Симпатичные, шикарные, красивые, умные, нежные, привлекательные, чудесные и удивительные мои любимые девушки! Спасибо вам большое за то что вы есть! Я очень люблю вас, ценю, уважаю и обожаю вас! Творческих вам успехов! Поздравляю вас с Китайским Новым годом!
Сегодня был волшебный стрим! Такие прекрасные песни это услада для ушей. Сейчас прекрасное настроение. Спасибо любимым девушкам из Белого Злата. Браво!❤❤❤
Every session such a wonderfully different genre/style. These loverly women are pure entertainers, and exceptional singers for a worldwide audience!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹👌
It is really refreshing to see and hear beautiful women singing, I can't understand what they are singing about and talking about about but they are beautiful.
Какие же вы красавицы, умницы! Как же приятно слушать песни в вашем исполнении. Так не хватает сейчас этой народности, искренности, простоты. Вы повышаете в нас, слушателях, патриотизм, гордость за нашу страну, историю, за наших таких прекрасных девушек. Спасибо вам большое!
¡¡¡ Hola , qué tal !!! . Desde España 💐SALUDOS 💐Qué Actuación tan Brillante , Divertida , Simpática y Dulce . Qué va directa al Corazón . Chicas , sois Geniales ❤ Os envío , Gracias y Amistad Infinitas ❤ y Besos y Éxitos ❤ Feliz día .
¡¡¡ Hola , qué tal !!! . Desde España 💐SALUDOS 💐 Qué Actuación tan Brillante , Divertida , Simpática y muy Dulce . Chicas vuestra Segunda Canción va directa al Corazón ❤ Os envío , Gracias y Amistad Infinitas ❤ y Besos y Éxitos ❤ Feliz día .
Здравствуйте. Спасибо вам за стрим. У вас замечательные голоса. У Леры (с косичками) очень красивое вибрато (если я с термином не ошибся, но кажется так это называется).
Funny as it gets... @1:21:45 thru 1:24:15. I had forgotten - We rode cardboard too🤣😂. My red beloved🤣😂 World Cup Nightmare🤣😂Mountain or a Hill🤣😂Cuckoo🤣😂Счастливый!!!!🤣😂🤣😆
Yeah, cowboy, I take it you mean the odd phrases that pop up on the auto-translate function? I get it that they can be kind of funny, but, honestly, I'd much prefer it if it would work properly and we could clearly understand everything they say. As it stands now, you have to try hard to make sense of it- we get some real translation, but it's peppered with these crazy phrases. You have to mentally translate the translation.
Hey cowboy, do you mean that you used to ride cardboard, or just quoting what they say? 'Moy lubimiy' can mean 'my beloved (one),' but here it means 'my favorite (red something.)
Fellas, Translation is fun. We had hills that we called "The KING KILLERS". Meaning, they would wreck you. If you were a "King" "Blue Blood" "Royalty", they were meant to destroy you. If you survived, you were a "Free Man". The hills decided your Fate. You would use anything, Cardboard box, plastic sled, a tube, to get down those hills without wrecking yourself. Kings, blue bloods, royalty were not allowed on that soil. I can never understand europeans sometimes.🤣😂🤣
time-codes👇 00:00:01 “Na gore kolhoz”, ensemble, (Na gore kolhoz, pod goroy sovhoz…) 00:06:40 “Kukushka”, ensemble, (Ya ne zabudu nikogda posledney vstrechi u opushki…) 00:17:38 “Ty moyo dyhaniye”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Ty moyo dyhaniye, utro moyo ty rannyeye…) 00:24:56 “Rayony, kvartaly”, ensemble, (Bol’she nechego lovit’, vsyo, chto nado, ya poymal…) 00:30:35 “Sizaya golubka”,era Sinyayeva, (Vyletala, oy da vyletala sizaya golubka iz tyomnogo lesu …) 00:37:01 “My na lodochke katalis’ ”, ensemble, (Ma na lodochke katalis’ zolotisto-zoloyoy, ne grebli, a tselovalis’...) 