5 Tips for the Electro Dragon!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @JudoSloth
    @JudoSloth  Год назад +1586

    Subscribe for more YT Short Tips!

  • @GraemeFaber-ls5wp
    @GraemeFaber-ls5wp Год назад +8210

    Electro Dragon: I fear no man. But that thing.... *Air sweeper* it scares me

    • @PrivateerJimmy
      @PrivateerJimmy Год назад +44


    • @ntwadumela7
      @ntwadumela7 Год назад +68

      Bro forgot about eagle.
      If sweeper is working properly then eagle destroys them

    • @abhinandpaulm8858
      @abhinandpaulm8858 Год назад +103

      ​@@ntwadumela7air sweeper >>> eagle

    • @ntwadumela7
      @ntwadumela7 Год назад +37

      @@abhinandpaulm8858 yeah i know sweeper is the worst defense to face as an air attacker.
      I am just saying if the sweeper is pushing back continously then eagle destroys

    • @abhinandpaulm8858
      @abhinandpaulm8858 Год назад +3

      @@ntwadumela7 ok

  • @rifaizamzam9268
    @rifaizamzam9268 Год назад +14922

    Imagine being an electro dragon and the only thing that cast a shadow is your ball 💀

    • @handsome1876
      @handsome1876 Год назад +447


    • @Jishnu_r_krishnan
      @Jishnu_r_krishnan Год назад +74


    • @marvelsanvio15v
      @marvelsanvio15v Год назад +66

      ​​​@@TomiokaSanWeebwhat if they're so... Extensive that is just looks like a ball

    • @elsonlam
      @elsonlam Год назад +55

      @@TomiokaSanWeeb What if dragon balls are situated vertically so there are actually 7 balls casting 1 single circular shadow?

    • @Cocotheepicpugdog
      @Cocotheepicpugdog Год назад +20

      E drags are female...

  • @HeisenbergFam
    @HeisenbergFam Год назад +5491

    Electro Dragon: "I am the danger"
    _Air sweeper, Inferno Tower, Air Defense have entered the chat_
    Electro Dragon: *chuckles* "im in danger"

    • @Vk93hd
      @Vk93hd Год назад +115

      How tf are u everywhere

    • @randompersonondastreet3697
      @randompersonondastreet3697 Год назад +48

      Usually i used 3 earthquake and lightning spells to take out them

    • @FightFookingClub
      @FightFookingClub Год назад +6

      U r every where... Iam your subscriber ❤

    • @melwinjain161
      @melwinjain161 Год назад +59

      Single inferno is a pain for Edrag

    • @Severance-ft
      @Severance-ft Год назад +3

      lightning doesn't reset infernos in coc?

  • @shakky_samurai
    @shakky_samurai 11 месяцев назад +574

    Electro dragon ❌
    Godzilla. ✅
    Atomic breath 😎

    • @harsh9023
      @harsh9023 6 месяцев назад +2

      More like Ghodorah

    • @mac_aa
      @mac_aa 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@harsh9023 Ghidorah*

    • @Gamcoaster
      @Gamcoaster 5 месяцев назад +2

      I watched Godzilla minus one 3 days ago and when I saw that heat ray thing, I was like "Wait, isn't that what the electro dragon does?"

    • @blattkriezg3555
      @blattkriezg3555 4 месяца назад

      Tell me your 12 without telling me your 12

    • @wnl.ruzz2498
      @wnl.ruzz2498 2 месяца назад

      ​@@blattkriezg3555have u ever watch godzilla my guy?

  • @jamlovesmen
    @jamlovesmen Год назад +568

    Thanks! Very useful information, especially for new TH11s

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +67

      You’re welcome, glad to help you Derek

    • @Marcam71
      @Marcam71 Год назад +9

      In TH11 you need 3 lighting spells fore air sweeper

    • @Marcam71
      @Marcam71 Год назад +4

      @@JudoSloth In TH11 you need 3 lighting spells fore air sweeper

    • @Hagurmert
      @Hagurmert Год назад +1

      @@Marcam71 use clan castle lightning :)

    • @Marcam71
      @Marcam71 Год назад

      @@Hagurmert thanks but my comment was just so TH 11 didn’t think they only need to lighting spells

  • @d00mie32
    @d00mie32 Год назад +1351

    The last tip is smth I'm doing with E-Drags, basically zapping out Sweepers.

