The amount of knowledge this guy has of this game is insane. Thank you for the tips and tricks, I’m having trouble with the rolling ball game(can’t believe I forgot the name lol) could you make a guide for that?
Lucas SENILLOSA yeah if u can’t do whirligig that’s a you problem cause you can literally fly past the first checkpoint if u get hit on the very first spinny boy
time stampes for every mode your welcome 0:17 Frut 0:26 dizzy heigts 0:34 hit prade 0:45 houarders 0:54 team tail tag 1:26 Fumbel rumbel 1:39 jixed 2:00 Gate crash 2:13 hoppsie Daisy 2:44 egg 3:02 Fall ball 3:23 tail tag
I had realized the bunnie hop on FG, but I hadn't realized you could use it in so many maps and in so many ways. Guy is certainly a pro edit: I used the wrong "hop", so before someone starts throwing trash at me for that I edited it.
@TheOfficialAidan why the hell would you mention his subscribers lol??? he clearly doesen't do youtube, you automatically lost the arguement because of that
I had the exact same problem on pc. I lowered the resolution in graphical settings and that completely fixed the problem - hopefully that works for you too!
You're simply amazing dude, I don't have frickin' words on how to explain that. Keep the amazing work dude! You're the best Fall Guys player in the entire world, there's no doubt!! 😉
Hey i bought fall guys 3 days ago already have 14 hours play time and 4 wins if i wouldve seen these tips earlier i would have had atleast 10+ wins by now thanks mate amazing content and tips nice and straught to the point (:
@@richforeverflawda6030 Its not that he's trash you dumbass because people reveal stuff like this and then after 1 month the game is gonna be noT fun because there's gonna be lots of sweaty tryharders who knows every trick of the game, i honestly like the parts when no one knows nothing. Just play the game have fun and try to win
Honestly I think that what you are trying to say is that the game will be like fortnite where everyone learns new exploit every single day, but that’s because epic ruined their game and never listened to people to patch up some exploits. I think they will probably patch this within the next update
Bro I'm just saying good job in your videos keeping them short so it's faster for people to watch and binge watch them too and you don't have intros as well and you focuz on what's happening. Keep up on the great work. 👍
I dont even play this game, but I can't help but watch these too videos. Also waiting for this guy to discover speedrunner mario reverse jumping in this game.
Especially on fruit chute this could be huge! Being able to escape the crowd at the beginning will be so helpful.
Slime climb too
@@sidhaanthchandra953 how do you do it on slimb climb
Giant rolling fruits that are the harder obstacle to deal with: *Am I a joke to you?*
@Sluvsluv stfu with the self promo
For me, the crowd aint rlly the problem on fruit chute
The amount of knowledge this guy has of this game is insane. Thank you for the tips and tricks, I’m having trouble with the rolling ball game(can’t believe I forgot the name lol) could you make a guide for that?
It’s called Rock ‘N Roll
I sometimes feel like he might be one of the developers...
Sluvsluv gotta love self promoting
Dinghan Xue I’m thinking that he’s someone who’s played since the beta.
2:57 the bunny hop worked a little too well
@Sluvsluv now watching it
@Sluvsluv from what I've seen so far you are really good
@@PerroFight I have, they should get banned within 48h
@@juddy7381 I think the message got deleted but I'm not sure
@@Jayfishu it did
Don’t u just hate when your own team takes your own tail away
I dont really care but several times its happened to me and I'll witness them lose it which pisses me off
I lost yesterday because my teammate took my tale and then lost it
@StragglyPie 103 same that happened to me too
diegoG1279 yeh it’s the worst. It’s the reason I hate team games
Idec I trust anyone with it over me
Here’s where the reports of hacks come rolling in lol
@Sluvsluv sure
@Sluvsluv karen alarm!
Sluvsluv stfu you said that same comment in like 20 other comments. STOP
@@gaudystream3859 hahah xD
2:57 can I call hacks on this
3:05 Imagine trying to win that soccer game and your team mate is just bunny hopping everywhere 😂
Soccer hmmm whats that?
Exm Senhor Batáguas it’s football ❤️
liqxifi Same thing, isn’t it?
Oh so that’s why everyone went in front of me on the whirlygig
It doesn’t really matter if you’re far behind on whirlygig
Its because youre bad
DevilVocano I was going to say the exact same thing
Lucas SENILLOSA yeah if u can’t do whirligig that’s a you problem cause you can literally fly past the first checkpoint if u get hit on the very first spinny boy
And if your super lucky u can just fly to the end on the first spinner
Other player be like: is this guy cheating?
