  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @karstenhedegaard3575
    @karstenhedegaard3575 Год назад +5

    I really like the Blade 100. For me it is a lot better than the 98.

    • @agradina
      @agradina Год назад

      how is control?

    • @karstenhedegaard3575
      @karstenhedegaard3575 Год назад

      @@agradina i Think it is pretty good for a 100

    • @agradina
      @agradina Год назад

      @@karstenhedegaard3575 i find only diferent stifness for it on sites from 60 to 69 i dont know what is real stifness

  • @ProfDrTeomanCemKadioglu
    @ProfDrTeomanCemKadioglu Год назад +4

    Time to review Blade 100 again and in depth :)

    • @bmanbusee3812
      @bmanbusee3812 Год назад

      Yeah. Going to demo soon. Hope it’s similar to my gravity mp as a nice alternative

  • @juggernauts9880
    @juggernauts9880 3 года назад +7

    How does it compare with Blade 98 16x19 ?

  • @alejandrofernandez1436
    @alejandrofernandez1436 3 года назад +2

    I think the V7 is the one off spec because the 100 version is 300 unstrung and the swing weight should be around 327 but yours has a little bit more weight and that swing weight that is a pro level swing weight. The V8 sample has a better QC than the V7, that's why they feel so different

  • @timmark4190
    @timmark4190 3 года назад +2

    These blades are good. What he is saying is right

  • @RossBayCult
    @RossBayCult 3 года назад +3

    How does it feel compared to a VCore 100 or Pure Strike 100?

  • @squeekyshoes
    @squeekyshoes 3 года назад +1

    Maybe get a micrometer and give the width measurement specs when reviewing and comparing versions for me the Blade is great racquet @ 50 lbs smooth as silk

  • @sigibergmann9356
    @sigibergmann9356 3 года назад +2

    can you compare power levels of 100L to 100? is it the same or significantly different? I have ellbow issues so I am considering the L version..

    • @maripyter
      @maripyter 2 года назад

      it seems he gave us values for strung rackets

    • @juggernauts9880
      @juggernauts9880 2 года назад +6

      If you have elbow issues, I think 100 (300 gram, 62RA) will be better for you because it is more flexible than 100L (285 gram, 69 RA).
      IMHO, lighter racket might not be good for tennis elbow. If you want an arm-friendly racket with similar weight to Blade 100L, you can try Wilson Clash 100L (280 gram, 54 RA).

    • @jonathankim7238
      @jonathankim7238 Год назад +1

      I have tried both 100 and 100L version. Btw the two I would recommend 100. If you are looking for a elbow friendly racquets I would stay away from blade line as they are not that great for your elbow. I would suggest wilson clash or head gravity for arm friendliness.

    • @akbarberlian
      @akbarberlian Год назад

      @@jonathankim7238I have tried 100UL and it feels amazing, probably at 62 RA. Was the L version harsh on your arm?

  • @vukmajstorovic7033
    @vukmajstorovic7033 3 года назад +4

    I want to switch from Clash 100 to Blade. Good idea ? Pro staff is 2 much 4 me

    • @trujr5295
      @trujr5295 3 года назад +1

      good idea.

    • @charlesfaure1189
      @charlesfaure1189 3 года назад +1

      I went from Clash 100 pro to blade 98 v8 16x19. Liked the Clash a lot but love the new Blade. Not as easy to get big spin but it's got superb feel. Gotta have the swing to use it, though.

    • @tennizs408
      @tennizs408 2 года назад

      I changed from Clash to Blade as well. Feel much stiffer, think i need more time; otherwise i will go for another softer

  • @enan1468
    @enan1468 3 года назад +1

    How does it compare to the Wilson Six One 100 v13

  • @jimw9415
    @jimw9415 3 года назад +3

    338 sw for the v7 when its supposed to be 326. That's ridiculous, that could easily make it unplayable for many people.

    • @charlesfaure1189
      @charlesfaure1189 3 года назад

      I've seen reviews of the v7 98 that describe it as unwieldy, while others rave about it. Maybe the v7 QA just wasn't so good. Really like my v8 98 though.

  • @tcrow9599
    @tcrow9599 2 года назад

    Harry, found this video!! Where are all the V7 Blade 100s? Bought one last fall and was looking for a spare. THEY ARE NOWHERE!!! No retailer including Wilson are carrying a racquet that has been out barely a year! Im confused, do you know anything?