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +100


    • @MohammedMahdi8005
      @MohammedMahdi8005 Год назад +16

      What about air defenses

    • @CandleClockwork
      @CandleClockwork Год назад +156

      @@MohammedMahdi8005 air defenses are scary for edragons, but air sweeper will push the unit away from the target, which forces it to restart the slow charge animation

    • @MohammedMahdi8005
      @MohammedMahdi8005 Год назад +17

      @@CandleClockwork I know, I'm a no skill edrag spammer, I usually just use lightning, edrags and loons to fill. I use lightning for air defense and nothing else is left to take down any other, which is why I usually position them the opposite way

    • @eternallife8898
      @eternallife8898 Год назад +10

      Freezing once is more valuable though it might be difficult to time perfectly.

  • @UnwantedGhost1-anz25
    @UnwantedGhost1-anz25 Год назад +214

    The spike on the Electro Dragons glowing is reminiscent of Legendary Godzilla charging the Atomic Breath.

  • @borgthepig
    @borgthepig Год назад +6900

    These are very useful tips! I’ll be sure to use them once I finally upgrade and unlock them! But first I have to upgrade all my walls… oh no… walls…
    Edit: town hall 11 now, all walls upgraded 😅

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +666


    • @blackdragon2064
      @blackdragon2064 Год назад +208

      Go my dude loot some gold and elixir 😂

    • @RiceCake420
      @RiceCake420 Год назад +66

      Just use zap witches at th11

    • @blackdragon2064
      @blackdragon2064 Год назад +52

      @@RiceCake420 don't I'll suggest to learn lalo either qc lalo or zap lalo at th 11 it is so easy to learn lalo at low th i personally felt lalo so hard i played at low th and now i have perfected bliz lalo

    • @zeusx6479
      @zeusx6479 Год назад +21

      Walls?? Bruh staying on th10 is waste of time if your heroes are max

  • @destoroyah_1729
    @destoroyah_1729 Год назад +84

    As someone who is on th11 for almost an year now
    I didn't know 3 of these.
    Thanks judo

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +11


    • @AlexLuna-r5b
      @AlexLuna-r5b Год назад +2

      Bro what I could Mexico Townhall 11 and get halfway through 12 in a year 💀

    • @AlexLuna-r5b
      @AlexLuna-r5b Год назад +1


    • @riley8603
      @riley8603 6 месяцев назад +1

      Me too fr

  • @userunknown00
    @userunknown00 Год назад +137

    Love this. please continue this as a shorts series

  • @aldogonzalez6856
    @aldogonzalez6856 Год назад +26

    Thanks judosloth you ate my favorite clash youtuber

  • @getmoneytv
    @getmoneytv Год назад +3

    All this time I’ve been using E drags, and never knew the spikes on their back lit up as they’re charging an attack 🙌

  • @jokerrex.2462
    @jokerrex.2462 Год назад +62

    Thanks for the great tip 👌👌

  • @dark_b3lls777
    @dark_b3lls777 Год назад +21

    Always, my best and favorite troop, thx Judo! Good luck brotha! ❤

  • @hmingthanavanchhawng9993
    @hmingthanavanchhawng9993 Год назад +36

    This was really informative especially for a E-drag spammer. 😂
    Though I barely used them nowadays.

  • @theastonvillaseal585
    @theastonvillaseal585 9 месяцев назад +2

    That shadow tip is actually super useful thanks

  • @mrawesomeness5749
    @mrawesomeness5749 Год назад +3

    Loving this short format! Good to see it judo

  • @XLOYT
    @XLOYT Год назад +1

    Thanks bro, i was really attacking with ed. And all 1 star 2 star at th 13

  • @Fischeking
    @Fischeking Год назад +29

    Bro thx for the important tips. You're a life saver ☺️

  • @davidconde9829
    @davidconde9829 Год назад +4

    Thank you Very much Judo for This Tips
    I have already 2 know about E-Drag But you add 5❤
    Thank you Again Judo ❤❤
    Always Watching From 🇵🇭

  • @valentinazmi8858
    @valentinazmi8858 Год назад +1

    Tip 2 & 3 actually blew my mind… cant believe i never noticed them, thanks Judo!

