UAL CA State Arm Wrestling 2023 Championship | RIGHT Hand

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 210

  • @cliffh7775
    @cliffh7775 Год назад +84

    Me: "Mr. Vrezh, what class are you entered in?" Vrezh: "Yes"

  • @davidchapmanarmwrestling4914
    @davidchapmanarmwrestling4914 Год назад +91

    Vrezh is insane even on his right arm. Crazy strength and endurance

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +9

      Every class he pulls, except the lightest ⚡️

    • @justaguyfromreddit
      @justaguyfromreddit Год назад +10

      That's the level of top waf pullers

    • @jayclean5653
      @jayclean5653 Год назад +1

      @@justaguyfromreddit indeed.

    • @pianistul21
      @pianistul21 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel what class did he win on Right and what class on left?

    • @ur.cristiiano.o
      @ur.cristiiano.o Год назад

      @@pianistul21 He won ALL categories on Left !! and maybe 2 categories on Right
      You can watch the Left championship on RUclips it is uploaded
      This guy is Elite armwrestler he is amazing

  • @RamblinAround
    @RamblinAround Год назад +41

    Bob Brown is still so intense, it's awesome to see. Vresh is a beast.

  • @liambirch6333
    @liambirch6333 Год назад +16

    I love watch verzh at these state championships each year just moving up the weight categorys pulling all day like a boss

  • @thenextlevelfitness3543
    @thenextlevelfitness3543 Год назад +7

    you can tell how much Vrezh loves the sport

  • @rippy4973
    @rippy4973 Год назад +3

    13:26 bro this guy on the right 😂 he’s my favorite. He always makes that little jump at the end of his matches with that devastated face

  • @aghazulkifilraza2539
    @aghazulkifilraza2539 Год назад +16

    I see Vrezh. I click 💪

  • @2DReanimation
    @2DReanimation Год назад +6

    8:25: Wow! I thought "Vrezh must be done and his opponent is way stronger than I thought", but it turns out he made like the most impressive display of strength being that close to the pad. Never seen something like that before outside of practice pulls.

  • @hawaiidispenser
    @hawaiidispenser Год назад +3

    Beautiful editing on this. Keeps the action moving!

  • @timnic9242
    @timnic9242 Год назад +14

    Vrezh is the Beast 10:30 🐻

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1


    • @bobdole7292
      @bobdole7292 Год назад

      Random question but do you know why sometimes one of the competitors will pin their own arm and let their opponent win

    • @vladsobad
      @vladsobad 6 месяцев назад

      @@bobdole7292 If they know they're going to lose and their opponent is much stronger, they will pin themselves and save energy for later rounds they think they have more of a chance at winning.

  • @Simplement_Chrétien
    @Simplement_Chrétien Год назад +17

    Bob's win over mosei was incredible ! 💪

  • @Kevingrip
    @Kevingrip Год назад +6

    Thank you for the footage 🔥💪

  • @mrswolls
    @mrswolls Год назад +2

    YOUR BOY QUIT!! lololol. These were some awesome matches.

  • @justaguyfromreddit
    @justaguyfromreddit Год назад +7

    Reffing was a bit inconsistent. Sometimes, strict, sometimes to lenient

  • @paataphanchulidze6193
    @paataphanchulidze6193 Год назад +6

    Vrezh is a insanely strong, if he gains +20 kg with intensive training he will be danger for everyone, just wow love watching his pulls

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +3

      20kg would be hard to gain for his frame/height

    • @paataphanchulidze6193
      @paataphanchulidze6193 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel I don’t think so, many armwrestlers have had reach that weight, Babayev, Toddzilla, Zoloev …

  • @nvmffs
    @nvmffs Год назад +18

    Vrezh is such a warrior. He could've beat the biggest guys at the end if he wasn't that tired at that point
    By the way, why did he give up some of the matches ?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +8

      He gave up only Right to his buddy David, and vice versa on Left

    • @arhael3594
      @arhael3594 Год назад +4

      @@ARMTUBEchannel Ah, make sense. I was confused thinking how fricking strong that guy must be or Vrezh is too tired.

    • @yoinkreal
      @yoinkreal Год назад

      ​​​​​​@@arhael3594David was prob the only one that could beat Vrezh fresh prob that guy at 17:26 too. The fact that he pulled 2 classes and still beat the 233lb+ Winner easily

  • @zekeodima3708
    @zekeodima3708 Год назад +4

    Omg old dude is insane what a fucking match he had on 185 weight class

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1

      Bob is definitely strong at his age 💪🏼

  • @JC-ut1iy
    @JC-ut1iy Год назад +2

    thanks Nick , do you have the afterpull videos?

