Good for you for having the courage to not only ask the questions we’re not supposed to ask, but to actually walk away. I’m currently PIMO, trying to ease my way out. My brother committed suicide at the KH years ago, and that was my wake up call. I’m a fourth generation JW on both sides, so I’m risking my entire family shunning me at this point but my conscience won’t allow me to stay. Peace and blessings to you and yours. I wish you the best!
@Alexis I’m sorry for the loss of your brother that is very sad. I can’t imagine what he was going through to take his life in the manner he chose too..❤ as mentioned before pretend you’re already being shunned, get a few outside support system, counseling etc..Take care. Keep us posted on your freedom journey…☺️
I'm confused, isn't "the truth" what the JWs call it? I'm an atheist and I'm happy Mark left the JWs not because I don't believe in that religion I'm happy because he should be able to worship any way he wants and not have to be used by an organization that doesn't have his best interest at heart.
It is very brave of you to produce this. I grew up in the religion and was saved by grace at the age of 40. It is encouraging to see another one who left who did not drift into atheism. Most do. Most who leave are just burned out completely. And they leave God and Christ and everything. Subscribed.
I WAS a Jehovah's Witnesses (born and raised) and JESUS saved me. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.........." Romans 1:16. I now know what it means to be free.
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Just subscribed. I was third generation JW. Christ set me free of that religion and I will never go back to the lies. So many of your thoughts are my thoughts too. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the Life. There is no one else to go to. Thank you for your video, it will validate many who are waking up and leaving.
I believe your channel is going to flourish. Please keep making videos. Jesus saved me too and He deserves all the praise. Been df’ed for years, was suicidal and so lost and confused for a long long time. That is the devil’s religion and it honors him every memorial when everybody gets dressed up to deny Jesus by not drinking the wine or eating the bread as He instructed His disciples to do. Looking forward to more videos from you. May God’s peace, love and protection surround you and your family, Amen💞
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Just excellent I was born in left 2 years ago at 80 years old . Have still kept my faith . Not sorry for time spent as I did it for GOD not 8 men in America or an organization. Lost family and long time friends . Blessings to you and your family
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Great video, loved your message. I have JW's in my family and I see them all the time near my work, and I go out and share the bible with them ,I politely, nicely show them the things the organization twist in the bible, I show them the things the organization changed and words added, sometimes it feels like it's going nowhere, but I have to trust that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts to see the truth.
Brother, you don’t need a format when you have the Holy Spirit working through you, congratulations on taking God’s free gift of grace!!! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Thank you for sharing your experience. I recently left as a ministerial servant and regular pioneer,the deity of Christ was the belief that pushed me to leave the organization. “If you don’t have the Jesus of the bible, you don’t have a Jesus that can save” was something that really stuck with me. Believing in the Jesus of the watchtower can’t save you.
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That was truly beautiful and touched my heart ❤️ from a witness who woke up after being baptized for 48 years! It is very traumatic and yet freeing. Thank you so much for sharing and caring 💕
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ExMo here, I can relate on a deep level as I was a part of an organization that did not teach truth and full of false prophecy. I went through a faith crisis recently and it was not easy my heart ached to learn how I had been dooped nearly 20 years of my adult life. Like you I believe in the words and teaching of Christ not of what men have taught. We were in different religions but experienced similar gas lighting tactics. Thank you for this video
@@lifeissimplepodcast **I was never a JWs and my only experience with their church was agreeing to do Bible Studies with them in college. This lasted several months and ended when I graduated and moved back home. ** These were very awkward Bible Studies because the JWs never answered any of my critical thinking questions...not one! They often tried to rush through lessons knowing a critical question 🙋 would come. I would ask a question and then total silence! After the silence they would say, "You know due to limited time let's not get off course or we'll research and address that for next week studies" What they could not get was that I sincerely wanted to understand their teachings but more importantly wanted clarification and proof directly from the Bible. **I realized that I was receiving a lot of answers that couldn't be questioned and had a lot of questions they wouldn't answer.** In conclusion I could never join a group or church were I could not question their teachings for further clarification or understanding. It's literally a form of mind control at that point. ***Critical thinking is would anyone have joined the JWs organization had they SIMPLY have done research, asked the hard questions, known their Bible and didn't accept anything taught to them by complete strangers without proof? Yes or No?***
Thank you for being honest, open and encouraging. I almost became a JW. Now I'm hoping my former members of the congregation will see the real Light... Blessings from the Netherlands.
Absolutely! I found our beautiful 👑 Savior after walking away from WT. The BEST thing I ever did in my life ❤️! Thank you 👑 FATHER 🙏🏾🤲🏽💝! Thank you 👑 YESHUA 🙏🏾🤲🏽💝!!
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This is the first time I see a video that exactly matches my thoughts, thank you for this. The truth sets you free both spiritually and physically, thanks to Jesus. I'm a PIMO and wish you the best but above all God's blessings
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*I subbed and liked! I support and love the exJW community. Young views are always appreciated and well needed. Thanks for taking the leap sir. Great voice!!!*
Is this the one @ rev 19:15 we are supposed to find ? This Christ is now..Iron rod is me how it isn't !! As the Man of lawlessness Two witnesses..anti Christ There are activities one has to accept are to be expected ! Rev 11:6 refers to PLAGUES.. Not what we might have expected ! Detrimental effects..or negative consequences.. THESE THINGS MUST.. MUST TAKE PLACE. Mindset of 2 Petet 3:12
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Thank you for this video. May folks in the JW be led by God to your channel. I could hear your heart and it was the heart of our Lord. God is Love Thank you Jesus for what you have done.
There is certainly a lot of rejoicing in heaven when a person comes to Christ. Even on earth, I am also celebrating for you, Life is Simple, as my new brother in Christ. Keep your videos coming. I enjoyed your first one a lot. Thanks!
Happy to meet you my brother in Christ. You touched my heart. When I saw your video, i thought, possibly another agnostic or soon to be atheist. So, I was planning to write in the comments that the organisation is not God, as a message to you. But you made me happy because you were led to the understanding that Yeshua only is the way not an organisation. Wishing you God's blessing in your walk of faith.
Brother! My husband and I were born in. We left in the summer. Couldn't be more happy and at peace. All glory to the Lord!!!! We are also apostate, they say! But we are with Christ instead of a Governing Body!!!
We are commanded, in these Last Days, to come "out of Babylon" which is the RC church, and all her Sunday-Sabbath daughter-churches. Go to Revelation chapters two and three, and see what Yahuwah says to the Seven Churches of the Gentiles. Only one gets a Free-Pass on the Tribulation hour, and only if she keeps to "the WAY, as at the first" . IMO you do well to come out of Churchianity, just as I did. With one caveat; Exodus 20: 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. We are commanded to work SIX days then rest on the Seventh. This makes it imperative to know what weekday is the Seventh, and to do NO WORK on it, after God's definition of work. I have made my decision, and am working it out. I am 69 years old and strong and healthy, blessed in every way. May you find Yahuwah, and His Sabbath, and the Church of Philadelphia.