  • @amadeus8343
    @amadeus8343 11 месяцев назад

    This is actually really helpful because I just got back into the game after 3 years of inactivity and didn't know any of the things you talked about here other than the last one, I guess(I learned the last one the hard way)

  • @ThunderHazard13
    @ThunderHazard13 Год назад +26

    Airsweeper: alright supercell, it has been along time i dont get new upgrade

  • @Gabagent
    @Gabagent Год назад +1

    Thank you now I know now that the sweeper weakness is freeze or 2 lightning spells now you deserve a sub and like keep the content👍👍👍

  • @chetanshah564
    @chetanshah564 Год назад +4

    Didn't knew these facts about e drags Thankss

  • @hidden_star1
    @hidden_star1 Год назад +1

    Thank you 😊❤

  • @Skillz4real.
    @Skillz4real. Год назад +18

    This is so helpful
    Appreciate it big bro ☺

  • @Warrior24444
    @Warrior24444 Год назад

    thanks for the tip judo and man i have been watching you since 2017 bud you are the goat keep up the good work and i love your channel so much and helped me a lot bud

  • @LegendOfKhaos12
    @LegendOfKhaos12 Год назад +14

    Damn this super helpful thanks Judo. I always wondered and tried to calculate which buildings the attacks would chain to.. Now I can with much more ease plan my clan castle E dragon.

  • @danarthur771
    @danarthur771 Год назад +1

    am an airborne player, but e.d chain lightning prefers higher hp building is new to me. thx judo

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад

      You’re welcome Dan, glad to help

  • @killer_vanya_228
    @killer_vanya_228 Год назад +26

    The air sweeper 💀💀💀

    • @ditto19_x
      @ditto19_x Год назад +1

      The single inferno 💨

  • @FuturisticNeel
    @FuturisticNeel Год назад +1

    I always destroy air sweeper before deploying E-drags.. but i didn't know all those facts.. It's really helpful 👍

  • @andreaslois3074
    @andreaslois3074 Год назад +9

    Im a fan of quick tip shorts, keep em up

  • @sHaKe2702
    @sHaKe2702 Год назад

    Very useful information! I'd time travel back to 7-8 years back and try these when I install the game.

  • @Astro_Acee
    @Astro_Acee Год назад +9

    me who never even uses e drags because they take too long to train and their attack cooldown are too slow: *Yes*

  • @KaiserM3
    @KaiserM3 Год назад +2

    Troops info should say this kind of things. This is very helpful.

  • @kayvelynn3554
    @kayvelynn3554 Год назад +3

    Great! Do counters too :3

    • @filbertchandra9419
      @filbertchandra9419 Год назад

      E dragons are slow attackers. You can also stop the chain lightning by placing buildings 2 tiles apart. That way, you can waste e dragons big time

  • @playersap4821
    @playersap4821 4 месяца назад +1

    Best e drag deck (im th 13)
    Stone slammer
    2 balloon
    That grand warden looking wizard guy
    2 lightning for air sweeper
    3 haste to get it into town hall
    Remaining freeze ( for single inferno > town hall > rocket, stone throwing thing)
    Remaining e drag
    Use grand warden invincibility for th afterdeath explosion thingi

  • @huntrezz01
    @huntrezz01 Год назад +3

    I am very surprised that the most annoying defense for Ghidorah is a puny harmless air sweeper

  • @Adi_vk
    @Adi_vk 11 месяцев назад

    I just use the same strategy like you have told .. and this is a really killer strategy 🔥🔥🔥

  • @comedyalbums7202
    @comedyalbums7202 Год назад

    Amazing tips brother iam currently at town hall 11 just reached , always love ur video❤❤❤

  • @koshiredemption
    @koshiredemption Год назад +5

    Damn i never knew the shadow tip, thanks judo! I always miss my rage spell

    @ELEMENETAL 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks, I will definately use these as someone that rushed to the Grand Sage!

  • @Td34587
    @Td34587 Год назад +11

    Tip: dont use edrag spam as soon as u reach th11

    • @filbertchandra9419
      @filbertchandra9419 Год назад +1

      Learn how to use them to funnel. Even one alone can score so many value rather than using several of them

    • @Tabaspu
      @Tabaspu 9 месяцев назад +1

      It need timing and strategy to handle them.

  • @rajnikori9940
    @rajnikori9940 Год назад +1

    Hii judo I am supporting you🥰🥰

  • @ejcj
    @ejcj Год назад +5


  • @YourLocalSadNerd
    @YourLocalSadNerd 10 месяцев назад +1

    Now with the new hero equipment update, you can use the Archer Queen’s Giant Arrow you can use the ability to snipe the air sweepers and not have to waste spells on it

  • @rojilinlyn1130
    @rojilinlyn1130 Год назад +8

    The kids that actually bring only 2 lightning spells ...
    "The sweeper did not go down! Judo is lying"
    Rip = sorry . your spell is too weak .

