Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - SEVEN Accessories to SPICE IT UP! 🌶️

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 145

  • @shellyberry841
    @shellyberry841 Год назад +3

    You’re so likable and your videos are so genuine. You’re my favorite tech reviewer!

  • @fennekindol2503
    @fennekindol2503 Год назад +47

    I understand this may be off-topic, but I arrived here after watching MrWhoseTheBoss' recent Z Flip 5 video where he teased the possibility of switching back to Android. However, like many other tech reviewers who primarily use iPhones, he didn't make the switch due to the ecosystem. Most of them create such content for the sake of views but wouldn't actually switch. Regardless of how impressive an Android device is, their primary concern remains the ecosystem. This is why I appreciate your channel; I hope you achieve the recognition you deserve soon.

    • @RakeshRoshanRana
      @RakeshRoshanRana Год назад +12

      True, I am on android rocking with Pixel 7 pro and Z fold 5, I change my devices each year, but on same ecosystem i.e. Android. No matter what Apple offers, I won't switch to iOS even if someone gives me free iPhone and even pays me to switch to it. I am on Android ecosytem and for me iOS sucks big time...

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +7

      Thank you so much. Definitely agree, big RUclips channels are way too involved in the marketing campaigns from manufacturers. Hard to trust their opinions. As a reviewer I know its hard as hell to completely switch, but it's possible. Sure , I'll be reviewing the iPhone too, but purely to guide my viewers and help them decide. I won't get as many views but at least I can stay true to myself

    • @AlohaK9s
      @AlohaK9s Год назад +3

      After over 10 years of being an iPhone user I made the switch last week to the fold 5 and couldn't be happier. Just yesterday I put away my iwatch and put on a new samsung 6 classic and even bought some new watch bands to go with it. Lovin' them all!!!!

    • @petrrichter898
      @petrrichter898 Год назад

      @@AlohaK9sHi there. Have you still Fold 5? I'm considering change my iphone 13 Pro and change for Z5. Everybody around me have iphone but I'm using windows laptop and Garmin watches so in my opinion I can stay with Z5. What about you after few weeks?

    • @alohamora4241
      @alohamora4241 Год назад +1

      I agree but disagree. I used to work for apple so trust me I tried all the apple devices and been using ios for past 7 years. Yes the ecosystem is great but that’s about it. After trying out iphone 15 pro max I ended returning it because I found nothing new. In fact galaxy 23 ultra that came out a year ago is a lot better compare to new apple’s device. Apple hasn’t been innovative or leading in tech for years now and a lot of user are getting tired of it. I mean it make sense because majority of the early developers of M series chip left apple and working for either Qualcomm or Intel now.
      The camera doesn’t stand out, processor doesn’t stand out, display doesn’t stand out, and now even the built quality doesn’t stand out. If you try using the iphone 15 pro, you can tell apple was rushing on manufacturing the devices. And even the ecosystem, android and windows has caught up so it offers pretty good eco system. Due to these reasons I recently ordered galaxy z fold 5. It will be pain in the butt to move over the datas but it will definitely be worth it. And it is pretty easy to transfer over the data if you use google. It just takes time.
      If only thing that keep Apple unbeatable compare to other companies will be the apple customer service like AppleCare+.
      Samsung has to learn from Apple in that aspect for sure because Samsung has really bad customer service in general.

  • @JimboSRP
    @JimboSRP Год назад +7

    I like the Spigen slim armour pro for hinge protection, it also comes in a pen edition if you don't mind the overhang above the fingerprint sensor - it's what I am using (also had it on my Fold 4) and I have no issues with it. A note - the Fold 5 Spigen case uses the little skinny S pen from the Fold 5 Samsung case, and the Fold 4 Spigen case takes the thicker pen from the Samsung Fold 4 case.
    I've already snapped the new little skinny Spen in half, by the way, and have superglued it back together. Not sure I am a fan, but I get why Samsung went this way. But it's not the most robustly manufactured S pen out there, the trade-off I suppose for having no case bulge.
    Another note: be careful which camera protection you get. I bought the Spigen camera protection glass, which works great with the Spigen case (obviously) but there was no way on this earth I was able to get the Samsung pen case to fit over them. So if I ever want to put the Samsung case back on I will have to peel off the camera glass. Would pay to research carefully if you are someone who likes to swap out cases.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Oh no! Sorry to hear about the S-Pen!! Yeah Spigen do great cases

