Thank you so much. Your video help me i have a rs and i have a issue with that, belive me that is difficult but with patience we can do it greetings from Guatemala ❤
I was so nervous I would accidentally push the button when I took mine off. Luckily nothing bad happened and good to know there is a way around the issue if I was to experience it. Thank you
Brilliant vid and so useful thank you, managed to unstuck my button in a few mins, didn't need to use the tape trick to get the button out just pulled up hard enough to the bottom to stick out abit then just pulled it up to reveal the springs.
@@Haydenschreiermk2 planning on upgrading my b8 s4 old style gear knob to the newer front facing style. Picked up a q3 mint condition one on ebay but button was pressed in hence following this vid.
im sure this kit will have springs that you can use.
I happened to get my button stuck AFTER installing and now its much harder to take it out. Am i gonna break something just pulling harder? Or do i have to unstuck the button with the knob installed? Edit: managed to pull it out fine. Now lets see if i can fix it at all. I cant quite pop the button out enough to pull it out. The spring holding it in is very strong
okay glad you got it off. You most certainly can pull the button out even with the tension on it. Go get some strong packaging tape or electrical tape and slide it in between the button and the side. then use that to pull it up. I wouldnt recommend anything metal as tempting as it might sound as you will scratch it all up
might need to order a new one if it doesnt work. they arent expensive. go watch my steering wheel video. i put a link to someone who sells them and steering wheels
@@Haydenschreiermk2 I got solution for this problem. You can share it for other people. Many people buy shift knob and do everything like you did. But it not click and the button stuck. You need perfect 90° on the plastic stick, also not bend to sides and must be perfect stright. Then you need to sand with paper i use 600.. the botom of the cut-out on the plastic stick. I was sanding/grinding for 5 minites.. a try between it sometimes. Then buton work like 20% then 50% then 70%, After this i use some vaseline and wd40. Now its working. I hope it will help other peopel. I was serching and find this from one guy o. A5oc forum. Good luck guys
Thank you so much. Your video help me i have a rs and i have a issue with that, belive me that is difficult but with patience we can do it greetings from Guatemala ❤
I was so nervous I would accidentally push the button when I took mine off. Luckily nothing bad happened and good to know there is a way around the issue if I was to experience it. Thank you
Of course man!
Great video!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Cheers mate, Saved me today lol
Brilliant vid and so useful thank you, managed to unstuck my button in a few mins, didn't need to use the tape trick to get the button out just pulled up hard enough to the bottom to stick out abit then just pulled it up to reveal the springs.
Perfect! What were you doing that you needed to remove the shifter?
@@Haydenschreiermk2 planning on upgrading my b8 s4 old style gear knob to the newer front facing style. Picked up a q3 mint condition one on ebay but button was pressed in hence following this vid.
Any links to a spring set ?
im sure this kit will have springs that you can use.
Great tutorial
Thank you! Cheers!
Great info!
Glad it was helpful!
I happened to get my button stuck AFTER installing and now its much harder to take it out. Am i gonna break something just pulling harder? Or do i have to unstuck the button with the knob installed?
Edit: managed to pull it out fine. Now lets see if i can fix it at all. I cant quite pop the button out enough to pull it out. The spring holding it in is very strong
okay glad you got it off. You most certainly can pull the button out even with the tension on it. Go get some strong packaging tape or electrical tape and slide it in between the button and the side. then use that to pull it up. I wouldnt recommend anything metal as tempting as it might sound as you will scratch it all up
@@Haydenschreiermk2 thanks. I managed to get it right using another method of removing the top. The new shifter now sits in my car nicely
Hi, my button still is pressing, not going out. Even if i restart button and install it again. Everytime same. I tried everything.
might need to order a new one if it doesnt work. they arent expensive. go watch my steering wheel video. i put a link to someone who sells them and steering wheels
@@Haydenschreiermk2 I got solution for this problem. You can share it for other people. Many people buy shift knob and do everything like you did. But it not click and the button stuck.
You need perfect 90° on the plastic stick, also not bend to sides and must be perfect stright. Then you need to sand with paper i use 600.. the botom of the cut-out on the plastic stick. I was sanding/grinding for 5 minites.. a try between it sometimes. Then buton work like 20% then 50% then 70%, After this i use some vaseline and wd40. Now its working. I hope it will help other peopel. I was serching and find this from one guy o. A5oc forum. Good luck guys
Thank you great video !!❤
you're very welcome!