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +6

      Yep it does depend on the levels for sure

    • @rojilinlyn1130
      @rojilinlyn1130 Год назад +2

      @@JudoSloth Yes hahaha

    @ZOOYORKACE89 Год назад

    Earned another sub today😉 I use the E-Drag quite often haha, thanks Judo👌🏻

  • @Ahfaz_ur_rehman
    @Ahfaz_ur_rehman Год назад +3


    @HAMDANKHAN Год назад

    That shadow thing u mention is something that gonna help me so much ❤

  • @luckytrinh333
    @luckytrinh333 Год назад +5

    Tip 6:
    *Don't use them*

  • @ultimatediwas
    @ultimatediwas Год назад

    Man, Didn't know about the shadow, and the spikes on the back are incredible
    Thanks a lot

  • @androgamingking476
    @androgamingking476 Год назад

    Attention new th11 players:
    The air sweeper can be destroyed by 2 lightning spells only if they are level 5 or below (since the max level for lightning spell at th11 is 8 and max level for air sweeper is 7)
    For level 6 & 7 you need 3 lightning spells to destroy it
    Once you reach th12 and upgrade your lightning spell to level 9 the air sweeper needs only 2 lightning spells to be destroyed, regardless of its level
    These tips were truly a game changer for me considering I spam electros all the time
    Thank you Judo ❤️

  • @vishnuvardhananash2698
    @vishnuvardhananash2698 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the tips judo i really appreciate it im almost at th11 to unlock edragon now i need to max my walls and heroes to reach it can u give tips for th11?

  • @Suprakash_2000
    @Suprakash_2000 Год назад +1

    *Thank you Sir for the valuable information.* ❤
    *Although I am not a electro attacker 😅😅.*

  • @augustinehansda3524
    @augustinehansda3524 Год назад

    Yes,electro dragon attack is really so much powerful. Currently I'm in Th 11 with legendary league and It really helped me to Throphy push .

  • @heboy1229
    @heboy1229 Год назад +1

    Electro dragon always slow..🥲 but his chain lighting that's power of thunder strike... ⚡️🌩️

  • @nickharris5885
    @nickharris5885 Год назад

    Have become a fan your videos are good I kinda figured this info out already but the bit about who they target first was very helpful

  • @soumiksarkar6081
    @soumiksarkar6081 Год назад +1

    These are too useful.
    Thanks judo ❤

  • @dennisgonzales9521
    @dennisgonzales9521 Год назад

    The shadow technique is invaluable information thanks!

  • @hardikgoel11
    @hardikgoel11 Год назад +1

    Along with air sweeper u should also mention single inferno

  • @olgabatsak9869
    @olgabatsak9869 Год назад +1

    Liczba max level air sweeper can survive 3 level 1 lightinings, so next time, give tips for players with level 1 units.

  • @3bduGaming
    @3bduGaming Год назад

    The first tip is so useful , thank you Judo

  • @JeffreyWiley
    @JeffreyWiley Год назад

    This is very helpful information, I might get back into CC. I got tired of the mass purchases each month.

  • @8lpha
    @8lpha Год назад

    The details in COC is just another level❤

  • @magea2926
    @magea2926 Год назад

    And what camp building you sugest for a E dragon spam?
    (What siege machine and the troop inside, other suport unit and spell)

  • @mightysandgaming1601
    @mightysandgaming1601 Год назад +1

    Plz give tips for electro titan im currently on th14 so want to learn them 😊

  • @angry_genius
    @angry_genius Год назад

    Thanks for the Tips JUDO ❤

  • @RoroHano
    @RoroHano Год назад

    I'm on my way to town hall 11. Thank you for these great tips once I unlock them!

  • @shadowhuntergaming5499
    @shadowhuntergaming5499 Год назад +1

    I'll be upgrading my e-drag to TH15 max level in a few weeks. thanks for these tips judo :) these will help me a lot in crushing those enemies.

    • @JudoSloth
      @JudoSloth  Год назад +3

      You’re welcome, best of luck!