  • @garyflint9295
    @garyflint9295 Год назад +3

    Great video again 👏 where did you get the live lockscreen wallpaper from?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Thank you, its called Elite Black on Samsung Themes

  • @Duncdunc2377
    @Duncdunc2377 Год назад +4

    I’ve always been an Apple fan boy and currently own the 15 pro. I downsized from the pro max bc I was planning on getting an I pad mini, but now bc of a 1000 dollars off the z fold 5 I’m going to be picking it up as a 5g tablet/phone. Might sound weird but there’s no other tablet with a 7-9inch screen size that has 120 hz a fast chip and an oled screen that can fit in your pocket to take anywhere

  • @OldGuyStudent
    @OldGuyStudent Год назад

    Curly chubby and your grin of amusement was worthy of this comment. Great video. And a subscriber, too. Great video. You taught me something and gave me ideas.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Awesome! Thank you! Yeah, that's some product naming 😆 definitely made me chuckle! Welcome to the channel 🙏🏼

  • @chungtoinhanai1299
    @chungtoinhanai1299 11 месяцев назад

    I like your theme in 1:34. Can you share name of theme, thanks so much.

  • @agustingalano2977
    @agustingalano2977 Год назад +4

    Amigo, your videos are awesome, content is so fresh and useful, production is so well made and they’re so much fun to watch. Keep up the good work!

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      That's so nice yo heat, thank you so much 💓 🙏🏼

  • @vishalachari2281
    @vishalachari2281 Год назад +5

    Another great one Alex..moved to FOLD 5 after much consideration. Was hard to give up S23 Ultra though.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +2

      Oh I don't envy you having to pick one! Both are awesome to be fair!

    • @vishalachari2281
      @vishalachari2281 Год назад

      @AlexGTech guess have to be move as the tech moves.

  • @cheekster777
    @cheekster777 Год назад +2

    Thank you Alex.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      my pleasure mate!! Early weekend video 💪🏼

    @ARAPOV_PUBG 7 месяцев назад

    I am used to loving this phone ❤

  • @SampsaNissinen
    @SampsaNissinen Год назад +1

    I'm so glad I found you. Most easily watched few vids of yours without being bored. You earned a new sub without thinking twice😊

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Awesome, thank you so much!! Wow, this comment made my day, honestly... Welcome to the channel 🙏🏼

  • @davidkindt2878
    @davidkindt2878 Год назад +1

    ⚡You pointed me in the right direction. Thank you. Love this theme.

  • @Aclrip
    @Aclrip Год назад +1

    I love the theme. Thanks much

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Glad you like it! 👋🏼

  • @raptor3dc
    @raptor3dc 8 месяцев назад

    Can you use a privacy screen on both sides of the phone. Does the crease bother anyone watching Netflix or viewing RUclips?

  • @lockdown11b
    @lockdown11b Год назад +3

    Also, I recommend Fold users registering multiple fingerprints for the different orientation you'll use the phone in. I have 4 fingers registered. I have no issue with the sensor, and I use a bulkier case with hinge protection that stores the pen by that sensor. The s23 ultra made me leave apple, but the fold made me a fold user for life. Don't care if I have to wait for flagship cameras. I don't pretend to be a photographer who knows anything about eiditing.

  • @kirkpeebles116
    @kirkpeebles116 11 месяцев назад

    Great vid sir. Stumbled across it looking for a case. Good laughs, unique views, and information, much appreciated.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  11 месяцев назад

      Welcome aboard! thank you so much 🥰 and happy new year!

  • @WaynerTheGamer
    @WaynerTheGamer Год назад

    That screen changer was interesting; finger scanner

  • @Arcane1984
    @Arcane1984 7 месяцев назад

    if you are so afraid of dropping it, why wouldn't you get a case with hinge protection? i have had so many cases for this phone, and the best one i have found that doesnt cost north of $100 is the only metal case out. it has issues, but the one i got is only $26 so replacing it isnt too much of a hassle.