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You are dead on in your whole discussion. As a XJW I have come to the same understanding that Jesus. I pray in humility for those who have not received Jesus and the total freedom and peace he gives. Keep up the good work. 👍
Wow! This is a great video. I was raised in the JW cult and after 30 years had the courage to leave. I lost all my family and lifelong friends and found Jesus! Jesus has blessed me greatly and I now have an eternal family and a true father! Please keep producing your videos. May God bless you and your ministry. ❤️🙏
Someone on TT sent me to you tube and I’m so glad they did. This hit me to my core. I’m over here crying. Thank you for doing this. Was a JW for 39 yrs. I left 7 years ago. And have been lost. I didn’t want this vid to end. Was so good.
I have family that are so badly brainwashed by this horrible organization. It’s so hard to to talk to them, and frustrating trying to show them the truth about the watchtower. I could go on for hours about all the evil, freemason connections I’ve made. I pray Jesus opens their eyes 🙏🙏 thank you for sharing
I think passing the emblems at the Memorial when Jesus said to partake in the Bible is enough for people to see that it is a ritual for rejecting Jesus. They want you to praise a God outside of Jesus while thinking you are doing the right thing at the same time by including him every now and again . That never sat right with me, even as a kid sitting through the meetings.
Hey brother, thank you for this video, I related very much to many of your expressions & emotions. I too felt sui¢idal & was actually plotting to end things eventually. NONE of the elders in my congregation showed much concern the times I reached out & I felt so desperate & alone. But God opened my eyes recently & I've felt much better, realizing I am worthy, to God & that's all that matters. I NEVER thought I'd refer to it as a cult, but it definitely is. It disgusts me just thinking about it. I still believe in God, but I'm still just a little confused about what to believe & what not to. I do have love & respect for Christ in comparison to the organization which focuses more on men(Governing Body) which never felt right on how little credit they gave to Jesus. P.S. Good job on the video
Dear brother in Jesus, please don't despair. Find another believer and have fellowship and study God's word together. Where two or more are gathered in His name, He'll be there in the midst of them. Don't be confused because JWs have accidentally got a very few things right. Christ's Holy spirit is working in you already, He will lead you into truth and the way will become clearer. Don't be impatient, pray and your heavenly Father will guide you. You don't need to be an actual member of a church, you just need another brother so you can search together. Yours in Jesus, Sheila xx
Sheila Smart, I’ve said those words many times… “ you don’t have to be a member of a church” your relationship with Jesus is between the two of you and not the congregation…. ❤
Feelings that are justified..yet WE ARE NOT OUTSIDE PROPHECY. rev 11:18.. The behaviour of the GB fit perfectly..the bibles description of the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS .. Why does revelation 16 talk of blasphemy ?..many are MADE to blaspheme with the surge in recent development of social media.. Is Gogs final attack under way ? Coming with clouds covering the land..the exwitness community and activists have been able to gather from the four corners of the be a cohesive group ! The most impactful verse l came across was one l stumbled across after l was disfellowshipped. Rev 11:6. Plagues..interesting word Think : Who are PLACING THEMSELVES in the temple ? For Jesus to come as a thief..unexpected..our understanding must be out of step with Gods timetable. If rev 19:15 - 18 is BEFORE ARMAGEDDON.. we ought to expect Harsh cold unyielding and unfeeling treatment of weakened sheep .. Is that what we see ? Was this pandemic mentioned @ rev 19:17&18 ? Google tells us this SARS virus unzips human DNA.. FLESH gets consumed !! The economic needs had to be met when lockdown stopped people being in close contact ..making the way as REV 16:12 Talks of the kings from the east.. What's going on between East and west right now ?. REV 11 is the final temple arrangement .. Two interesting title.. What John @ verse 10 reveals those distinguished as opposers from worshippers..with the fact that the opposers of the two witnesses EXCHANGE GIFTS. SATURNALIA was around when John wrote..
@@sheilasmart6985 Are we with Jesus @ rev 19:15? When is that time ? Was verses 17&18 symbolic ..? Covid ? Corona means crown.. What could flesh represent ..needed income..perhaps literally our bodies which unzips with the virus. Not all viruses are round In shape .. Birds of heaven God invited to an evening meal.. Ezek 38:20-22 may well parallel.
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Hi - Thank you for your great video. At first, I thought I'd just watch it for the cartoony bits and just let the words float over to me. But my goodness, what an eye-opener. Really really grateful that you not only put such a great video together (and must have spent a great deal of time putting all the movements etc together - that alone is an accolade) but the information you shared, the depth of feeling, and the points you drove home - it was great. During the video, I clicked the subscribe button, simply out of respect to you. I loved the use of the Scriptures - it was so kindly. Please keep doing what you're doing. There are so many out there putting channels together nowadays that I think it's really important to do many channels - I can't help but feel that there are a good few people scratching their heads wondering if the JW is the correct religion to follow and having a wealth of people who are simultaneously reading and allowing the true message of the Bible to permeate through them, can only mean that there are plenty more resources a headscratching person has access to. And when done so kindly and thoughtfully (as loads are), then it's like a comfy armchair saying "Come and sit in me". Thank you so much xx
👊🙏 You are blessed.. It's so simple but unfortunately witnesses are so indoctrinated and ready to have conflict with anyone who challenges or hinders their faith. I have a brother and a mother who are both baptized for decades I was one day away from becoming a baptized witness for whatever the reason Jesus turned me around and I've tried to talk to both my brother and my mother and got nowhere. God bless you and yours my brother.
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I’ve just started to watch Your video and I am so touched by it. I grew up as an unbaptized witness. I opted out thank God. Happy you’re breaking it down and helping others
This video, your testimony, your truth is spot on. I’m listening to you, (will listen again). And I rejoice in Jesus our Lord and Savior that you were drawn by the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your family. I’m not JW, never have been, but I know about the cult.
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Hi Mark. Exactly! As if God would be upset with us for trying to ask questions or even for having doubts about anything. He is our Father and wants to help us know him better.
Wow!! VERY well done! Thank you for your wisdom and testimony! Your message and the manner in which you express it will help many trapped in the cult of the Watchtower to have the courage to examine their origination. The truth does not fear examination, a lie flees from it!
Have ety Mark, I am glad you're a a alive, and want to send t you a hug. This borganization causes so much pain. People give up so much for it, and it just keeps taking. One question it puts in your head is "where will you go? As if you have to have all the answers, right now. That's THEIR way of keeping you in." There is a Subreddit, exjw, full of people who can relate to you. You are a beautiful person, keep believing in yourself. The fog of this cult will clear with time. Hugs❤️
Greetings brother your testimony is very powerful I remember I was sent to live in Massachusetts as a teenager I befriended a young Jahevoh witness lady and we use to have Bible study and after a month or two I started talking to her about Jesus ,we had a another Bible study and she told me that she had a dream she was in a burning house I told her your in the wrong place ,what sad is she rejected what I said and didn't accept it I tried for months afterwards I just ended things I wish I kept in contact with her but I moved away I pray she found the truth this years ago I'm in my 40's now. Keeping you in prayers brother happy you found the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 ❤️.
Such a beautiful sad message, sad because I know the hurt that comes with losing family and people you thought were your friends ! But have faith, there’s a lot of wonderful worldly people out here . Thank you , I’m sure this message will help many !
