Ceramics - Making Clay and Pottery

  • Опубликовано: 14 авг 2018
  • Trying something new!
    Video that helped me learn how to center the clay:
    • Help! I can't center
    Thanks for watching!
    Social media:
    / make_ncreate
    Email: makencreate@outlook.dk
    Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional. Anything you see in my videos may not be the best/smartest/safest way of doing it.
    This video is copyrighted and my property and cannot be used or redistributed or published without my given permission.
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Комментарии • 955

  • @atlas3698
    @atlas3698 5 лет назад +576

    I love how you showed the process of obtaining and making the clay. It’s not something that you see very often in videos like this and it definitely adds to the entertainment. Good work!!

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад +11

      Thank you glad you enjoyed it.

    • @bukadz5686
      @bukadz5686 5 лет назад

      imthemap v

    • @thevicar7658
      @thevicar7658 5 лет назад

      Me too

    • @katie-jn1pn
      @katie-jn1pn 5 лет назад

      Make N' Create its showing where I'm at I can still use a shovel to dig up the dirt but I can't have a bong fire can I use the oven

    • @ronnetteharvey2002
      @ronnetteharvey2002 5 лет назад +2

      Can you answer the guy at the bottom concerning the fire. It'll help me too. Thanks

  • @spellwing777
    @spellwing777 5 лет назад +662

    Hey now, not bad for a first firing! Make them thinner next time, especially the bottom; beginners tend to make them too thick, resulting in big hunks flaking off like on some of your pieces. Also, let them warm up slowly. Place them next to the fire instead of right in, this warms them up and makes sure they're COMPLETELY dry, then in they go. And after, let them cool slowly. Just let the fire die down until its cool, and pick your pieces out. You could also try coiled pottery, it's a much easier thing to start with and allows you more control over the piece. And, as others have suggested, knead the clay to get air bubbles out. Prevents cracking, chunks coming off, and exploding. Yes, exploding.

    • @DawnShipley1977
      @DawnShipley1977 5 лет назад +10

      Excellent advice! It is what I was going to tell you.

    • @jeremymorrell4682
      @jeremymorrell4682 5 лет назад +29

      Good advice on warming up and cooling down the pieces slowly. Pouring water onto the hot pots was about the worst thing to do, but that's all right as it was part of the learning process. The reason that you want to warm them up slowly is twofold though- it's more so you prevent thermal shock than to dry out any remaining moisture in the piece. Heating up any unfired clay piece too quickly, or too unevenly, will cause it to fracture, no matter how little water it has left inside it.

    • @GonzaloWorl97
      @GonzaloWorl97 5 лет назад +6

      Thanks for the great tips! Do you know if it's possible to remove the 'burnt' parts of the clay to make the pot look neat and even?

    • @spellwing777
      @spellwing777 5 лет назад +4

      @@GonzaloWorl97 try a scouring pad. Barring that, a dremel tool. The blackened bits are very difficult to remove. Many people leave them on to add character to a piece.

    • @KEvronista
      @KEvronista 5 лет назад +5

      adding some grog to the mix would help.

  • @thingsretiredpeopledo3060
    @thingsretiredpeopledo3060 5 лет назад +45

    This is one of the best instructional videos I've ever seen; minimum talking, maximum showing - including learning bumps and fails - and grass roots technology from start to finish. Well done and many thanks!

  • @afinoxi
    @afinoxi 5 лет назад +105

    While making clay , knead the clay like a dough for some time , until it has no air inside. That will make it stronger , and while giving it shape you add water which makes it less likely to break. Also , it gets a better and a colour between gray-brown that is easier to paint.

    • @sanskritaursanskriti8787
      @sanskritaursanskriti8787 4 года назад +1

      Useful tips

    • @boleyn8463
      @boleyn8463 2 года назад

      Thank you!

    • @jlongmasbartholomew5724
      @jlongmasbartholomew5724 2 года назад

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
      It simply would not be the same without you. That is just how much the Lord need you on His side.
      Thank you for your time.

