Hbada E3 Pro - King of Lounging Or Overhyped?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @zidelll
    @zidelll 26 дней назад +9

    Great review. I haven't seen anyone answer every question I had about this chair besides you. Subbed before the vid even finished. Thanks for this.

  • @Auntie-GingerTea
    @Auntie-GingerTea Месяц назад +13

    Thanks so much for this review! I'm on the smaller side and like the women in your Secret Labs Titan video, love to feel kind of engulfed / hugged when relaxing. I was hoping this chair would be able to support that while also having good ergonomics when working, but I now feel like I dodged a finicky bullet.
    Thanks for keeping it Ahnest! I really appreciate your work!

    • @Tialian
      @Tialian 28 дней назад +1

      Look into the leap v2, it will hug your back while still being flexible as you lean and recline. Atlas will be coming out with a headrest for it soon as well if that is a necessity.

  • @OneSkillx3
    @OneSkillx3 Месяц назад +12

    I can really agree with dan about the comfort and the feeling with this chair. Expecially with the footrest. Its quite nice! But here are some Cons from a competetive Gamer:
    1. The armrests dont fit under my desk, because im playing with arms on desk.
    2. You sit a little too far leaned back. Bad if you're really into a game or just like it.
    3. I agree with Dan that it has a lot of options, but it doesnt really stay in this position. If I want to sit leaning forward and fully extend the headrest, it always moves back again.
    4. The footrest is amazing to lay on, but always slips out. It has no "click mechanism" like these other tools. If you tilt the chair forward, the footrest slides out.
    Btw: I'am 1.86cm / 6'1 with 70 Kilos.

    • @Tgvilo
      @Tgvilo 17 дней назад

      is the footrest sturdy?

  • @Noneya5555
    @Noneya5555 Месяц назад +6

    I really wish at least one of the 3 major US chair manufacturers would make a serious gaming chair, without the juvenile racing seat design.
    They should make one with good materials, build and QA, along with deep recline, rocking, tilt lock, an actual good headrest, soft, flat 4D armrests, a decent sized, adjustable seat pan, and comfortable padding. All at an affordable price.
    If at least one of them made that chair, they'd put gaming chair makers out of business.

  • @niclasbauer389
    @niclasbauer389 6 дней назад

    Dude, love your channel. So good for deciding which chair to get!

  • @SeanCsyx
    @SeanCsyx Месяц назад +6

    If you are a little bit on the heavy side, like over 200 lbs this chair is not for you.
    1 - the seat may feel ok for the first couple hours, after that, it becomes a torture device for your tail bone. After 8-10 hours a day sitting on it for 3 straight days, I cannot sit on it for another second.
    2 - the lumbar is not confy. If you like to sit tilt back a little bit while working or gaming, first few hours it feels ok, after that, the lumbar really start to dig in your lower back, not only the corner of those side wings shown in the video, but the center mesh as well, especially when you wearing thin tops like cotton T-shirt.

    • @Nimarex
      @Nimarex 17 дней назад +1

      THANK YOU for letting me know. This tail bone pain is exactly what im trying to avoid and looking for any chair that doesnt make me extremely uncomfortable (yet to find any success)

    • @SeanCsyx
      @SeanCsyx 16 дней назад

      @@Nimarex FYI I ended up settling with ergohuman gen2 with padded seat, its been great for almost a month.

  • @TacoSample
    @TacoSample Месяц назад +3

    Review the ergohuman Gen 2 next! I absolutely love it. Got it 2 weeks ago 🤙

    • @kepmip86
      @kepmip86 15 дней назад

      2nd this would love to hear more about the ergohuman chair. Also love your videos they are definitely. Aking me look carefully for my next chair. Would love to see an updated video for the larger guys :)

  • @Jayzee31519
    @Jayzee31519 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for this, was waiting on your opinion 👌🏼

  • @Kelekona_808
    @Kelekona_808 Месяц назад +6

    H-ow-bada we build a chair that fights everyone with every adjustment?

  • @DavianFN
    @DavianFN Месяц назад +1

    Been waiting on this one 🔥🔥🔥

  • @KamilDevonish
    @KamilDevonish 6 дней назад

    Great video, Ahnestly!! Do you know of any other chair that has that tilt up and in armrest option for handheld usage? Love that one thing more than I like the rest of this chair.

  • @brYan-one7
    @brYan-one7 17 дней назад

    Great thorough review, man!

  • @nizhengais
    @nizhengais Месяц назад

    I purchased this chair and it is really comfortable!

