🎉賀4K subscribers giveaway: Q: Is a graduation celebration meaningful to you? A: Well, first of all, thank you for your question. I have to say it is a very very high quality question indeed. Eh much better than I expected. Thought-provoking actually. Eh probably question seven or even question eight on your list maybe? Based on my experience of the DSE heh heh. Uh. An honour, a privilege, definitely, for me. Um. To tell the truth, this has been one of my biggest concerns since I was a kindergartner. I’ve been thinking about this exact question day and night, night and day, from dawn till dusk, from dusk till dawn. Eh whenever possible I’d even debate it with my family, my friends and many significant others, so I’m more than glad to be asked this very question by you, honourable examiner, this evening, and I can’t wait to share my point of view with you, which is rather profound, however, so to speak, eh that one minute may be too short for my sharing, to be honest. So um … could you repeat that question please?
我今天真係攞咗去試,嗰marker都up曬頭,表示讚同,仲話nice perform ❤
1** and a Dream ✨✨
🎉賀4K subscribers giveaway:
Q: Is a graduation celebration meaningful to you?
A: Well, first of all, thank you for your question. I have to say it is a very very high quality question indeed. Eh much better than I expected. Thought-provoking actually. Eh probably question seven or even question eight on your list maybe? Based on my experience of the DSE heh heh. Uh. An honour, a privilege, definitely, for me. Um. To tell the truth, this has been one of my biggest concerns since I was a kindergartner. I’ve been thinking about this exact question day and night, night and day, from dawn till dusk, from dusk till dawn. Eh whenever possible I’d even debate it with my family, my friends and many significant others, so I’m more than glad to be asked this very question by you, honourable examiner, this evening, and I can’t wait to share my point of view with you, which is rather profound, however, so to speak, eh that one minute may be too short for my sharing, to be honest. So um … could you repeat that question please?
笑死pk 哈哈哈😂😂😂
@@ze9528 咁你都知😢
朱老師 frankly speaking, do u think this is a q7 or q8 on the list🙏
Sarcasm existed 🧐
我嗰組最stand out嗰個係呢題🧐
Bro tried to cheat the system
我嗰組最stand out嗰個係呢題🧐
good respond 【xdd
x d d d d d d