Disney Channel Villains Reacts

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 306

  • @cars1-2isthegoat
    @cars1-2isthegoat 2 года назад +257

    I'm jealous of how good Doofenshmirtz and Belos look

    • @agayntrans_raspberry
      @agayntrans_raspberry 2 года назад +29

      Nah man, I'd rather be a floating Dorito/Bill

    • @Shadow_knight0511
      @Shadow_knight0511 2 года назад +14

      I think bill is better 😊he is more evil than belos

    • @lavitan4302
      @lavitan4302 2 года назад +4

      Lighting McQueen and tow mater the platypus?

    • @Mpreg-Ganondorf
      @Mpreg-Ganondorf 2 года назад +2

      Doofenshrmitz is such a goofy ahh name

    • @NeonJJ_195
      @NeonJJ_195 2 года назад +2

      @@Mpreg-Ganondorf Funfact: 'Doof' is another word for dumb in German xD

  • @KelseyBurns3
    @KelseyBurns3 Год назад +9

    So many of my favorite Disney channel villains!! (Magica,Bill,Cass,Darcy,and toffee) I NEVER see toffee or Magica in ANYTHING so THANK YOU SO MUCH for adding them

  • @iz_bizz2010
    @iz_bizz2010 2 года назад +140

    there's several people being like "bill is the only one who isnt afraid of getting blood on his hands" and i agree about bill being the most powerful, but (SPOILERS FOR TOH) for example: belos killed DOZENS of golden guards and tried to wipe out an ENTIRE ISLAND. i don't really think he's afraid of getting blood on his hands.

    • @The-worlds-biggest-dummy
      @The-worlds-biggest-dummy Год назад +15

      Let’s not forget his own brother

    • @neoterumi4772
      @neoterumi4772 Год назад

      Or tofee. The man has definitely killed people for sure.

    • @AwildGwen
      @AwildGwen Год назад +7

      Yeah belos was the most murderous but my thing is all the creators seemed to have held back on the power of their villains and Alex just gave bill the most powers and most random weakness (like Mable spraying spray paint in his eye)

    • @purpleguymaxence3722
      @purpleguymaxence3722 9 месяцев назад +3

      You are right, Belos was even close to committing genocide to achieve his objective

  • @gerlynnpesca7211
    @gerlynnpesca7211 Год назад +8

    bill is so cute the most cutest cheese block every!!!😍😍

  • @slipdeath6662
    @slipdeath6662 Год назад +6

    I love how the real villains weren’t scared but excited to see Bills strength

  • @leyte68
    @leyte68 Год назад +3

    7:08 - I swear I didn't even get to see crimes, welp belos, bill, darcy, and doof are a exception

  • @balloonbikachu7333
    @balloonbikachu7333 Год назад +26

    Let's face it Doof has the best reasons to become a villain

    • @paintitblack7210
      @paintitblack7210 Год назад +12

      his parents werent at his birth,
      he lost his childhood friend,
      he was forced to be a gnome,
      he was raised by ocelots so now he is legally an ocelot,
      the list goes on

    • @Kirby_Epic_Fan15
      @Kirby_Epic_Fan15 Год назад +5


    • @balloonbikachu7333
      @balloonbikachu7333 3 месяца назад +1

      (The villains saying they had trauma and how that's why they're evil)
      Doof: Yeah I'm proof that you guys are just saying bull crap

  • @krriss090
    @krriss090 2 года назад +6

    Bill:well now that the video is over, let's play catch, ok? better run because whoever I catch will turn to dust. :)

  • @Thunderraider
    @Thunderraider Год назад +2

    Cool and could I make a request Disney villains in general reacting to dreamworks villains

  • @screenquilx5073
    @screenquilx5073 2 года назад +21

    I never realized Cassandra basically repeated Gothel's words :0

  • @alexanderberry1665
    @alexanderberry1665 2 года назад +16

    This has blessed my eyes. Thank you.