00:44:45 “Napyekla kuma blinov”, ensemble, (Napyekla kuma blinov, priglasila kuma…) 00:52:55 “Reka tyechyot”, ensemble, (Syadem s ottsom, syadem vdvoyom, na krylechke do utra…) 00:59:33 “Shopen”, Lera Shcherbina, (Dotyanis’ rukoy - tvoya - nel’zya, nel’zya; ne smotri mne tak v glaza - nel’zya…) 01:06:25 “Romashka”, ensemble, (Romashka, romashka, tsvetok polevoy…) 01:15:15 “Kazachen’ka”, ensemble, (Tam na gorke kazaki stoyali…) 01:25:48 “Ne dlya tebya”, Lera Shcherbina, (Ne dlya tebya pridyot vesna, ne dlya tebya Don razol’yotsya…) 01:34:13 “Na gore kolhoz”, ensemble, (Na gore kolhoz, pod goroy sovhoz …) 01:39:51 “Na skameyechke s podruzhkoy”, ensemble, (Na skameyechke s podruzhkoy my sideli vdvoyom…) 01:47:21 “Perevoz Dunya derzhala”, ensemble, (Perevoz Dunya derzhala, derzhala, derzhala, perevozchika Dunya nanyala…) 01:52:28 “Techyot reka Volga”, Mariya Pahomova, (Iz daleka dolgo techyot reka Volga, techyot reka Volga, a mne semnadtsat’ let…) 02:01:03 “Noch’ prohodit, a ya u poroga”, ensemble (Noch’ prohodit, a ya u poroga, slovno topol’ u kraya sela…) 02:06:29 “Vot pulya prosvistela”, ensemble, (Vot pulya prosvistela, v grud’ popala mne …) 02:16:18 “Kogda ya ustanu zhit’ “, ensemble, (Kogda ya ustanu zhit’, kogda ya ustanu pet’ …) 02:25:32 “Oy, doma ne byla”, ensemble, (Ty vchera ko mne zashyol, menya doma ne nashyol…) 02:31:10 “Balalayka”, Lera Shcherbina, (Ya na balalayechku, lentochku poveshu, russkuyu razdol’nuyu pesnyu zapoyu …) 02:35:42 “Ah, mamochka”, ensemble, (Govorila mama mne pro lyubov’ obmannuyu, da naprasno tratila slova…) 02:41:21 “Greshniy cheloveche”, ensemble, (Kak hodil zha greshniy cheloveche po belomu svetu…) 02:47:15 “Oysya ty, oysya”, ensemble, (Na gore stoyal kazak, on bogu molilsya, za svobodi, za narod nizko poklonilsya…) 02:51:45 “Ya yehala domoy”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Ya yehala domoy, dusha byla polna neyasnym dlya samoy kakim-to novym schast’yem…) 02:56:58 “Belosnyezhnaya vishnya”, ensemble, (Rastsvela pod okoshkom nelosnyezhnaya vishnya…) 03:00:47 “Tri zimy”, Mariya Pahomova, (Zamelo dorogu snegom, za rekoyu ni dushi…) 03:05:52 “Shli dva brata”, ensemble, (Tam shli, shli dva brata s turetskogo fronta domoy…) 03:09:48 “Eho”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Pokroyetsya nebo pylinkami zvyozd i vygnutsya vetvi uprugo …) 03:18:06 “Pod oknom shirokim”, ensemble (Pod oknom shirokim, pod oknom vysokim vishnya belosnyezhnaya tsvetyot…)
On 6 minutes in, Leroshka describes Dasha as 'our manager', which makes sense, as I believe she was their founder, but I've not heard them reference that fact before.
I don’t know who ’Leroshka’ is. They always introduce themselves as Lera, and always refer to the other one as LeroCHka ([sic], not LeroSHka.) Until they got to know them better, (most of) their audience called them either - Little Lera and Tall Lera (they never objected to it), or - left side Lera and right side Lera (they had a good laugh at it), or - Lera 1 and Lera 2. Nowadays the overwhelming majority call them Лера С (Lera S) and Лера Щ (Lera Shch). So if you call either one of them just ’Lerochka’ (not to mention Leroshka), it’s exactly the same as if you called her just Lera. As for me, I won’t go back to the practice where we again don’t know who you are talking about. Here Tall Lera calls Dasha their ’rukovoditel,’ which may mean leader, chief, director, teacher or manager.
