Wonderful! What a jewel! Some really pretty montages, nods to Avro Part, and That Voice... Managed to wrench out an occasional tear or two.."The voice of your mother." The Gossips, my favourite. Congratulations Stephanie! A real treat.
Thank you so much, Stephane! Yes, this song cycle is a jewel, and Claudel's work inspired us so much that it was a bliss to work on this all the way. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Wonderful! What a jewel! Some really pretty montages, nods to Avro Part, and That Voice... Managed to wrench out an occasional tear or two.."The voice of your mother." The Gossips, my favourite. Congratulations Stephanie! A real treat.
Thank you so much, Stephane! Yes, this song cycle is a jewel, and Claudel's work inspired us so much that it was a bliss to work on this all the way. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Bravo!! Quelle oeuvre magnifique et quelle interprétation émouvante!