  • @TheClots
    @TheClots Год назад +2

    thanks for the video it was great
    waiting for the left

  • @ceee9793
    @ceee9793 Год назад +6

    Vrezh always Vrezh 💪

  • @edash5835
    @edash5835 Год назад +4

    I wouldn't want to be in vrezhs path!!!💪

  • @ArmwrestlingJosh
    @ArmwrestlingJosh Год назад +5

    Nick again with the angles 🔥👍🏼

  • @jwebbfitness3563
    @jwebbfitness3563 Год назад +4

    Always amazing content my dude.
    Amazing weekend 💪

  • @yoinkreal
    @yoinkreal Год назад

    1:15 National champ (70 kg) vs National champ (63kg)

  • @gergelynemeskeri8046
    @gergelynemeskeri8046 Год назад +1

    Mr Vrezh and Mr. Bob for president.

  • @AznPerzuaSin
    @AznPerzuaSin Год назад +7

    Vrezh was robbed a few times. He is boss level for every weight.

    • @yoinkreal
      @yoinkreal Год назад

      15:21 (Thats not body contact), 17:26 nope sadly
      0:37 Thats the example of a body contact foul
      Its very close compared to 15:21

  • @justjared2009
    @justjared2009 Год назад +1

    I see Allen Fisher! Yay! 💪

  • @Dmgolfer22
    @Dmgolfer22 Год назад +3

    @6:12 why was he patting that guy’s shoulder??? Looked like it screwed him up

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      Just making sure he was in a safe position to avoid injury. They don’t do that with pros they know who have done it for a while

    • @Mayordomo32
      @Mayordomo32 Год назад +1

      That was me - it was indeed distracting. Probably would’ve lost anyways, just need to get stronger.

    • @bygoneera9521
      @bygoneera9521 Год назад +1

      I was looking for this comment, also just before it he was telling the guy to watch his hand, the guy looked confused n asked if we was talking to him….wether pro or not they are adults n know the risks. Seems like it be distracting to me.

    • @Mayordomo32
      @Mayordomo32 Год назад +1

      @@bygoneera9521 Yeah, I get that kind of paternal reffing in amateur classes, but this was pro class - they should assume you know what you’re doing and/or accept the consequences if you enter into this competition.

  • @yoinkreal
    @yoinkreal 10 месяцев назад

    7:19 fun fact: that match was originally Oleh (The one in the blue-purple shirt and not bald) vs Aaron (The one in the beanie) but i think Bob (The old guy) want to have a match with Aaron so bad thats why he request to change the brackets

  • @Alphakennyone13
    @Alphakennyone13 Год назад +2

    One of them looks like Derek Zoolander!😂

  • @CHESTEXPANDER-schoolofstrength
    @CHESTEXPANDER-schoolofstrength Год назад +2


  • @calebarmbender209
    @calebarmbender209 Год назад +5

    Dammit 😤I had a feeling the match with me and Marlon didn't get recorded

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1

      Yea, when I’m the just recording I try not to miss anything, but since I was competing and getting help recording even some of my matches are missing 😔. Hard to get them all when there’s multiple tables running too

    • @calebarmbender209
      @calebarmbender209 Год назад +1

      @@ARMTUBEchannel it's okay big brother 😃💯 I'll just have to do it again 😈😎

    • @ArmedAssociation
      @ArmedAssociation Год назад +1

      Are you talking about the match between you and that WWE buff dude? I think that's on another channel 😜

    • @calebarmbender209
      @calebarmbender209 Год назад

      @@ArmedAssociation 😅😭😭😭🙄

  • @justjared2009
    @justjared2009 Год назад +1

    My favorite - Alex Toproll! 💪🙌

  • @thiagomenezes3427
    @thiagomenezes3427 Год назад +2

    Vrezh vs Levan
    Eggin, do this match to happen!

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +2

      LEFT Hand though 😁

    • @yoinkreal
      @yoinkreal Год назад

      ​​​​​​@@ARMTUBEchannelLevan will destroy him even worse than him destroying devon i bet (Prob flash pin all rounds). Levan Left is stronger that u thought. Devon was lit forced to kings move and still lost
      Levan is gonna hold him like he holds those SHWs in this tournament
      Levan will breaks vrezh arm if hes going full

  • @calistenico4202
    @calistenico4202 Год назад +1

    12:51 How is the name of the man in the red shirt?

  • @thedrew24
    @thedrew24 Год назад +1

    RUclips algorithm boosting comment 💪
    ... know it took awhile for the edits, we appreciate it!!

  • @jodychocolatethunderwillia8957
    @jodychocolatethunderwillia8957 Год назад +1

    I’m impressed with Jody Smith’s showing

  • @Ghost_COD_000
    @Ghost_COD_000 Год назад +2

    Whenever i see Vrez i remeber The Millionaire Name Manny Khosbin 😂😂

  • @TaftWood
    @TaftWood 5 месяцев назад +1

    Man... I would love to see a "Florida vs California" card!!!!! Think about it, it would be great. both states have great pullers. Anyone else think it would be sweet? Any thoughts??

