I went to circus extreme once and I liked it that much I went again and after that it was my birthday and Henry the clown sent me a birthday message and I could hear him and I could see him and then I drew him a picture and then they sent me a poster and on the back of the poster it says to Lola love from Henry and that’s the story of circus extreme From Lola x
We are really live the dream and run away with this circus video.
Indeed :D
Interesting performance
Such an interesting circus show. I haven't seen a circus in a long time. I'm wish I'm there😃😍. Like 2👍
Thanks kak Tita, it was also the circus that I watched after ages :D:D:D
Nice video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤩🤩
Very entertaining!
wah aku sudah pernah lihat circus seperti ini di Berlin, seru dan keren abis
wow super extreme
Wooowww kereeen dan menakjubkan sirkusnya itu yg di bola itu bs smpe segitunya yach betul2 talen besar mereka 🥰
Slm dr k unik di blanda
Betul, yang nonton juga deg2an, takut banget kalo motornya sampe kebablasan keluar bola :D:D:D:D
I went to circus extreme once and I liked it that much I went again and after that it was my birthday and Henry the clown sent me a birthday message and I could hear him and I could see him and then I drew him a picture and then they sent me a poster and on the back of the poster it says to Lola love from Henry and that’s the story of circus extreme
From Lola x
Woaaa! Lucky you 😍😍😍
Interesting sirkus sist. Mantapooll 👍👍
Bikin dag dih dug juga :D:D:D
bisa jantungan dah kalo kayak gitu, hehee..
Betul, sy pas nonton itu, gak brenti2 deg2an terus :D
I'm going to work there very soon as an artist 😃
Woohooo, good luck! 😊😊😊
Thank you 😊
Amazing kk..success..
Thank you! Cheers!
i was there at the same day
Woaaah, it was a nice show, wasn't it? :D
Belum pernah aku nonton circus
serem banget yg liat balapan motor di dlm bola.....
Agak tegang lihatnya
Bener bangettt :D:D:D