Part 7: A Contending Church - Keith Malcomson

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @iindahammermueller9865
    @iindahammermueller9865 6 месяцев назад +9

    Thank you brother... Standing up for the truth puts a fire in my heart and I'm grateful for your testimony of standing up to the enemies of God who come in like wolves to destroy the truth and twist it. You're an example of a good protecting shepherd of His flock. And lol I've met you and yes you are humble gentle meek and kind.

  • @Smurph60
    @Smurph60 6 месяцев назад +3

    Amen... The blood of Jesus alone

  • @wandalester8624
    @wandalester8624 6 месяцев назад +8

    Watching from America! God bless!

    • @angieg1602
      @angieg1602 6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you Brother Keith for your basic truths you share with firm Faith. I am praying that Ireland
      stands strong for Messianic Judaism,
      regardless of their UN persuasions.
      May God comfort you in the loss of your wife.
      We are all so close to the Rapture. Let's cling even closer till He comes.
      A.G. Redlands, California

  • @BingbongBange
    @BingbongBange 6 месяцев назад +2

    As far as I’m concerned Pastor Keith you could preach for 5 hours!..
    I’d be thrilled to bits!
    I’d be the one sitting in the window all night… but hopefully not fall out! 😅
    Glorious Holy Spirit filled Bible based preaching, oh it’s music to my ears!…
    Thanku Thanku!
    I’ve only been saved for 2 & half years and have such a thirst and so much to learn in these days!..
    but all I want is the pure milk of Gods Word… nothing else, so many agendas being propagated I’m learning… that could only fool people who are ignorant of and do not read Gods Word..
    I’ve spoken to many Christian’s who never read the Bible?.. some don’t even own.
    I don’t understand that at all 🤔
    The Holy Spirit led me to you two years ago .. and I just ‘knew’ it was His leading.
    Pure Bible doctrine is what you preach…nothing added, nothing taken away… no ifs and buts
    how blessed I am to sit at your feet! Following with my Bible and Bible only… I will read nothing else at this early learning stage…as I see it’s easy for people to persuade you into their particular interpretation…which if I didn’t take everything back to what Gods Word says, I could be so easily deceived
    Thank you Pastor, your a true Shepherd 💫
    You are frequently in my prayers

  • @theclariontube
    @theclariontube 6 месяцев назад +23

    Although I have been in ministry over 20 years, I have learned so much listening to these messages. Thank you Brother Keith and LCC. My husband and I had the privilege of meeting you in Pottsville at PAG a couple of weeks ago. We drove several hours to be there, which is not normal for us. Mainly because we are so tired of the religious games played in pulpits all across America. We were so happy to hear you preach in person and delighted to know that you are the same man of God in person as you are on this channel. We knew we were talking to a true brother in Christ. We also understood that you were on an assignment from God to warn the church in America. It shook us to the core. We prayed for ourselves and all those listening that we would have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit was saying to the church. Please don’t stop preaching the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ. We are on the cusp of something so astonishing and the church in America is not ready. We are praying for you.

    • @hanatlili9960
      @hanatlili9960 6 месяцев назад +1

      Amen praise God! 🔥❤️

    • @doricemcghee217
      @doricemcghee217 6 месяцев назад +2

      Amen. We believe this too. That’s why we continue to live right and preach the truth. Appreciate your reply. Pastor Malcomson is living what’s he is sharing so transparent with his life and the scriptures. We didn’t get to see him while he was here in America but I was able to listen to the messages. ❤

    • @hanatlili9960
      @hanatlili9960 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@doricemcghee217 Praise God. As you said. To live right and preach the truth. And I can testify about br Keith's life. It is real what the Lord is doing in him and through him in our midst here in Limerick. So precious to walk with br Keith and to learn off him. This God and the Gospel is worthy of it all. Thank you for your kind words. May the Lord bless you as you study His Word! 🔥🕊️❤️

    @SBNNOWMEDIAMEMBER 6 месяцев назад

    Brad gets out of his cage 2x aday now

  • @michaelart4878
    @michaelart4878 6 месяцев назад


  • @joycechafin4587
    @joycechafin4587 6 месяцев назад +9

    Thank you pastor, it's good to see you back y,all are always in my prayers and i know I've been having to pray more these days for loved ones and others also, God bless y,all and i like y,all acent🙏❤️

  • @1songbird7
    @1songbird7 6 месяцев назад +8

    Praise the Lord, God bless you brother 🙏

  • @cblackink
    @cblackink 6 месяцев назад +7

    I live in the US, and I listen to your teaching regularly. May God bless and protect you and LCC.