@@pspirto8014Hiya, Spirto, first off, let me say we've missed you in the Chat in recent shows, a few people, myself included, have been saying how we appreciate your info and song titles and I hope you'll be back soon. This problem of distinguishing the two Leras rumbles on...I had a big discussion about it in another BZ comments box with Jonathan_AnCapistani- he objected to using 'Tall Lera' and 'Little Lera' as he felt it demeaned them in some way (you could probably find that discussion, it was in the Comments of a very recent show). Personally, I have no preference about how to name them, so long as it makes clear which is which, and of course, that it's a form of address which they're happy with. Ideally, the ladies themselves would have a two-name system which viewers could go along with. At Jonathan's suggestion, I looked at the BZ website, but it was in Russian and I couldn't find a way to have an English translation, so no help there. I take your point about 'Lera/Lerochka' (with a 'c'!) being applicable to both. Maybe one of the bilingual viewers (perhaps yourself?) could ask them about this and find out definitively what they would prefer in this respect? Then that solution could be made clear to ALL the viewers, as, at present, people seem to use various systems and it's just confusing. Personally, so far, I've tried Lera/Leroshka/chka, Tall Lera and Little Lera and now you suggest Lera S and Lera Shch. Would you consider asking them for a 'ruling' on this? I used 'manager' in regard to Dasha only because that was the word provided by the Auto-translate. See you, hopefully, in the next live show...
Personally, I don't mind what system is used, the important thing is that people are clear about which is which. I take your point about 'Leroshka/chka'. Jonathan steered me towards the BZ website, but it's in Russian and I don't know how, or whether, you can view it as an English version.
So, as it stands, it's confusing, because there's different systems being used by different people- Tall/Little, Left/Right, 1/2, Lera S/Lera Shch. I've always understood that 'Lerochka' could apply to either, but I was under the impression that it was more usually used by 'Tall Lera', though I may be wrong about that.
Perhaps, to clear it up once and for all, one of the bilingual viewers, maybe yourself, could contact the group and ask them for a definitive 'ruling' on how we should address each of them to distinguish the two? I have no preference, I just want things to be clear for everyone..
Симпатичные, шикарные, красивые, умные, нежные, привлекательные, чудесные и удивительные мои любимые девушки! Спасибо вам большое за то что вы есть! Я очень люблю вас, ценю, уважаю и обожаю вас! Творческих вам успехов! Поздравляю вас с Китайским Новым годом!
Сегодня был волшебный стрим! Такие прекрасные песни это услада для ушей. Сейчас прекрасное настроение. Спасибо любимым девушкам из Белого Злата. Браво!❤❤❤
Every session such a wonderfully different genre/style. These loverly women are pure entertainers, and exceptional singers for a worldwide audience!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹👌
Девчата милые, благодарю за отличный стрим! За прекрасное настроение! Каждый ваш стрим 🔥! Наряды 👍! Обнимаю!
Огромное спасибо за прошедший стрим!! Всё было замечательно!!!
It is really refreshing to see and hear beautiful women singing, I can't understand what they are singing about and talking about about but they are beautiful.
Какие же вы красавицы, умницы! Как же приятно слушать песни в вашем исполнении. Так не хватает сейчас этой народности, искренности, простоты. Вы повышаете в нас, слушателях, патриотизм, гордость за нашу страну, историю, за наших таких прекрасных девушек. Спасибо вам большое!
Девочки, спасибо огромное за душевный стрим💕💥💕💥💕
Спасибо Златки! Чудесный народный стрим! И особенно приятно было впервые услышать вживую «Кукушка» и «Когда я устану жить». ❤❤❤
Boa tarde vcs são lindas e talentosa adoro ouvir vcs cantarem beijos para todas vcsss
Очень красивые платья и очень хорошая передача. Спасибо Лерошке, Лере и Маше. Очень хорошие девочки!!!
огромное объятие❤️❤️❤️☺️
Стрим был великолепен, как всегда, не хватило только четвертой звезды, Даша, но вы молодецы, я люблю вас от всего сердца, ❤❤❤❤❤
Las mejores del mundo Beloe Zlato !!!
The Boys from Ipanema are all in love for the light of enchanted russian ladies! Saudações do Brasil!
Шикарный стрим, действительно очень народный, подстать костюмам. Маша жгла местами на балала.
Браво, любимые Златки ❤❤❤
Siempre estupendas Beloe Zlato. Saludos desde Argentina!!!
