Drew! Get in contact with Bokoen1 and ask him to join one of their MP games as spectator, so you can stream it and *observe* the game That would be amazing.
Should’ve included Stalin from Civ 1. Actually, he would’ve just shared everything he had with everyone else, so I guess not including him was the right choice
Just FYI: The Aztecs were very into art and POETRY. People are so hung up on their sacrificial components that mostly their elites only forced onto them and gained from. Aztecs were good at warfare but excelled in engineering, astronomy, mathematics, civics, chronology, education (again HUGE fans of words), and sanitation.
You're biggest sin here has got to be putting England and France on the same team. I mean it was the Duke of Wellington who said "We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be, detested in France".
It's crazy how short editing can make a 2 hour stream so short and to the point, but it was a lot of fun anyway.
I remember when his AI games were all unedited and they would go on forever lol
How long ago did he stream this?
@@apohk2053 this one, he streamed 2 or 3 days ago
@@apohk2053 it was on twitch
Drew is the kinda person to become president and launch a nuke just to see what would happen
OrnAG The commenter you are so right
Lol I am laughing so hard
Who wouldn’t...
@@cadehess2406 Nobody can resist except the boring ones
"Gandhi questions his sanity."
Now that's a scary thought "Don't let him have nukes"
missingmochiguman Twice
Gandhi listening to Five Stars Atom Bomb Baby:"There is nothing wrong with me...""
@@truewalter4193 God , I'm laughing myself stupid over this one !
“Portugal has taken out the Dutch for her supplies”
The spices are ours
Portugal is coming for Brazil next...
Big fat uno reverse card
He could save others from dieing, but not himself
they could take other peoples spices, but not save their own.
Gandhi already going after the UK? That’s my boi
@lilyussy lol
This video is really terrifying 😂
“Portugal has taken out the Dutch for her supplies!”
Portugal: You took our spice, now we take your life
Pay back is a b*tch
Pay back for Portugal
Of course Mansa Musa got a trident. He’s the richest man on Earth. He went on tour to let everyone know
He also cashed the value of Gold to being worthless in the same pilgrimage to Mecca.
@PeacefulPeaks lies. white people don't have culture.
Remember not to kill Egypt's economy!
Bill Wurtz
A fellow bill wurtz quoter
Drew: Portugal has taken the Dutch's supplies... Why?
Portugal: This is for my stolen spice trade and for invading northern Brazil.
If Drew legitimately became president of his own country, I feel like our world would be a very different place
Generic "I've seen you in other comment sections before" response.
It seems, that this guy is a Drew subscriber
I see you in other videos aswell?! (Thats not drew durnil.)
@@maxarmantier **HERESY DETECTED**
The empire of Deruu, yes.
So Napoleon won....
"Insert famous military quote of baguette here."
Get in contact with Bokoen1 and ask him to join one of their MP games as spectator, so you can stream it and *observe* the game
That would be amazing.
I would watch it.
Everyone would watch it
“Gandhi questions his sanity.”
*I think I’ll join the suicide pact!*
don't you mean suicide squad
"Spain fails at ambushing"
Me, an intelectual: wtf
I guess they expected the Spanish Inquisition.
@@gengarzilla1685 probably that one month notice
Should’ve included Stalin from Civ 1. Actually, he would’ve just shared everything he had with everyone else, so I guess not including him was the right choice
If by sharing you mean murdering everyone, then sure.
Nah everyone would have "shared" their stuff with him
Civ 4: *hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
He would of shared death with everyone
Yes, he would have give away his prized icepick collection.
“It’s aqua man time”
Drew, Mansa Musa’s empire was in the middle of the desert.
He also put Carthage in Libya, rather than Tunisia, don't question it.
Nope, too late.
It's a pity that Gilgamesh didn't win, but at least he had second place and wasn't killed any of these mongrels.
in the end, the french shounen protagonist won
Probably should thank canada... They helped France ... Though they died sadly. Rip canada
France has become victorious
Day 18 of asking Drew Durnil to do “What if U the country was a superpower in EU4.”
No one i mean no one
Drew takes over chad
Imagine holding a baby for 9 months just to name it drew. I have never laughed at an outro so much in my life
When Mexicans realize it says “Montezuma” instead of “Moctezuma”: *Angry taco noises*
I mean, that's better than Geroge Washington or Napoleone.
Or Soendeok
¨Imagine carring a baby for 9 months just to name him Drew¨ is probablly my favourite name for a Patreon ever
When dido died you colored Libya...
Carthage is in Tunisia
But its still north africa anyway so why complain
The picture of Dido was civ 6 Dido of Tyre which would've been in Lebanon, so even if he coloured Tunisia it would've still been wrong
Dido was the first queen of Carthage, which was in Tunisia.
This is the weirdest game of Civilization I've ever seen
Poland was one of the most aggressive players. She killed others and survived so long just to die of thirst. Sad
14:46 at least you didn’t surrender this time xD
chill with the comments
World Mapping what do you mean? 😶 it was a joke. 😿
@@daddywolf7476 haha nice joke!! i couldnt stop laughing (not tryna be mean)
World Mapping ok 👍
8:58 The simps, Drew. The simps.
