Sumi Jo - Chanson Triste (Henri Duparc)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • 2006
    Sumi Jo in Paris "For My Father"
    Henri Duparc - Chanson Triste

Комментарии • 27

  • @marthaanne820
    @marthaanne820 9 лет назад +23

    Oh my! She is such a beautiful singer! What a voice! I never even heard of Sumi Jo before.

  • @coolenmike
    @coolenmike 2 месяца назад

    Always loved her performances

  • @INFACTparis
    @INFACTparis 6 месяцев назад

    tres beau merci

  • @mr.nobody8676
    @mr.nobody8676 9 лет назад +15

    Chanson triste
    - Henri Duparc
    Dan ton cœur dort un clair de lune,
    un doux clair de lune d'été.
    Et pour fuir la vie importune
    Je me noierai dans ta clarté.
    J'oublierai les douleurs passées,
    Mon amour, Quand tu berceras mon triste cœur et mes pensées
    Dans le calme aimant de tes bras!
    Tu prendras ma tête malade
    Oh! Quelquefois sur tes genoux,
    Et lui diras une ballade
    Une ballade, Qui semblera parler de nous,
    Et dans tes yeux pleins de tristesses,
    Dans tes yeux alors je boirai
    Tant de baisers et de tendresses,
    Que, peutêtre je quérirai...

  • @ludwigstephani4575
    @ludwigstephani4575 11 лет назад +6

    Beautiful expression she sang with.

  • @anagarciabeltrame4493
    @anagarciabeltrame4493 3 года назад +1

    la obra máxima de Henri Duparc. . . . Hermosa . . .

  • @franzlisztish
    @franzlisztish 3 года назад +1


  • @veranista
    @veranista 11 лет назад +2

    Just beautiful, spot on

  • @wisjoh1
    @wisjoh1 8 лет назад +3

    beautifully thought, and beautifully sung. Sehr schön !

  • @riccardo50001
    @riccardo50001 10 лет назад +4

    Beautiful song! Beautiful interpretation!
    Richard Fey, baritone, San Francisco

  • @dou40006
    @dou40006 6 лет назад +1

    This is remarkable

  • @MariaAntoinetteF
    @MariaAntoinetteF 10 лет назад +1

    love love love...ahhh

    • @MariaAntoinetteF
      @MariaAntoinetteF 9 лет назад

      Sumi Jo is still singing beautifully after all these years. And continues the true tradition of Bel Canto singing.

    • @rawxsa
      @rawxsa 8 лет назад

      +MariaAntoinetteF this isn't Bel Canto .... I thought Bel Canto was more Bellini, Rossini and Donizetti?

    • @MariaAntoinetteF
      @MariaAntoinetteF 8 лет назад +1

      The Italian definition of BEL CANTO simply put is BEAUTIFUL SINGING. Literally. We can associate it with the style of music written by Bellini and Donizetti but it applies to all operatic singing and the technique of beautiful singing.

    • @orsino88
      @orsino88 6 лет назад


  • @dou40006
    @dou40006 6 лет назад +1

    I mean outstanding

  • @beachboy747
    @beachboy747 6 месяцев назад +1

    Who is the pianist? It’s a pair/duet after all…..

  • @洪采媚
    @洪采媚 6 лет назад +1

    H. Dupare: Chanson triste 哀歌

  • @resisteresiste2433
    @resisteresiste2433 6 лет назад +1

    Quelqu,un peut il me dire qui est l'auteur de ce très beau poème ?

  • @leggiero8763
    @leggiero8763 3 года назад

    Operatic !!!!!!

  • @Ari70771
    @Ari70771 3 года назад

    Lovely, but I just want her to finally get to the actual notes.

  • @stephaniegoasdoue2934
    @stephaniegoasdoue2934 2 месяца назад

    I love sumi jo realy, howevere her french diction in that song is not good enough.

  • @cynic150
    @cynic150 3 года назад

    the piano is too loud and dominating. The voice is nice, but she seems to have only one sound.

  • @marychan2408
    @marychan2408 2 года назад

    Bad!! Worst ever!

  • @jefgong
    @jefgong 6 лет назад +1

    Terrible ! ces chevrotements ! et ce français ! sans parler de la sensibilité complètement absente...