Hello Mark! I really enjoyed your video!!! I am an Ex JW also so I know where your coming from. Stay strong I know it's hard but it will get easier the more time that goes on😊
Im crying right now after hearing this. Thank you brother for making this and sharing it with all of us. I too feel compelled to share bible truths to save JW family. I felt the holy spirit lift a veil Ive been struggling with for a long time as I listened to your video. God bless you.
Praise the Lord!! Your testimony gives me hope. I am praising Jesus for His saving power to bring you out of the darkness into His glorious light!!! My mother is a JW, she was a born in who was disfellowshipped in her 20's and returned in her 60's. I am so grateful that'll she was not in when she had her children and raised us. She sent my little brother and I to private school for a good education which was also a Christian school. I believed in Jesus in 3rd grade, that's when I accepted the gospel. My mom still had the JW doctrine engrained deep within which caused her and I to have many debates. Even as a child I could not accept her views on the Bible, that hell wasn't a place of eternal fire, it was just the grave, that we didn't have a spirit inside of us, like a soul that needed to be redeemed. That believing in Jesus was not enough, you had to do works, the list goes on and on. I stood my ground for the gospel of Jesus Christ then and I'm still standing on it as a 48 year old woman. She is so deep in and cannot even grasp the truth of Christ. I still pray for her to have doubt in their ever changing doctrine. I have suffered deep pain and anguish they the years over the state of her eternity and how the organization robs her daily of the Truth of Jesus and the peace and joy of salvation He brings. Duped is an understatement. Keep sharing your testimony and exposing this corrupt cult so more people can hear the truth about their deception and lies, that they too might be saved!! Thank you for this content. You sir, are a miracle!!! All glory be to the Most High God!!!!!
Your story sounds so much like mine. I’m saved now for 37 years and my mother a JW for 34 years so deeply intrenched in this cult that she won’t listen to scripture or what is going on in the news about her organization. I have been slowly collecting some of their old books to hopefully show her where they don’t line up with the Bible.My mother is 71 now and I’m 56 .For years I didn’t want to get into conversations with her about God because it’s like talking to someone who is def and blind….she doesn’t hear the word of God neither does she see it’s truth and power (if it is not coming from the Watch Tower). She thinks she knows it ALLLLLL and she is so condescending about it. She is now elderly and sharp as a whip but still on her way to hell. I now will confront her by trying to get her to think for herself and pray that the seed that I drop in her heart that someone will water and God will give the increase. I actually asked her “does she believe in Jesus?” and gave scriptures laying out salvation. I hope that it will stick in her mind and bother her so that she will start thinking for herself as she runs to combat me.🙋🏾♀️
@Jenay Tucker thank you for sharing your story. I will also pray for those seeds of truth to be watered and for God to bring the increase!! The indoctrination is so strong and deep BUT God is stronger & His reach is deeper!! Let's believe BIG. for our mother's salvation and not lose hope!!! All for the glory of God!! He is Mighty!! Jesus came to set the captives free and heal the blind and open the ears of the deaf!! I pray in Jesus name for their eyes and ears to be opened to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus as He is the only way to salvation!! 🙏
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I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF THIS MY BROTHER❤ I have noticed many have left the organization and now focus on Jesus. Wonderful to see that. I started reading many translations of the Bible and found the truth. The truth is simple and indeed sets you free. Love you. Can't wait to meet you. Appreciate your work so much. ❤
Thank you so much for taking the time to put out this and many of your other videos. I've recently subscribed to your channel because I find alot of similarities that I share with you. I recently woke up back in November. I've been a witness off and on most of my 35 year old life. My dad passed away in 2021 so it made me want to come back to the org (I had been df'd for seven years prior) and get my life right. Well, I flipped my life upside down to make sure I could be reinstated. Well, I waited for 20 months and the elders kept telling me to just "keep going". I began to have questions, so I did my own research. Yes, I remember that fear when my hand hovered over the mouse to click on jwfacts. I was shaking. I was so scared of what I would find and kept telling myself that it's all going to be lies. I found the opposite and now, three months later, my relationship with Jesus is unlike anything I've ever experienced while being a witness. It's as if I could finally feel the love of Christ within me, spreading to my family and now I feel free, no longer bound by the control of a man made organization. Again, thank you so much. Your videos make me feel inspired to even start making my own with my own story and hopefully I can touch someone else like you've touched me. 🙏💕
Yo! My Brother 😌. Man, I love the animation, and I love that you simply used the Bible to make your points. I see that this is your first video. Please keep them coming 👍🏾 🙏🏾.
Good video. I was born in and at age 47 woke up after reading the Bible with an open mind and seeing the difference between the message in the Bible compared to the message from Watchtower. Love you brother. I lost relationships with my parents and brother when I decided to follow Jesus Christ.
Thank you for an amazing video. I grew up in the JW faith, and left once I left home. Fast forward 40 years later and I've found myself in what appears to be another cult. I am praying and planning to exit. God is speaking to me loud and clear and I, too, am sickened by the brainwashing of these organizations. Pay attention everyone and test the spirit, as the scripture advises. Stay in the Word, pray and fast and be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Deception is real out here!
Really appreciated this video, great application of scripture. Which is truly all we need, delve deep and allow the Holy Spirit to divulge God’s meaning and understanding. I’ve been out for over 30 years, wanted nothing to do with the Bible for over 13 years. Then God came knocking and I became his friend once again.
Thank you so much. I owe a letter to a JW relative and want so much to share a few scriptures to encourage her to build a relationship with Christ - regardless of how she practices her faith. Some of the Scriptures you shared are PERFECT for conveying the message. Looking forward to future videos! Thank you again!
@@bryantucker7203 @bryantucker7203 You are very kind, Bryan. In general, I'm not a fan of organized religion, simply because there is a tendency for the exploitation of power. That said, there is a great deal of good that organized religion is able to accomplish when their priority is doing as Christ did, showing compassion to those in need of it. Peace, Bryan.
@@emmamae1960 okay that’s good, well as for me I’m originally from Dublin Ireland but moved to California since I lost my wife and daughter on a fatal car accident 8 years back when they were going out for shopping I’m only left with my granddaughter brenda she’s currently in the boarding school due to the nature of my job, I’m currently in Sweden for a road contract.
My mom converted to JW when I was elementary school… I was saved in 2015 and by Gods Grace and many spirit led discussions my mother got saved following. I’m glad she was inactive as it allowed her to open her ear to what I had to say.
@@alishaba-, I was doing personal studies and seeing things about Jesus that I had never seen before so in my zeal I would show her. It wasn’t a direct attack on her so she didn’t know how to handle it but just listen and sometimes object. Eventually the information I showed her became overwhelming and she confessed she had to believe Jesus was God. This was over a years period though… JWs don’t know how to handle someone who is deeply in love with Christ and his word. They think they are but when a born again Christian shows up who is on fire it really throws them off because they are used to thinking they are the only ones who live in their bibles.
@@PackOnTrackDogTraining Thanks for responding. I have tried to show my mom some things and I keep praying for both my parents every day. My sister also woke up and has had some conversations with her too asking about different verses. (She was never baptized in the org and lives with her.) I just pray and believe that someday my parents will wake up and come to Christ too. I think my mom is struggling with not being able to answer a lot of questions we've brought up but she still trusts the org. Just the idea of the org not being the truth is beyond where their mind goes now.
