Plot twist: The two real UA traitors were Izuku and Denki as Shoto and Katsuki were their baits. Due to his personality, Izuku was supposed to be the "hero" while Denki played the traitor’s part. At some point, they plotted to have some insurance to not be found as the teachers were supsected the presence of traitors so they make deals with Katsuki during his kidnapping and Shoto after he found out about Dabi being his brother. They both agreed for some reasons and the traitor’s plans to cover Izuku was almost perfect. Alas, the suspicions goes on Izuku because of his notebooks so they needed to use their baits to cover Izuku’s identity. So, when Nezu duscovered about it and thinking Izuku was innocent, he made a deal with them to expose the traitors by becoming one of the LOV’s members (without knowing he was already one). Then, after the LOV learned the reason why Izuku "exposed" himself, they decided to trick their baits in it and made them killing one of the students; no target intended, they just needed someone to murder for their plan. After the murder was committed, Izuku texted Nezu and brought the heroes on the scene to arrest Katsuki and Shoto for the murder of Mina and for being the "UA traitors". With that, Izuku was judged innocent and doesn’t have to worry about the whole traitor’s things as UA think they weren’t any others traitors. Little did they knew, Izuku and Denki were both the real traitors...
HOLD UP!!! Denki at the end!!! Who else thinks he was the real traitor and he was kept a secret from the other 3 so that they still had a traitor in the school
I actually hate the perfect spelling texting stories bc it feels less real. While if there's typos, it has a more realistic feel to it bc we all tap on the letter next to the one we want to add and send the nonexistent/wrong word
Plot twist: The two real UA traitors were Izuku and Denki as Shoto and Katsuki were their baits.
Due to his personality, Izuku was supposed to be the "hero" while Denki played the traitor’s part.
At some point, they plotted to have some insurance to not be found as the teachers were supsected the presence of traitors so they make deals with Katsuki during his kidnapping and Shoto after he found out about Dabi being his brother.
They both agreed for some reasons and the traitor’s plans to cover Izuku was almost perfect.
Alas, the suspicions goes on Izuku because of his notebooks so they needed to use their baits to cover Izuku’s identity.
So, when Nezu duscovered about it and thinking Izuku was innocent, he made a deal with them to expose the traitors by becoming one of the LOV’s members (without knowing he was already one).
Then, after the LOV learned the reason why Izuku "exposed" himself, they decided to trick their baits in it and made them killing one of the students; no target intended, they just needed someone to murder for their plan.
After the murder was committed, Izuku texted Nezu and brought the heroes on the scene to arrest Katsuki and Shoto for the murder of Mina and for being the "UA traitors".
With that, Izuku was judged innocent and doesn’t have to worry about the whole traitor’s things as UA think they weren’t any others traitors.
Little did they knew, Izuku and Denki were both the real traitors...
Tokoyami: Midoriya has fallen to the darkness
Kurogiri: Indeed
Omg, that was so good. Denki really just be here. I can't wait to see if your makeing a part 3!
HOLD UP!!! Denki at the end!!! Who else thinks he was the real traitor and he was kept a secret from the other 3 so that they still had a traitor in the school
Perhaps he did that for Izuku because he cared for him and seeing how Katsuki treated him badly, he wanted to give him a chance to stand for himself
Soooo... Kurogiri just texts in the group chat and no one says anything...?
Yeah i didn’t see that at first it was meant to be someone else 😅
They probably thought it was Dark Shadow or something
My boy denki is hella smart
Sly denki he knows shoto and bakugou are the traitors
Nice story
I actually hate the perfect spelling texting stories bc it feels less real. While if there's typos, it has a more realistic feel to it bc we all tap on the letter next to the one we want to add and send the nonexistent/wrong word
i was so shocked that both todoroki and bakugou would be the traitors. but so what happen at the end are they still student
Yes they’re still students but nezu will be keeping a close watch on them
It is the start of ✨ VILLAIN REHABILITATION ✨!! Possible new series? Hmmm.. 🤔😂😂
I want part three
How is crusty typing is it like Texas speech because if he touches something with all five fingers it's disintegrates
Yeah but he’s probably have kuragiri or make someone else do it
Prolly has less than four fingers holding it and one typing.
Not bad
Bakugo and todoroki are the traitors ?!😱😥
It was sorta obvious to me they were acting slightly suspicious, maybe because of au’s where they do deku, todoroki and bakugo traitors?
Not bad.
Spoilers for mha
Just so you know bakugo and todoroki are NOT the canon traitor(s) I can confirm, if you want to know who it is
Then read the manga
Thanks for that and reminding me to catch up I’m not that good at 😅
@@littlepotat I could tell u who the traitor Is to skip the process
@@littlepotat if u want me to anyway
@@THblox it’s all good but thx 🙂
i kinda wish you didn't kill off mina but that's just me
Yeah I understand that 😅 I kind of just wanted something that would make sad
Noooo I liked villain deku :(