Do you have any idea as to how much the average payout would be for a claim? Can we assume approximately 40% of the payout goes to the law firms, another 15% for court fees and then more to the law firms for processing the individual claims? Some articles note a payment at $10.00-$13.00 dollars.
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Contribute 2000 billable hours 🤓
Thanks got my $6
Website form starts at 1:10
Do you have any idea as to how much the average payout would be for a claim? Can we assume approximately 40% of the payout goes to the law firms, another 15% for court fees and then more to the law firms for processing the individual claims? Some articles note a payment at $10.00-$13.00 dollars.
Its hard to say, I've seen the articles at $13, but we have no idea what the paid commission total was. Maybe $13 for each $1,000 of commission paid?