🎶📿Тайм коды📿🎶
00:00:01 - ❤ На горе колхоз - Народная (Б)
00:06:41 - 💚 Кукушка - Народная (М)
00:17:38 - 🤍 Ты моё дыхание - Ада Якушева (М) (ВС)
00:24:56 - ❤ Районы-кварталы - Звери (М)
00:30:35 - 💚 Вылетала сизая голубка - Фольклор (А) (ВС)
00:37:00 - 🤍 Мы на лодочке катались - Народная (Б)
00:44:46 - ❤ Кум куманёк - Народная (М)
00:52:55 - 💚 А река течёт - Любэ (М)
00:59:33 - 🤍 Шопен - Е. Ваенга (М) (ВЩ)
01:06:25 - ❤ Ромашка, ромашка цветок полевой - Лена Василёк (М)
01:15:16 - 💚 Казаченька - Народная (М)
01:25:49 - 🤍 Не для тебя - Пелагея (М) (ВЩ)
01:34:12 - ❤ На горе колхоз, под горой совхоз - Народная (М)
01:39:51 - 💚 На скамеечке - Народная (Б)
01:47:21 - 🤍 Перевоз Дуня держала - Народная (Б)
01:52:29 - ❤ Течёт река Волга - Л. Зыкина (М) (МП)
02:01:04 - 💚 Ночь проходит, а я у порога - Народная (А)
02:06:29 - 🤍 Вот пуля просвистела - Чиж & Со (М)
02:16:17 - ❤ Когда я устану жить - Е. Фролова (Б)
02:25:31 - 💚 Кадриль (Ой, дома не была) - Народная (М)
02:31:10 - 🤍 Балалайка - Т. Морозова (М) (ВЩ)
02:35:41 - ❤ Ах, мамочка, на саночках - муз. А. Флярковский, сл. Л. Дербенев (М)
02:41:21 - 💚 Грешный человече - Духовный стих (А)
02:47:15 - 🤍 Ойся, ты ойся - Казачья (А)
02:51:45 - ❤ Я ехала домой - Е. Смолянинова (М) (ВС)
02:56:58 - 💚 Расцвела у окошка белоснежная вишня - В. Бурыгин (М)
03:00:47 - 🤍 Три зимы - Т. Повалий (М) (МП)
03:05:52 - ❤ Там шли два брата - Народная (М)
03:09:48 - 💚 Эхо любви - А. Герман (М) (ВС)
03:18:07 - 🤍 Под окном широким - Народная (М)
(Б) Балалайка / (А) А капелла / (М) Минус
(ВС) Валерия Синяева соло / (МП) Мария Пахомова соло / (ВЩ) Валерия Щербина соло
Спасибо Евгений, очень хорошая работа. крепкое объятие☺️
@Volkov_Evgeniy Thankyou thankyou.... 👌could this be pinned at the top of comments in future? - such valuable info. 👍
I agree, W8....@@-W8WHAT
Мои любимые девочки🥰🥰🥰
¡¡¡ Hola , qué tal !!! . Desde España 💐SALUDOS 💐Qué Actuación tan Brillante , Divertida , Simpática y Dulce . Qué va directa al Corazón . Chicas , sois Geniales ❤ Os envío , Gracias y Amistad Infinitas ❤ y Besos y Éxitos ❤ Feliz día .
I do like their dresses. ❤
Your problem!
Translate to English
Thank you lovely ladies.
¡¡¡ Hola , qué tal !!! . Desde España 💐SALUDOS 💐 Qué Actuación tan Brillante , Divertida , Simpática y muy Dulce . Chicas vuestra Segunda Canción va directa al Corazón ❤ Os envío , Gracias y Amistad Infinitas ❤ y Besos y Éxitos ❤ Feliz día .
Прекрасный стрим красотки
Давненько вас не видел в нарядах народных. Возвращаемся к истокам, стало быть. Здорово
Очень народный и душевный поток
Complimenti ! sempre all'altezza ...e con vitalità ...brave però aspetto il rientro di Dasha ,,salutatela ..ciao , privet
Здравствуйте. Спасибо вам за стрим. У вас замечательные голоса. У Леры (с косичками) очень красивое вибрато (если я с термином не ошибся, но кажется так это называется).
Always beautiful, always in my heart! Любовь, Любовь, Любовь! All of my love from Hamtramck, Michigan USA!
i can't decide which one i am more in love with ---
If you decide within an hour, the chosen one will be yours.
Как же мы вас любим, наши народницы вот мне это по душе! Спасибо за этот замечательный вечер, и за такие классные народные песни! 👍👏👏👏🥰♥️♥️♥️
Мне очень понравилось.
Да, "Три зимы" - это было превосходно.