@@mauriceiscracked no
@@wut2697 what is kids game? I know adult game but not kids game
Saxy_ Boy its a delvover game it’s not for kids
time stampes for every mode your welcome
0:17 Frut
0:26 dizzy heigts
0:34 hit prade
0:45 houarders
0:54 team tail tag
1:26 Fumbel rumbel
1:39 jixed
2:00 Gate crash
2:13 hoppsie Daisy
2:44 egg
3:02 Fall ball
3:23 tail tag
@@gosha3911 late raito
@@mugmannose ?
Fumble Rumbel??
Are u mad
Why u screaming?
It’s a joke
How to Bunny hop irl..
@@mauriceiscracked try not to self promote too much.
Your an actual pro I don’t even have to explain
I had realized the bunnie hop on FG, but I hadn't realized you could use it in so many maps and in so many ways.
Guy is certainly a pro
edit: I used the wrong "hop", so before someone starts throwing trash at me for that I edited it.
@Grecia Melgar imagine noticing and caring
Grecia Melgar imagine having 2 subs and complaining that someone used the wrong “your” because “your” to stupid to understand
Sluvsluv n
@TheOfficialAidan why the hell would you mention his subscribers lol??? he clearly doesen't do youtube, you automatically lost the arguement because of that
im a very big fan you are a legend first ever fall guys world cup winner
bro can you add me on ps4 or fall guys my id is EQ_slayyz and UNLTD_Am2cr7
Same here
Did he win in a tournament? I heard they are making 2 tournaments, but idk who won? If he is winner please respond i will be thankful.
i mean i think cause he gives awesome tips
EQ Am2cr7 please stop with the fortnite crap it’s cringy aff
Teammates : hey we are losing the soccer game
: just lemme do the bunny jump tourital
Sluvsluv bruh stop spamming comments with your yt channel thanks
@Sluvsluv please stop promoting your shitty videos on other channels you disrespectful fuck. Reported for commercial spam.
@@PartyMain I reported him too.
Wooosh If Gay Got the letters right though , just a bit problem on the arrangement
Good job, you just earned a new follower
Yooo you comin in clutch with these metas
I cannot thank you enough. Now I can see progress through my games , and now I win more games with these tricks thank you !. I subscribed
I’d do this except for the fact that I’m so unlucky that sometimes when I jump I just fall over for no reason
Same I dont know if its a glitch with our accounts
Oliver Chambers that sometimes seems like all the time for no reason 😭
it's possible that somebody pushed you over on the server, but it lagged to the point where you can't actually see it happening ingame
I had the exact same problem on pc. I lowered the resolution in graphical settings and that completely fixed the problem - hopefully that works for you too!
Tip:don't hold
Very good man keep ur good work
Just subbed. Can you do a tips and tricks on the “slime climes.”
watch repaz he Shows some nice shortcuts
Hiiii love ur tips and vids
Me: Opens a pack of gum in the class
All the other kids: 4:02
Came for bunny hop trick.
0:30 found another useful trick. Diving can dodge the rolling ball.
Thanks Fall Guys TV!
The outro is basically when someone opens a bag of chips
Noob Adonis yeah haha
Bruh 😂😂😂
lol crisps
2:09 thats what i need, good job keep up the good work
You're simply amazing dude, I don't have frickin' words on how to explain that. Keep the amazing work dude! You're the best Fall Guys player in the entire world, there's no doubt!! 😉
I love this channel it is so helpful! :)
This mans knows everything he’s like bruh this game easy I win all of them
Game name
I wonder how many crowns this man has 🤔
Win is easy, keeping win streak is another thing
Tried this trick today with some fantastic results. My favorite was using it in Royal Fumble to get some more distance between me and the chasers.
Bruh the way that ppl are tryharding on a party game is almost scary
people have been playing smashbros for 15 years, how does this shock you?
We always have that kid who tryhards in monopoly
man you should do see saw tips a big fan of your work btw :D
is it just me or does everyone else’s character always trip and fall over when they do this?
you have to try it on other maps not just the first one
@@Shortsman_12 what?
@@Shortsman_12 what?
@@Shortsman_12 what?
Oh no a commont chain is starting
This guy has absolutely game-breaking tips and I'm all here for it. Subscribed.
