Hello, concept is something basic to all design not just architecture but also to other types or fields of design. Further ,it need not be confined to competition only as it is being made out here.Every design effort stems from a basic idea which captures the spirit of the project in a nut shell ,which grows in to the actual design of which form is usually the most experienced experiential part.so a concept essentially an outcome of a context ie rooted strongly in the context .This context relates to people,climate, location ,traditions materials available etc hence a concept has to GROW out of context and not implanted from outside .This needs to be highlighted every time a design is taken up not only for competitions .This needs to be high lighted .Let the presentation be NOT ONE SIDED as observed . PROF.RAVINDRA.S.V.
Hello, concept is something basic to all design not just architecture but also to other types or fields of design. Further ,it need not be confined to competition only as it is being made out here.Every design effort stems from a basic idea which captures the spirit of the project in a nut shell ,which grows in to the actual design of which form is usually the most experienced experiential part.so a concept essentially an outcome of a context ie rooted strongly in the context .This context relates to people,climate, location ,traditions materials available etc hence a concept has to GROW out of context and not implanted from outside .This needs to be highlighted every time a design is taken up not only for competitions .This needs to be high lighted .Let the presentation be NOT ONE SIDED as observed . PROF.RAVINDRA.S.V.