  • @julzmgrforll7278
    @julzmgrforll7278 5 лет назад +4

    I was told to put a freshlyeaten corn cob in one of the pots your firing. When the cob burns up your pot is fired. Works nearly every time. Really fun to watch. Thanks for the hard work!

  • @CarrieDensieScoggins
    @CarrieDensieScoggins 5 лет назад +76

    I am a Cherokee, and my ancestors used pit firing. I think that the step modern pit firing leaves out, most likely because of using a wheel to "throw," a pot, rather than hand make it, is the step of using a smooth object such as a spoon, to rub the clay. It makes partially dried clay, you guys call greenware, shiner, a slicker surface. Also, the key to the clay not cracking is a super slow warming up, gradually getting the clay hot in the fire, and a slow cooling down process. Instead of setting the pots down on hot coals, gradually move them closer in, and on the cool down, gradually move them off the coals and out of the fire. Also, make sure that the pot passes the fingernail test, can you push your fingernail into it, if so it needs to be fired at a hotter temperature.

    • @kathryndelbridge4229
      @kathryndelbridge4229 5 лет назад +5

      Carrie Geren - Scoggins smoothing the surface is called burnishing and its done to help waterproof pottery so items aren't porous. Greenware is simply unfired, sun dried pottery.

    • @kathryndelbridge4229
      @kathryndelbridge4229 5 лет назад +3

      Btw telling the world you're this or that has little bearing on what a person actually knows. Pfft...

    • @CarrieDensieScoggins
      @CarrieDensieScoggins 5 лет назад +4

      Yeah, that is what I just wrote, did not use the term burnishing because it was not a Cherokee term.

    • @ronnetteharvey2002
      @ronnetteharvey2002 5 лет назад +10

      I can't understand why you'd be so mean to ANYONE. So by your statement you're trying to prove how smart you are, in your way, so what's the difference? At least she's telling where her understanding of the pottery comes from. You're saying is comming from your mind and has no basis in truth. Her being Cherokee tells me right off that her family is probably trying to do all they can to hold on to the knowledge of their culture. It's a sad day on Earth when we can't respect each other's skin.

    • @blancaah6
      @blancaah6 5 лет назад +7

      +Concerned Citizen +ronnette harvey I think what +Kathryn Delbridge meant was that telling everyone who they are has no relevance to the topic being talked about here... Pit firing is not exclusive to Native Americans, it is the oldest known method for the firing of pottery. Her saying she is a Cherokee almost seems like saying that they were the ones that invented the method. In fact, she uses the term as a statement that what she is about to say is undoubtedly true and coming from a position that could not possibly be wrong... take into account that she did not say, I come from a family of potters so I know this, she said I'm a Cherokee so I know this, which makes her affirmation completely irrelevant. It's as if I said that I am Italian so I know how to milk cows to make mozzarella...
      BTW, way to make something about racism when it wasn't even mentioned... Grow up and defend the cause of racism when there is actual racism

  • @nickacoutin2505
    @nickacoutin2505 4 года назад +1

    Some how I watched this again and still love all the work that went in to making it.

  • @aminakhalid309
    @aminakhalid309 4 года назад +1

    I'm genuinely in love with the video.. this is reality.. this is how things turn out when you try them for the first couple of times..
    Thank you so much for sharing..

  • @Cheiko18
    @Cheiko18 5 лет назад +4

    I'm planning to do this with the clay I found next to a tiny lake. I'm learning pottery right now and I must say you were good for a beginner. Some masters have been known to take years to learn how to center.

  • @pheonixmann1114
    @pheonixmann1114 5 лет назад +143

    Hey man. Coming from another Craftsman. I think it's pretty damn cool you are venturing your art into other areas. Good job bro

    • @MikeTheMaker1
      @MikeTheMaker1 5 лет назад

      Pheonixmann111 agreed. It’ll be interesting to see where he takes this

  • @charliep8534
    @charliep8534 5 лет назад +2

    BEAUTIFUL! you know these days im studing ceramic classes and I LOVE THEM!