Very edifying. I'm a born again Christian and I give God all the praise for not letting me die before I surrender. I have JW friends and family trying to reach them it makes me sad researching this JW. Thanks for your video. I pray the Holy Spirit with cover you my brother.
Great video… I didn’t write a DA letter either, I received a few phone calls from some “friends” and I ignored, ignored, & ignored their calls…When you’re done, be done and keep it moving… 😂😂
Excellent video! The Holy Spirit is with you. God bless you. John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me".
I praise Jesus for this video! I believe he inspired u to make this video. I m an ex JW. Left the organization over 50 years ago, but not Jesus! I could relate to everything u r saying n feeling. It’s been a long n hard struggle coming to terms with the subtle brain washing u receive when u become part of the JW’s. But I think that most people that join this organization are really searching for Jesus n his truths but r led astray by satan. It’s taken me a long time n a lot of healing from God to now have a beautiful relationship with Jesus. I pray all the time for people that r trapped in false beliefs that they will be set free by the truth n find Jesus. N yes, a lot of people that leave the JW’s r so traumatized n so damaged that they stop believing in God n I pray for them! Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, n the Life. No one goes to the Father except thru Him. Tnx for this much needed channel!
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Thank heavens you are talking to us ex jws my poor mother was 60 years and woke up 2 years ago as well as me in and out for 40 years can't wait to here more of your videos ❤
Thank you for making this video. Your voice is soothing and easy to listen to. I love your use of scripture and really your overall simple, humble message of the gospel and of just reading the Word and praying. I praise God that you were delivered from this cult and that you found the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I said a prayer for your family. May God bless you richly.
Amen bro, God is faithful to show anybody the truth who wants to know the truth. I love your courage & testimony! All glory to the Lord! Gospel of your Salvation: (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 1:7, 1:12-13; 2:8-9; 2 Cor. 5:21) By grace through Faith! Good job brother! 🙌🙌
Thank you for letting us join you on your journey. Many,I believe, will benefit. I am old. If I can benefit, I am sure there are other who will also. Many blessings to you.
Thankyou! I was born and raised in the cult. I did write a letter annul my Baptism from them. Well I ran away with my Mom and Sister who had left the cult when I was younger. Without them I'd be dead today, because suicide was always on my mind in the cult. I was abused sexually, mentally, physically and spiritual. I left in 2002. I've so many disabilities because of it all. But I'm free
Thank you for exalting Christ! Praise God you've turned away from the voice of strangers and are following the Good Shephard! Stay in His Word, Keep your eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of our faith. "These have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." - John 20:31
'Brother' welcome to the family of God!!! I know that just calling you brother may trigger some people on this forum, it still feels culty to say it, but it has new meaning to me now. Now I have real brothers and sisters, not people who are way too often looking at you with the intent to judge not lift up. call you family until you stray then they drop you like your nothing to them. I was raised as a JW, I did all the JW things, I joined the theocratic ministry school and gave first talk when I was 6, started going door to door in a stroller. I pioneered, auxiliary and full time in summer. Baptized when I was 13, and praise God, disfellowshipped a couple months before my 18th birthday. I'm 54 now so it's been a while, but you can never really fully leave it behind you, it's part of who you are you lose a big part of your identity. It took some time but a few years after I was disfellowshipped Jesus led a Pastor to me who knew a great deal about cults, the guy was amazing, and of all the cults he knew about the society was his passion, over the course of a few weeks he lovingly un-indoctrinated me and led me to Christ. sadly almost every ex-JW I have ever met is either very disillusioned, guilt ridden and wanting to go back, or are full on atheists. It breaks my heart to see how effectively satin as won even if they do make it out. I am so grateful that there's so many recourses out here to teach truth to people who are trying to come out of Watch Tower. I'm also very grateful that God has put you where he has you, I sense has a new ministry in mind for you. May God continue to bless you and all those still inside with courage, wisdom and boldness.
Lovely video, thank you! I became instantly atheist on waking up, which took approximately 30mins. The issue is that most Witnesses do not have a relationship with god like they think they do, it’s a controlling structure so when the props fall, there is nothing. Despite being atheist I appreciated this video.
One word: MASTERPIECE 🙏 Thanks for sharing your truth with the ExJW Community! *They got me real good with this "Triple A".. Available After Armageddon nonsense!! I heard it all the time..."Why get married now when we're so close to the end of this system?..Why get bogged down with all the unnecessary stresses, depression and distractions, when you can marry a perfect man in the new system?" Yes, I fell for it, but I'm moving forward because Life Goes On!! Let's keep fighting! 💪
Thank you. I'm so saddened by ex-jw's who throw the baby (Jesus) out with the bathwater. Christianity did not start with the Watchtower. So often with JW's, like Mormons, once they wake up and realize it was a lie, they denounce Christ as well as their false church. It's heartbreaking.
Good for you for having the courage to not only ask the questions we’re not supposed to ask, but to actually walk away. I’m currently PIMO, trying to ease my way out. My brother committed suicide at the KH years ago, and that was my wake up call. I’m a fourth generation JW on both sides, so I’m risking my entire family shunning me at this point but my conscience won’t allow me to stay. Peace and blessings to you and yours. I wish you the best!
So sad to hear about your Brother, Our Lord Jesus Christ Loves You
@alexis: sinto muito por seu irmão.
Deus te abençoe 🙏🙏🙏
Slow fades are wise--if you can manage it. I was going to die if I did not leave. A neutral therapist might help you plan. Details matter.
@Alexis I’m sorry for the loss of your brother that is very sad. I can’t imagine what he was going through to take his life in the manner he chose too..❤ as mentioned before pretend you’re already being shunned, get a few outside support system, counseling etc..Take care. Keep us posted on your freedom journey…☺️
maybe being shun wouldn't be the worst thing
We need more content creators who are exJWs and not atheist so glad that you made this video.
We need more ex JW content that have found our Lord and Savior 🙏🏼 great video and looking forward to more. So thankful you found the true Truth 🙌
I'm confused, isn't "the truth" what the JWs call it? I'm an atheist and I'm happy Mark left the JWs not because I don't believe in that religion I'm happy because he should be able to worship any way he wants and not have to be used by an organization that doesn't have his best interest at heart.
Yes we do!
It is very brave of you to produce this. I grew up in the religion and was saved by grace at the age of 40. It is encouraging to see another one who left who did not drift into atheism. Most do. Most who leave are just burned out completely. And they leave God and Christ and everything.
Rev 16:8-11 is there for a reason
I can’t express how much I appreciate this video and all the hard work you put into this. God bless you my brother 🙏🏽
I WAS a Jehovah's Witnesses (born and raised) and JESUS saved me. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.........."
Romans 1:16.
I now know what it means to be free.
Thanks for commenting and how is the weather over there today? I must confess you and I love it. I must confess, I’ll love to be friends with you where are you watching from
Just subscribed. I was third generation JW. Christ set me free of that religion and I will never go back to the lies. So many of your thoughts are my thoughts too. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the Life. There is no one else to go to. Thank you for your video, it will validate many who are waking up and leaving.