    • @Avocado_Dude
      @Avocado_Dude Год назад

      ​​@@JudoSloth how has no one liked your comment? Lemme be first

    • @theauspiciousguy
      @theauspiciousguy Год назад

      ​@@Avocado_Dude It's still showing 0 likes

    • @Avocado_Dude
      @Avocado_Dude Год назад

      @@theauspiciousguy I liked it tho

    • @shadowhuntergaming5499
      @shadowhuntergaming5499 3 месяца назад

      judo replied to me and i didnt even realize lmao

  • @Bryguy1993
    @Bryguy1993 Год назад

    Awesome tips! I moved on to super drags but e drags my 2nd best

    @MOTORSPORTSFANS 9 месяцев назад

    I realized right now that electric well connect that high HP instead low HP BUILDING. Thanks this tips👍🏾

  • @princeianquilbio8978
    @princeianquilbio8978 Год назад

    Nice tuts as always judo! 🎉

  • @hxpe.07
    @hxpe.07 Год назад

    Ty so much these are helpful as a electro dragon user 🤝

  • @vandame9835
    @vandame9835 6 месяцев назад +1

    suggest army camp ready troops can be switch from ready troops to back up troops

  • @danielyoung248
    @danielyoung248 9 месяцев назад

    That's is what I needed including when it came with the air sweeper 😮 thanks 😁👍

  • @jowelnath5
    @jowelnath5 Год назад

    Thank You for the first one. That's gonna help me so much

  • @CalvinNapoleonBall
    @CalvinNapoleonBall Год назад

    Thanks this will help me if i finsh upgrading my heros
    (Yes im th10 and finish my walls but the heros aren't max yet)

  • @Mewing_dude
    @Mewing_dude Год назад

    Thanks judo because I always use the electro dragons and tips was veryyyy helpful for me

  • @AllenLan-sc4hn
    @AllenLan-sc4hn 29 дней назад

    Hitpoints are used as a tie breaker in chains.
    The order of tie breakers are:
    Initial hp,
    Direction (in line),
    Order of placement when building the base

  • @haruto7209
    @haruto7209 Год назад

    Great tips thanks judo..u are always my favourite ❤❤❤

  • @rockingtamizhan5811
    @rockingtamizhan5811 Год назад

    Good video bro but I have a doubt, spreading out these e dragons in a line, won't it make them to mislead their way away from attacking to the middle?

  • @dcroyl8621
    @dcroyl8621 Год назад

    so excited to unlock these!! just have traps left to max my th10 😎

  • @beerur1122
    @beerur1122 Год назад

    i always use 2 lightning spells for those air sweepers, it’s a bonus if they’re situated near air defenses, 2 lightning spells 1 earthquake spells does the job.

  • @ProtocolDiamond
    @ProtocolDiamond Год назад

    the part you said "the most feared defense for the electro dragon" got me laughing😂

  • @dom9707
    @dom9707 Год назад

    these seem so obvious yet i didn't know a single one except the air sweeper one 🤣 cheers for this

  • @GamerYek
    @GamerYek Год назад

    I knew all but the first one and I was wasting alot of rage spells
    Thanks for the tips Judo

  • @ThangThangchinlian
    @ThangThangchinlian Месяц назад

    That really help bro
    I was always using electro dragon

  • @Dyari_K
    @Dyari_K Год назад

    This tip is best & you're best judo...💟

  • @Bad_Agent
    @Bad_Agent Год назад

    I only knew the last tip 😂😂
    Thank judo for this😊

  • @dontalktomebye
    @dontalktomebye Год назад

    Omg i actually don’t know some of these facts altho i played for 10 years lol! Thanks judo!

  • @YoWarped
    @YoWarped Год назад

    That shadow tip was one I never thought of👍

    @SLSAMURAI01 Год назад +1

    Yeah air sweeper is so anoing 😒💔
    Thanks buddy 😌
    Do you know about a problem that cant play Clash of clans in redmi 8A dual 😕 so many players cant play now

  • @BitsnBytes10011
    @BitsnBytes10011 Год назад

    Never knew u needed skill and tips for e dragons. But informative video

  • @OgMonthlyBeagle
    @OgMonthlyBeagle Год назад

    I got level max e drags and these tips will help me a lot. Also judo pls make a th15 e drags attack video

  • @ArhamKhan05
    @ArhamKhan05 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much Sir for the tips.

  • @benedict0902
    @benedict0902 9 месяцев назад

    i should probably add on to this is that if the air sweeper moves an e drag slightly after the 4th spike, it doesnt actually cancel the attack, it still moves but it still uses the chain ightning

  • @ashsattva
    @ashsattva 10 месяцев назад

    Actually good tips, thanks!