(1 Hr) Energizing Chair Yoga to Infuse Pep Into Your Day! With Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @TheBelle46
    @TheBelle46 5 лет назад

    This is so awesome I've been thinking of starting a class for my moms friends who are in their 80's and I think they would luv this. Wonderful sense of community and Norma is so happy it's a joy to watch thanks so much Sherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  5 лет назад +1

      Hi Belle! Your mom's friends will definitely love the community and the fun movements! I love that idea and I know you will love sharing Yoga with them! Enjoy! Love, Sherry

    • @TheBelle46
      @TheBelle46 5 лет назад

      Thanks to you it’s possible thank you for sharing wish I could join every class you teach💕

  • @Tamiridley59
    @Tamiridley59 10 лет назад

    No excuses now! Thanks for making it possible for us to do yoga at home. We really miss the class members, but with this video, they are in our home too!

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  10 лет назад

      It's more enjoyable to be doing Yoga together!! So glad you are enjoying Yoga at home! Blessings to you! Sherry

    • @Tamiridley59
      @Tamiridley59 10 лет назад

      My hand therapy class has been conflicting with yoga class times. Since there are only 3 OTs right now with Palomar, I can't be choosy. But yesterday, I finished early and sped over to Vista. The door was closed so I didn't want to interrupt the class.
      I forwarded your web site schedule to two more active spinal cord injured people that want to do yoga. Here is who they are if they show up for a class. Cathie Hendrie is a swimmer, hand cyclist and journalist for U Tribune. Eric Northbrook is very active too and heads up a foundation that provides assistance and programs for others with spinal cord injuries.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  10 лет назад

      Xena de Xanadu
      You can always come in through the double doors if you are running late! Hope to see you and your friends at Chair Yoga!

  • @carolreinhard8503
    @carolreinhard8503 10 лет назад

    Thanks so much for the hour long class. It reinforced and affirmed much of what I do with seniors when I teach chair yoga at a local retirement home. I also found some goodies to add.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  10 лет назад

      Hi Carol! So glad that you found a few extra goodies for your retirement home chair yoga class! Keep shining your bright light! Sherry

  • @nancycanfield7453
    @nancycanfield7453 8 лет назад

    I have tried many different chair aerobics programs on You Tube and the reason I like yours the best is that you give little brief explanations of why we do certain moves, in aid of what? what the benefit is. Plus there is some personality in the program that makes it very welcoming, whreas the others just say do this, do that, and end. Great job!

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  8 лет назад

      +Nancy Canfield Hi Nancy! You are so right! Educating about the whats, hows and whys is just as important as where the right foot goes. And when you have fun and lively seniors in the room, they help get the energy moving and the fun happening! So glad you are enjoying the classes. I have lots more on YogaJPTV.com... we are always recording! Love and Blessings to you! Sherry

    • @nancycanfield7453
      @nancycanfield7453 8 лет назад

      I would love a detailed explanation about the importance of breathing. Why sometimes through the nose only, other times nose and mouth, for instance. I feel so much better when I do your classes every day, and have referred you to other friends. Thank you.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  8 лет назад

      +Nancy Canfield Hi Nancy! The breath is the easiest way to access the nervous system which is one of the most powerful practices and benefits of Yoga. Inhaling and exhaling out the nose slows down the breath, warms and filters the breath and calms the nervous system. Breathing in through the nose and out through the month is a "releasing" breath.. think of an audible sigh.. how good that feels to let things out. Breathing out the mouth can cool you down if you are overheated or have hot flashes, by curling the tongue and allowing the breath to whoosh through the narrow tunnel of the rolled tongue. And alternate nostril breathing, which is inhaling into one nostril and exhaling out the other (repeating the pattern and its opposite direction for several minutes) which balances the left (calming) and right (energizing) side of the mind and body and is useful for insomnia when the mind is busy. Hope that helps. There is surely lots of info on Pranyama (breathing practices) and their benefits. Enjoy learning, doing and thriving with Yoga! Blessings, Sherry