Funny as it gets... @1:21:45 thru 1:24:15. I had forgotten - We rode cardboard too🤣😂. My red beloved🤣😂 World Cup Nightmare🤣😂Mountain or a Hill🤣😂Cuckoo🤣😂Счастливый!!!!🤣😂🤣😆
Yeah, cowboy, I take it you mean the odd phrases that pop up on the auto-translate function? I get it that they can be kind of funny, but, honestly, I'd much prefer it if it would work properly and we could clearly understand everything they say. As it stands now, you have to try hard to make sense of it- we get some real translation, but it's peppered with these crazy phrases. You have to mentally translate the translation.
Hey cowboy, do you mean that you used to ride cardboard, or just quoting what they say?
'Moy lubimiy' can mean 'my beloved (one),' but here it means 'my favorite (red something.)
Fellas, Translation is fun. We had hills that we called "The KING KILLERS". Meaning, they would wreck you. If you were a "King" "Blue Blood" "Royalty", they were meant to destroy you. If you survived, you were a "Free Man". The hills decided your Fate. You would use anything, Cardboard box, plastic sled, a tube, to get down those hills without wrecking yourself. Kings, blue bloods, royalty were not allowed on that soil. I can never understand europeans sometimes.🤣😂🤣
00:00:01 “Na gore kolhoz”, ensemble, (Na gore kolhoz, pod goroy sovhoz…)
00:06:40 “Kukushka”, ensemble, (Ya ne zabudu nikogda posledney vstrechi u opushki…)
00:17:38 “Ty moyo dyhaniye”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Ty moyo dyhaniye, utro moyo ty rannyeye…)
00:24:56 “Rayony, kvartaly”, ensemble, (Bol’she nechego lovit’, vsyo, chto nado, ya poymal…)
00:30:35 “Sizaya golubka”,era Sinyayeva, (Vyletala, oy da vyletala sizaya golubka iz tyomnogo lesu …)
00:37:01 “My na lodochke katalis’ ”, ensemble, (Ma na lodochke katalis’ zolotisto-zoloyoy, ne grebli, a tselovalis’...)
00:44:45 “Napyekla kuma blinov”, ensemble, (Napyekla kuma blinov, priglasila kuma…)
00:52:55 “Reka tyechyot”, ensemble, (Syadem s ottsom, syadem vdvoyom, na krylechke do utra…)
00:59:33 “Shopen”, Lera Shcherbina, (Dotyanis’ rukoy - tvoya - nel’zya, nel’zya; ne smotri mne tak v glaza - nel’zya…)
01:06:25 “Romashka”, ensemble, (Romashka, romashka, tsvetok polevoy…)
01:15:15 “Kazachen’ka”, ensemble, (Tam na gorke kazaki stoyali…)
01:25:48 “Ne dlya tebya”, Lera Shcherbina, (Ne dlya tebya pridyot vesna, ne dlya tebya Don razol’yotsya…)
01:34:13 “Na gore kolhoz”, ensemble, (Na gore kolhoz, pod goroy sovhoz …)
01:39:51 “Na skameyechke s podruzhkoy”, ensemble, (Na skameyechke s podruzhkoy my sideli vdvoyom…)
01:47:21 “Perevoz Dunya derzhala”, ensemble, (Perevoz Dunya derzhala, derzhala, derzhala, perevozchika Dunya nanyala…)
01:52:28 “Techyot reka Volga”, Mariya Pahomova, (Iz daleka dolgo techyot reka Volga, techyot reka Volga, a mne semnadtsat’ let…)
02:01:03 “Noch’ prohodit, a ya u poroga”, ensemble (Noch’ prohodit, a ya u poroga, slovno topol’ u kraya sela…)
02:06:29 “Vot pulya prosvistela”, ensemble, (Vot pulya prosvistela, v grud’ popala mne …)
02:16:18 “Kogda ya ustanu zhit’ “, ensemble, (Kogda ya ustanu zhit’, kogda ya ustanu pet’ …)
02:25:32 “Oy, doma ne byla”, ensemble, (Ty vchera ko mne zashyol, menya doma ne nashyol…)
02:31:10 “Balalayka”, Lera Shcherbina, (Ya na balalayechku, lentochku poveshu, russkuyu razdol’nuyu pesnyu zapoyu …)
02:35:42 “Ah, mamochka”, ensemble, (Govorila mama mne pro lyubov’ obmannuyu, da naprasno tratila slova…)
02:41:21 “Greshniy cheloveche”, ensemble, (Kak hodil zha greshniy cheloveche po belomu svetu…)
02:47:15 “Oysya ty, oysya”, ensemble, (Na gore stoyal kazak, on bogu molilsya, za svobodi, za narod nizko poklonilsya…)
02:51:45 “Ya yehala domoy”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Ya yehala domoy, dusha byla polna neyasnym dlya samoy kakim-to novym schast’yem…)
02:56:58 “Belosnyezhnaya vishnya”, ensemble, (Rastsvela pod okoshkom nelosnyezhnaya vishnya…)
03:00:47 “Tri zimy”, Mariya Pahomova, (Zamelo dorogu snegom, za rekoyu ni dushi…)
03:05:52 “Shli dva brata”, ensemble, (Tam shli, shli dva brata s turetskogo fronta domoy…)
03:09:48 “Eho”, Lera Sinyayeva, (Pokroyetsya nebo pylinkami zvyozd i vygnutsya vetvi uprugo …)
03:18:06 “Pod oknom shirokim”, ensemble (Pod oknom shirokim, pod oknom vysokim vishnya belosnyezhnaya tsvetyot…)
Hello from uk
Beautiful Traditional costumes, PLEASE LET US KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM.... Thank You.
