Amanda is so well spoken and classy!! love her vibe. also it was shoking she said she had to learn english when she came to the states her grammar is impeccable.
I wish we had gotten more an interview like this with Ellie we didn't hear much about her life. Loved Amanda she seems like a smart woman! Loving all the guests!
@@l3xapr0h8tr i was so confused just now cause i thought i’d watched every episode… just did some scrolling…. LITERALLY the only episode i’ve not watched! thanks for heads up, watching now :)
Kudos to your dad for taking a stance against injustice and being so committed in his desire for a better life for you and your family. What an incredible story, Amanda. I'm glad you mentioned it! I really enjoyed Amanda on the podcast
Why is everyone taking this comment as a bad thing? Yeah he’s YOUNG and successful in his endeavors, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he seems to lack emotional intelligence and has a lot to learn when it comes to relationships, so it’s not exactly smart of him go into it rn. It’s not a bad criticism, just an observation. Especially because lots of people his age are in that same boat.
Never heard of her before this podcast and now im obsessed and follow her on every platform. What a sophisticated, well articulated, good moraled girl! Love her
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It’s so much better when they do it person so we aren’t looking at 3 screens every time. It’s probably never easy for Dave and Bri to go out there to LA.
Although this episode was the worst technically, but it was the BEST episode. Lately the BFF game has been up! Loving the guests loving the controversies
Loved hearing Amanda talk about her backstory, I'd be super interested in her coming back on tbh. This episode was super entertaining, I loved it and lmfaoo I was stressed for Josh with that fuck marry kill line up🤦♀️🙃 he's such a damn cutie though it kills me lol. Amanda is right though he should take the time to be single & enjoy it, have time to be wild & also continue to mature & be fully healed from the shit that happened. I've been there, nothing hurts worse than loosing your partner AND your best friend at the same time especially with both being long term & I can't imagine having to deal with it all so publicly. & y'all gotta ease up on Bre, at least she's honest and willing to explain her self to us like she did on her pod when really she doesn't owe any of us shit, she doesn't HAVE to tell us a damn thing 🤷♀️👌💕
Scratch Good Luck Charlie, now the show's going to be called Good Luck Josh! Josh has been thoroughly exposed this episode just like Brent did to Bryce about Pierson I think Josh was a little mean when he talked about Vanessa hearing ghosts 56:41 - 58:21
Ellie and Josh because of how well spoken Ellie is they would be the ultimate tik tok power couple!!!! Ellie legit needs to be on the show more, she’s great!
I have a ton of respect for Amanda and her life experience. She seems to be really smart and well adjusted
Amanda liked it
I would die if you had Silvana as a guest. I want to hear her speak
@@isabelgabriela9307 vvbbuu be hbbbbhhh
Amanda is so well spoken and classy!! love her vibe. also it was shoking she said she had to learn english when she came to the states her grammar is impeccable.
She came to the US when she was 5 years old LOL she basically is a native English speaker. Kids pick up languages quickly.
Bruh she is a native English speaker..
@@kmaster271 i mean her first language im guessing wasnt english??
I’m sooo happy y’all had Amanda on her! Love her and she carry’s herself soo soo well!
I LOVE how Amanda completely aired out Josh with his “wyd”s to Ellie 🤣😭
time stamp ?
@@livinwithhoodkardashians9479 29:39
I wish we had gotten more an interview like this with Ellie we didn't hear much about her life. Loved Amanda she seems like a smart woman! Loving all the guests!
they did the first time ellie came on . she’s been on twice
@@l3xapr0h8tr i was so confused just now cause i thought i’d watched every episode… just did some scrolling…. LITERALLY the only episode i’ve not watched! thanks for heads up, watching now :)
she has 2 episodes
I didn't know Amanda story, i thought that she's just another tiktoker. But after this pod, woow.
She deserves the world ❤️
You never know somebody’s story
She could be lying
@@victorgarcia9090 who would lie about something like that? 😐
@@juliagmaire we live in a dark world
When Amanda tells josh to text her himself and he says they all know he’s not gonna do that 💀💀💀
Kudos to your dad for taking a stance against injustice and being so committed in his desire for a better life for you and your family. What an incredible story, Amanda. I'm glad you mentioned it! I really enjoyed Amanda on the podcast
BFFs has the perfect combo of hosts 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Yes perfect trio didn’t get into it till they added Brianna they all make it work together
Ellie is just honestly on a completely different level than Josh.