  • @JackInDaBoxx
    @JackInDaBoxx Месяц назад +1

    Ill stick with the Asus ROG Destrier , just got it based on your review, couldnt be happier

  • @thecreator5433
    @thecreator5433 24 дня назад +1

    could you please do a review on the hinomi x1

  • @adrianosalomon1447
    @adrianosalomon1447 Месяц назад +2

    Hi great review! I'm looking at this and the Fractal Refine, by the sounds of it the Fractal Refine should be the better choice ?

    • @Tialian
      @Tialian 28 дней назад

      Fractal would be my pick at that price point if you can't get a used leap v2.

  • @AdamKellar
    @AdamKellar 21 день назад

    chair for shorties, got it. Thank you!

  • @Peterthemeter22
    @Peterthemeter22 Месяц назад +1

    ​@Ahnestly would you pick this chair or the Sihoo doro S300, and why, please?

  • @yanos626
    @yanos626 Месяц назад

    chair review aside ahnestly looking fresh af bro sheesh!

  • @Shuttterbugg
    @Shuttterbugg Месяц назад

    Ita the best chair I ever bought period

  • @MelvinGundlach
    @MelvinGundlach 29 дней назад +1

    Love the review, but the „loading bar“ at the bottom of the screen is kinda distracting.

  • @gabrielolivares5773
    @gabrielolivares5773 12 дней назад

    What is the name or where can I find the red stool chair you had throughout the video?

    • @Ahnestly
      @Ahnestly  12 дней назад

      Use These Chairs for MORE ENERGY!!! - All33, Capisco HÅG, QOR360

  • @aki-sid
    @aki-sid Месяц назад

    How are mesh chairs who lounge quite a bit in their chair. I like to lean to the side with feet up on a foot rest, sit single tucked etc. I'm guessing mesh isn't as good if you're a lazy sitter?

  • @bl3ach
    @bl3ach 24 дня назад

    Someone NEEDS to let me know if there's a chair out there that does everything this chair does (in terms of adjustability), but can be raised higher and fits people who are 6'2"

  • @qwertyqart
    @qwertyqart 19 дней назад

    i just assessmbled it about about hour ago. wheels took maybe a minute and the whole chair assembly maybe a 15 min, one of the easiest things I've assembled

    • @Ahnestly
      @Ahnestly  19 дней назад

      Maybe I’m just dumb! I’ve assembled dozens of chairs, so I’m pretty over assembling these chairs…the extra steps just really set me off…

    • @thefallenknight2354
      @thefallenknight2354 18 дней назад

      Do you like the chair so far? I’m very close to buying it, but i’m still hesitant.

  • @abowden5079
    @abowden5079 Месяц назад

    Hi Ahnestly, could you review the Winrise WR999. Budget option for Australians.

  • @jackboxer7537
    @jackboxer7537 Месяц назад

    For those who plan to use the Hbada E3 Pro as a task chair, shouldn't the max user height estimate be ~5'10", as you mention the seat height is lacking? Taller users can use it as a recliner, of course.

  • @eats7
    @eats7 Месяц назад

    Hey are you gonna review the secret lab recliner accessory?

  • @oliilo1
    @oliilo1 10 дней назад

    Same gaming chair dictator Assad had in his office in Damascus.

  • @liban747
    @liban747 29 дней назад

    Doesn't ship to Canada why

  • @T4xEvader
    @T4xEvader Месяц назад +1

    I LEGIT JUST BOUGHT THIS CHAIR TODAY AFTER SEARCHING FOR IT ON YOUR CHANNEL. I'd like to see you compare it to the ultra. Right now the pro is 480$ and the ultra is 700. I went for the ultra due to premium materials.

    • @zidelll
      @zidelll 26 дней назад

      What materials changed in the ultra? Is it metal instead of plastic?