I believe your channel is going to flourish. Please keep making videos. Jesus saved me too and He deserves all the praise. Been df’ed for years, was suicidal and so lost and confused for a long long time. That is the devil’s religion and it honors him every memorial when everybody gets dressed up to deny Jesus by not drinking the wine or eating the bread as He instructed His disciples to do. Looking forward to more videos from you. May God’s peace, love and protection surround you and your family, Amen💞
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Jehovah Wickedness black memorial mass!
Just excellent I was born in left 2 years ago at 80 years old . Have still kept my faith . Not sorry for time spent as I did it for GOD not 8 men in America or an organization. Lost family and long time friends . Blessings to you and your family
But you have Jesus you re a blessed
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Great video, loved your message. I have JW's in my family and I see them all the time near my work, and I go out and share the bible with them ,I politely, nicely show them the things the organization twist in the bible, I show them the things the organization changed and words added, sometimes it feels like it's going nowhere, but I have to trust that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts to see the truth.
Brother, you don’t need a format when you have the Holy Spirit working through you, congratulations on taking God’s free gift of grace!!! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Thank you for sharing your experience. I recently left as a ministerial servant and regular pioneer,the deity of Christ was the belief that pushed me to leave the organization. “If you don’t have the Jesus of the bible, you don’t have a Jesus that can save” was something that really stuck with me. Believing in the Jesus of the watchtower can’t save you.
Well said. I'm happy you and I have become children of God in the same family. Looking forward to seeing you in the Kingdom
so beautiful and moving. minute 20, got me teary eyed now. God bless you!
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My brother you are Deep!
I wanna thank you, for telling your story.
Keep your head up, keep your beliefs and faith in tack.
Much love ❤️
That was truly beautiful and touched my heart ❤️ from a witness who woke up after being baptized for 48 years! It is very traumatic and yet freeing. Thank you so much for sharing and caring 💕
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ExMo here, I can relate on a deep level as I was a part of an organization that did not teach truth and full of false prophecy. I went through a faith crisis recently and it was not easy my heart ached to learn how I had been dooped nearly 20 years of my adult life. Like you I believe in the words and teaching of Christ not of what men have taught. We were in different religions but experienced similar gas lighting tactics.
Thank you for this video
Love the animation and message. Hope your video gets the plays it deserves.
@@lifeissimplepodcast Support with a sub. Great video sir.
@@lifeissimplepodcast **I was never a JWs and my only experience with their church was agreeing to do Bible Studies with them in college. This lasted several months and ended when I graduated and moved back home. **
These were very awkward Bible Studies because the JWs never answered any of my critical thinking questions...not one!
They often tried to rush through lessons knowing a critical question 🙋 would come. I would ask a question and then total silence!
After the silence they would say, "You know due to limited time let's not get off course or we'll research and address that for next week studies"
What they could not get was that I sincerely wanted to understand their teachings but more importantly wanted clarification and proof directly from the Bible.
**I realized that I was receiving a lot of answers that couldn't be questioned and had a lot of questions they wouldn't answer.**
In conclusion I could never join a group or church were I could not question their teachings for further clarification or understanding. It's literally a form of mind control at that point.
***Critical thinking is would anyone have joined the JWs organization had they SIMPLY have done research, asked the hard questions, known their Bible and didn't accept anything taught to them by complete strangers without proof? Yes or No?***
Thank you for being honest, open and encouraging. I almost became a JW. Now I'm hoping my former members of the congregation will see the real Light...
Blessings from the Netherlands.
Thanks so much for your testimony Brother. I feel the same way. I did not really know who Jesus was until I left the JW’s.
Absolutely! I found our beautiful 👑 Savior after walking away from WT. The BEST thing I ever did in my life ❤️! Thank you 👑 FATHER 🙏🏾🤲🏽💝! Thank you 👑 YESHUA 🙏🏾🤲🏽💝!!
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Thank you Jesus for this brother and his decision to not only follow you, but to share his testimony.
This is the first time I see a video that exactly matches my thoughts, thank you for this. The truth sets you free both spiritually and physically, thanks to Jesus. I'm a PIMO and wish you the best but above all God's blessings
Thanks for commenting and how is the weather over there today? I must confess you and I love it. I must confess, I’ll love to be friends with you where are you watching from
*I subbed and liked! I support and love the exJW community. Young views are always appreciated and well needed. Thanks for taking the leap sir. Great voice!!!*
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
You made my day better, I'm so happy you left the watchtower, and you found Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you for your video.
Is this the one @ rev 19:15 we are supposed to find ?
This Christ is now..Iron rod is me how it isn't !!
As the Man of lawlessness
Two witnesses..anti Christ
There are activities one has to accept are to be expected !
Rev 11:6 refers to PLAGUES..
Not what we might have expected !
Detrimental effects..or negative consequences..
Mindset of 2 Petet 3:12
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Thank you for this video. May folks in the JW be led by God to your channel. I could hear your heart and it was the heart of our Lord. God is Love
Thank you Jesus for what you have done.
Awesome well put together. I can’t wait for the next video. Welcome to the awakening.
There is certainly a lot of rejoicing in heaven when a person comes to Christ. Even on earth, I am also celebrating for you, Life is Simple, as my new brother in Christ. Keep your videos coming. I enjoyed your first one a lot. Thanks!
Happy to meet you my brother in Christ. You touched my heart. When I saw your video, i thought, possibly another agnostic or soon to be atheist. So, I was planning to write in the comments that the organisation is not God, as a message to you. But you made me happy because you were led to the understanding that Yeshua only is the way not an organisation. Wishing you God's blessing in your walk of faith.
Brother! My husband and I were born in. We left in the summer. Couldn't be more happy and at peace. All glory to the Lord!!!!
We are also apostate, they say! But we are with Christ instead of a Governing Body!!!
@@lifeissimplepodcast Absolutely! Blessings to you 🙏🏻
We are commanded, in these Last Days, to come "out of Babylon" which is the RC church, and all her Sunday-Sabbath daughter-churches.
Go to Revelation chapters two and three, and see what Yahuwah says to the Seven Churches of the Gentiles. Only one gets a Free-Pass on the Tribulation hour, and only if she keeps to "the WAY, as at the first" .
IMO you do well to come out of Churchianity, just as I did. With one caveat;
Exodus 20:
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
We are commanded to work SIX days then rest on the Seventh. This makes it imperative to know what weekday is the Seventh, and to do NO WORK on it, after God's definition of work. I have made my decision, and am working it out. I am 69 years old and strong and healthy, blessed in every way.
May you find Yahuwah, and His Sabbath, and the Church of Philadelphia.
@@ajforms4818 We have been doing this too! Wow amazing... 👏🏼 Jesus said we'd be put out of the synagogues for his name!
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You are dead on in your whole discussion. As a XJW I have come to the same understanding that Jesus. I pray in humility for those who have not received Jesus and the total freedom and peace he gives. Keep up the good work. 👍
Wow! This is a great video. I was raised in the JW cult and after 30 years had the courage to leave. I lost all my family and lifelong friends and found Jesus! Jesus has blessed me greatly and I now have an eternal family and a true father! Please keep producing your videos. May God bless you and your ministry. ❤️🙏
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
A wonderful first video. Well done!
Nice job my brother. Our Lord bless your efforts.