  • @daphneraven9439
    @daphneraven9439 5 лет назад +4

    Hi, MnC.. Tyvm for your video; i have often wondered about finding & processing my own clay , so this was particularly interesting to me.
    If I may return the favour, there are a few tips that someone took the time to show me; perhaps you might also enjoy them:
    - Clay is much more easily centered on your wheel if you brace your elbows into your hip bones and use your weight to stabilize your arms, especially when the clay is heavy, as you bring it to centre.
    - once you throw the clay and begin to work it, if one part of the pot refuses to conform, consider that there could be an air bubble trapped in bit of clay. If you take a pin tool and pierce the bubble, it's possible that you can just make a quick repair and just get on with your project.
    - somebody made a suggestion that you knead the clay before you use it. Kneading is what you do to introduce air into dough for example when you're making bread, so that it will rise. That person probably meant "wedge" instead of "knead". Wedging is the process of eliminating air from the clay body. It's such a useful skill to have and fairly easy to master; it will seriously rid you of at least 95% of frustration with pottery.
    -Check out "raku" firing; it'll get you sufficiently high firing temperatures to more fully vitrify your pottery.
    I hope to find more claying videos from you here on RUclips!

  • @TsetsiStoyanova
    @TsetsiStoyanova 4 года назад +70

    This was a really wild video! Beginning to end, you show it all. No talking needed!

  • @MiotaLee
    @MiotaLee 5 лет назад +5

    I love working with clay. I'm more of a sculptor than a pottery maker, but I enjoy making pottery too xD I used to be really bad ad handling it but once I got a feel for it I became addicted.

  • @dawnthompson1002
    @dawnthompson1002 5 лет назад

    Omg. That was fun, funny and educational all at the same time. I loved it.

  • @tramlephuongmai4658
    @tramlephuongmai4658 5 лет назад +54

    Haha it's so entertaining to see you fan the flame 🤣🤣🤣

  • @victorprangecampos74
    @victorprangecampos74 4 года назад +8

    You have to leave, decay for days in a shady place, so that it loses moisture, slowly, so that the material shrinks and does not crack, you can build a fire before handling the clay and adding the ashes to the clay before making the objects , the ash prevents it from cracking and the walls can be thinner the ash gives high resistance to the containers, after 15 days drying the shade, then you can put it in a small hole, and put a little fire of sticks for about 2 hours, without fire, this will cause the pieces to dry well and lose total humidity.
    Then you can start to slowly increase the fire, until you see them turn ripe pumpkin color, then increase the fire for about 3 hours, and let it burn.
    As soon as the fire starts to subside, throw warmer sand around the fire or earth, and cover the pieces well to cool naturally.
    The other day you can take them out, they will be perfect.
    Spread edible oil inside and outside, add water and boil for about 40 minutes, be careful not to let all the water evaporate.
    40 minutes you can remove from the fire with boiling water and let it cool.
    There you will have some very nice pots!
    I liked your work, young man.
    These steps I gave you are very good.
    Good luck.💡

  • @jamesbrisendine
    @jamesbrisendine 5 лет назад +6

    Nice job! The bay around where i live has a whole load of clay, thought about doing that back in the day.

  • @alecuy7308
    @alecuy7308 3 года назад

    I appreciate you sharing and showing a amateur work. So ppl upon trying this wont feel and think that they are exceptionally horrible. I respect your channel

  • @kylekingsman300
    @kylekingsman300 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your educational video. The world have gone too modern to forget these basic survival skills of nature❤

  • @awldune
    @awldune 5 лет назад +123

    I was surprised they didn't shatter when you poured water on them. Hope you will revisit this subject, I enjoyed the video.

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад +12

      I will. Thanks mate!

    • @b_uppy
      @b_uppy 5 лет назад +2

      Me too. Wonder why they didn't.