    • @T4xEvader
      @T4xEvader 25 дней назад +4

      @@zidelll the back is aluminum, the leg base is steel thats pre assabled saving 5-10 min in that regard. the mesh has 4 layers, less breathable but more supportive but also the material is softer, less give but feels less cheap. Issue is im 6 foot 181-2 cm and i have to pull the seat out all of the way for the lumbar support to not be pushing into me (i guess i just dont need the lumbar). Issue is when i do that my butt ends of resting on the plastic lining edge causing discomfort that will likely lead to pain due to decreased blood flow to the area. THEN you move it one notch back (dont get me started on the bone headed finnicky chair adjustments) causing the lumbar to be very intrusive unless you NEED it. Now im at about 25-26 BMI, have some love handles, spreading the lumbar wings all the way still cradles me and makes me feel fat per "ahnestly" review of the chair that I finally understand after his review. Now leaning back, there is NO tension adjustment, meaning you are either sitting straight as hell fully in exquisite posture that isn't uncomforable but it feels industrial and made for robots or freaks who want PERFECT posture 24/7. I dunno about you but i like to lean back and lounge, but thats just it, theres no locking in place/in a spot, theres only fully up T-posing asserting dominance on all the poor heathens who cant spend 700 on a chair, OR you lounge 140 degrees back with the leg rests being the crem de la crem for comfort. Seriously if you can afford 2 chairs and need one for lounging this is it. There exist ergonomic chairs that prioritize 80-90% good posture in addition to being able to lean back at the perfect angle for productivity, with fine tuned resistance allowing a natural angle adjustment without actually needing to "lock the position" which allows an opportunity to fully lean back of about 125 degree. Sure it has no foot rests and isn't as "loungy" as the hbada ultra, but it has a wider range of use. I am comparing it to the haworth fern which is 1200 vs 700 dollars both on sale. I dunno if its twice as good, but 1000 vs 700 would be worth the extra pennies. The seat tild forward feature on the fern also offers opportunities to lean forward with excellent posture training. Build quality alone is a big detractor for the hbada, finnicky adjustments, and cheap plastic, springs, and OH GOODNESS, when you lean back, the lumbar at the lowest position adjusts from low back to mid lumbar spine. super frustrating. Feature rich chair for the price and good if you're under 6 foot and 20-24 BMI if you have lumbar pain. But im sad about the chair ngl. If you do buy, buy through their site, slower delivery, but amazon is charging me 85$ to return the chair (hbada).
      TLDR: Mostly plastic reinforced with metal and it weighs more and feels more premium

    • @zidelll
      @zidelll 25 дней назад +2

      @T4xEvader thanks for the in depth response. I'm going to reconsider based on those things.

    • @MugiwaraReilly
      @MugiwaraReilly 24 дня назад

      @@T4xEvaderif you want to return and get free shipping, change the reason for return. If you select an option that is a problem from your end (ex. Better price available, no longer needed) than you have to pay. But if you select “inaccurate website description” and go through the process than you can return it for free

    • @MugiwaraReilly
      @MugiwaraReilly 24 дня назад

      @@T4xEvaderyou can return it for free if you change the reason, select “inaccurate website description” and go through the process. It should be free, I bought the same chair and just checked how the return process would go and it was free, but when I selected something else it was $80

  • @antonyserralta
    @antonyserralta Месяц назад

    Cold you review the Hbada E8?

  • @kristianmose1728
    @kristianmose1728 Месяц назад

    Damn cool chair but what shoes are those? They look super comfy and still stylish

    • @Ahnestly
      @Ahnestly  Месяц назад +1

      I have a dedicated video on it and always link the shoes in the description! Everyone always asks lol

  • @samstone2007
    @samstone2007 Месяц назад

    Great review as always. Just not a fan of mesh. Feels too unsupportive to me.

  • @Eddie1536
    @Eddie1536 Месяц назад

    The first thing that pops in my head when I see this chair is cheap plastic. For the price it should have less plastic.

  • @xXStrider02Xx
    @xXStrider02Xx 23 дня назад

    fuck im 265 LBS (120kg) and i was thinking about buying this but know that you mention the wright limit it kinda set me off

  • @Wulf0w0
    @Wulf0w0 7 дней назад

    Personally, I can't take seriously any chair with a footrest :l

  • @ksojoel
    @ksojoel Месяц назад

    at 8:59 you're looking too much downwards, not very comfortable imo

  • @Tialian
    @Tialian 28 дней назад

    Those arms have got to be the worst. I also doubt there are a majority of people that would make use of the arm tilt feature to use devices.

  • @simeonburger8059
    @simeonburger8059 27 дней назад

    If u want a hug it is for you xD

  • @aziatiklover
    @aziatiklover Месяц назад


    • @ksojoel
      @ksojoel Месяц назад


    • @aziatiklover
      @aziatiklover Месяц назад

      @@ksojoel Amazon link showed $15k

  • @Hlodowig1989
    @Hlodowig1989 17 дней назад

    Thanks for your review. I'm not gonna buy this chair.

  • @Thewizard_2
    @Thewizard_2 Месяц назад

    Does this guy have a personality at all?why he sounds like other reviewers?he's over reacting and complaining for no damn reason,i thought he was a bot for a second, damn

    • @Ahnestly
      @Ahnestly  Месяц назад +4

      Calls me a bot…but has the grammar and spacing of my long lost Nigerian prince cousin who wants to wire me $50,000,000 😂

    • @Thewizard_2
      @Thewizard_2 Месяц назад

      @Ahnestly 😒 so i should laugh now?

    • @SteamPorkBun
      @SteamPorkBun Месяц назад +1

      @@Thewizard_2 That's such a weird comment, it's his job to do a critical review on the chairs he's reviewing, would you rather he just gloss over everything? Or read off the marketing spreadsheet?