  • @williamdean9326
    @williamdean9326 3 года назад +1

    I miss the blade tour 93

  • @brunogoncalves2853
    @brunogoncalves2853 2 года назад

    Hi, do you have it in the store?

  • @joseph5304
    @joseph5304 3 года назад

    as long as he is having fun

  • @anacap007
    @anacap007 3 года назад +7

    There's a name to the color: iridescent.

    • @MJTIbes
      @MJTIbes 3 года назад


    • @alastairtheduke
      @alastairtheduke Год назад

      I'm on a mission to get Harry to use the proper name for a link/address/'s not 'network'

  • @Koongjin
    @Koongjin 2 года назад

    Is it head light/heavy or even balance?

  • @jonathanchen1026
    @jonathanchen1026 3 года назад

    Is the swing weight much lower compared to the v7?

  • @romanp6016
    @romanp6016 3 года назад +6

    Really poor review for me, sorry. If you are not sure about taper system why do not you just measure it? And if feels like a strike 100 or a lower powered pure drive? Strike is really muted and Drive is stiff. So is Blade 100 V8 flexible and give you more feel or is muted or stiff? Whats the stiffness? Thank you.

  • @bojack3827
    @bojack3827 2 года назад +1

    That handle = Amplifeel Resurrected!

  • @ChaCha765-SY
    @ChaCha765-SY 3 года назад

    V8 100 sells here, stiffness is 69 and swing weight 314 vs V7 stiffness 62 and swing weight 325 😀

    • @ssportslivetvstreaming
      @ssportslivetvstreaming 3 года назад

      v7 better ?

    • @romanp6016
      @romanp6016 3 года назад

      It seems you are talking about V8 100L? 😉

    • @ChaCha765-SY
      @ChaCha765-SY 3 года назад

      @@ssportslivetvstreaming only tried the v7 and waiting on v8 demo, v7 is soft plush I prefer it be a tad stiffer, very good top spin compared to 98.

  • @emjay2045
    @emjay2045 3 года назад

    Wilson QC. 🤷🏽‍♂️
    They always put their variations +/- for their rackets. Unless you get a ProLab

  • @klhoang
    @klhoang 2 года назад

    Does anyone know the flex on the 100 v8? I hope it's less than the v7.

    • @juggernauts9880
      @juggernauts9880 2 года назад

      Most likely 100 v8 is just a PJ of v7. Therefore flex should be the same as v7, i.e., 62 RA.

    • @klhoang
      @klhoang 2 года назад

      @@juggernauts9880 thx.

    • @ProfDrTeomanCemKadioglu
      @ProfDrTeomanCemKadioglu Год назад

      It is not a pj, mold is different.

  • @nathanmiller6051
    @nathanmiller6051 3 года назад

    Thanks 👍 interesting

  • @sarikara
    @sarikara Год назад


  • @Agent77X
    @Agent77X 3 года назад +3

    I saw the new Wilson Blade in person and it pretty feminine looking multicolored racquet! Looks much different in person.

    • @RossBayCult
      @RossBayCult 3 года назад +4

      I don’t think it looks feminine. If it were pink or lavender I would think so. It looks neutral as it is.

    • @alastairtheduke
      @alastairtheduke Год назад +1

      What? It doesn't have skulls?

  • @tennis-fan
    @tennis-fan 3 года назад

    Keep talking about blade 🥰

  • @squeekyshoes
    @squeekyshoes 3 года назад

    Also maybe cut them in half for better viewing you can afford it now

  • @bournejason66
    @bournejason66 3 года назад +1

    Why doesn’t Wilson let retailers sell that model?

    • @MJTIbes
      @MJTIbes 3 года назад

      Probably because they expect lower sales quantities. When they put stock at the retailers there might be a risk on slow moving stock and that might block the sales of fast moving models since they invested in dead stock. So reducing stock risk at the retailers side

  • @rennardyjuwana7254
    @rennardyjuwana7254 2 года назад

    is this racquet head light or head heavy?

  • @yoyoman1816
    @yoyoman1816 3 года назад +4

    Oh no, Blade again.

  • @trujr5295
    @trujr5295 Год назад +1

    Don't get lazy on us harry, that was an awful display of hitting.

  • @andtsg6815
    @andtsg6815 3 года назад +3

    Urgh... Too many videos on blade already... 🙄

  • @hoaluu572
    @hoaluu572 3 года назад
