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  • @evinjohnson2380
    @evinjohnson2380 2 месяца назад +2

    his "uhh" tick is really getting to me lmao

  • @dtx591
    @dtx591 2 месяца назад +18

    are marshalls trying to be the next troopers?

    • @ItzPubby
      @ItzPubby 2 месяца назад +1

      Marshalls are federal police, they can handle things such as Police misconduct.

  • @lemons7715
    @lemons7715 2 месяца назад +2

    The problem with LSPD is there is a lot of playing telephone instead of getting the people with the problems into a room to talk it out also people not speaking up when other people make a mistake and instead going behind each other back also high command doesn’t let people speak freely and they are about to get promoted

  • @bigbobbyjhonson6415
    @bigbobbyjhonson6415 2 месяца назад +29

    Marshall’s seem to be a lot more than what they first led onto

    • @inksday
      @inksday 2 месяца назад +33

      Anybody that thought they weren't gonna end up abusing their powers was being delusional

    • @jh_0307
      @jh_0307 2 месяца назад +7

      new troopers basically with better toys

    • @Atrociousnes
      @Atrociousnes 2 месяца назад +4


    • @bobturvinz9142
      @bobturvinz9142 2 месяца назад +3

      3.0 = 4.0 looks same Worst human cannot playing own character very welll

    • @tomb1110
      @tomb1110 2 месяца назад +1

      Everything marshal are was written in legislation day1 not there fault no-one can read😂

  • @Atrophical
    @Atrophical 2 месяца назад +3

    Snow is one of the best IG. Love the Nino arc and making things right and straight!! Always watching the vids

  • @CarnageXtreme
    @CarnageXtreme 2 месяца назад +1

    It may be a good idea if the cadets need to only be able to 1) patrol with a veteran taking the lead. 2) be 3rd in chases so they can watch senior or veterans take primary/secondary for a few weeks before doing it themselves. 3) they should only be able to go to certain type of calls like money runs, bank jobs, 77/78s etc... before they graduate to something more intense.
    Repetition breeds competency. Plus if you overwhelm them with responsibility or diverse type of situations, they won't know what to do.

  • @gibbo3163
    @gibbo3163 2 месяца назад +14

    Won’t get much better with Viv as Chief, she is far too emotional and snaps over the smallest of things

    • @spokee
      @spokee 2 месяца назад

      Ye PD will fail with her

    • @cbkra098
      @cbkra098 2 месяца назад

      @@gibbo3163 has 0 self accountability too

  • @everythingmemes5644
    @everythingmemes5644 2 месяца назад +14

    The marshalls seem to be overstepping what they were there to do. Either that or this dude doesnt know anything about what the marshalls are for

    • @jeodbwnyagga3578
      @jeodbwnyagga3578 2 месяца назад

      The marshalls are to investigate the PD for corruption and high profile criminal cases like murder, terrorism, or large gang takedowns like RICO

    • @omaralvarado2313
      @omaralvarado2313 2 месяца назад +3

      they are supposed to investigate crims organizations on a large scale. thats been said

    • @trijim9485
      @trijim9485 2 месяца назад +3

      @@omaralvarado2313they are supposed to investigate Serious Crimes done by Criminals and Cop Corruption. Both were explicitly mentioned.

    • @tomb1110
      @tomb1110 2 месяца назад +1

      Nope nino just didn't know, literally all of it is written in legislation, not marshals fault people don't read

    • @everythingmemes5644
      @everythingmemes5644 2 месяца назад

      @@tomb1110 it is the Marshalls fault for oversimplifying it because Everytime she talked to nino about it she pitched it as a pd to keep lspd in check and every now and then they will help when lspd are over gunned. She specifically said that the Marshalls weren't just another normal pd. But yet now that's what they're claiming they are while simotaniously dogging on Max for doing the exact same thing with lspd

  • @cbkra098
    @cbkra098 2 месяца назад +9

    Mehdi might as well ban the word Viv in his chat if he cant accept a single valid criticism of her

    • @Gambit33
      @Gambit33 2 месяца назад +4

      People are allowed to criticize Viv all the time in his chat. He got triggered when people sht talked Viv and spammed their dumb takes about her.

