is nothing to be concerned about. For passengers on the left, we have a stunning view of the Grand Canyon...” :-)
Ian Bruce Exactly 😂
@@ianbruce9603 🤣🤣🤣
"My biggest fear is my wife will sell my flight sim for what I told her I paid for it"... :)
Right, you don't need a $169 Butt Kicker if you are a married man.
Totally agree with you!
Be a man
Why the hell do women presume to tell men how to spend their own money. Makes me sick.
@@i.r.wayright1457 ha ha.. does was a good one.
AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING!!! I too was a pilot for 15 years. Stopped in 2006. Now age 76, so the last thing I want to do is put myself or passengers in danger, as I'm no where as sharp as I use to be, and now have health conditions. So, I too am putting together a sim. Man, thank you so much for sharing info on your sim!!!
Just realized I was still logged into our church account, as I was putting up a RUclips video just before I saw your video. My handle is Don.
what impresses me is people doing what makes them happy. All that flashy stuff is just show. People enjoying the time they have on earth doing what they love is awesome!
"Once a pilot, always a pilot" SO TRUE! Thanks for the insight to your sim! Many of us are "medically retired" and our only flight fix is through our home simulators.
I knows he's ready for Microsoft's Flight Simulator release.
It seems that FS2020 is not compatible 3 screen 🥺
@@MarcERNOULT Bruhh that sucks for this guy
Dylan Weise is it FS2020 in this video ?
Marc Ernoult Of course it will be. Every game you can play on a pc is compatible with 3+ screens. Just depends on how you want to set it up, whether via software or hardware (triplehead2go for example).
Austin A. Thank you for your answer ! I try to play to AceCombat 7 but not working in 3 screens 😭
My first ever RUclips comment. Just wanted to say thank you for your detailed explanation. Seen a few multi-display cessna setups online, but no one ever cared enough to actually explain their build. I believe your video is the first I have seen that has actually explained the build and where to buy components from. Appreciate it and keep up the great work.
Really cool build! Every time I see a large DIY project on RUclips the costs always seem to be glazed over. I appreciate the time you took to get the exact costs of every component in your build, big and small.
As for the folks that are raggin' on you about the PC costs, don't worry about it! You specifically said you wanted to support the PC builder's business. Some people are envious of this build and the comments that undermine what you've done here serves as a way to convince those people they still have some kind of upper hand. The same folks that can build a PC for less probably can't do the PVC and woodworking you've done here. You worked with what you knew and what you had, and you ended up with a beautiful sim.
All-in-all, this is a great build! ...And for $7k, that's definitely worth the price! I would guess that's only about 30 hours of renting in LA 😂!
Thanks for watching and I appreciate the support! You're absolutely. Its $250/hr here and with $7k thats only 30 hours!
Hey also I am not envious of the build since I have a similar build myself and am just trying to help people so they don’t get ripped off on a build that doesn’t cost that much and doesn’t have components that match up with one another
@@Jdplayz-bq4ys right? Everyone assumes that a person that trashes on the cost of something is just envious or jealous. I HATE people who take advantage of those less than knowledgeable in current PC hardware because I was taken advantage of a few years ago. Now I stay current with pricing and performance so that doesn't happen again.
I7 8700k @ 5.1ghz
Noctua NH D15 cooler
Asus Z370 Prime
16gb Corsair Lpx ram
Rtx 2070 XC Ultra
120gb SSD boot drive
1tb SSD X2
1tb X2 mechanical drives.
Evga 1300G2 power supply (eBay special)
Cooler master H500 case
All put together for a little over $1700
Not posting to brag, just to point out the glaring over pricing of the PC in the video. It's not even a TI model of the gpu.
@@atomicdeath10 he did it 2 years ago so it was probably around 2-2.5k back then and 200 bucks for delivery puts it around 2500 dollars. Few hundred bucks for building it is probably the standard although I dont know if getting it done by a pro would give a significant boost in performance vs an avg person so he probably lost around 1000$ but he said he wanted to support that buissness. Considering he has to be pretty rich to be able to afford to be a certified pilot and drop it and buy a 7000$ flight sim it's probably a drop in the bucket for him
@@insanezombieman753 I'm all for supporting a small business, but at reasonable prices. Even if he built that system on launch day for all the hardware or was still way over priced.