I just subbed with notifications on and saw this lol
You’re growing so much! I’m so proud
Players: Hacker
Me: Just good at the game because of Fall Guys TV
Bro needs more subs the content is too good🔥🔥
This oddly reminds me of that one super Mario 64 trick called “backwards long jump” but you go forward, and down instead of up and back
Your a Legendery Pro, You have one more subescribe! 👑
Plot twist: He is secretly the owner of the game using admin
These tips and tricks vids are really helpful you are a legend keep it up
The problem is
My enemies are watching this video too
Always appreciate more tips
Imagine that there is a map that is just going down this will be of we can just jump through the optical
bro literally the most useful channel on youtube
The combination of a bunny hop and a dive is really OP. Thanks!
nice tricks keep it up love you. you are really a pro
Just realise, in EVERY game there comes out a new youtuber that becomes super popular. Welcome “Fall Guys tv”
Hey i bought fall guys 3 days ago already have 14 hours play time and 4 wins if i wouldve seen these tips earlier i would have had atleast 10+ wins by now thanks mate amazing content and tips nice and straught to the point (:
I have 500 hours into the game and still haven't won a single match... not joking sadly :(
This dude is amazing
You are so underrated bro keep up the good work and your channel will blow up❤️
Day 1 of trying 2 get pinned by fall guys tv (the best fall guys channel out there) Edit: ty for all the likes and making this pinned
Well that was easy
So Erin, how do you feel about it
Fall Guys TV just didnt want this dumb ass in his comment section tryna get pinned every day
Is he jealous &jitty
This channel is a full carry to make u win. Tysm
2:13 talk about luck huh
Keep on doing ur tips and tricks! It’s a inspiration! A lot of ppl struggle with this game, u make players have hope!
I think this guy has A LOT of crowns 😅
This is the best Fall Guys RUclipsr :)
I’m sure I speak for everyone but we want to see how many crowns you have😭
As much subs he has
@@Xbox-sj7qw nah
Got 1 and I'm on lvl 25
@@thn4296 thats lower than average
@@zbbzbb4761 whats the average then?
I just hit 22 lol
Dude thanks a lot u earned itself another subscriber👍🏽
This is exactly of this game is going to become sweaty and people are going to ruin it
Cry trash
@@richforeverflawda6030 Its not that he's trash you dumbass because people reveal stuff like this and then after 1 month the game is gonna be noT fun because there's gonna be lots of sweaty tryharders who knows every trick of the game, i honestly like the parts when no one knows nothing. Just play the game have fun and try to win
just try and get ur wins in before everyone is a god
Honestly I think that what you are trying to say is that the game will be like fortnite where everyone learns new exploit every single day, but that’s because epic ruined their game and never listened to people to patch up some exploits. I think they will probably patch this within the next update
@@frank8164 Something like that
Hey keep up the great bids man, I do enjoy them
I swear he had like 5k subs a week ago wtf
Sluvsluv shut up
thanks this is going to help me a lot and i subbed and turned on notifications because u deserve it
Wow you growing really fast nice job
Yeah it's a huge help but not when U FREAKING FALL EVERY SINGLE JUMP LIKE ME!!
This is amazing I play Fall guys and I NEVER won an episode so this is really useful I liked and subscribed to your channel
Literally 99% people will not see this but, god bless you and stay safe during these hard times p.s I’m so close to 4k💫.
Love your vids keep up the good work
Never expected this. Good video
Bro I'm just saying good job in your videos keeping them short so it's faster for people to watch and binge watch them too and you don't have intros as well and you focuz on what's happening. Keep up on the great work. 👍
best youtuber ever thanks for the info
50k subs soon! Hyped!!
I dont even play this game, but I can't help but watch these too videos.
Also waiting for this guy to discover speedrunner mario reverse jumping in this game.
Love these vids. Keep making content for us to enjoy
yo ryan
wassup ryan
You guys are the smartest people that I know, like seriously how to you find out these things!!
Dude thanks for all the tips on this channel, we will use this to become a better player at our channel 🤗
Wonderful little trick. I'm glad I watched. Ty
Big respect to you 👏
You produce great and helpful content and then to top it off you like almost every comment on all videos
Could you make a tips&tricks on tip toe btw love you
As I watched you jump everywhere, I thought of Super Mario 64's Mario's triple jump 'Wah! Woohoo! Yahoo!' 😂☺️
This....changes....EVERYTHING!!! Amazing!
1:04 that poor red guy just wanted a tail so bad lol
Your one of the best ever fall guys players
Luv u channel bro helps me a lot to become a better player☺
Super helpful video! Thank you so much it will a huge difference!🙂👍
Nice trick, as always.. thank you for your tips :D
Im so glad this channel is small. Otherwise i'd see these strats everywhere
Your videos are so helpful!!
My favorite part was when you did that on the upwards treadmil. That will never be a problem for me again! Haha! Thx!
Your a legend and inspired me into making fall guys videos
For the first time I see someone making a tutorial that actually works.
Everyone: man my fall guy is too slow.
This guy: I am speed
Thanks for all the tips and tricks! Maybe I can soon get a win :)
Yo, great video as always 👍 Keep it up, I love ur tutorials
Cool video! 😎
Thank you so much and you're a LEGEND
This dude Gameplay is really smooth, it's simply amazing.
That is so cool technique , wish already have known this thank you..!!!