I think your caliper is frozen, perhaps literally, because your caliper would not release pressure on your rotor. If the cable is frozen then it has locked the caliper closed, but I think more likely that it's the caliper itself that is frozen and the cable is fine. Same thing happened to my car 2 weeks ago, changed front pads and then after driving 5 miles I stopped and my front rotor was almost smoking it was so hot. Had to then replace the front driver side caliper.
Poliglotas esi,super!!!
I think your caliper is frozen, perhaps literally, because your caliper would not release pressure on your rotor. If the cable is frozen then it has locked the caliper closed, but I think more likely that it's the caliper itself that is frozen and the cable is fine. Same thing happened to my car 2 weeks ago, changed front pads and then after driving 5 miles I stopped and my front rotor was almost smoking it was so hot. Had to then replace the front driver side caliper.
I think u right. It was frozen. New experiences for me lol. I think that night was around-15
I assume water inside the brake lines froze and then the wire can't move. Alternative: hydraulic brakes.
Yeah I figured that out later 😅
Suo nori padeti arba kartu keliauti..