You lose or gain literally nothing by having a "professional" build it. Well, technically you lose the knowledge that you would gain by doing it yourself.
Man - I love that you put this bad boy together and made your dreams happen. Being new to the flight sim world I really appreciated seeing someone who has their license love the versatility of the sim. Keep it up man!
Agree!! Thanks for the video!! :)
Hi my friend, very nice set up you have there.
I was simply scrolling through RUclips and stumbled across your a Captain of 20 odd years I always enjoy seeing people take up interests in flight and enjoying there experiences wether it be via Simms or real flight experiences.
I subbed to your channel so I'll be sure to watch your back catalogue also.
Once again great Video and very impressive set up...wish I could have that back in my days.
As a sim racer, I find this super fascinating!:) Love seeing people doing there hobbies all the way out
I'll be going the VR route myself, but for the real look and feel of being in a cockpit, you've got the best personal setup I've ever seen.
I think the VR looks and feels far better. It is also able to chang for different planes. The same system handles 172s, or other planes, and also works for my f-18 in DCS.
Being a licensed pilot for 40 years and having to quit flying due to physical problems I really appreciate this video. I'm looking into a similar build in the near future. This young man was easy to listen to, very knowledgeable, and complete on the information I was looking for. This video is fantastic
Got this idea from a pilot in my country. She very easily and smoothly landed a Boeing 787 during storm Eunice at Heathrow Airport, London. And she went viral.
Months later she posted a screenshot of texts between her and her son.... which revealed that she has a flight simulator at home.
Makes sense to keep practicing even when you're not at work, ... and even before you become a licensed pilot.
Almost 20 years ago, I bought my first ultralight. After 3 or 4 years of buying and fixing different ULs, paying for engine rebuilds, parts, fuel, and years of storage at the airport... I probably pissed away what you've spent here (adjusted for inflation). The money per hour of flying just wasn't worth it for me, so went back to motorcycles. You have an awesome setup, and now that I'm in my 70s, it might be a better solution to get back into flying. Thanks for sharing!!!!
I'm searching for opinions on home flight simulators and stumbled upon this.. just wow. Such a bad ass set up. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with all of us!
I got my license in 1992 and stopped flying for real in 2015. "Once a pilot always a pilot".. well said. Great job on the cockpit. Mine is primative compared to yours but its getting there!
wow, that's amazing! Great setup you have there! I've built myself a space sim cockpit for Elite Dangerous but you have far more consoles, switches etc than I do. There isn't that many controls for the ships in Elite but my PC uses:
a 4k HDR gaming screen, HD touchscreen with cockpit panels and system usage info, 2x tablets (one orrery map with tools and apps for Elite, one for voice, speaker and mic volume with touch for levels), 2x phones (directional audio output of the 8 channels and system performance), logitech G19 (with LCD screen using Aida 64 with a custom app) an X52 pro HOTAS, Pro flight rudder pedals, TrackIR / Vive, Kor-fx vest for right and left feedback, Subpac S2 for rear feedback and subpac m2 for centre / sub. For speakers, I'm using 9 subs, 9 tweeters and 9 mid range speakers for 8 channel directional output (shown visually on one of the phones as I said, at the end of the throttle).
Keep up your great work and fly safe
I've had a yoke and pedals for decades and they are still going strong! Plus, I've got an older HOTAS that still works. Been waiting a long time to break them back out! The best part is that I got them from a thrift store for dirt cheap and they are worth more now, than when originally sold at retail price! And I've got a 32" HDTV @1080P and that's all I need. This setup is nuts!
That set up is amazing! I can't wait to get mine finished. You're such an inspiration!! Thanks for taking the time to share your rig and it's costs..
This is great.. thank you! I recently earned my PPL last at the young age of 73. Given a need to keep my skills up I put together a simple simulator with XPlane and tied in my Fore Flight . I love it!
Basically I spent the most on the PC and 3 screens to get as close a I could to 180 view as possible.
You have given me some great ideas to enhance the experience. Most of my time is spent in a 172 or 152.
Given I live on the Northshore of Chicago flying is pretty much control by erratic weather which is common here.. as they say Chicago has two seasons... July and winter!
