@@mattia-df2ec yes thankfully, I tried to add that to the description so people could see that it's been patched, I've also gone back and tested the routine glitches and it looks like they've got them all patched up 😁
Why would I leave comments on for a post for a "fake" video? I leave them open for real comments :) sorry you tried to cheat, and used an outdated glitch. I enjoy this game, so please stop trying to cheat 🙏
I tried this glitch again and it has been patched and does not work, so thank you UBISOFT!!!!
I honestly tried to reproduce the steps as you said and can't get it to work.
Hopefully they patched it :)
Glitch works, new method you have to disconnect as soon possible
Yo, can you explain the method? I can give you my Discord if you don't want to share it publicly.
Good to know ☺️
@@mike93CZid like to get down on this to if it works
@@mattia-df2ec yes thankfully, I tried to add that to the description so people could see that it's been patched, I've also gone back and tested the routine glitches and it looks like they've got them all patched up 😁
Dont work
Hopefully they patched it :)
Why make a fake glitch video that they might actually look at to try and fix let them focus on shit that’s actually broken
Why would I leave comments on for a post for a "fake" video? I leave them open for real comments :) sorry you tried to cheat, and used an outdated glitch. I enjoy this game, so please stop trying to cheat 🙏
Heyyy can you help me on the game ? 🥹
@@joaoalbertoperes7815 I can try to 😁 what're you needing help with?