could anyone explain to me, as a emerald support wanting to learn more. Why is taric a good pick into Braum? If i remember correctly, braum wants people to jump onto him and he is great at peeling and disengage, But isnt Taric the same? Taric wants someone, for example Zac to jump in. So braum and taric matchup seems like both supports waits for the other one to go in first? am i completely wrong here? any thoughts help!
Taric likes to auto attack stuff, melee champs are best for this. It's ok into braum but better in the overall picture of the enemy team comp and as you mentioned need people to go in, so I was putting my bastion on zed a lot as he was able to initiate fights and enable my stun.
Holy shit what a game. That Taric carry was unreal
Good god, watching some of the decisions your team made remind me of my plat games. What on earth?
This was the type of game that made me appreciate the fact I haven’t touched the game for like 2 years. Super frustrating team mates.
could anyone explain to me, as a emerald support wanting to learn more. Why is taric a good pick into Braum? If i remember correctly, braum wants people to jump onto him and he is great at peeling and disengage, But isnt Taric the same? Taric wants someone, for example Zac to jump in. So braum and taric matchup seems like both supports waits for the other one to go in first? am i completely wrong here? any thoughts help!
Taric likes to auto attack stuff, melee champs are best for this. It's ok into braum but better in the overall picture of the enemy team comp and as you mentioned need people to go in, so I was putting my bastion on zed a lot as he was able to initiate fights and enable my stun.