  • @patriciasmith3875
    @patriciasmith3875 2 года назад +12

    I love there reaction to them seeing Bill and emperor belos

  • @popeetheperformer2048
    @popeetheperformer2048 2 года назад +153

    ok but we can all agree bill ciphers the most powerful and best villian there

  • @Sigmas_Number1_Defender
    @Sigmas_Number1_Defender 2 года назад +7

    I’m so happy that Cassandra is there! It’s not often you see that.

  • @Epic_678
    @Epic_678 Год назад +2

    “A Platypus?”
    “Perry the Platypus!”

  • @richardbaran60
    @richardbaran60 2 года назад +107

    Okay, hear me out.... Bill Chipper is still one of the most iconic and powerfull villains of them all... Like, if he sucseeded he's bit the Earth in half, we literally saw it in the show! Plus the thing that he knows he's insane and is just so casual about it makes him even more sinister.

    • @AntError_exist
      @AntError_exist 2 года назад +4

      @Jomama if the magnetic Barrier was not exist , he was easily won

    • @zL0rDz_0
      @zL0rDz_0 2 года назад +4

      @@AntError_exist yessss

    • @rishikaalry454
      @rishikaalry454 2 года назад +3


    • @EliSkoda
      @EliSkoda 2 года назад +4

      Ah yes "bill chipper"

    • @Operator_V
      @Operator_V 2 года назад +4

      pfft, dorito 💀

  • @booy3763
    @booy3763 2 года назад +4

    Please make a part 2 this is so good.

  • @Blue_Ninja_Lover
    @Blue_Ninja_Lover Год назад +6

    The fact that you put Bill, Cass, Lena's Mom (I forgot her name while writing this), Doof, and Toffee just makes me so happy.

  • @TMMCF
    @TMMCF 2 года назад +3

    Doof is the purest there lol

  • @cyber.dork666
    @cyber.dork666 2 года назад +6

    Bill Cipher looks so good!!!

  • @XMitrilXPL
    @XMitrilXPL 2 года назад +41

    I mean Bill and Belos are in the same universe, not because of easter eggs but some story elements connecting to each other , like Eda meeting Stan
    And potentially Darcy too, thought unlike above, all they had were easter eggs and nothing else, so Amphibia is the least connected, out of place, and doesn't bring anything/connect if it would be or not in the same universe as Gravity Falls and Owl House.

    • @vukmijatovic
      @vukmijatovic 2 года назад +2

      And darcy to becuse in Kingston time there was a picture of anne on the news

    • @vukmijatovic
      @vukmijatovic 2 года назад


    • @Inky_Toast273
      @Inky_Toast273 2 года назад +2

      Darcy is aswell, in the final episode of season 2. If you were paying attention to camilas iPad thing you can see a news article saying ‘girl trapped in a frog land, hoax?’ And it shows a picture of the main character in amphibia (I forgot her name)

    • @XMitrilXPL
      @XMitrilXPL 2 года назад

      ​@@Inky_Toast273 It's more of cameo, easter egg for now until they make a bold connection
      It doesn't have any story value like other connections to Gravity Falls
      They did it before with other shows but never mate it official, just an easter egg

  • @lordx7279
    @lordx7279 2 года назад +106

    Bill Cipher is the only one who looks like the worst man among them, the others are afraid of getting blood on their hands anyway.

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 2 года назад +10

      Shego isn't. She'd be down for that if it didn't ruin her look and she wasn't stuck in a kid's show.

    • @just_no...
      @just_no... 2 года назад +12

      I feel like the worst of the worst that went to far are belos, darcy, and bill

    • @The_Light0001
      @The_Light0001 Год назад +4

      ​@@just_no... yup, Bill was content of making everything chaotic, Darcy simply wanted to rule everything and Belos wanted to remove magic, i think

    • @vukogamer6198
      @vukogamer6198 Год назад +1

      Bruh you definitely didn't wach Amphibia and The Owl House.
      Warning my comment will contain spoilers for both of these shows villains motivations and goals so if you plan on watching them don't read this!
      1st Amphibia Darcy wanted to conquer planet's and dimensions by wiping the specie's that lived there out and thus comiting multi planetary genocide.
      2nd The Owl House Emperor Belos/Philip Witabane whole plan was the genocide of all magic using beings (witches and demons) while also killing his own brother snd then cloning him hundreds of time's just to have a pleasure of abusing, controling and then killing his brother again and again. So no they are not afraid of getting blood on their hands they actually love it.