    • @ediebluntzer5185
      @ediebluntzer5185 5 лет назад +5

      @@b_uppy i have put red hot pottery right into cold water and never had a piece break. the water helps stabilize the pottery

    • @b_uppy
      @b_uppy 5 лет назад +4

      Interesting. I have had cookware crack under similar circumstances. Doesn't make sense to me that similar items would react differently under similar circumstances...

    • @theoneandonly15
      @theoneandonly15 5 лет назад +1

      Same lol

  • @chrisfor01
    @chrisfor01 3 года назад +7

    “Im pulling the clay up in a non perverted way”😂

  • @QuiltingCrow
    @QuiltingCrow 4 года назад +2

    That was by far the best video I have seen here in a while. So enjoyable! Thank you for not adding music. I adore the pots you made, they are really beautiful!

  • @zahraroo9695
    @zahraroo9695 4 года назад +1

    That was so fun.im actualy making something with clay and this helped me alot cause now i will wait for it to dry before fireing!
    Thank you for sharing with us

  • @TheRustAdmin
    @TheRustAdmin 5 лет назад +9

    I have some tips!
    clay cracks when it is too thick, so make sure the walls of the bowls are nice and thin
    you can make plates if you just use harder/drier clay
    this was a very interesting video, It would be nice to see a part 2 where you glazed them after firing naturally with something like beeswax or self-rendered animal fat!

    • @notmefrfr
      @notmefrfr 11 месяцев назад

      That's not glazing that's sealing. Earthenware pots like this are never glazed unless you are making ceramics in a kilm. To seal them all you need to do is cook starches, or melt bees wax or oine resin in it and coat it then let it melt out. It will absorb what it needs to. Similar to cast iron and developing a good season.

  • @heidijones580
    @heidijones580 5 лет назад +8

    Seriously great video and it also had me laughing a lot! Especially when you messed up the one and your comment after Lol! Very informative and helpful. Pretty cool, I'm going to try this.

  • @lynnann96
    @lynnann96 5 лет назад

    That was so much fun to watch! Thank you.

  • @chandrikag7452
    @chandrikag7452 4 года назад

    You are so genuine that you have shown both beautiful and broken pots !!

    • @jlongmasbartholomew5724
      @jlongmasbartholomew5724 2 года назад

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
      It simply would not be the same without you. That is just how much the Lord need you on His side.
      Thank you for your time.

  • @cvoisineaddis
    @cvoisineaddis 5 лет назад +6

    Nice work. I've tried to make clay, but most of the sediment size I was using was too big, but I'll try again when I can find a finer clay. Some things I've read and experienced: adding temper such as grog or crushed shells can increase strength and decrease chance of cracking. Slowly drying your piece, especially if it has a lot of water in it, usually by covering it loosely with plastic can also help decrease chance of cracking. Also, it's partially preference, but I prefer to start about as dry you had it the first time, and add water ass needed. When you added water over night, it seemed a bit saggy. Also, also, feel free to cone up and down a few times to really center before you start pulling a wall. Anyway, interested to see what you do next.

  • @sueevarico4372
    @sueevarico4372 4 года назад +4

    Love your video. Thanks for sharing your work. I’ve watched loads of experts doing this but they make it look too easy and never show where things can go wrong. :)

    • @jlongmasbartholomew5724
      @jlongmasbartholomew5724 2 года назад

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
      It simply would not be the same without you. That is just how much the Lord need you on His side.
      Thank you for your time.

  • @Luna-jk9de
    @Luna-jk9de 4 года назад

    So talented! This person learns so quickly

  • @nomodnolife
    @nomodnolife 4 года назад +1

    Definitely one of the most satisfying to watch
    Thank you for you originality, time and experience when sharing this
    Awesome video!