Someone on TT sent me to you tube and I’m so glad they did. This hit me to my core. I’m over here crying. Thank you for doing this. Was a JW for 39 yrs. I left 7 years ago. And have been lost. I didn’t want this vid to end. Was so good.
I have family that are so badly brainwashed by this horrible organization. It’s so hard to to talk to them, and frustrating trying to show them the truth about the watchtower. I could go on for hours about all the evil, freemason connections I’ve made. I pray Jesus opens their eyes 🙏🙏 thank you for sharing
You are talking about your family 😡
I think passing the emblems at the Memorial when Jesus said to partake in the Bible is enough for people to see that it is a ritual for rejecting Jesus. They want you to praise a God outside of Jesus while thinking you are doing the right thing at the same time by including him every now and again . That never sat right with me, even as a kid sitting through the meetings.
Hey brother, thank you for this video, I related very much to many of your expressions & emotions. I too felt sui¢idal & was actually plotting to end things eventually. NONE of the elders in my congregation showed much concern the times I reached out & I felt so desperate & alone. But God opened my eyes recently & I've felt much better, realizing I am worthy, to God & that's all that matters. I NEVER thought I'd refer to it as a cult, but it definitely is. It disgusts me just thinking about it. I still believe in God, but I'm still just a little confused about what to believe & what not to. I do have love & respect for Christ in comparison to the organization which focuses more on men(Governing Body) which never felt right on how little credit they gave to Jesus.
P.S. Good job on the video
Dear brother in Jesus, please don't despair. Find another believer and have fellowship and study God's word together. Where two or more are gathered in His name, He'll be there in the midst of them. Don't be confused because JWs have accidentally got a very few things right. Christ's Holy spirit is working in you already, He will lead you into truth and the way will become clearer. Don't be impatient, pray and your heavenly Father will guide you. You don't need to be an actual member of a church, you just need another brother so you can search together. Yours in Jesus, Sheila xx
Me, too.
Sheila Smart, I’ve said those words many times… “ you don’t have to be a member of a church” your relationship with Jesus is between the two of you and not the congregation…. ❤
Feelings that are justified..yet WE ARE NOT OUTSIDE PROPHECY.
rev 11:18..
The behaviour of the GB fit perfectly..the bibles description of the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS ..
Why does revelation 16 talk of blasphemy ?..many are MADE to blaspheme with the surge in recent development of social media..
Is Gogs final attack under way ?
Coming with clouds covering the land..the exwitness community and activists have been able to gather from the four corners of the be a cohesive group !
The most impactful verse l came across was one l stumbled across after l was disfellowshipped.
Rev 11:6.
Plagues..interesting word
Think :
Who are PLACING THEMSELVES in the temple ?
For Jesus to come as a thief..unexpected..our understanding must be out of step with Gods timetable.
If rev 19:15 - 18 is BEFORE
ARMAGEDDON.. we ought to expect
Harsh cold unyielding and unfeeling treatment of weakened sheep ..
Is that what we see ?
Was this pandemic mentioned @ rev 19:17&18 ?
Google tells us this SARS virus unzips human DNA..
FLESH gets consumed !!
The economic needs had to be met when lockdown stopped people being in close contact ..making the way as REV 16:12 Talks of the kings from the east..
What's going on between East and west right now ?.
REV 11 is the final temple arrangement ..
Two interesting title..
What John @ verse 10 reveals those distinguished as opposers from worshippers..with the fact that the opposers of the two witnesses EXCHANGE GIFTS.
SATURNALIA was around when John wrote..
Are we with Jesus @ rev 19:15?
When is that time ?
Was verses 17&18 symbolic ..?
Covid ?
Corona means crown..
What could flesh represent ..needed income..perhaps literally our bodies which unzips with the virus.
Not all viruses are round In shape ..
Birds of heaven God invited to an evening meal..
Ezek 38:20-22 may well parallel.
Fantastic job. Love the animation. I'm an ex jw. Amen Jesus Christ 🙏 is the only way to salvation... He saved me.. in the darkest days of my life..💕✨
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Very kind of you to address the (sadly needless) fear and paranoia the PIMOs have - much anxiety and you’re never the same again
Hi - Thank you for your great video. At first, I thought I'd just watch it for the cartoony bits and just let the words float over to me. But my goodness, what an eye-opener. Really really grateful that you not only put such a great video together (and must have spent a great deal of time putting all the movements etc together - that alone is an accolade) but the information you shared, the depth of feeling, and the points you drove home - it was great. During the video, I clicked the subscribe button, simply out of respect to you. I loved the use of the Scriptures - it was so kindly.
Please keep doing what you're doing. There are so many out there putting channels together nowadays that I think it's really important to do many channels - I can't help but feel that there are a good few people scratching their heads wondering if the JW is the correct religion to follow and having a wealth of people who are simultaneously reading and allowing the true message of the Bible to permeate through them, can only mean that there are plenty more resources a headscratching person has access to. And when done so kindly and thoughtfully (as loads are), then it's like a comfy armchair saying "Come and sit in me".
Thank you so much xx
👊🙏 You are blessed..
It's so simple but unfortunately witnesses are so indoctrinated and ready to have conflict with anyone who challenges or hinders their faith. I have a brother and a mother who are both baptized for decades I was one day away from becoming a baptized witness for whatever the reason Jesus turned me around and I've tried to talk to both my brother and my mother and got nowhere. God bless you and yours my brother.
I am so glad that your story still led you to Jesus. ♥️
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I’ve just started to watch Your video and I am so touched by it. I grew up as an unbaptized witness. I opted out thank God. Happy you’re breaking it down and helping others
This video, your testimony, your truth is spot on. I’m listening to you, (will listen again). And I rejoice in Jesus our Lord and Savior that you were drawn by the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your family. I’m not JW, never have been, but I know about the cult.
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You are just a very intelligent young man and I’m very happy to have come across your channel. ❤
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
Hi Mark. Exactly! As if God would be upset with us for trying to ask questions or even for having doubts about anything. He is our Father and wants to help us know him better.
Wow!! VERY well done! Thank you for your wisdom and testimony! Your message and the manner in which you express it will help many trapped in the cult of the Watchtower to have the courage to examine their origination. The truth does not fear examination, a lie flees from it!
Have ety Mark, I am glad you're a a alive, and want to send t you a hug. This borganization causes so much pain. People give up so much for it, and it just keeps taking.
One question it puts in your head is "where will you go? As if you have to have all the answers, right now. That's THEIR way of keeping you in."
There is a Subreddit, exjw, full of people who can relate to you. You are a beautiful person, keep believing in yourself. The fog of this cult will clear with time. Hugs❤️
Greetings brother your testimony is very powerful I remember I was sent to live in Massachusetts as a teenager I befriended a young Jahevoh witness lady and we use to have Bible study and after a month or two I started talking to her about Jesus ,we had a another Bible study and she told me that she had a dream she was in a burning house I told her your in the wrong place ,what sad is she rejected what I said and didn't accept it I tried for months afterwards I just ended things I wish I kept in contact with her but I moved away I pray she found the truth this years ago I'm in my 40's now. Keeping you in prayers brother happy you found the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 ❤️.
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
Glad you are out of the organization and you start to believe in the true God! Now you are saved! God bless you!