    • @timisthebestboi0
      @timisthebestboi0 Год назад

      Have we forgotten the fact that toffee was a war General who killed many people and he wanted to destroy magic which would start a magical genocide of every magic being

  • @carpie115
    @carpie115 2 года назад +4

    You can their reaction to other villains for example betty glitchtale . also super video😍😍😍

  • @Zero_G4
    @Zero_G4 2 года назад +14

    could you do part 2 reacting to more things about them such as belos with the day of unity, that bill can control space time etc, more of redstro doof

  • @DollFaceGlass
    @DollFaceGlass Год назад +2

    Y’all this person deserves a lot. Like dang this is good

  • @ZaneK21
    @ZaneK21 2 года назад +19

    Now I’m curious to know how they would feel if they reacted Anime Villains

  • @Sushipotato-or3xo
    @Sushipotato-or3xo 2 года назад +4


  • @гоблин-х7з
    @гоблин-х7з 2 года назад +5

    Omg, it was a great video! One of the best reactions I've ever seen😭💗

  • @ritajaruda642
    @ritajaruda642 2 года назад +2

    OMG some of my favorite shows are there but some that I don't know what show that is but it's awesome 👏🏼 😄 😎

  • @DT14REAL
    @DT14REAL 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks sm for adding Magica!

  • @trainerMike23
    @trainerMike23 2 года назад +3

    damn the 7d , i used to watch this show , so much cool memories with it

  • @ivefallenandcant_get_up
    @ivefallenandcant_get_up 2 года назад +4

    Should do pt 2 where collector joins them and they react to him and scare the crap out of them 🤣🤣🤣

  • @foethefox793
    @foethefox793 2 года назад +2

    god i love shego and doofen and belos, three of my favorites

  • @insomniacgamerx1021
    @insomniacgamerx1021 2 года назад +15

    Feel like belos would despise bill and maybe some others there. He hates and despises anything that's not human basically all he cares about is getting to the earth realm not exactly power hungry for the sake of having power but this was amazing. Hope you add the collector even tho he isn't evil it would be entertaining and possible traumatic for belos lol

    • @neoterumi4772
      @neoterumi4772 Год назад

      I think the only people belos would be ok with is shego and doof since their human and don’t use magic

  • @SuperJaydensworld
    @SuperJaydensworld Год назад +4

    Bill is the best❤❤❤

  • @l-t-o-l-o-x-a_cartoons4470
    @l-t-o-l-o-x-a_cartoons4470 2 года назад +1


  • @zedthegamer4527
    @zedthegamer4527 2 года назад +3

    Pov the collector shows up:

  • @foxy_the_pirate_fox2827
    @foxy_the_pirate_fox2827 2 года назад +1

    Haven't seen one like this before but I love it! Also they look awesome!

  • @i_need_sleep4284
    @i_need_sleep4284 2 года назад +4


  • @erickgoncalvesramosdasilva9176
    @erickgoncalvesramosdasilva9176 2 года назад +7

    Can you put other villains to react to Auditor vd Lord X?

  • @xXThe_Sweetest_PieXx
    @xXThe_Sweetest_PieXx 2 года назад +5

    I'm a normal person, I SEE Shego I click She's My favorite

  • @cayleighrae7658
    @cayleighrae7658 Год назад +1

    Ok I love force and bill ANYONE ELSE?