  • @hydeeabbott5507
    @hydeeabbott5507 5 лет назад +176

    Human brain: ah what lovely clay distillation, it’s so smooth and lovely
    Monkey brain: hnngh peanuut buuterr

  • @sethgrueneberg
    @sethgrueneberg 5 лет назад +10

    Hell yeah. You can let your pieces dry then put em back on the wheel and shave them into exactly how you want and get a super smooth finish. Use wet clay as “cleats” to hold the piece on the wheel. The cracks probably happened because of air bubbles in the clay. If a piece falls apart on you and you throw it back on the wheel without kneading, lots of air bubbles can occur which will cause the cracking. Great vid man!

  • @SabbaTheOfficerr
    @SabbaTheOfficerr 4 года назад

    This was the only video where only a single word was heard throughout its duration (No....!!). I loved how the focus was on the job and not the talk. Brilliant video. Had been doing research on the emotional experience of creating pottery. Got the right video!! Thank you so much!!

  • @Executed38
    @Executed38 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for showing clay gathering and prep. Gonna try this. Liked and subscribed 😊

  • @Syah_37
    @Syah_37 5 лет назад +3

    Thats cool & awesome😍👍👏

  • @maggieandlittlebull9982
    @maggieandlittlebull9982 3 года назад +4

    Truly a great video you don't see many kick wheels anymore great job.

  • @ginatonic9535
    @ginatonic9535 4 года назад

    Thank you for this video! Good balance in making it fun and entertaining aswell as very informative.

  • @meganthomas3212
    @meganthomas3212 5 лет назад +1

    This was really fun to watch!!

  • @shamroccsher
    @shamroccsher 5 лет назад +52

    I love how you showed your booboos. Lots of ppl post vids on perfect tutorials, never showing if there was anything that went wrong or could go wrong. You're helping us learn from mistakes. I love it! The speeding up time thing is awesome too, I didn't feel like I was being dragged along, it was slightly funny as well, making me want to stick around until the end. You're non-perfect vid inspired me to give it a try, and helps me understand if something doesn't go as planned, I can take it in stride with no worries. Thanks so much! I'm subbing to you for sure!

  • @demonofpixels
    @demonofpixels 5 лет назад +172

    Took me a while, to realize this wasnt a primitive technology video. The thumbnail fooled me

    • @reneebrown5598
      @reneebrown5598 5 лет назад +11

      Other than the pottery wheel it was a primitive pottery lesson.

    • @lilymayer5444
      @lilymayer5444 4 года назад +1


  • @evelynbagnasco7293
    @evelynbagnasco7293 4 года назад

    Well done. The trying. The whole process. The experimenting and learning. Thank you. Simple yet entertaining!

    • @jlongmasbartholomew5724
      @jlongmasbartholomew5724 2 года назад

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
      It simply would not be the same without you. That is just how much the Lord need you on His side.
      Thank you for your time.

  • @jalynnefuentes3342
    @jalynnefuentes3342 5 лет назад

    Thank you! You don't know how boring and uninformative other videos are. Thank you for editing and not distracting me with irrelevant details.

  • @loumoins4056
    @loumoins4056 4 года назад +3

    wow. i'm a potter and i'm in love right now.

  • @vedavision6002
    @vedavision6002 5 лет назад +4

    THERMAL SHOCK. Great video, commendable way to experience pottery.
    Too sudden a temperature change can cause the pot to crack. Also even when the pot is bone dry more moisture comes out in the firing. If the beginning of the firing is to sudden the steam cannot leave the inside of the pot fast enough and the steam causes pressure inside and explodes or partially explodes. (Goggles)
    Put pots near the fire to begin - the pots around the heat or the heat around the pots. From the fire ash, cover the pots in warm ash making two fires, then from the first fire use hotter ash over the pots, then glowing small sticks, then larger ones. This way you don't fan the kiln fire, only the first fire.
    They cool pots in water in Raku firing but then they have a clay with a lot of grog added, which makes it less likely to suffer the thermal shock. You can make your own grog by grinding raw clay into a dust then fire the dust and then wedge it into your clay. It can also make the clay easier to shape and model.
    Be great to see you make a small clay kiln wall and arch roof, flue ,fire box etc for higher temperature, but even then unless the kiln is a tried and tested design it is unlikely to reach the vitrification point of the clay(non porous) You could use a mound of earth to make a former for the arch. The kiln will harden with the first firing.
    You being able to throw with one hand like that means you have the skill potential. Your wheel has no splash bath to rest and brace your elbows on, so brace your elbows against your sides and brace you hands with each other and don't give in to the pressure of the spinning clay to push you hands outward or fingers further apart. With braced arms firmly push the clay into the centre .
    Have fun and make another video , Thanks.