  • @dfpolitowski2
    @dfpolitowski2 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks again pastor Keith.

  • @JoshuaMurr-j4d
    @JoshuaMurr-j4d 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @judysholes5911
    @judysholes5911 6 месяцев назад

    Hallelujah!! The contending Church for Jesus Christ the centre of the living Church! Thank you Pastor Keith for all the word you speak with power and authority in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour...God be with you and strengthen you mightily in this hour, I pray.

  • @LastTrump7
    @LastTrump7 6 месяцев назад +2

    There are not many of any Pentecostal denominations that do not disagree on something? But most or at least many still agree on the fundamentals of the gospel and being born again of the Spirit. The Apostolic Faith which some call (Jesus Only) was one of these many Pentecostal denominations. Just to name a few…Pentecostal Holiness, Free Pentecostal, Church of GOD, Assembly of GOD, Church of GOD in Christ. FourSquare Church, United Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ….etc…
    Are not all these that are truly part of the body reborn by the same Spirit? Sure there is some biblical errors or man made doctrines and traditions in all of these?
    After 1906 Azusa St revival that went years 24/7, many received the Pentecostal blessing from all over the United States and other nations. They carried that message back to their Protestant churches and were kicked out. They had to form their own churches and denominational names. All including Azusa Mission and some even before them of Walsh and Irish revivals trace their roots back to Acts Chapter 2?
    A lot of what splits these churches is the use of words. Like fallen from grace, eternal security, Sanctification, When does one receive the Holy Ghost, What is said when you baptize someone, women’s hair length, women’s dresses or slacks, wedding rings or jewelry, women’s head coverings, the words trinity are not used in the Bible, Jesus said go baptize in the NAME a of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The disciples and the church baptized everyone into the NAME of Jesus? Never in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost like I was baptized 42 years ago. Isn’t a person saved and born again before baptism? Does baptism save you though it’s commanded by Peter in the first sermon in Acts 2? Did Peter not baptize the gentiles in Acts chapter 10 even after they got saved, Holy Ghost filled with the evidence of speaking in tongues? The list is to long.
    I am a old time Free Pentecostal about as far from what is known as Charismatic as you can get. I’m not a compromiser. Our denomination some would call these other denominations “worldly.” Some of them would call us legalistic…..There is but ONE GOD. There is but ONE Faith. There is but ONE Baptism. I think before the end of Great Tribulation and the return of Christ we will be ONE Body and ONE Bride even if so by fire.

    • @jackdrusus2226
      @jackdrusus2226 6 месяцев назад

      Sir You make many good points ....Like many other you have a romantic view of Azua Street. The Reformed lot do with the Calvin/Luther and so forth. the dispensational lot do with The Schofield and Derby. The gift of tongues in the NT was the use of a foreign language not the gibberish spoken today. When: The Azusa street sent their missionaries abroad no one could understand a word they said/and many of them came back broken people. As you say/when Peter preached the gospel they received H.S they did not have to come back for a second blessing.

    • @LastTrump7
      @LastTrump7 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@jackdrusus2226 Then I received the gift of the Holy Ghost 42 years ago as did my grandparent almost a hundred years ago and many thousands I know from every state and country hollow church. I speak in tongues by the utterance of the Spirit to GOD. I have at time spoken in many languages I didn’t know. I have seen other pray for people in other nation in tongues and they heard them and understood. I have seen and heard of many nations all over the globe receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues magnifying GOD. Native people who never heard of Pentecost or Azusa St. People naked and worshiping witchcraft who went home and threw that stuff away and came back clothed and in their right mind. We don’t trace our roots to Azusa St, that was just one revival that went into all nations. We trace our roots as the Body of Christ and His Bride back to Acts chapter 2. This has been going on almost 2,000 years before there was fake gibberish on TV with fake preachers and we didn’t have TV’s. I have been filled with the Holy Ghost almost daily. You need to read the books of Acts more and little more church history outside of the reformation or the Catholic Church and her harlots.