  • @lucasgsa
    @lucasgsa Год назад +2

    Hey Alex, I've been eagerly waiting for the S9 Ultra video! Keep up the good work :)

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Coming soon, thank you!!

  • @anishjoseph9168
    @anishjoseph9168 9 месяцев назад

    underrated channel dream phone nice video :P

  • @progrg6
    @progrg6 Год назад

    Confused which side to go... 🤔. An Iphone or z fold. Can you please give your kind suggestion Alex. Thank you. You have a new sub....❤

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Thanks so much 🙏🏼 I think it will come down to how you use your phone. If you want to multitask and be able to write and draw on it, like a mini tablet, then the Fold is better for that. I think you get a lot more for.yoir money with the Fold. And even if you are already in the Apple ecosystem, there are ways to go around that, as I show in my latest video.
      Hope this helps 🙏🏼

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Here you goвидео.html

  • @pcsw95
    @pcsw95 Год назад +1

    Purchased the elite black theme, but does not open like yours does?
    Is there a setting?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      I think to get the animation you just press the power button without the fingerprint, kinda using your nail a bit. Or just duble tap the screen. It's kind of a screen wake animation, rather than unlocking animation

  • @aqua_Laura
    @aqua_Laura Год назад +2

    Ive got the dji mobile se gimbal, i had it with the fold 4 and i was constantly worried about the thickness of the phone and it dropping but it never did. I now have the fold 5 so should be even better.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Yes, I was worried too, but tried to drop it on purpose onto the couch before I went out and it really stayed on there. I think a slightly larger clamp would be better but it's great so far. Wish I'd discovered this gimbal sooner, love it! Thanks for checking the video up 🙏🏼

    • @aqua_Laura
      @aqua_Laura Год назад

      @AlexGTech yeah I'm the same. I love my gimbal. I totally agree that they should bring out a larger clamp for foldable phones. The max weight of the gimbal also scared me in case the phone wore the motors out on the gimbal haha 😄

  • @vieux_criss
    @vieux_criss Год назад +1

    Really great video man! I'm not commenting normally, but your vibe is pretty unique, you just got a sub sir :D

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Awesome! Thank you so much!! Welcome to the channel 🙏🏼

  • @Muhamed662
    @Muhamed662 Год назад +1

    what saved my phones from crashing into the ground was much more the wrist strap than the case itself , you could get unlucky if the the phone is dropped in an uneven surface , stairs or a door altar
    it's pretty cheap too for the peace of mind you get

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Do you know, that's not a bad idea! Especially for my clumsy a** 😆

    • @Muhamed662
      @Muhamed662 Год назад

      ​@@AlexGTech I would suggest wallet cases too , not only they provide all round protection but they cover the screen so you are not tempted to keep checking what notifications you get and it doubles as a mini wallet too , it's pretty convenient
      there are good choices in amazon , even for fold phones
      this is actually how I protect mine , a wallet case and a wrist strap

  • @Howie_fish
    @Howie_fish Год назад

    I wish dbrand make the frame skin as well for the fold.

  • @jasonipfatsiong2062
    @jasonipfatsiong2062 Год назад +1

    Great video thanks

  • @A2theC
    @A2theC Год назад +1

    Love this channel, great recommendations!
    I don't even have a Fold but may pickup a few of these 🤣

  • @sabirmomarjee4211
    @sabirmomarjee4211 Год назад +1

    Merci Alex …j attendais cette vidéo pour le choix des accessoires . Fold 5 is amazing . Switched from iPhone 11 Pro Max

  • @ProjectDefi
    @ProjectDefi 11 месяцев назад

    I like your content bro. I'll help support you

  • @iZacq
    @iZacq Год назад

    Is there a good Selfie Stick for Fold 5

  • @HeartMarksman
    @HeartMarksman Год назад

    5:04 what?! how did you do that? I have a super fast charging brick and cable from my galaxy s22 ultra, and it didn't work on my fold 5?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      I used a 140W Gan wall charger, this one:

    • @HeartMarksman
      @HeartMarksman Год назад

      @@AlexGTech why does it have to be that specifically

  • @Xj6245
    @Xj6245 Год назад

    How do I get that wallpaper?