All the prices and specs. Wow! Thanks man! I stopped flying almost 20 years ago, and from time to time it burns. :) Good luck man!
Thank you for your time and energy explaining to me what it will cost to setup a simulator. I just can’t afford renting an aircraft, paying for fuel, maintenance, insurance. Thanks to your information I know now it will take around $8000 to setup a simulator and yes,I CAN FLY!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
That is one bad ass set-up. No idea why RUclips sent me here, but here I am.
"Once a pilot, always a pilot". So very true. I received my rating in 2001 and still love to fly. When I'm not flying, I wish I was. What an amazing home set up. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on this set up! Having owned two different airplanes over my lifetime (Cessna 150 and Beech Sundowner) I can assure you that this is what I would be getting into if one day I couldn’t fly anymore. I had a magneto go out right after an $1,200 annual. It cost me another $1,100. So this is SO cheap compared to the real costs of General Aviation. It really is a crap shoot in GA ownership. I got out of ownership 6 months ago, haven’t looked back. Cheers, Jeff.
So how do you fly now? I'm interested in getting into flight simulators and if money ever permits, I wouldn't mind going for the PPL and even buying an airplane :)
@@k3iler05 No longer flying. If I were you, I would get a nice sim and learn as much as you can with it as possible, it will save you $$$ if/when you go for your PPL.
@@Jeff_The_Weatherman That's my plan exactly. :) I figure I'd get the basics before I ever attempt to try.
Hello Capt, greetings from the Philippines. Your humbleness, great voice and a clear narration of what you have is very much appreciated! Loved to see your simulator set up and how you designed the cockpit. Brilliant!!! Will follow your channel indeed.
Stunning build! I'm building my first Simulator rig at the moment but I am an absolute beginner with all of it. Already made a mistake by buying the wrong type of computer. That is SO cool to hear that you actually flew aircraft before and you find the simulator to be enjoyable. Great video with lots of info! Thank you!
Dude. DUDE!
Irrespective of the costs, that's a fantastic set up that anyone would be proud of! 🖒
Will you be doing Flight Sim' 2020?
I know people that spend more than this every year on golfing. It's great that you can follow your passion and create such an awesome experience! Thanks for sharing with us!
not me, didn't play golf this year, had 3 colonoscopy's instead...
Very impressive build! Cool to learn that you are also a certified pilot, I was wondering if you were. Very interesting videos, keep it up!
I really appreciate that. Thanks for watching the videos!
Come on bro what your wife has to do with this. She should respect you for not running after other women. This is what you love to do as a hobby. So don’t be afraid. However I would still advise you to go back to professional flying as you are still young. Actual flying is much more fun than simulators.
@@HomeSimPilot Probably commonly asked question by newbies, but how different are flight sim and real flight? I mean technically and psychologically.
@@ExacoMvm To physically sit in the pilot's seat of a plane and experience 'real' scenery, weather, instrumentation, vibration, etc etc is something any sim is still a long way from (if you drive a car, how close are 'car sims' to the real thing?). However...with MS2020 things have taken a significant jump forward in fidelity. Add in the upcoming HP Reverb G2 VR set (and a seriously powerful PC) and you take that immersion factor to the next level. Of course, not every button/action/effect is mapped into the sim.
@ (if you drive a car, how close are 'car sims' to the real thing?).
Cars unlike planes are muscle memory based ( getting used to clutch, shifting, wheel "sensitivity" ).
I haven't played a Racing Sim with a proper steering wheel and shifter ( only with keyboard and mouse ) but in general it's pretty similar except that Racing Sim's such as Assetto Corsa sucks at clutch mechanics. But overall i think IRL it's easier just because of much superior spatial awareness ( maybe when playing with decent VR it's on par ) , better engine sound cues and physcially feeling the car. But in terms of actually operating the car i think it's nearly identical.
By far the best video on hardware for new flight sim builders. I’ve watched dozens of videos and this is the most detailed I’ve seen. Thx very much for the info! You answered almost all my hardware basic questions.