Such a beautiful sad message, sad because I know the hurt that comes with losing family and people you thought were your friends ! But have faith, there’s a lot of wonderful worldly people out here . Thank you , I’m sure this message will help many !
I would love to be a fly-in-the-wall in your judicial meeting. You have a gift in preaching the word of God.
Love it. I was born in and had the same questions and also left. Alot of teachings didn't make sense.
Hello Mark! I really enjoyed your video!!! I am an Ex JW also so I know where your coming from. Stay strong I know it's hard but it will get easier the more time that goes on😊
Im crying right now after hearing this. Thank you brother for making this and sharing it with all of us. I too feel compelled to share bible truths to save JW family. I felt the holy spirit lift a veil Ive been struggling with for a long time as I listened to your video. God bless you.
Praise the Lord!! Your testimony gives me hope. I am praising Jesus for His saving power to bring you out of the darkness into His glorious light!!! My mother is a JW, she was a born in who was disfellowshipped in her 20's and returned in her 60's. I am so grateful that'll she was not in when she had her children and raised us. She sent my little brother and I to private school for a good education which was also a Christian school. I believed in Jesus in 3rd grade, that's when I accepted the gospel. My mom still had the JW doctrine engrained deep within which caused her and I to have many debates. Even as a child I could not accept her views on the Bible, that hell wasn't a place of eternal fire, it was just the grave, that we didn't have a spirit inside of us, like a soul that needed to be redeemed. That believing in Jesus was not enough, you had to do works, the list goes on and on. I stood my ground for the gospel of Jesus Christ then and I'm still standing on it as a 48 year old woman. She is so deep in and cannot even grasp the truth of Christ. I still pray for her to have doubt in their ever changing doctrine. I have suffered deep pain and anguish they the years over the state of her eternity and how the organization robs her daily of the Truth of Jesus and the peace and joy of salvation He brings. Duped is an understatement. Keep sharing your testimony and exposing this corrupt cult so more people can hear the truth about their deception and lies, that they too might be saved!! Thank you for this content. You sir, are a miracle!!! All glory be to the Most High God!!!!!
Your story sounds so much like mine. I’m saved now for 37 years and my mother a JW for 34 years so deeply intrenched in this cult that she won’t listen to scripture or what is going on in the news about her organization. I have been slowly collecting some of their old books to hopefully show her where they don’t line up with the Bible.My mother is 71 now and I’m 56 .For years I didn’t want to get into conversations with her about God because it’s like talking to someone who is def and blind….she doesn’t hear the word of God neither does she see it’s truth and power (if it is not coming from the Watch Tower). She thinks she knows it ALLLLLL and she is so condescending about it. She is now elderly and sharp as a whip but still on her way to hell. I now will confront her by trying to get her to think for herself and pray that the seed that I drop in her heart that someone will water and God will give the increase. I actually asked her “does she believe in Jesus?” and gave scriptures laying out salvation. I hope that it will stick in her mind and bother her so that she will start thinking for herself as she runs to combat me.🙋🏾♀️
@Jenay Tucker thank you for sharing your story. I will also pray for those seeds of truth to be watered and for God to bring the increase!! The indoctrination is so strong and deep BUT God is stronger & His reach is deeper!! Let's believe BIG. for our mother's salvation and not lose hope!!! All for the glory of God!! He is Mighty!! Jesus came to set the captives free and heal the blind and open the ears of the deaf!! I pray in Jesus name for their eyes and ears to be opened to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus as He is the only way to salvation!! 🙏
Thanks for the response 🙋🏾♀️👍🏽😊
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Welcome Brother to the family of God our Savior.
Right on and well put together. Thank you brother.
I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF THIS MY BROTHER❤ I have noticed many have left the organization and now focus on Jesus. Wonderful to see that. I started reading many translations of the Bible and found the truth. The truth is simple and indeed sets you free. Love you. Can't wait to meet you. Appreciate your work so much. ❤
Thank you so much Life is
Simple! You encouraged me and I look forward to more & more of your videos!
Thank you so much for taking the time to put out this and many of your other videos. I've recently subscribed to your channel because I find alot of similarities that I share with you. I recently woke up back in November. I've been a witness off and on most of my 35 year old life. My dad passed away in 2021 so it made me want to come back to the org (I had been df'd for seven years prior) and get my life right. Well, I flipped my life upside down to make sure I could be reinstated. Well, I waited for 20 months and the elders kept telling me to just "keep going". I began to have questions, so I did my own research. Yes, I remember that fear when my hand hovered over the mouse to click on jwfacts. I was shaking. I was so scared of what I would find and kept telling myself that it's all going to be lies. I found the opposite and now, three months later, my relationship with Jesus is unlike anything I've ever experienced while being a witness. It's as if I could finally feel the love of Christ within me, spreading to my family and now I feel free, no longer bound by the control of a man made organization. Again, thank you so much. Your videos make me feel inspired to even start making my own with my own story and hopefully I can touch someone else like you've touched me. 🙏💕
Yo! My Brother 😌. Man, I love the animation, and I love that you simply used the Bible to make your points.
I see that this is your first video. Please keep them coming 👍🏾 🙏🏾.
Good video. I was born in and at age 47 woke up after reading the Bible with an open mind and seeing the difference between the message in the Bible compared to the message from Watchtower. Love you brother. I lost relationships with my parents and brother when I decided to follow Jesus Christ.
Thank you for an amazing video. I grew up in the JW faith, and left once I left home. Fast forward 40 years later and I've found myself in what appears to be another cult. I am praying and planning to exit. God is speaking to me loud and clear and I, too, am sickened by the brainwashing of these organizations. Pay attention everyone and test the spirit, as the scripture advises. Stay in the Word, pray and fast and be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Deception is real out here!
Really appreciated this video, great application of scripture. Which is truly all we need, delve deep and allow the Holy Spirit to divulge God’s meaning and understanding. I’ve been out for over 30 years, wanted nothing to do with the Bible for over 13 years. Then God came knocking and I became his friend once again.
Your style is excellent you will go far! 🎉❤🎉
Thank you so much. I owe a letter to a JW relative and want so much to share a few scriptures to encourage her to build a relationship with Christ - regardless of how she practices her faith. Some of the Scriptures you shared are PERFECT for conveying the message. Looking forward to future videos! Thank you again!
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
@@bryantucker7203 @bryantucker7203
You are very kind, Bryan. In general, I'm not a fan of organized religion, simply because there is a tendency for the exploitation of power. That said, there is a great deal of good that organized religion is able to accomplish when their priority is doing as Christ did, showing compassion to those in need of it. Peace, Bryan.
@@emmamae1960 okay that’s nice to know, where are you watching from ?
Western Washington State. You?
@@emmamae1960 okay that’s good, well as for me I’m originally from Dublin Ireland but moved to California since I lost my wife and daughter on a fatal car accident 8 years back when they were going out for shopping I’m only left with my granddaughter brenda she’s currently in the boarding school due to the nature of my job, I’m currently in Sweden for a road contract.
Yes indeed my kingdom brother Yashua is the way!....
Beautiful video, always nice to see another JW snatched from the cult by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Welcome! i enjoyed your video. keep them coming. Thankful you have come to know the real Jesus.
