Review Of The Year 1941 (1941)

  • Опубликовано: 12 апр 2014
  • Title reads: "Lest we forget. Pathe Gazette reviews the news of 1941".
    Various shots of the blitz on London. Firemen fighting a big blaze. Various shots of Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) launching ship named "Duke of York". King George VI stands behind her. Various shots of the carrier Ark Royal at sea and of an aerial attack on her. Various shots of Wendell Willkie during his tour of this country and of his meeting with the King.
    M/S of President Franklin D Roosevelt taking oath (SOF) for the third term of office. Various shots of Emperor Haile Selassie arriving back in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Various shots of British troops on their raid of the Lofoten Island. Large storage oil tanks blow up and buildings burn. German prisoners are blindfolded and then taken off the island. M/S of Roosevelt signing the Lease and Lend Bill. C/U of Winston Churchill signing the Anglo-American Agreement.
    L/S of captured Italian warship. C/U of Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham after the Battle of Matapan. Various shots of the blitz on London in April with firemen fighting night fires. Various shots of Malta and of street scenes. L/S of bombs falling on Malta and bomb damage. More night shots of blitz.
    M/S of Rudolf Hess on his arrival in Britain (or possibly library footage) and then flashback of him on balcony behind Hitler. Various shots of British troops after the evacuation of Crete arriving at a port.
    M/S of Admiral Somerville on bridge of warship Renown. Various shots of ships the Renown and Dorsetshire which were engaged in the sinking of the German warship, the Bismarck (Bismark). Shots of actual sinking (poor quality cine camera material).
    Various shots of people clearing up bomb damage in Dublin, Eire. M/S of people digging defences in Russia. Various shots of women at work in Russian munitions factories. Various shots of Russian mechanised units (tanks, armoured cars) moving forward.
    Various shots showing cease fire in Syria. Various shots of the Atlantic meeting between President Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill on warship "Prince of Wales". Various shots showing Germans advancing through burning Russian town. We see German soldiers carrying Russian bodies out of building, crowd of crying women watch. More Russian men are herded towards building.
    Various shots of evacuation of Spitzbergen. Fuel dumps and coal mines are then blown up and set alight. Various shots of Averell Harriman and Lord Beaverbrook arriving in Russia for Three Power Conference. They are met by Sir Stafford Cripps. Various shots of American troops arriving in Iceland. Various shot of supplies for Russia being loaded onto the Trans-Iranian railway in Iran. Various shots of the train on its journey.
    Various shots showing the start of the Japanese war on America. Japanese planes bombing and large American coastal guns in action. Various shots of Libyan offensive with British tanks advancing. Various shots of wrecked German equipment and captured prisoners. Various C/Us of Franklin D Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Chiang Kai Shek and Winston Churchill.
    Animation of a swastika that dissolves into a 'V' for victory.
    FILM ID:1141.08
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