5:10 glad to see people picking the city. People say it annoying getting trapped or hitting walls but I think one of the fun parts about this game is the destruction of the surrounding, hitting someone towards a building and seeing it crumble
Game's still rough around the edges, but we're getting there! Just need a couple more patches, especially for the switch out healing bug and the unvanishable Broly ult, the last patch was most definitely a step in the right direction at least. Might be best to bring characters that have a barrier along so you can block the ult instead of dodging it until they fix it Anyway, it is good to see this team again! Some really good games, despite the glitches.
53:05 you remember that there are some rush supers that you can move? Yeah, he just moved and hit you on the back XD Edit: My bad, you were ki blasting that's why he hitted you, but still, if you have enough distance you can hit someone from behind with a movable rush super
Not sure if you noticed but in the final 60 seconds of a DP battle (Not sure about singles or team) if you transform, de-transform or switch characters... you regain all of your health. This is most likely a bug and I do believe health doesn't matter anymore as a win condition (I could be wrong) but just thought you should know if you haven't noticed.
for the first set of course he made it to Z rank look at how cheesy his team is/ was before the patch. he never needed to learn the basics coz his team carried him lol
Recoome only good if you know how to use him. Other than that he’s just a punching bag with a lot of health. Gohan pre-patch was broken because he could use full power and combo loop you. Kefla is a fusion so..yeah. I guess you’re right lol
Same, although since it’s stated that Black Frieza is on or near par with Gods of Destruction, it’s likely going to cost 9 or 10. Unless the form appears more (manga or anime) and proves me wrong
I honestly think all super characters should have 4 health bars. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, base Toppo, Jiren, etc. Then again if Hit had 4 health bars he’d be the best character in the game probably lol
Damn looking at how cheezy and lame the high ranks are compare to how you play makes me glad i dropped this game early on online. What a garbage toxic waste of a community its breed. This game honestly doesnt deserve your honest gameplay and skills man.
5:10 glad to see people picking the city. People say it annoying getting trapped or hitting walls but I think one of the fun parts about this game is the destruction of the surrounding, hitting someone towards a building and seeing it crumble
Game's still rough around the edges, but we're getting there! Just need a couple more patches, especially for the switch out healing bug and the unvanishable Broly ult, the last patch was most definitely a step in the right direction at least. Might be best to bring characters that have a barrier along so you can block the ult instead of dodging it until they fix it
Anyway, it is good to see this team again! Some really good games, despite the glitches.
Bugs or not, you cooking them😂
53:05 you remember that there are some rush supers that you can move? Yeah, he just moved and hit you on the back XD
Edit: My bad, you were ki blasting that's why he hitted you, but still, if you have enough distance you can hit someone from behind with a movable rush super
Not sure if you noticed but in the final 60 seconds of a DP battle (Not sure about singles or team) if you transform, de-transform or switch characters... you regain all of your health. This is most likely a bug and I do believe health doesn't matter anymore as a win condition (I could be wrong) but just thought you should know if you haven't noticed.
Apologies for the previous comment. You just acknowledged the bug in that 2nd match. Lol
No worries! haha
for the first set of course he made it to Z rank look at how cheesy his team is/ was before the patch. he never needed to learn the basics coz his team carried him lol
Recoome only good if you know how to use him. Other than that he’s just a punching bag with a lot of health. Gohan pre-patch was broken because he could use full power and combo loop you. Kefla is a fusion so..yeah. I guess you’re right lol
@@imnotblindbutiloveblindfol8449 cap reccome was busted before patch
love you bro❤
Appreciate the support!
Yo I been loving the vids it’s been making me make canon teams but your way better then me lol I’m stuck in the B tears atm
Appreciate the support! But the rank won't stop you from having fun with the teams!
@ you’re right 😂
can't wait for them to add Black Frieza at 12 or 15 DP
Same, although since it’s stated that Black Frieza is on or near par with Gods of Destruction, it’s likely going to cost 9 or 10. Unless the form appears more (manga or anime) and proves me wrong
Barriers don’t work on broly’s ult either which used to stop it
I honestly think all super characters should have 4 health bars. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, base Toppo, Jiren, etc. Then again if Hit had 4 health bars he’d be the best character in the game probably lol
I fail to comprhend how the patch was SOOOO BAD that it cracks the game in last 60 seconds. Do they Zero test the patch before release? Shameful...
Yeah Idk man lol, probably take another 2 months till another patch that will then break something else lol
I'm i the only one that thinks king cold forearms are just colored wrong like why are they pure white
Also his shins
It's his dragon ball super design, not Z. Hence, the white
Damn looking at how cheezy and lame the high ranks are compare to how you play makes me glad i dropped this game early on online. What a garbage toxic waste of a community its breed. This game honestly doesnt deserve your honest gameplay and skills man.
I understand the frustration that this community can bring, I just try my best to look past it and enjoy the characters I choose lol