Svelte vs React - Best Features in 2024!

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @0791679
    @0791679 4 месяца назад +6

    Svelte Ecosystem is the whole Javascript Ecosystem !!! No need to to sveltify popular javascript libraries like you need to do with React

  • @d34d10ck
    @d34d10ck 5 месяцев назад +4

    What is the reason for your statement that svelte isn't suitable for large scale applications?

    • @codeyourpathschool
      @codeyourpathschool  5 месяцев назад +2

      Hey there, thank you for your question!
      I love Svelte for its performance and reactivity, which are fantastic!
      However, I hesitate to use for large apps because of its small ecosystem.
      Even though Svelte was introduced just three years after React, the ecosystem difference is quite significant.
      React has tons of resources, ready-to-use components, and libraries for almost any case.
      I really hope Svelte will catch up regarding the resources available to developers!

    • @d34d10ck
      @d34d10ck 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@codeyourpathschool I often hear this argument, but i don't really understand how a small ecosystem can prevent you from developing a complex or large app.
      Besides, i don't necessarily see a massive framework specific ecosystem as an advantage either. Why should i need 10 libraries for every feature when i can have everything integrated in the framework instead? In Svelte you don't need a library for state management, css scoping or animations. These features are directly integrated. No ecosystem needed for those things and if you do need an external library, you can always use a normal javascript library. The ecosystem is big enough in my opinion. The fact that you don't have to use framework specific libraries and put wrappers around everything doesn't mean it's smaller. What's smaller is the userbase. That's the only issue you might run into.

    • @codeyourpathschool
      @codeyourpathschool  5 месяцев назад +2

      @@d34d10ck It's true that React offers an OVERabundance of packages and solutions, but most have been battle-tested and can provide some sort of safety.
      I also agree that Svelte already has a great set of tools - SSR, TS, state management, error handling, etc.
      However, I believe React better meets the specific needs of large applications.
      Plus, React's continued development (Suspense feature, for example) shows its commitment to DX and app performance.
      If you're enjoying Svelte - definitely go for it! This is a great chance to contribute and perhaps even shape its future!

    •  3 месяца назад

      Been hearing the ecosystem since day one, thats a joke, you have every js library at your feet, been building all sort of apps using svelte, recently a big bank app without any issues, also if you need something you can built it very easy, stop relying always on a lib to do something

    • @Lemmy4555
      @Lemmy4555 Месяц назад

      In the past 3 years I built with 6 other team mates a huge enterprise application with only few dependencies, i would say quite the opposite since svelte makes a lot of things much easier and performance are never something you really think about while in react you often waste time thinking if you either need to useMemo or useEffect or how to read a value from the state that was syncronously set some step before, or if you either need or not create a custom hooks or hooks dependencies or troubleshooting why your component is rerendering 10 times when you just changed 1 single thing and list go on.
      Svelte in contrast scales much better, and whether you use effects (or $: expr) or just events and syncronous code it's not much a concern since you manage to get great performance either way, also svelte feels just more natural because you don't live a function where everything gets recreated continuosly and this really bind well with classic imperative programming that everybody understand, It doesn't require a state management library or a 3rd party router. You literally can give svelte to BE developer and make him productive in a week and from there the only things he needs to learn are HTML, CSS, JS topics, svelte doesn't bring in any quirk to keep in mind.
      So sorry but no, Svelte is the way to go for large scale application, it will allow your team to move faster, you will not spend time into benchmarking things that should be trivial, the onbording is very fast, you get great performance without thinking about it while implementing new features and the architecture of your app will be order of magnitude easier since you only need very few dependencies and only for things you would need dependencies anyway such as encryption, convertion to/from markdown, rich text.

  • @Lemmy4555
    @Lemmy4555 Месяц назад

    React is mess looking at it today, it really look like a relic from the past. The fact that a function is re-executed at every render and you have to write weird code with hooks, refs memo etc to keep the reference to a simple function or variable is mind blowing.
    Svelte in contrast is very straight forward and can be learnt in 1 week by anyone with knowledge in any imperative programming language

  • @janeb3007
    @janeb3007 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @abishektamilan9733
    @abishektamilan9733 3 месяца назад

    Doggy looks cool and sounds like micky mouse ❤😂

  • @AjinkyaBhushan
    @AjinkyaBhushan 5 месяцев назад +1

    i see doggo I like

  • @HFtravelusa3499
    @HFtravelusa3499 5 месяцев назад +1

    Archie must be on next video ❤

  • @todormarkov2860
    @todormarkov2860 5 месяцев назад +3

    For big projects, I'd say it's better than React.
    - Less boiler plate
    - Simpler
    - Significantly less code, which reduces build and test time
    Easy to integrate any JS plugins.
    If the project is on Node.js, svelte and svetekit code splitting is a big advantage.
    I'm not even mentioning the new enhancements in svelte 5 (Runes-signals and etc.) that are expected to be released very soon.

    • @codeyourpathschool
      @codeyourpathschool  5 месяцев назад

      Honestly, I've only used Svelte in side projects, so I haven't touched it in commercial teams. However, my understanding is that Svelte is fast and reactive.
      React offers pseudo-reactivity and is always chained by Virtual DOM.
      Regarding other DX benefits, I don't see substantial advantages, including signals.

  • @mylastore
    @mylastore 4 месяца назад

    Svelte & React are not frameworks