  • @shayfarid4244
    @shayfarid4244 Год назад

    any recommendation on bike mount?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      For the Fold, I don't really have one. I think I saw one from MrMobile on his review of an electric bike.

  • @10XVAR
    @10XVAR 21 день назад

    Can you share the name of the theme at 1:34 please

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  19 дней назад +1

      Black Elite or Elite Black, don't remember 😅

  • @kdubkred
    @kdubkred Год назад

    Just ordered me a skin because of you 😊 gotta love the fold

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Such a classy phone, right!? 😊

    • @kdubkred
      @kdubkred Год назад

      @@AlexGTech yes sir Samsung did it again 😎

  • @marymadigan9707
    @marymadigan9707 Год назад

    Nice video Alex keep them coming 😎🇨🇮

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Thanks Mary!! Will do 😊 have a lovely weekend!

    • @marymadigan9707
      @marymadigan9707 Год назад

      @@AlexGTech Have a fab weekend also 😊

  • @CubanDivaOfficial
    @CubanDivaOfficial Год назад +1

    We love our car mount for Fold5 same one you got from Amazon it was $50 each. My bf and I both have the Fold 5 with S Pen cases we love our phone. I went from Apple to Samsung it was the hardest decision of my life 😂 but I love my new phone and all I did was get the Gboard keyboard installed to it so that the texting isn't a pain in butt. I recommend the Fold5 for sure. I took my first moon picture this weekend with it was was blown away. The iPhone could never take such an amazing moon picture. 😊

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      That’s so cool!! Yes I wouldn’t change my Fold for anything. Just been reviewing the iPhone and it’s still “meh”. Great camera sure, but I can get so much more out of the Fold! Great to hear about the car mount too!

    • @MikeMoreira23
      @MikeMoreira23 Год назад +1

      The link for the phone mount isn't working for me (I live in Canada) what is the exact name of the car mount?

    • @CubanDivaOfficial
      @CubanDivaOfficial Год назад

      @@MikeMoreira23 this is the name: DOODBI 15W Wireless Car Charger Mount for Galaxy Z Fold 5/4/3 car Mount/Accessories,Fast Charging Phone Holder for Samsung S23 22 Ultra,iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series[with QC 3.0]

  • @udug3583
    @udug3583 Год назад +1

    Got both z fold 5 and s23 ultra.... had s22u sold it..... and now I use s23u mostly and z fold 5 mostly home lol same reason (scared to f it up)

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      haha I know how you feel!! I like the cases now but I am still quite reluctant to take it out of the house!

    • @udug3583
      @udug3583 Год назад

      @@AlexGTech exactly 💯%

  • @bill-gray
    @bill-gray 7 месяцев назад

    Chapter markers please.


    Hi, for the leather skin, which color you use? the real brown skin or the real tan skin? I like your sample in this VDO and want to order from their website but the color is hard to decide. Thanks.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      It's the darker one, brown leather 👊🏼

  • @aylanibrahim5961
    @aylanibrahim5961 8 месяцев назад

    Samsung is the best😊

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  8 месяцев назад

      They've been incredible recently!!

  • @Chris34720
    @Chris34720 9 месяцев назад

    Just subscribed thanks for the video just made a return on my s24 ultra and tab s9 ultra fancied a z fold 5 instead and having both in one seems daft having a £1000 tablet with very little use

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  9 месяцев назад +1

      Absolutely! The Fold will eventually replace my devices exactly like that. The only missing piece for me is a built-in S-Pen and cameras that are about as good as the S24U. They're pretty close already! Welcome aboard 🙏🏼

  • @s_a_n_i_m
    @s_a_n_i_m Год назад

    Waiting for Galaxy S9 ultra video :)
    And thanks for this video.
    Really useful❤