    • @cbkra098
      @cbkra098 2 месяца назад +1

      @Gambit33 one dude posted 3 messages that were pretty tame and he went on a 10min rant and banned that person. Maybe he's relaxed now that it's impossible to escape Vivs fuckups(she's had 5 in as many days)

  • @scott8225
    @scott8225 2 месяца назад +1

    No easy be a crim that even harder

  • @flyguygsm8544
    @flyguygsm8544 2 месяца назад +1

    how to fix your command structure 101... and anyone thats ran a business from top to bottom, this is just common sense. ..Im bored and know @dasMEHDI wont see this but ...
    your CoC.....
    Chief of Police... Regardless of shift/time as long as they are on every day .... Is responsible for being the direct pipeline from Mayor/Legislature wants, changes etc to enact, adjust, update regs for PD as well as focus on certain area that need investigation/looking out for. Is responsible for all hiring and firing based on recommendation from below but not exclusive to them. Defines all PD reg/SoP's (can can ask for input from below and above, but at the end of the day the Chief is it in this area... someone has to be the quarterback!) Except in the most extreme cases is NOT a common field commander. All final decisions come from them, all requests have to go to them(transfers, requisitions, issues with policy or SoP's, hirings, firings, disiplinary needs, merits/commendations, budgets) All while delegating and receiving information from below and above. Also responsible for making sure he has competent Lawyer staff on call, 2 at least, per shift. (this person has to be ON consistently. Not 24/7 but more often than not, this is not a role that is willy nilly as you want, you have to be dedicated... and setup who what when where for when you can be on and who takes temp reins.)
    Lt Chief of Police... does the exact same as above but in a Supernumerary role, with focus on departments, moral issues, officer issues where there is possible contention with the Captain or Lt or both, working with Blaine County to maintain consistency. Officers hurt/killed, he setups mandatory "be here at this time no excuses" deals. Hes the first step to cohesion in each shift and the department while working for the Captain and vice versa based on availability.
    1 Captain per shift. Is responsible for vetting all PD applications and driving recruiting, responsible for giving articulate recommendations for role specific jobs to the Chief for their final sign off, then promoting upon approval. Is responsible for making articulated disciplinary recommendations to the Chief but does NOT pass judgement on them, but passes down the decision. Is responsible for setting up academy times per month for new apps, coordinating training curriculum (this is a committee made up of the Chief, all captains and Lieutenants deciding on a "course curriculum" that is used across all shift academies). Is responsible for all Warrant Approval/Denial from an officer and if approved, including taking it to a judge for approval or denial and then passing along the warrant if approved to the officer while delegating to the LT of the shift to conduct the raid ina VERY swift and timely fashion. The Captain is a liason between the officers in general to the Chief in the same spirit as the Chief is between the captains and the mayor. Focus on overall shift moral, any special "required meetings" planning and coordination, and taking role as in overseeing participation and regular "logging in".
    2 Lt's per shift (both are equal both are Lt's by name but behind the scenes 1 is labeled as Lt Captain Supernumerary and takes the shift lead unless if needed else where if actual Captain isnt "on" {backups for backups}) These lead scenes, are the primary leads for discussing booking, charges, warrants, responsible for continued training, lead a brief shift meeting and pass down the "word" from the "man above", are first line for officer problems to come to, are the first line to articulate to the Captain whats went wrong in scenario X but NOT give recommendations of what to do other than let Cap know if this has been a consistent "problem" or was a first time deal or extreme or extenuating circumstances OR if its been dealt with an how. Selects officers for task force, coordinates officers on the ground on a raid and Air 1 is on ALL raids. Makes recommendations for meritorious commendations, sets the tone for the shift. Mainly needs to be everyone's friend because she/he will put their foot up your ass if you let them down, sets realistic, achievable goals, pats you on the back if you do, gets in your ass in a good way if you dont and helps you figure out how to do it right next time... they are everyones favorite old-school grandma or grandpa, you listen to them because of who they are, not what their rank says they are and know if you cross them its going to get bad in a hurry followed by a hug pick yourself up and do better type attitude... strength, not this soy-bs petty demand respect crap (see anything Bass or Slacks ever did). When it comes to Lt's, these are the heart and sole of the officers. Officers should NEVER be afraid of what the Captain or Chief thinks per se, but should be scared shitless to let the LT's down. If they do it wont be a your fired type deal, it will be harsher, the "you really let us down" type of feeling. These are the hard to find special types, they get results with a look or a tone and everyone knows you can joke with them but when the foot falls, whos leg its attached to and oh man you dont want that foot! Sets shift pairs for the day see below Officers.
    Officers. All offices work in pars, when possible, and are in two catagories.... Full Time Officers, or OiT's (Officer in Training). The pairs will ALWAYS be an FTO and an OiT and they need to rotate the pairs every day. Officers should be the first say on Officer Discretion, has to be discussed with the Lt on shift, but ultimately falls on the Officer to decide. It has to be this way. He/She is the one that knows if they dealt with a ration of sh!t and sbs or if the prep acted like a decent human and did what they had to but once caught took the L with grace. (this is where the officers, who lets face it, are in a no win situation from the top and the bottom, can not get over ruled by someone that didnt have to listen and deal with a perps bigass mouth and horsecrap for the last 20 mins- those thinking yeah this lets the office get revenge.... yep. Let your mouth overload your @ss once caught, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Act like a decent human, get a break, act like an ass, you pay for it, not the Officer. You did what you did, got caught, its over. Officer didnt make you do it. Its a release value for frustration of the Officer having to put up with your ass for what YOU did and thinking he/she has to take your abuse because you got caught for what you did? noooo) Any arrest, FTO teaches OiT what to do, how to do it, repeatedly until its mechanical. All arrests, ALL paperwork has to be submitted before either signs off for the shift. It can be an abbreviated "highlights" but before they go on patrol the next shift, all paperwork has to be done!!!
    11 people, for 3 shifts, with checks and balanced up and down, deliniated and specific roles and goals per with backups. This is broad, you tailor it more as you go, polish it, but you now have a rough layout that isnt top heavy, takes the oppressive crap out, gives way to impartiality in majority of cases, lends resolution of issues before the need to escalate it up the CoC, and adds in noteworthy praise to an otherwise horrible role in the city .................
    thats partially the crims fault in the RP scenario, and ima cg watcher, its most CG's fault. The sbs they do then blame the cops?!? You run into the middle of 10 cops around a guy thats handcuffed and get tazed, thats your damn fault, you should just get gunned down for being that stupid! Its one thing to try to help your boy, its completely another your boy is handcuffed and youre ramming cars with Cops AND your boy on their feet and upset they tell you leave or get shot? Youre a moron for going into that in the first place, looking at you Ramee, hes the worst! lol