Are we just not going to talk about how France did not surrender
yeah because it's was napoleonic france/revolutionary france not socialist france from the 30's
12:30 *Chinggis Khan dies from a hurricane*
1281 flashbacks intensifies
Historical characters fighting in a battle royale.
This is getting closer and closer to Holy Grail War.
And Gilgamesh finishing second
Do more of these! Its how I found your channel a couple weeks ago and I can't get enough of them ahah good video brotha
Harald Hardrada is the true victor for not having to participate.
I got a horse advert when he was talking about Genghis Khan... How fitting...
Let's force Drew here to make a discord server and react to countryhumans again!
r34 this time
Xohndash that is truly cursed but yes, for the memes
please do more hunger games simulater!
Day 187 of asking Drew to start a discord server.
LeftRight he said he would make one when he stops being dumb so u never going to get it
Keep counting on bro!
-shut up noob-
@@anthonylopez1126 r/wooosh
Simply Spice r/wooosh indeed
Technically the whole team from district 4 won (and I'm not saying this because I'm German and want my country to win).
Caesar: I’m supporting Ptolemy
Cleopatra: *rolls into a carpet*
Caesar: 2:15
Love these type of videos
Try to do more of these please
He misses the arena event every time he does one of these
Stalin and Mao rub their hands together "We've trained for this"
I needed this THANK YOU
Hunger Games Simulator does allow you to add and remove scenarios. If you want, you can get rid of all the suicide options
The India Should Actually Look More Bigger Than We Think
Also it could occupied Indonesia, Malaysia and some parts of Philippine
_RedLapis so
@_RedLapis I love how you claim that you're family friendly but you literally expose yourself
_RedLapis Try to learn how to be a decent human being 😌💅
Spain cries himself to sleep. Me: he is Spain without the S
Montezuma IRL: a conquerer who was a ruthless warrior
Montezuma in HG: runs away to pick flowers
youtube comments:
[insert youtuber’s name here]:
keeping us entertained during quarantine
i see Canada being a lot like a Canada, just being friendly
"uh sorry for defeating you in a fight now go home" kind of stuff
No one:
*Portugal uses uno reverse card against the Dutch*
Yes i was waiting for this one!!!!!
The dutch scaring off Peter the Great, the leader known for admiring the dutch. Historical accuracy 0/10
3:36 the flower wars have begun
If I remember from my history of Brazil classes on High School, Maria the first and Pedro the second were siblings.
thank fook were back to game-play vids, been getting withdrawals XD
every single time yugoslavian countires are left out
Yeah from some quality meme content back to spectator mode. I thought u finally got it Drew xD
Finally drew has done us a good deed
It’s impressive that you know where all the leaders are from
Yeaaaaaaaah !!!My contry win !I'm proud of you, Napoleone !
(On est les meilleurs !)
Cyrus II just pulled a big no u to Gandhi
That was so funny make another one please😂
Love your videos keep the great work up!
next time can u PLEASE make every place on hunger games sim a different color so that we can see how good every place is doing
2:15 Maria was Pedro's grandmother
Yo you gotta do more videos of this like I don’t know why I actually enjoyed this
I just realised Pachacuti (Inca) looks exactly like Kronk from Emperor's New Groove
I mean, one of the characters did get turned into a llama in that movie.
Alexander is Macedonian and was able to conquer greece by uniting them by spreading their ideals and cultures throughout the area's he conquered
Part two of this Sid Myers hunger games would be fun to see since a new dlc is coming out with the Maya and Gran Columbia
I love these types of videos. Keep up the good content.
Just FYI: The Aztecs were very into art and POETRY. People are so hung up on their sacrificial components that mostly their elites only forced onto them and gained from. Aztecs were good at warfare but excelled in engineering, astronomy, mathematics, civics, chronology, education (again HUGE fans of words), and sanitation.
These hunger games vid are the best
somethings brewing.. 8 countries protesting this senseless killing for drew’s entertainment
Next vid name Sweden “piewdiepie”
The bachelor would be a lot more interesting if it was historical leaders killing each other.
I like how half of the leaders decided to commit not living anymore.
Drew one more Civ 6 series? Just for nostalgia?
I was actually excited that it was a new civ 6 AI gameplay video. Been missing his old content
It was a fun twitch stream for sure
When you support district 5...
At least the favourite after district 5 was Napoleon.
France: exists
UK: Are you questioning my power!?!?
neat 6: electric soundwave clicks
You need to do something like this again.
Not sure this game understands how hurricanes work.
Napoléon comes back to take his due
You're biggest sin here has got to be putting England and France on the same team.
I mean it was the Duke of Wellington who said "We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be, detested in France".
drew what websit did you use to show the world colors
Drew should call himself "Double D"
Weird rule34 drawers: *attack*
France once again with the most military victories in both the hunger games and real life.
Your da funniest person I no
All countries : kill ! kill! kill!
France : I'm waiting for Victory XD
Portugal taking out the Dutch for their supplies is like a historical Uno
Carthage wasn’t really Libya, the city itself is in modern day Tunisia, and had more western expansion than eastern.
Drew :Maui tryed to save the aztecs from being sucked in also drew : I'didnt see the aztecs die there
This needs to be animated
What is the map tool that drew uses?
Otto, Tamar, Geroge, and Mebuxjatnezzer: Scerw Life
Next time you should do a Big Brother simulator one or do The Circle simulator
We need more