Медведя стоило взять на стрим 🙂
On 6 minutes in, Leroshka describes Dasha as 'our manager', which makes sense, as I believe she was their founder, but I've not heard them reference that fact before.
I don’t know who ’Leroshka’ is.
They always introduce themselves as Lera, and always refer to the other one as LeroCHka ([sic], not LeroSHka.)
Until they got to know them better, (most of) their audience called them either
- Little Lera and Tall Lera (they never objected to it), or
- left side Lera and right side Lera (they had a good laugh at it), or
- Lera 1 and Lera 2.
Nowadays the overwhelming majority call them Лера С (Lera S) and Лера Щ (Lera Shch).
So if you call either one of them just ’Lerochka’ (not to mention Leroshka), it’s exactly the same as if you called her just Lera. As for me, I won’t go back to the practice where we again don’t know who you are talking about.
Here Tall Lera calls Dasha their ’rukovoditel,’ which may mean leader, chief, director, teacher or manager.
@@pspirto8014Hiya, Spirto, first off, let me say we've missed you in the Chat in recent shows, a few people, myself included, have been saying how we appreciate your info and song titles and I hope you'll be back soon. This problem of distinguishing the two Leras rumbles on...I had a big discussion about it in another BZ comments box with Jonathan_AnCapistani- he objected to using 'Tall Lera' and 'Little Lera' as he felt it demeaned them in some way (you could probably find that discussion, it was in the Comments of a very recent show). Personally, I have no preference about how to name them, so long as it makes clear which is which, and of course, that it's a form of address which they're happy with. Ideally, the ladies themselves would have a two-name system which viewers could go along with. At Jonathan's suggestion, I looked at the BZ website, but it was in Russian and I couldn't find a way to have an English translation, so no help there. I take your point about 'Lera/Lerochka' (with a 'c'!) being applicable to both. Maybe one of the bilingual viewers (perhaps yourself?) could ask them about this and find out definitively what they would prefer in this respect? Then that solution could be made clear to ALL the viewers, as, at present, people seem to use various systems and it's just confusing. Personally, so far, I've tried Lera/Leroshka/chka, Tall Lera and Little Lera and now you suggest Lera S and Lera Shch. Would you consider asking them for a 'ruling' on this?
I used 'manager' in regard to Dasha only because that was the word provided by the Auto-translate. See you, hopefully, in the next live show...
Personally, I don't mind what system is used, the important thing is that people are clear about which is which. I take your point about 'Leroshka/chka'. Jonathan steered me towards the BZ website, but it's in Russian and I don't know how, or whether, you can view it as an English version.
So, as it stands, it's confusing, because there's different systems being used by different people- Tall/Little, Left/Right, 1/2, Lera S/Lera Shch. I've always understood that 'Lerochka' could apply to either, but I was under the impression that it was more usually used by 'Tall Lera', though I may be wrong about that.
Perhaps, to clear it up once and for all, one of the bilingual viewers, maybe yourself, could contact the group and ask them for a definitive 'ruling' on how we should address each of them to distinguish the two? I have no preference, I just want things to be clear for everyone..
Traditional costumes night, cool
Молчат Дома 🙀
Oi gatas boanoiste
Halloween 🎃
Где Дарья?
Flaming 🌶🔥🌶🔥🌶🔥 💙😋