    • @clellaadams
      @clellaadams 6 месяцев назад

      @@jackdrusus2226 you don't understand the doctrine of speaking in tongues. Read and re-read 1 Cor. 12-14 until you see it.

    • @iaindcosta
      @iaindcosta 6 месяцев назад

      you know what all these denominations and splits and schisms are?
      Someone taking a passage out of context and ignoring others, then stirring up brothers and sisters against each other

    • @LastTrump7
      @LastTrump7 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@iaindcosta as my grandma long gone to her reward use to pray setting in her rocker on the old farmhouse porch everyday and her voice would bounce off the mountains as she interceded for sinners and worldly churches going to hell. Scripture interrupts scripture and we’ll see whose living holy after awhile. 50 years later I’m watching it. She was right. We are living in a great falling away from the truth. GODS Truth not man’s. GODS holiness not man’s. Denominations won’t take you to heaven but there are a lot that will send you to hell.

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 6 месяцев назад

    There is only one Church (Body of Christ), established by Christ on the foundation of the apostles in 33 AD that teaches the fullness of the means of salvation.

    @SBNNOWMEDIAMEMBER 6 месяцев назад +1

    Bradley and bette derges love this

  • @doricemcghee217
    @doricemcghee217 6 месяцев назад +1

    Amen. Pastor Malcomson the Lord has empowered you and LCC with Biblical teaching. Thank you, Sir 🙏

  • @iindahammermueller9865
    @iindahammermueller9865 6 месяцев назад +1

    Question ❓❓ I have fellowshipped with Sisters in Christ who celebrate all the Jewish feasts and not really into Christmas or Easter bc they are upset that they fall on pagan days of worship. They call Jesus Yeshua... Shabbat every Friday.... Are " born again" evangelize....BUT .In my spirit the Jewish stuff is off?? Should I still fellowship with them??

    • @lanahill6429
      @lanahill6429 6 месяцев назад +4

      I say this in hopes to help ....not hurt...I went through a similar situation, with a friend who became "Hebrew Roots" & Matt 7:22 was my answer....When people say "Lord Lord we did all this in your name" remember what Jesus said to them. When people make it all about them, so they can self validate over the next person, those people are pharisees. Look at the words to the churches in Revelation, they ALL offended Jesus because they made it all about them. IMO....All this Tora observance stuff is taking back on the yoke of slavery again.

    • @iindahammermueller9865
      @iindahammermueller9865 6 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for answering my question..I really appreciate your wisdom. . I prayed before you going to the fellowship last night. These sisters love Jesus.. but the Lord has been showing me that the remembrance of the feasts are not Him. I don't know how to address this with them? We had a powerful worship time singing to Jesus last night. Ages 40-87 where there. It's two woman in the group that keep the feasts celebrations... Also..not to be long there is practically no true Godly fellowship where I live in NJ. Please pray for me that I follow Jesus's heart and will in this in love? Thank you again.

    • @iindahammermueller9865
      @iindahammermueller9865 6 месяцев назад +1

      God bless you

    • @iindahammermueller9865
      @iindahammermueller9865 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@lanahill6429 I will pray and use the scriptures you highlighted and speak to them about it. If I get kicked out it is God's will and I will be grateful to Him. Thank you so much.

    • @lanahill6429
      @lanahill6429 6 месяцев назад

      May God Bless You sister with His truth & understanding on your search for truth with an earnest heart, as many of us here are also seeking !@@iindahammermueller9865 I think it will be quite interesting how the Hebrew "Christians" respond to the slaughter of the red heifers as sin sacrifices. Will they cheer & support that practice also ? OR Will they finally realize It was Jesus alone who filled the chasm between us & God ? To reintroduce the red heifers as a sacrifice for the remission of sins is a huge mockery & assault on the sufficiency of the blood of Jesus ! I wonder if that will be the "abomination that brings desolation" ? I'm sure when they sacrifice those red heifers in Jerusalem Pastor Keith will weigh in with scripture on how significant & terrible the reintroduction of that practice is.