Once a pilot always a pilot :)
Always and forever
That is a dream setup for me. I just ordered the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. Going to start with that an MSFS and see how it goes. I grew up with a pilot dad. I spent lots of time flying with him in planes and especially helicopters. I always wanted to get licensed but life has a way of changing you plans. Most of my kids are now old enough to do there own thing (got twins still at home but not for all that much longer) but I still want to fly again. So Flight sim is my way of learning without spending a ton. I think it will help when I go to take the training. Thanks for the inspiration. One day I expect my system to be that good. Hopefully....
Very cool. I wish I had the ability to put all of this together… a student pilot this would be a great tool for practicing. Good video.
I have a similar story. I was a pilot in the US Army and haven’t touched an aircraft in about 9 years other than occasionally flying with my cousins. I have finally decided to get back in the saddle again and I’m starting with sim and text books. Thank you for the motivation
This could be a business. high income professionals want a quality simulator. with the numbers quoted 10,000 finish price of a build that can be done in a week or less.
It seems strange that so many people publish on RUclips without a clue on what it takes to make a great video. You Rock! Great, informative video. Thank you. 3 years old and still a great source of information. Yup, I wish I could fly for real, yup, flight sim would be a great second best option. But right now I guess I'll be spending my bucks on stuff that is closer to home and more pressing.
That's a nice tidy setup and not horrifically expensive. Great job. other words.....your a complete can build a simulator set up and fly it....and a pilot for real....I am giving you the are to worthy
mannnn, so glad I stumbled upon your video! I NEVER comment on anything but this is just so damn impressive! I hope one day I can build something like that! (btw, I'm surprised it didn't cost as much as I thought, but all your hours building that from scratch, woodwork, metalwork, count as a lot too!) You're gonna have a BLAST with MSFS 2020!
You are just amazing! What a mind you have. Thank you for sharing. As a 73 year old that loves flight simulator, my hat is off to you.😊
Beautiful setup man. I like seeing the prices as a reminder I'll never have something like this lol. See you in FS2020 skies :)
never say never
come on man... you don't have to spend 8k all at once... buy a part here and a part there... before you know it you got the same thing
Right!! Damn.
It’s considered rude to ask someone what they paid for something so finding this video that showcases my favorite setup is so cool. Obviously, a labor of love. Great job, fantastic detail. Take care.
Can you read books to me at night, your voice is so smooth.
Great Job on that build and thanks soo much for the exact price details. Very smart thing, to get yourself a SIM built to increase your hours for free, to get experience again to get back into the real thing. Good luck with getting back into real flying. I was an instructor for years and miss flying.
So I've been watching for a while, and you are by far one my my fav sim channels out there.
I had a question, why the Cessna? I think it's awesome, and you don't see many full built single engine simulators. And I wanted to maybe know the story behind what first sparked your love for the Cessna, and why you decided to build the sim.
Maybe make a video on it! If you have already, apologies, I haven't watched every video yet.
Thanks for being awesome, and keep it up!
Wow thanks for the kind words and support! That is a good question! Ill definitely add that to my list of videos to make
I was thinking the same. That sim is like half the price of a cheap single engine plane lol (Of course without all the op costs)
@@scottskinner577 id like to know where you can buy a plane for 15k.
@@TJ-bl6lr Im talking Used. Fix er ups. Stripped down. Classic. Etc. If youre not buying New, loaded or high end, easy to find used AC in that price range. Like buying a boat. Just cost more to store and operate
Tim Haibach 150 at our airport for $15k. Annual is current and it’s flying.
Expensive? Nope. You took the hobby up to a whole new level. My insulin pump is $8,100 (includes first 3 months of supplies). 3 months of pump supplies is about $1,500. 3 months of insulin is just over $3,200. Thank God for insurance! But I still have copays & deductibles. That cost keeps me alive. But flight sim makes me want to stay alive. Props to you for a beautiful setup!
Me: Damn, that setup is so CLEAN...
Him: *shows cable management*
I'm a GA pilot with no plane and the FBO gone. Your simulator is very impressive. I agree, 7K for all the free flights you want and to keep your skills sharp is reasonable compared to professional sims starting at 20K. Thanks for sharing and the inspiration.
calmest person on earth!
Wow, this is really awesome! I think I would actually prefer this multi-screen approach over VR or whatnot, but I guess that all comes down to cost of screens and the additional GPU horsepower to run it all. This just is more immersive than the VR type approach, IMHO. Thanks for sharing all this with us. Very, VERY cool.