  • @Sheriliegh
    @Sheriliegh 8 лет назад +1

    Out of all the Chair Yoga videos I have watched - tried many - this has been the best one by far!! I am in my 40's, disabled with 47 medical issues and have been unable to work my entire adult life. I've looked for many ways to stay active throughout this period. I think I have finally found a video series I will enjoy daily. Thank you for this.
    I grew up knowing two sisters, Anna and Maria Zak who I was good friends with, so when I came across your video I was glad to find it.
    I will be enjoying one of your videos once/day for as long as God gives me health and breath to. Thank you again. God bless.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  8 лет назад +1

      Thanks Sheri! Nice to hear you are enjoying these classes. And nice to hear that are other "Zaks" out there! I wonder if we are related! I have 100's of these live fun Chair Yoga classes filmed at my Yoga studio in San Diego on my website: www.YogaJPTV.com. Blessings to you! Sherry

    • @Sheriliegh
      @Sheriliegh 8 лет назад +1

      Out of curiosity, are they free? If not, I won't be able to enjoy because I am on a fixed disability income ;) Thank you again.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  8 лет назад

      Totally understand! It's a very low monthly subscription... nickels a class! But, enjoy the free ones on RUclips! love, Sherry

    • @virgihappy1516
      @virgihappy1516 8 лет назад

      On the same boat. Enjoying freebies too.

  • @zenzoneyoga
    @zenzoneyoga 10 лет назад

    I teach chair 3 to 4 times a week & LOVED your energy & postures :) Namaste' Ruthann

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  10 лет назад +1

      Hi Ruthann! I would love to see some of your postures so I can add more diversity into my 5 chair yoga classes a week! We are always learning, aren't we! Enjoy!

  • @TheWildflowerWaywithMilena
    @TheWildflowerWaywithMilena 9 лет назад

    Fantastic class. I love the postures and the instruction and the vibe. Im also teaching chair yoga to a senior client so this definitely helps. Namaste

  • @jcots1959
    @jcots1959 10 лет назад

    This is the best, I can not do any kind of excercise since my ankle replacement. I finally found something I love....thx a bunch

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  10 лет назад

      Hi Jules! Glad you found a way to keep moving! Thanks for taking the time to share. There are alot of other 1 hour Chair Yoga classes on our channel for some additional diversity! Enjoy! Be Well! Sherry

  • @proudbluestaterful
    @proudbluestaterful 10 лет назад

    so glad i found this. have 14 pins and two plates in ankle precluding me from my usu workout. can't do a lot of my favorite yoga stances, or any aerobics. thanks again for posting

  • @donnaherring2355
    @donnaherring2355 9 лет назад

    Great job!! Thanks.

  • @joyceneill3425
    @joyceneill3425 7 лет назад

    What a fun class, even on line!

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  7 лет назад

      Joyce Neill Glad you joined in with us Joyce! We have lots more on our channel! Love, Sherry

  • @connietyler1427
    @connietyler1427 10 лет назад

    Excellent as always Thank you!

  • @nancycanfield7453
    @nancycanfield7453 8 лет назад

    Excellent explanation on breath, thank you.

  • @akosuatait3032
    @akosuatait3032 7 лет назад

    I really love this class. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm 73 and feel much better than I did before I started. Only thing is the audio is not good.

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  7 лет назад

      Akosua Tait hi Akosua! Thanks for taking the time to share. This is one of our older videos where we didn't have our sound system. We have lots and lots of new ones at yogajptv.com. Love, sherry

  • @Sheriliegh
    @Sheriliegh 8 лет назад

    Sherry I was wondering what exercises I could do for flabby wings we women get?

    • @YogaVistaTV
      @YogaVistaTV  8 лет назад +1

      Hi Sheri! Totally understand the flabby wings. I swear by isometrics and isotonics movements to tone those triceps! Here is a video I did that shows you why it works: ruclips.net/video/_iNUzJnd7YY/видео.html. Enjoy!

    • @Sheriliegh
      @Sheriliegh 8 лет назад

      Thank you :)

  • @zenzoneyoga
    @zenzoneyoga 10 лет назад

    Yoga JP
    Tried to respond via text but it didn't go through. My business page is zenzoneyoga.com and I have a RUclips account. My email is zenzoneyoga@gmail.com I enjoyed your video and will check out more of them. My classes are very similar to yours. 🙏