He has a lot of maturing to do too
i mean hes been top 5 forbes list consistently. He probably only focused on making money
Exactly he's not gonna find a ton of girl like that in LA
You all sound heartbroken lmao
Why is everyone taking this comment as a bad thing? Yeah he’s YOUNG and successful in his endeavors, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he seems to lack emotional intelligence and has a lot to learn when it comes to relationships, so it’s not exactly smart of him go into it rn. It’s not a bad criticism, just an observation. Especially because lots of people his age are in that same boat.
this was my favorite guest you’ve had. her story is so incredible. loved her
Never heard of her before this podcast and now im obsessed and follow her on every platform. What a sophisticated, well articulated, good moraled girl! Love her
I’ve never watched her before but after this I’m following her on all platforms, I’m Obsessed 😍
Sameee.. I could listen to her talk all day. 😌
I got emotional listening to Amanda and she’s so composed 😮
Thank God cuz so many of y’all are so emotional and watching people cry is uncomfortable 💀
I love Amanda!!! I’m so glad y’all had her on!!!!
I wish they would start doing the pod in person again! It creates such a different dynamic and is more entertaining when they're all together!
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It’s so much better when they do it person so we aren’t looking at 3 screens every time. It’s probably never easy for Dave and Bri to go out there to LA.
Silvana, Amanda, and Ellie should start a podcast ☺️
Ellie Schnitt?
@@chinchillaqueef9885 no ellie zieler
Who’s Ellie
Wow love when you have people on like Amanda. Love hearing her story. So much respect
Although this episode was the worst technically, but it was the BEST episode. Lately the BFF game has been up! Loving the guests loving the controversies
Just curious, why do you say ‘the worst technically’ ?
@@annamay8613 oh it was due to all the lags, bris camera doing 360 and the voice stuff haha nothing more
Someone who deserves their platform!! Happy y’all had Amanda
So entertaining, loved it, loved listening to amanda too.
I feel like her and amelie would be good friends, if they arent already
I agree!
Props to this guest for hustling when she was young respect
The last 3 minutes of this episode were gold
i never got why everyone loved amanda (purely because i hadn't watched her, not in a hateful way) but omg she's the sweetest
Love Amanda’s back story, very inspiring. Loved hearing it
Amanda is such a class act, love her!
Bri trying to be Josh’s life coach at the end and he’s not having it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Amanda crushed the game! Love watching these pods
I honestly have never watched Amanda content. But after watching this interview I’m definitely a fan!
This chick is so head over heels in love with her guy… hope it works out for her / he feels & talks the same so she isn’t destined for heartbreak
The banter this episode with the bffs is fantastic ahahaha
i dont have tik tok or use social media and I never listen to podcasts, yet I've become obsessed with this one?? 😂 I love it lol
Literally SAME. And I absolutely love this girl ❤️ never knew who she was before
Hahahaha dying at the camera quality. So many technical issues but we still love the pod
I LOVED this episode! Amanda is so great
Dave said, it goes on the end of the “FAN” lol! Not blow dryer… classic. Love dave
They need to get the sturniolo triplets on.
Amanda is so genuine!! Literally love how she is 🤍 so beautiful
amanda is so genuine and wise loved listening to her speak
“It’s for joshy isn’t it” LMAOOOO I LOVE THAT BRI CALLS JOSH JOSHY 😭😭😭😭😭
You guys need to have Silvana on the show !
“What’s happening to our bff Dave”
“What’s happening to our bff”
1) props to Josh for answering the FMK....Putting the pod first.
2) Briana liking Nessa's TikTok was Bruuuutal. Wow
Ness follows Brianna
we need SILVANA on podcast 🖤🖤🖤
After watching this I started to follow her she seems so genuine and down to earth
Lol josh is so funny the ending was great hahaha
The way they kept taking breaks because of the video and audio delay 😂😂😂 Dave was getting frustrated
y’all should def have amanda on again she works so well w the bffs
I’m DECEASED that Dave tweeted out that cole sprouse wasn’t attractive without realizing who he was 🤣💀
hahaha when dave talks about dancing i love him😂😂
wow loved this pods energy
“Cmon you know I’m not gonna do that” - Josh Richards. 🤣🤣🤣
I love all of josh's reactions in this video!!