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  4 месяца назад

      East vs West but in the US 😁. Probably the 2 States with the most amount of pullers

  • @nicksidor
    @nicksidor Год назад +3

    When a 70 year old shows up with his own chalk bag on his waist you know that you're in for a rough day.

  • @justaguyfromreddit
    @justaguyfromreddit Год назад +1

    Great tournament

  • @TaftWood
    @TaftWood 5 месяцев назад

    That's my first time seeing "the arm bending practitioner" without his beanie on. Only for a sec though

  • @Mika-pv4bw
    @Mika-pv4bw Год назад +3

    Epiccccccc 🔥

  • @Flornmonk
    @Flornmonk Год назад +1

    Also, Bob Brown is awesome!

  • @streetlevelarmwrestling3311
    @streetlevelarmwrestling3311 Год назад +1

    now that was an amazing video 💪💪

  • @johnhorner1969
    @johnhorner1969 Год назад +2

    Bob brown looked great. Vrezh as always is a fucking monster. Great coverage. Where was Derek Smith btw? Not sure why he wouldn’t pull in the CA state championship tournament. He’s the guy to best there. Easy money.

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      Derek was there spectating. He did some afterpulling, but he’s more interested in Supermatches I believe

  • @ramasaputra6205
    @ramasaputra6205 5 месяцев назад

    7:58 arent those armbreak position damn

  • @robloxtrol4762
    @robloxtrol4762 Год назад +4

    Gaya ya había tocado el PAD.

  • @hotdog9262
    @hotdog9262 Год назад +1

    6:00 why is this ref correcting their stance mid pull

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      They usually do with newer pullers for safety

  • @happycanadianguy
    @happycanadianguy Год назад +1

    Whos the guy at 9:16 on the left?

  • @adamleyon8297
    @adamleyon8297 Год назад +1


  • @frchavez22
    @frchavez22 Год назад +1

    12:48 I REALLY wanted to see this 😂

  • @Alphakennyone13
    @Alphakennyone13 Год назад +3

    22:39 not a pin!

  • @cptklutch26
    @cptklutch26 Год назад +1

    Why didn't Vrezh try against the guy in the red shirt for the finals I'm confused ?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      That’s his friend so the friend didn’t resist Vrezh left and Vrezh didn’t right hand

    • @cptklutch26
      @cptklutch26 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel I see, ok makes sense now. Thanks

  • @AzKaraokeVic
    @AzKaraokeVic Год назад +2

    Where the heck was Derrick Smith?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1

      He was there watching only, then after pulled a bit. That will be uploaded later :)

  • @jralphaempire
    @jralphaempire Год назад +1

    Good matches🏆🦾

  • @stevelegreid
    @stevelegreid Год назад +1

    Vrezh is my favorite arm wrestler. Was he out of the sport for a while or something?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      He just goes out of country sometimes and doesn’t always compete unless it’s a big event

    • @stevelegreid
      @stevelegreid Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel I feel like he just appeared one day and everyone knew who he was. I’ve only been following the sport about five years so I was wondering if he was big in the 2000’s or something. Thanks for the video. It’s outstanding 👌

  • @jralphaempire
    @jralphaempire Год назад +3

    I'm not sure vrezh is human😂😂

  • @inbargo8754
    @inbargo8754 Год назад +1

    for sure Bob surprised !

  • @gorillaninja78
    @gorillaninja78 Год назад +1

    Why don’t you show the trophy’s and or medals at the end?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      It’s already over 20min, just saving time. Maybe on shorter ones I will

  • @BLZArmwrestling
    @BLZArmwrestling Год назад +1

    Bob brown is a tough cookie

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1

      I’m still shocked he beat some some of the toughest 185lb pullers in the west

  • @funnybusiness6491
    @funnybusiness6491 4 месяца назад

    Yo, he was over man!

  • @Lestergreen77
    @Lestergreen77 Год назад +1

    Guys look huge for weight classes must be doing 20lb rehydration

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      Yea most are cutting weight, they allow day before weigh ins here

  • @Flornmonk
    @Flornmonk Год назад +1

    Dude looks like Trubin Jr 4:37

  • @V17401
    @V17401 Год назад +1


  • @factsnchill168
    @factsnchill168 Год назад +1

    I love seeing the guys with sunglasses and strange items…you know they won’t be around in 5 years

  • @luckytoassumi1118
    @luckytoassumi1118 Год назад +3

    Vrezh is lucky that bowen didn't participate 👍

  • @Peter-cj2ml
    @Peter-cj2ml Год назад +1

    Whisperer did good.

  • @ancapgrandscribe9546
    @ancapgrandscribe9546 Год назад +2

    It'd be cool to see Levan at one of these expo events and just destroy everyone.