Fantastic. Glad you are staying with our Lord. Appreciated your presentation. 👍👍
My mom converted to JW when I was elementary school… I was saved in 2015 and by Gods Grace and many spirit led discussions my mother got saved following. I’m glad she was inactive as it allowed her to open her ear to what I had to say.
What kind of conversations did you have with her that helped wake her up? My parents are still deceived.
@@alishaba-, I was doing personal studies and seeing things about Jesus that I had never seen before so in my zeal I would show her. It wasn’t a direct attack on her so she didn’t know how to handle it but just listen and sometimes object. Eventually the information I showed her became overwhelming and she confessed she had to believe Jesus was God. This was over a years period though… JWs don’t know how to handle someone who is deeply in love with Christ and his word. They think they are but when a born again Christian shows up who is on fire it really throws them off because they are used to thinking they are the only ones who live in their bibles.
@@PackOnTrackDogTraining Thanks for responding. I have tried to show my mom some things and I keep praying for both my parents every day.
My sister also woke up and has had some conversations with her too asking about different verses. (She was never baptized in the org and lives with her.)
I just pray and believe that someday my parents will wake up and come to Christ too.
I think my mom is struggling with not being able to answer a lot of questions we've brought up but she still trusts the org. Just the idea of the org not being the truth is beyond where their mind goes now.
God Bless you brotha!! God is using you to preach the truth that Jesus Christ is the savior!!
So true great work brother.
New subscribe. Thank you for sharing your raw experience. Straight up. 🙏 I pray for your strength and much love.
Very edifying. I'm a born again Christian and I give God all the praise for not letting me die before I surrender. I have JW friends and family trying to reach them it makes me sad researching this JW. Thanks for your video. I pray the Holy Spirit with cover you my brother.
Great video… I didn’t write a DA letter either, I received a few phone calls from some “friends” and I ignored, ignored, & ignored their calls…When you’re done, be done and keep it moving… 😂😂
Excellent video! The Holy Spirit is with you. God bless you. John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me".
Appreciate this video. I went thru almost the same awakening as you
I praise Jesus for this video! I believe he inspired u to make this video. I m an ex JW. Left the organization over 50 years ago, but not Jesus! I could relate to everything u r saying n feeling. It’s been a long n hard struggle coming to terms with the subtle brain washing u receive when u become part of the JW’s. But I think that most people that join this organization are really searching for Jesus n his truths but r led astray by satan. It’s taken me a long time n a lot of healing from God to now have a beautiful relationship with Jesus. I pray all the time for people that r trapped in false beliefs that they will be set free by the truth n find Jesus. N yes, a lot of people that leave the JW’s r so traumatized n so damaged that they stop believing in God n I pray for them! Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, n the Life. No one goes to the Father except thru Him. Tnx for this much needed channel!
Thanks for commenting and how is the weather over there today? I must confess you and I love it. I must confess, I’ll love to be friends with you where are you watching from
Thank heavens you are talking to us ex jws my poor mother was 60 years and woke up 2 years ago as well as me in and out for 40 years can't wait to here more of your videos ❤
Thank you for making this video. Your voice is soothing and easy to listen to. I love your use of scripture and really your overall simple, humble message of the gospel and of just reading the Word and praying. I praise God that you were delivered from this cult and that you found the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I said a prayer for your family. May God bless you richly.
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
Amen bro, God is faithful to show anybody the truth who wants to know the truth. I love your courage & testimony! All glory to the Lord!
Gospel of your Salvation: (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 1:7, 1:12-13; 2:8-9; 2 Cor. 5:21) By grace through Faith!
Good job brother! 🙌🙌
Thank you for letting us join you on your journey. Many,I believe, will benefit. I am old. If I can benefit, I am sure there are other who will also. Many blessings to you.
Thankyou! I was born and raised in the cult. I did write a letter annul my Baptism from them. Well I ran away with my Mom and Sister who had left the cult when I was younger. Without them I'd be dead today, because suicide was always on my mind in the cult. I was abused sexually, mentally, physically and spiritual. I left in 2002. I've so many disabilities because of it all. But I'm free
Thank you for exalting Christ! Praise God you've turned away from the voice of strangers and are following the Good Shephard!
Stay in His Word,
Keep your eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
"These have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."
- John 20:31
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
“Hold on- something ain’t right ...”
Yep - and THAT is when we get “wait on Jehovah to correct it”
Good to hear a brother staying on a spiritual path. 🙏
I must confess I always do enjoy reading a comment from you are you a fan of Roman Catholic?
Thank you for sharing your testimony❣️
Brilliant thanks for sharing!
'Brother' welcome to the family of God!!! I know that just calling you brother may trigger some people on this forum, it still feels culty to say it, but it has new meaning to me now. Now I have real brothers and sisters, not people who are way too often looking at you with the intent to judge not lift up. call you family until you stray then they drop you like your nothing to them. I was raised as a JW, I did all the JW things, I joined the theocratic ministry school and gave first talk when I was 6, started going door to door in a stroller. I pioneered, auxiliary and full time in summer. Baptized when I was 13, and praise God, disfellowshipped a couple months before my 18th birthday. I'm 54 now so it's been a while, but you can never really fully leave it behind you, it's part of who you are you lose a big part of your identity.
It took some time but a few years after I was disfellowshipped Jesus led a Pastor to me who knew a great deal about cults, the guy was amazing, and of all the cults he knew about the society was his passion, over the course of a few weeks he lovingly un-indoctrinated me and led me to Christ. sadly almost every ex-JW I have ever met is either very disillusioned, guilt ridden and wanting to go back, or are full on atheists. It breaks my heart to see how effectively satin as won even if they do make it out.
I am so grateful that there's so many recourses out here to teach truth to people who are trying to come out of Watch Tower. I'm also very grateful that God has put you where he has you, I sense has a new ministry in mind for you.
May God continue to bless you and all those still inside with courage, wisdom and boldness.
Excellent video. Thanks for sharing your story.
I feel your pain brother. It is heart shattering. But we are over-comers in Jesus Christ
Lovely video, thank you! I became instantly atheist on waking up, which took approximately 30mins. The issue is that most Witnesses do not have a relationship with god like they think they do, it’s a controlling structure so when the props fall, there is nothing. Despite being atheist I appreciated this video.
Excellent, thank you for sharing this video.
Respect My Bro. Your Testimony will Save Others. Keep telling Your Truth. To God Be The Glory.
Hi Mark, good for you getting out of JWs. You deserve to worship how you want to and I'm all for that. 👍✌️
Thanks for sharing your truth with the ExJW Community!
*They got me real good with this "Triple A".. Available After Armageddon nonsense!!
I heard it all the time..."Why get married now when we're so close to the end of this system?..Why get bogged down with all the unnecessary stresses, depression and distractions, when you can marry a perfect man in the new system?"
Yes, I fell for it, but I'm moving forward because Life Goes On!!
Let's keep fighting! 💪
The Bible says, " The truth shall make you Free".
Thank you. I'm so saddened by ex-jw's who throw the baby (Jesus) out with the bathwater. Christianity did not start with the Watchtower. So often with JW's, like Mormons, once they wake up and realize it was a lie, they denounce Christ as well as their false church. It's heartbreaking.
Beautiful testimony Brother 💕
New sub. Welcome to the family brother x