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Coming soon! Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @bvbmanuelbvb
    @bvbmanuelbvb Год назад

    mein fold 4 hat jetzt nach ca 11 monaten probleme. akku hat beim laden einen wackelkontakt, ladekabelprobleme kann ich ausschließen. und die folie löste sich auf dem großen innendisplay. hab die jetzt abgezogen und einen schwarzen fleck im knick der nicht mehr weggeht. ich kann das handy geöffnet kaum nutzen da der toixh nicht mehr reagiert. werde mir nie wieder ein klapphandy kaufen, was ich sehr bedauere

  • @felonebike9859
    @felonebike9859 Год назад

    Why not a kick stand and a s pen holder

  • @BensTechTube
    @BensTechTube Год назад +1


    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Yeah that hinge did get a couple of microscratches in my Fold 4. It would be good to get something decent from Sammy

    • @BensTechTube
      @BensTechTube Год назад

      @AlexGTech Right!? I mean how hard is it?

  • @robmelk
    @robmelk Год назад

    Alex, video excelente! Cadê o video em português?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Muito obrigado!! Em Português vai ser outro video essa semana, se tudo der certo no Domingo 😇

  • @RealJoseph123
    @RealJoseph123 Год назад +2

    3:54 🤣🤣

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      maybe they will listen 🤣

  • @callan69
    @callan69 Год назад

    Or when in flex mode after it goes in half screen press the button in the bottom corner & it puts it in full screen 😅

  • @belakulcsar
    @belakulcsar Год назад

    i can not find the theams!

  • @DavetheLeg
    @DavetheLeg Год назад

    I didn't have the issue with the finger print sensor. I think it's a very subjective thing.

  • @BensTechTube
    @BensTechTube Год назад +1

    Right?! I buy different cases ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS CHANGING CASES IS THE RUclipsRS DILEMMA! The best car mount I've found is the Samsung car mount, it is Excellent!

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Ooooh I haven't check that out yet, tbh didn't even known they made one! Thank you

    • @BensTechTube
      @BensTechTube Год назад

      @AlexGTech Sure! If you want I'll e mail you the link!

  • @udug3583
    @udug3583 Год назад +1

    And I subbed and liked the vid.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      thank you so much!! Welcome to the channel 🙏🏼 It's gonna be busy with Apple stuff for a while, but service will resume soon 🤣

  • @thearabiangolfer
    @thearabiangolfer Год назад

    Have you noticed the s pen slim case is faulty ? After a couple weeks the pen will turn on its own and then fall out the case. Bit of tape Inside fixes this. Let me know if you have the issue yetttt

  • @ediaw7247
    @ediaw7247 Год назад

    I liked and subbed, btw the car accessory is no longer available.

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Thank you!! Welcome to the channel 💓
      I will check out some alternatives and update it, it's been a while since I bought that one. I hear the Samsung car mount is pretty good too

  • @RealJoseph123
    @RealJoseph123 Год назад +1

    My phone fell out my pocket out of a car the other day.
    I only have an annoying crack on the side of the screen protector.
    Alex, get a screen protector… 😅

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      ouch!! YEah I feel ya... I tried a few but really don't get on with them, which is why I don't even mention them anymore... Will give them another go soon as the insurance malarky is not nice either 🤣

  • @KraftfahrKonsul
    @KraftfahrKonsul Год назад +1

    Please be aware that the SPen Case does have serious production issues. Especially the blue version does not hold the pen in place properly. Just a slight touch with you finger and the pen rotates and simply falls out off the case... I had to return mine and you find many similar reports throughout the internet. I hope samsung will fix this because for me that was the main reason to switch to the Fold

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад +1

      Thanks for the call out, will make sure to include this in future videos. Mine has been pretty solid to be fair

    • @KraftfahrKonsul
      @KraftfahrKonsul Год назад

      @AlexGTech and, of course, thanks a lot for that nice and informative Video! Greetings