  • @RachelSchiff-q9w
    @RachelSchiff-q9w Год назад +1

    It would be funny if the collector joined them

  • @Zion_.
    @Zion_. 2 года назад +4

    the little spin Bill does is just-🤩

    • @jaydencrawley3578
      @jaydencrawley3578 2 года назад


    • @Zion_.
      @Zion_. 2 года назад

      @@jaydencrawley3578 In the video what they're reacting to, when he spins

    • @Ge0_Geovannie
      @Ge0_Geovannie 2 года назад

      @@jaydencrawley3578 7:49

  • @jamesgilmour8436
    @jamesgilmour8436 2 года назад +2

    Doofenshmirtz soloing everyone there

  • @abbyslittleshopofweirdness4453
    @abbyslittleshopofweirdness4453 2 года назад +1

    i love your videos :)

  • @El_nicoz1010
    @El_nicoz1010 2 года назад +5

    Doof: oooh.. perry el ornitorinco que inesperada sorpresa.... Y con inesperada sorpresa me refiero *¡¡A COMPLETAMENTE ESPERADA!!*

  • @kesinwonderland
    @kesinwonderland 2 года назад +1

    Ugh this was great though honestly Belos might be low key horrified by what Bill was doing to the human realm.

  • @spyjack69
    @spyjack69 2 года назад +2

    I would have thought belos would consider magica a wild witch

  • @animationstudio001
    @animationstudio001 2 года назад +3

    Can you make a video where belos shows how powerful he is because it looks like some of the villains think they’re better than him show him in monster form

  • @patriciasmith3875
    @patriciasmith3875 2 года назад +5

    How did you make Bill?
    Ps I love your video

  • @zerogoodcontent7293
    @zerogoodcontent7293 2 года назад +1

    It’s funny that a triangle is probably the strongest and most terrifying villian there

  • @star_galaxy15
    @star_galaxy15 2 года назад +4

    Could you do part 2 plz I wanna see more!?

  • @Animatornewbie
    @Animatornewbie Год назад +1


  • @jukegames52
    @jukegames52 2 года назад +2

    Also like they should react to when each one of the failed or died

  • @blazepheonix1473
    @blazepheonix1473 Год назад +2

    I feel like darcy, shego and Cassandra would be the perfect trio

  • @erickgoncalvesramosdasilva9176
    @erickgoncalvesramosdasilva9176 2 года назад +3

    Could you make cartoon Vilains react to Comic Villains/Monsters?
    Ex:Thanos,Darkseid,Amatsu Mikaboshi

  • @m.dekustextingstories
    @m.dekustextingstories 2 года назад +1

    We can all agree bill is the definition of too strong for a kids show right? This man is a multiversal if not complex multiversal threarth. He is quite litterely CHAOS INCARNET.

  • @annsworldstarfirell1620
    @annsworldstarfirell1620 2 года назад +4

    Can Do Wild Kratts React to Kim Possible Can Do it Please 🙏😊😇😄💜💚💛💙❤💖💝💘💓💟💗💕💞👍

  • @_BRITT_
    @_BRITT_ 2 года назад

    Darcy throughout the whole video:😀😐😀😐😲😳😕🥱🫤

  • @miscuser5534
    @miscuser5534 Год назад +1


  • @sarutoandsanada7747
    @sarutoandsanada7747 2 года назад +1

    Hey love it👏✨ ~ And can they react to anime villain ☺️🌼🌸

  • @laxmikadam174
    @laxmikadam174 Год назад +1

    You should show them bill eating the Earth

  • @grimreaper6896
    @grimreaper6896 2 года назад +2

    When I saw the villains I nearly wanted to laugh I've watched most of these shows and I wanted to laugh bc of it

  • @mariaandreamatula726
    @mariaandreamatula726 2 года назад +1

    I like the last one it makes me happy😊

  • @whitewashed-boneZ
    @whitewashed-boneZ 2 года назад +2

    Okay but
    Who know a friggin DORITO could be the most powerful
    Thing in there

  • @682universeholder
    @682universeholder 2 года назад +2

    Bill and dr. Doof are the best villain’s

  • @Mobius-34
    @Mobius-34 Год назад +1


  • @needle_stuffing7359
    @needle_stuffing7359 2 года назад +1

    I want more of these so badly

  • @susandayanajuarezcortes5508
    @susandayanajuarezcortes5508 Год назад

    It would be great if Disney villains react to dreamworks or anime villains ❤️ or not? By the way BEAUTIFUL VIDEO I LOVE IT!!