    • @hms267
      @hms267 5 лет назад

      That os sooooo looong. Did u write it or copy paste?

  • @felipecunhamonkerino4493
    @felipecunhamonkerino4493 3 года назад

    Beautiful. The joy of creation.

  • @maryvolsdal3063
    @maryvolsdal3063 5 лет назад

    I give you credit for every step. This video was well done and a pleasure to watch. thank you

  • @Venceremos1960
    @Venceremos1960 5 лет назад +4

    EXCELENTE su video amigo...
    Eso es lo que debe hacer una persona que se quiere conectar con la TIERRA... es usted un empírico del barro y muestra muy bien ese proceso... al ensayo y error...
    Me sorprende que en un fuego tan pequeño, haya logrado el timbre (o toque de 'campana' en las piezas), pues cuando quedan crudas NO resisten la humedad y se desintegran. Las suyas debieron haber llegado al menos a 800 grados celsius.

  • @ChristopherJones16
    @ChristopherJones16 3 года назад +3

    11:58 Indiana Jones: "That's the cup of a Carpenter"

  • @mariagracielavineydemora5552
    @mariagracielavineydemora5552 3 года назад

    Excellent!!! Thank you very much!! Great video showing the complete natural process, perfect for my students!!

  • @Angry_Farmerz
    @Angry_Farmerz 2 года назад +1

    Wow! i could see you getting better with each pot. I love it! ❤️

  • @ediebluntzer5185
    @ediebluntzer5185 5 лет назад +12

    one of the reasons why your pottery cracked is because you didn't get all of the air out of the clay before throwing the cla.
    you really have to kneed the clay for a while otherwise a wonderful video

  • @L.MicheleB
    @L.MicheleB 5 лет назад +6

    That was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! Thank u so much for sharing

  • @vismivijayan6361
    @vismivijayan6361 2 года назад

    Thank you for showing this. I always wanted to do it on my own and this video shows what to do and expect. 👍

  • @slowerpicker
    @slowerpicker 4 года назад +1

    Excellent, especially for the lessons learned. Thanks!

  • @goldskula
    @goldskula 5 лет назад +23

    Love to see u doing different crafts

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад +1

      Glad to hear it, more coming down the pipe!

  • @bestestinventions7032
    @bestestinventions7032 5 лет назад +3

    nice to see your centering improvement! BTW i cracked a lot of pots when first trying directly firing them. i then realized i could warm them up over some low heat for about 30 mins / 1 hour before starting the real fire, and it worked, no more cracking.

  • @annwltr
    @annwltr 4 года назад

    Seeing some of your first efforts gave me some idea about how it'll be for me, really enjoyed

  • @TheFiown
    @TheFiown 5 лет назад +1

    Gosh four quirky pots for the price of a beer !! great job, so nice to be near water. Thanks for sharing .

  • @pabloescobar-fy7xv
    @pabloescobar-fy7xv 5 лет назад +11

    love the metal working the most but this is also awesome

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад

      Thanks mate. Appreciate the feedback!

  • @sharonjackson4888
    @sharonjackson4888 5 лет назад +5

    Just watching you makes me want to try this. you did really good for your first try, I think.

  • @jlsteelcrafts8378
    @jlsteelcrafts8378 2 года назад

    Good stuff. Looks like fun to try.