  • @WaynerTheGamer
    @WaynerTheGamer Год назад

    Neon chargers

  • @fabianotadeuvendas
    @fabianotadeuvendas 7 месяцев назад

    Para de graça Alex, e fala em português...😂 me ajuda...😂

  • @ciuvic1984
    @ciuvic1984 Год назад +1

    amazing device, but i returned it, battery was dying too fast

  • @jroc2124
    @jroc2124 Год назад


  • @donniethesportsguy893
    @donniethesportsguy893 Год назад +2

    iPhone 15 hype is fabricated. Same damn phone 😂

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Can't disagree with you there... itnwill be amazing immsure, but not that different

  • @John-oz1do
    @John-oz1do Год назад


  • @MrMegbe47
    @MrMegbe47 9 месяцев назад

    The sticker on that case sucks. And it was annoying to remove the pen

  • @theepanvr
    @theepanvr Год назад

    The Samsung S Pen case is garbage. Got the Grey and Orange one and the S Pen turns and falls out. Do not buy, it is a known issue according to Samsung retailers. SMH.

  • @lockdown11b
    @lockdown11b Год назад

    Unless you prefer IOS over Windows apples the eco system is supremely overrated. I had the entire eco system and hated the apple IOS on laptop and PC. I'm a Windows guy. Prefer samsung phones and tablets over apples. I think the Samsung watch is mid, tho.

  • @Gamer_85
    @Gamer_85 Год назад

    You know we can get subtitles on videos by clicking a button, why do you need to add so much text to the video?

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Because of how RUclips works. Videos now pre-play (sometimes without audio/CC) so having text helps some viewers click into the video. That's why Mr Beast uses it 😉

  • @jaymon9049
    @jaymon9049 11 месяцев назад

    Terrible suggestion every one. Case inhibits wireless charging. Cable when you have wireless charging suck. Selfie stick suggestion is just lame. Hard to believe a youtuber with tens of thousands of views can be so boring.

  • @Hudlay
    @Hudlay Год назад

    Not buying foldables until they discover a better "scratches at level 6 with deeper grooves at level 7" material to replace the current flimsy, nail scratchable display. I'd stick to my glorious S23 Ultra for now. 😅

  • @Mentatstrategy
    @Mentatstrategy Год назад

    samsung's cases are garbage - very low protection and if you have to remove it - the adhesive wears out and it won't stay on any longer

    • @bss7254
      @bss7254 7 месяцев назад

      False I haven't had those issues at all with any case

    • @Mentatstrategy
      @Mentatstrategy 7 месяцев назад

      @@bss7254 for the Z fold - these cases are no good - take your case off - put it back on and tell me it's still good...

    • @Mentatstrategy
      @Mentatstrategy 7 месяцев назад

      @bss7254 I like samsung cases for most phones, but this one uses actual adhesive. Once you remove it, the adhesive wears off. I can't believe your reply was highlighted and it's false.

    • @bss7254
      @bss7254 7 месяцев назад

      @@Mentatstrategy how are you going to tell me? I've used over 100 cases and they were all amazing. Dropped my phone, used it in water and even suffered in sand storms fyi I'm in the military. And they were all great. So coming from personal experience, samsung has amazing cases.

    • @Mentatstrategy
      @Mentatstrategy 7 месяцев назад

      @@bss7254 I'm talking about a particular phone and it's Samsung cases - the 2 that Samsung branded for the z fold5 have adhesive and can only be put on and taken off once without ruining the adhesive. I literally bought both of these cases before going with a different brand. I wanted to use the Samsung case. Congratulations on owning a lot of phones. Your phone-peen is so huge....

  • @arnoldpablico2130
    @arnoldpablico2130 Год назад

    nope lost your credibility when you endorsed samsungs spen gets loosed!! so pls dont buy it unless u want to buy more spen that keeps getting lost in your pockets

    • @AlexGTech
      @AlexGTech  Год назад

      Huh? I've been using that case pretty much exclusively, since day one and not once did it fall anywhere. I don't know what you're talking about, to be honest

    • @willpowerfpv3246
      @willpowerfpv3246 Год назад

      Hahaha, someone has a different experience than you, and now all of a sudden they're a shill, that's lost their credibility?? This comment is ridiculous..😅