Good job man. You remember me that days when I started to fly the cessna.
I have always love aviation. My father (now passed) flew B-26’s, transitioned to B-25’s then up to the big boys such as the B-36’s and then the BUFF, the B-52. I like the smaller stuff and have the components I’ve begun to collect to built a P-51 sim by A2A and will be holding out for a model of that. Subscribed to your channel and will be following it closely. Call sign “Bronco”.
Imagine this with Microsoft Flight
Simulator 2020
This is gonna be insane, but once the VR release, it’s kinda looses all the necessity!
Silviu Tudorescu YEEAH jaja
His baby pc would explode
@@silviutudorescu8114 VR has nothing on the real touch screens or like buttons and knobs.
@@silviutudorescu8114 The problem with VR is that you can't see what you're doing. But if you have virtual hand controls and uses the switches inside the virtual world it might be ok
Well done! I can see that you put a lot of time into your setup and it shows! This will be my first project when I retire- if I still have any money left after 3 girls in college!!! Again- great job- enjoy!!!!
Thanks for all the knowledge you're sharing with us! Much appreciated!
Glad it was helpful! Appreciate you watching
I am so glad to hear that you're a licensed pilot, I spent the whole video hoping you were. I have only tried sim once in my life, years ago in flight school, I personally don't see the appeal; to me nothing beats feeling a smooth bank in real life, flying for lunch to the nearest island, or just being in the air. That said it is an impressive setup, great job!
Great Video, was wondering about cost and now I know. Don’t think my computer skills are good enough to get all that working at 1 time. I would probably end up jumping out the window, glade I live in a 1 story house.
Thanks for watching. It definitely requires some reading and patience to get everything working right.
That is seriously impressive and if you've got spare space in the house, definitely go for it if it's something you're really keen on. The fact you're a certified pilot explains a lot - flying must be a passion with you. There are a large number of hobbies costing far in excess of this. I played guitar in a busy local dance/function band for many years and the cost of the gear was...a lot more.
I wonder, though, if you'd be interested checking out that incoming Reverb G2 VR unit - MRTV's 'through the lens' videos show it to be seriously impressive compared to the competition, giving you a significant boost in immersion.
They predicted :
2020 , Flying cars
Reality :
2020 Flying planes but virtual ! xD
Best video on RUclips I have ever watched in terms of content and presentation - Amazing and congratulations!
I just recently saw a video here in RUclips a guy said his entire flight school was $7k, same as this build!
Really nice setup. No fuel,maint, real injuries/death if you crash. Win-Win!!
Holy moly, sir, I am in awe of your setup! Very impressive! What flight sim(s) do you use?
Probably at the time xplane 11
You did a magnificent job. I’m a pilot and would really consider building a setup like this at home. Thank you for showing it all and the price.
definitely was overcharged for the PC, sick setup though.
I saw the prebuilt and immediately thought the i5 variant couldn’t be more than maybe $1600 and when he said $2400 I almost died
1- WOW!! What a brilliant set up!
2- your voice is incredibly calming :)
pretty impressive, appreciate breaking it down like that
Really cool. I love the mix of ingenuity, skill, hard work and a perfect final resolution. Nice work and really amazing! I now feel let down flying MSFS with my VR !!
Pretty damn impressive man.
Scratch that extremely fucking impressive.
Totally impressed with your build and with your flight talents. What a great channel you have here, glad I found it. Will be watching your videos with much interest and thank you for adding to the aviation and flight sim community.
Thank you for posting bro. How realist is the flight simulation out of 10?
Besides having to use the mouse sometimes when a button doesn't work right, its pretty realistic. 9/10
This is the most epic setup I've ever seen. I am gobsmacked!
bro u lit
Love the setup!! I wouldn't know how to hook all this stuff in sync.I'd love to have your setup!! Great job!
I can only afford the 12$ switches part
Oh wow. Beautiful.
I also appreciate that from the 1st frame of the video, you know that's someone that is not fucking around with his sim.
That Malaysian airlines pilot who did that mystery disappearing act with an airliner had a set up like this.
His skills are unparalleled then since it was the biggest SAR mission in history with countries sending search units equipped with the most modern tech (at the time). The whole SAR mission almost looks like a "show-off" ground for developed countries to show their assets. Sadly the plane was still not found.