"Idk if u had any real feelings for ellie but that's done" 😭 #ripjellie
I ship him and Mads way more
@@kirbydouglass691 y do i lowkey ship him and bri...
@@kirbydouglass691 they're both toxic😅
@@xochitlbarba4227 nooo she’s multiple years older than him they’re definitely just like best friends
The shade on the tattoos i just got a full calf and shin one too 😂😂🤌
Loved hearing Amanda talk about her backstory, I'd be super interested in her coming back on tbh. This episode was super entertaining, I loved it and lmfaoo I was stressed for Josh with that fuck marry kill line up🤦♀️🙃 he's such a damn cutie though it kills me lol. Amanda is right though he should take the time to be single & enjoy it, have time to be wild & also continue to mature & be fully healed from the shit that happened. I've been there, nothing hurts worse than loosing your partner AND your best friend at the same time especially with both being long term & I can't imagine having to deal with it all so publicly. & y'all gotta ease up on Bre, at least she's honest and willing to explain her self to us like she did on her pod when really she doesn't owe any of us shit, she doesn't HAVE to tell us a damn thing 🤷♀️👌💕
We love bri for always keeping it real even with everything she has going on
This podcast made me love Amanda even more 🥰
She is talking about himynameisaliyah
Thank you
I love her! It's so crazy she's only like 21
I nailed the FMK!! Knew it!
such a well spoken , beautiful girl!!!
“This is designed purely for the clip” 😂😂😂😂😂
Even with tech difficulties was still a great episode
Awwn…Amanda is in love, I love that for her
I feel like this podcast would be 100 percent better if u all could just do in person pods
not josh fumbling the bag with ellie😭
“I was LOWKEY a jellie stan” LMAOOOO AHAHAHAHA
Billion dollar company and this is all shot on a potato
It’s a zoom call
“you mean because i murdered her?”😂
How could you do Ellie like that Josh🥺🥺
Ellie is the marrying type. Wifey. For sure. No question
mad facts
“If you kill Ellie, I’ll hate you” 😂😂😂😂😂
Where’s that part at 😭
“Well… you could be Jesus” 🤣🤣🤣
Time stamp pls
@@akilahb6075 1:10:56
please bring o’malley on
“What rat showed her the clip?”
“I was like Which one of you showed her the clip”
lmao the ending was great. new producer also great
Dave and Silvanas relationship reminds me of Jay and Gloria from modern family
solid ending josh
Love how Josh has finally come outta his shell same with brianna
Scratch Good Luck Charlie, now the show's going to be called Good Luck Josh!
Josh has been thoroughly exposed this episode just like Brent did to Bryce about Pierson
I think Josh was a little mean when he talked about Vanessa hearing ghosts
56:41 - 58:21
Can we have another episode of Ellie but about her life? In the one with her it wasn’t really questions abt her life
watch the first episode she did on here she came on twice
Ellie and Josh because of how well spoken Ellie is they would be the ultimate tik tok power couple!!!! Ellie legit needs to be on the show more, she’s great!
Respect Josh for standing up for Team No Ghosts 1 v 3.
it would be kinda iconic if josh and mads got together and they had a double date w jaden and nessa to squash the beef lmfao
Why was Josh actually kinda funny this episode lol
"actually" lol
Is Bri going through a midlife crisis or what
I love bri she’s the best Dave is just a legend and Josh u he homie for life
“I’m just gonna do a head bop”
“I’m just gonna do the dave portnoy dance at the club”
“The dp”
amanda’s the best
So excited! Love this podcast
Amanda is the sweetest ❤️
I LOVED Amanda’s pod though! Great guests❤️
Love Amanda, strong Latina representing!!!
“I’m coming for Kio” LMAOOOO ABAHAABAABA
You should definitely have nailea devora on here that girl is a literal comedian
That what I was waiting for I have hope for mada and josh
“Caribbean eyes bri”
“That’s a valid question”
“That looked realer than the will smith Chris rock slap”