  • @lordshitpost31
    @lordshitpost31 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your experience, a good example for beginners :)

  • @alexandrepompeu_3228
    @alexandrepompeu_3228 5 лет назад +4

    I live in Brazil and I really like your videos. My English is not good if some word is wrong it was bad.

  • @AAX11111
    @AAX11111 5 лет назад +19

    Man afyer watching so much Primitive Technology, and seeing him do this without the wheel, it feels like your cheating.

  • @3DsadnessTM
    @3DsadnessTM 4 года назад +1

    That fire time lapse was beautiful

  • @unitranscastaneda3942
    @unitranscastaneda3942 4 года назад

    EXCELLENT ... PURE MAGIC....!!!!
    Thnx a lot for sharing!

  • @ricketysplit1
    @ricketysplit1 5 лет назад +7

    Yes I agree, that shape was totally non-perverted.

  • @TheAca300
    @TheAca300 5 лет назад +44

    I'm no expert but isn't soaking them in the water right after baking them in fire kind of invasive? Cooling them slowly would, maybe, be a better solution ?

    • @Danspy501st
      @Danspy501st 5 лет назад +3

      Well the very first person that tried pottery might also did the best things first :) I mean it take time to learn and he might even take it as a mistake and learn from it. Who knows? Beside he also isnt an expert in what he is doing

    • @TheAca300
      @TheAca300 5 лет назад

      Daniel Jensen well we aren't the first to do it. In my opinion it's counter intuitive. Maybe that wasnt even the problem! He'll maybe revisit the topic and learn from it, if it was the main problem, ofcourse

    • @afinoxi
      @afinoxi 5 лет назад +2

      He also needed to knead the clay dough until it had no air inside (basically until it gets gray-ish). He didn't do that which both makes it harder to paint and more likely to break.

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад

      They cracked before I cooled them If that's what you are concerned about.

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад +2

      I did knead for a couple of minutes off camera. I didn't spiral wedge it though.

  • @elenav556
    @elenav556 2 года назад

    Great job!A lesson on how to survive!Thanks!I will never forget)))

  • @victorvencedor10
    @victorvencedor10 5 лет назад

    Great work! Really didactic!
    Thank you!

  • @mrscary3105
    @mrscary3105 5 лет назад +23

    cooling them too quickly could cause cracking. But you did well for a first time out.

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад

      mrscary3105 they cracked before I cooled them.

    • @SuesOriginals
      @SuesOriginals 5 лет назад +1

      You did an amazing job of finding the clay, mixing it and throwing for the first time. Kudos for having the courage to video your efforts and then publish on RUclips! I have been potting for 30 years and I’ve yet to make a video of my process. The cracking you experienced was probably because they heated to quickly and unevenly. It can also happen when there is an air bubble trapped inside because it was not wedged enough. Keep up the good work.

  • @TomKTZ
    @TomKTZ 5 лет назад +7

    love your videos, they are very relaxing, a little tip: use dust from another pottery fails to reinforce your clay.
    check some videos from primitivetechnology to refine your technique

    • @doowack6384
      @doowack6384 2 года назад


    • @jlongmasbartholomew5724
      @jlongmasbartholomew5724 2 года назад

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
      It simply would not be the same without you. That is just how much the Lord need you on His side.
      Thank you for your time.

  • @MikeTheMaker1
    @MikeTheMaker1 5 лет назад +1

    Can’t wait to see what you learn next

  • @khandrshagufa5642
    @khandrshagufa5642 5 лет назад

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching it ...like u started from scratch.. Loved it

  • @zdravkogoshev294
    @zdravkogoshev294 4 года назад +9

    When you drop a water on a pot when it is Hot the pot crashes.

  • @trishenthfonseka9732
    @trishenthfonseka9732 5 лет назад +5

    I heated up a light bulb and immediately put water on it and the bulb burst. Just a suggestion.

  • @southfrozen9193
    @southfrozen9193 5 лет назад

    You are simply awesome.