    • @mk5rob42
      @mk5rob42 Год назад +2

      Not really. Not one match would last more than a second....

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +3

      Maybe Vrezh could do some damage Left hand

    • @ancapgrandscribe9546
      @ancapgrandscribe9546 Год назад

      @@mk5rob42 Lol

    • @ancapgrandscribe9546
      @ancapgrandscribe9546 Год назад

      @@mk5rob42 What? You don't think it's cool for an armwrestler to just manhandle everyone like nothin?

    • @ancapgrandscribe9546
      @ancapgrandscribe9546 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel That's cuz Levan's injured, an uninjured Levan left arm is even stronger than his right.

  • @krammago9196
    @krammago9196 Год назад +1

    Gramps is so strong

  • @designedsilence117
    @designedsilence117 Год назад +2

    Some extremely bad elbow fouls called. Not sure about the ones called in the Vrezh vs Eric match but saw several others that were clearly not fouls.

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      It happens, and sometimes the setup not just the elbows

    • @designedsilence117
      @designedsilence117 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel I said that before I watched it all holy shit it got even worse!

  • @jrock2460
    @jrock2460 Год назад +1

    No Larry on the right?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      He didn’t pull right, he was there but was busy when they called his name out so ended up pulling left only

    • @jrock2460
      @jrock2460 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel got it, thanks for the info. Excellent job with the footage!

  • @flossdaily9
    @flossdaily9 Год назад +1

    vrezh is so fucking cool wtf

  • @BearedHandholder
    @BearedHandholder Год назад +1

    Does Derek even pull anymore?

  • @I_Never_Lie
    @I_Never_Lie Год назад +1

    Yall is talking about Vrezh, how about my man Alan?

  • @0oMag
    @0oMag Год назад +1

    These refs HATIN on Vrezh

  • @0oMag
    @0oMag Год назад +1

    that was NOT a pin

    • @yoinkreal
      @yoinkreal Год назад

      ITS A FOUL (The guy on the lime get that foul and thats not an elbow foul so thet ref was kinda a problem) DID U WATCH THE FULL VID 😂😂😂😂😂😂 STOP MEATRIDING VREZH LMAO

  • @lucatoni5310
    @lucatoni5310 Год назад +1

    205 lbs winner? who is?

  • @yoinkreal
    @yoinkreal Год назад

    Why is no one talking about David Egyan? That dude couldve destroyed the heaviest class if he wanted to. But ig he let Vrezh destroying them

  • @elitemedium
    @elitemedium Год назад

    Heeyyyy..... where is school boy!!????!

  • @richhow2542
    @richhow2542 Год назад +1

    That's Ref with the hat was horrible. All kinds of elbows came up and off with no call. Smh

  • @tjizzle8155
    @tjizzle8155 Год назад +1

    Who's the young chael sunnon.....chael sunnon of

  • @tjizzle8155
    @tjizzle8155 Год назад +2

    Who gave up in the finals....

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад +1

      Vrezh gave his Right to his buddy in 205s, Left he doesnt

  • @gmsleepless6530
    @gmsleepless6530 Год назад +1

    left vrezh inc

  • @alexriofrio5754
    @alexriofrio5754 Год назад +1

    The ref should stop trying to coach them in the middle of the match. Supposed to be impartial

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      I think it’s for safety because they aren’t high level pullers

  • @BrettMichaelAronson
    @BrettMichaelAronson Год назад +2

    worst refs i've seen in a long while

  • @Zoltan333
    @Zoltan333 Год назад +1

    Как всегда

  • @unsolicitedweewee3498
    @unsolicitedweewee3498 Год назад +2

    These refs were all over the place

  • @laughingbird
    @laughingbird Год назад +1

    Some of those elbow fouls are lame.

  • @ArmedAssociation
    @ArmedAssociation Год назад +1


  • @vegangreen1269
    @vegangreen1269 Год назад


  • @Smokeymayne
    @Smokeymayne Год назад +2

    The guy who won 165 is on steroids. Straight gaaaabage

  • @Fantici76
    @Fantici76 Год назад +1

    Брат скулбоя даже в полуфинал не вышел - хиляк млин

  • @ganuv
    @ganuv Год назад

    Those refs have no idea what they’re doing , horrible

  • @mauricioaa9050
    @mauricioaa9050 Год назад +1

    El patita de azul se dejó ganar por el rojo se nota 🤷

  • @calistenico4202
    @calistenico4202 Год назад +1

    11:17 How is the name of the man in the red shirt?

    • @ARMTUBEchannel
      @ARMTUBEchannel  Год назад

      205lb and 232lb winner was David

    • @calistenico4202
      @calistenico4202 Год назад

      @@ARMTUBEchannel He has a RUclips channel? is very strong