  • @spokee
    @spokee 2 месяца назад

    Snow is right for the role does everything by the book and provides great RP

    • @cbkra098
      @cbkra098 2 месяца назад

      @spokee unless he's changed significantly since 2.0. The PD was just as bad or maybe worse under his command. Never a good idea to put these RP cops who think they're real cops in charge unless their name is Andrews

  • @3bkt
    @3bkt 2 месяца назад

    Is that snow

    • @Karmaclears
      @Karmaclears 2 месяца назад

      Ya but different character think he was one of the ones that the staff said to not recreate

    • @mrsbighead8975
      @mrsbighead8975 2 месяца назад

      Jackie Snow is still around he however is a weed grower for Hydra and doesn't like the police

    • @selfsecludedsurvival1127
      @selfsecludedsurvival1127 2 месяца назад

      Snow and King are copy pasta cops lmao dude made the same character with a new name just so he could brown pd more.

    • @FullMetalKaliber
      @FullMetalKaliber 2 месяца назад

      @@mrsbighead8975 Damn TJ Walker really became the blueprint for police after policing

    • @mrsbighead8975
      @mrsbighead8975 2 месяца назад

      @@FullMetalKaliber honestly true... 😂

  • @lanfeared
    @lanfeared 2 месяца назад +2

    Snow insert character, he's do cringe literally same. This guy will brown nose to the top.

  • @nopixel_1774
    @nopixel_1774 2 месяца назад +6

    good job CG nino

    • @AndrewDeWitt-kc8bc
      @AndrewDeWitt-kc8bc 2 месяца назад

      Are you diagnosed with autism or are you waiting for an appointment?

  • @marcuswin-zi5wv
    @marcuswin-zi5wv 2 месяца назад +1

    Well let's be real most of them lack in common sense just npc straight up

  • @HAYZE59
    @HAYZE59 2 месяца назад

    Main reason why PD fails 10 times outa 10, No people like ANDREWS on the force. Everyone's a wannabe not the actual real thing to help teach these people.. Another reason the server as a whole is partially taking a crap, they got rid of BOE (BLUE622)... These are dark times my friends.