I’ve thought about getting something like this as a less expensive way to pursue a pilots license without dumping all the time and money into something that I may not like or can’t fully afford. Thank you for your honesty in pricing and thought process in making this presentation. I’m sure it has saved people some money and put them on the right path for their needs.
Get a VR headset, like HP G2 Reverb V2 (for $500). Nothing compares to VR. Get some logictec airplane controls, and you are set.
Hey homie you must not be married my wife would have a COW and then through me out of the house along with all that gear. LOL Cool setup I wished I could have that kind of setup. I'm not a pilot but love the flight sims The only thing from me becoming a pilot is learning how to talk on the radio. Scares the hell out of me they just talk to damn fast for me I would be saying repeat the last trans all the time. lol
Thanks for the video. Your setup looks great. It looks really nice when you are flying. Thanks for sharing !!
imagine playing on microsoft flight simulator 2020, that would be sick
we won't have to soon.
I learned recently that the MS2020 isnt going to be geared towards hardcore flight simmers like us; you would be able to fly most aircraft with an xbox controller. Been reading a lot of comments lately about this from ppl who've tried it and were depressed afterwards.
@@utley they said they are mainly catering for hardcore fans in their video so dunno why you getting that from
@@utley a developer also said he recommendeds a keyboard and mouse on xbox as its hard to control with the controller
@@utley the only thing negative it said was subscription based
Again do some research a developer said it will not be subscription based the only way it would be linked is that it's on gamepass wait till it comes out then judge it
I really admire your flight sim, I went through the same process and spent double in cost. This was mainly due to trail and error. I ended up spending $7000 just on the PC alone.
I spent an additional $3000 on the second PC and overall cost on the complete sim was $15600 That included all the software and hardware. this also included the power regulator station and G1000 MFD and PFD also the 3 Ipads which i use for RF cockpit RF glass and RF radio. I also have my PPL which i fly different planes is why i chose my setup. awesome job on your setup.
Someone get this man some curved monitors.
and a vr headset lmao
The mind can be easily deceived by the eye. I am very glad you took this route - enjoy
How does one get started in building one of these? what is a time frame?
I love 1:07 where you spraypaint your cockpit outside right beside your car! ;-)
Very sorry to say home sim pilot's simulation was so real when he crashed his whole house burned in the wreckage because he did not dump enough fuel before emergency landing, rest in paradise homie your forever flying high now 😂 🇨🇦🍁🇨🇦
but 172 can land with a full tank tho
When I was in a house I built a cockpit but nothing this advanced. I'm in an apartment now but if I ever get back in a house I hopefully can build something close to this.... absolutely awesome.
She asks "How much" I just say "just a few bucks here and there not that much really"
At first I thought the price was outrageous. But then you explained your position and it made perfect sense. You have a fantastic set up. Congratulations
Man you got EXTREMELY ripped off with that x-force PC
Totally! When he said the price I cringed... Other than that, sick setup
@@yakfizzle Thats what they cost when you don't build yourself...
Yeah that is a $1400 PC all day long, but $2400?? HELL TO THE NAW.
@@masterf1999 yeah you are damn right. Thats also my point, half price for the same PC
Serious rig, I understand the 'Once a Pilot'. Once you fly, it never leaves your blood.
pc was a bit expensive for what you got my friend
lol yeah he could’ve built that for maybe under 1700 you think? if that’s true then that’s like a few hundred to save or use more on the sim setup
That may very well be true but in reality, if you're always looking to save money then you'll never end up buying anything because there's always a better deal somewhere else. The true value of anything that you buy is what you get out of it, not how much money you spent on it.
Mike S Very interesting !
Mike S that makes no sense
@@ItzCaptGaming How so? I'm basically saying that no matter what price someone buys something at, someone else will inevitably come along and claim that it was too expensive or they could have got a better deal elsewhere. So my personal philosophy is that if I want something, I'll buy it at the price I see it at, and enjoy it for the 'personal value' and enjoyment I get out of using it, and not strictly for the 'monetary value' I paid for it.
Very impressive setup. I could picture myself spending every free minute of my life trying to keep all these components running. I'd guess the MTBF of the entire system is less than hour. Thanks for the video.