  • @mothmanseyes
    @mothmanseyes 5 лет назад +1

    I looooooove centering the clay😍

  • @peachygirl5861
    @peachygirl5861 5 лет назад +6

    *i just love how he doesn’t care if his shoes get wet most youtubers would be like oh no my yeezys!*

  • @migmagingenieria
    @migmagingenieria 3 года назад +9

    At first thought you were returning the clay to the beach lol....

  • @srilekhaarts786
    @srilekhaarts786 9 месяцев назад

    Loved it. The way you did all wrk

  • @valeriamunoz6826
    @valeriamunoz6826 3 года назад

    COOL!, I loved the beer detail!

  • @RandomShip23
    @RandomShip23 5 лет назад +7

    Awesome work. Nice to see you work with materials outside your comfort zone. Looks like a lot of fun to learn. Keep it up mate.

    • @MakeNCreate
      @MakeNCreate  5 лет назад +1

      It is! but also very frustrating. Thanks.

  • @ayyya401
    @ayyya401 5 лет назад +6

    How was the smell of cray in the bucket...?

    • @theoneandonly15
      @theoneandonly15 5 лет назад

      Not really a smell tbh but depends on what type and where you got it

  • @asiartandcraft
    @asiartandcraft 5 лет назад

    totally worth to try

    @THISYEAR Год назад

    l love how you showed the process of obtaining
    and making rhe clay. lt's not something that you
    see very often in videos like this and it definitely
    adds to the entertainment. Good work!!

  • @rishabhmayank
    @rishabhmayank 5 лет назад +4

    There are many reasons that this would crack:
    1. Filtered clay with mesh may contain large sand bits so use a silk screen after that.
    2 . Let the pottery cool by its own pouring water on hot pottery is a surefire way for it to crack..

  • @sziluchannel
    @sziluchannel 5 лет назад +3

    To find the center grab all clay on the wheel and hook strong. This is my "tactic".

  • @makaylakhanoba5071
    @makaylakhanoba5071 2 года назад

    This is the best clay making video I have ever seen 😍 🙌 ❤

  • @Xerkies
    @Xerkies 4 года назад

    Since now I realize how easy it is to get clay. Who wouldn't try to make Pottery? Looks fun

  • @mariamonicapalma3142
    @mariamonicapalma3142 5 лет назад +3

    Nice and honest vid.. "Shaping it in a non perverted way´ hahahahjah

  • @dalesmith4609
    @dalesmith4609 5 лет назад +5

    3:04 thought that was a lady in a dress standing next to you

  • @Elithia.m
    @Elithia.m 4 года назад

    I’m getting into pottery myself. I harvested clay from a nearby river, made a little pot from firing in my backyard, and this past semester in college I took a ceramics class! I learned a lot and have about a bag and a half of clay to mess around with!!

  • @GypsyTheGoatOnTube
    @GypsyTheGoatOnTube 3 года назад

    Amazing to watch beginning to end

  • @user-tc7bv4tt8e
    @user-tc7bv4tt8e 5 лет назад +4

    через минуту хотелось руки оторвать. Ну Вы и ущербники. любой русский школьник, первый раз сев за кружало, вытянуть сможет в разы лучше. глину перевел.

    • @Bacbka341
      @Bacbka341 5 лет назад

      У меня по другому поводу бомбануло. Я хоть и никогда не делал подобного но прекрасно понимаю что водой на расколенную деталь чего бы то нибыло лить нельзя. Нужно дать остыть самостоятельно. Ну на крайняк поместить в камеру с отводом тепла вентилятором или типо того

  • @killjeden474
    @killjeden474 5 лет назад

    Your so talented thats amazing.

  • @nightcoder5k
    @nightcoder5k 3 года назад

    Good job. It's amazing what you can do with your hands.

  • @aliciamoon9816
    @aliciamoon9816 4 года назад +1

    I'm trying this for the first time today using your video as a guide :)
    Just waiting for the clay and water to settle and separate now.