  • @gscubegaming1242
    @gscubegaming1242 2 года назад +3

    All of them, no matter how evil, are terrified of Bill.

    • @kabutoyakushi9739
      @kabutoyakushi9739 Год назад

      A few of them looked clearly were excited when they watched him

    • @purpleguymaxence3722
      @purpleguymaxence3722 9 месяцев назад

      Darcy is also a powerful entity, so I don't think she knows the feeling of terrified

  • @Sockling_number_1
    @Sockling_number_1 4 месяца назад +1

    can u do another part with the collector? its fine if not.

  • @alexs4212
    @alexs4212 2 года назад +3

    A another great react video 👏👏🙂

  • @vicciruss1536
    @vicciruss1536 Год назад +1

    Can you make a part 2 where they react to their death but maybe for belos show both of them

  • @OnlyEnola
    @OnlyEnola 2 года назад +3

    Can you make a part two please?

  • @noemiviera6170
    @noemiviera6170 Год назад +1

    Bro I new he looked familiar3:32 wtg

  • @DonCapo8721
    @DonCapo8721 10 месяцев назад +1

    Could you make them react to Dr.Eggman?

  • @banditgame5143
    @banditgame5143 2 года назад +1

    Third video of dr.doofenshmirtz is very cool

  • @jennyn990
    @jennyn990 Год назад +3

    I imagen Dr. Doof hates Despella. He is a great father who has a very strong limit of not hurting children, dang, in one of the movies he let Phineas and Ferb help him when building an inator. Dispella literally created a child ro manipulate and damage on the pretense that she was her aunt. He would hate her

  • @fakerexe5556
    @fakerexe5556 2 года назад +1

    It really pisses me off with people out there who brag about themselves as "I'm a real bad guy" and don't show any signs of being a bad guy and deceive themselves.(YOUR TOO , YOUR TOO , YOUR TOO , YOUR TOO SLOW HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAH)

  • @Static-hv4xq
    @Static-hv4xq 2 года назад +1

    Bills when see all in the room: all of you are a joke for me

  • @thri11ers
    @thri11ers 2 года назад

    Magical is painfully underated 🤭🤞

  • @adrianagonzalez4475
    @adrianagonzalez4475 2 года назад +2

    los personajes que salieron pero reacciona a all of us are dead plis y la parte 4 reacciona a war of the worlds 2005 o de 2019 plis

  • @yolandaducharme8877
    @yolandaducharme8877 2 года назад +4

    The best villains in the room are bill Darcy emperor belos

  • @fatalerorsonic1939
    @fatalerorsonic1939 2 года назад +7

    Frankly, Bill Cipher is close to my strength, but I can easily beat him in my latest form.

  • @Ava_ackerman39
    @Ava_ackerman39 2 года назад +1

    Pls make a part 2 of this

  • @kameronbuhler3346
    @kameronbuhler3346 2 года назад +1

    Can you add the collector though he had a somewhat short appearance

  • @IC_The_Painter
    @IC_The_Painter Год назад +1

    Holy **** I didn't think people would still remember the 7D

  • @MioQ254
    @MioQ254 2 года назад

    See bill finally a real bad guy

  • @TheNotSoHeavenlyFather
    @TheNotSoHeavenlyFather 2 года назад +1

    “I’ll remake this world I’ll make it a fun world!”

  • @stephaniedalton5980
    @stephaniedalton5980 2 года назад +6

    Dr doof isn’t a villain he’s an AWSOME dad

  • @Team_melon324
    @Team_melon324 Год назад

    Everyone exept for bill cipher: ultimate Dorito mode

  • @Marv_Darkness
    @Marv_Darkness 2 года назад +2

    Can you make them react to anime characters like Saitama, Goku, Herobrine or Entity303 or Null, Godzilla, Giga Chad, Shaggy & Anti Spiral

  • @sofiaedits3
    @sofiaedits3 Год назад +2

    That so werid my finger it’s it’s.. clicking the subscribe Button?? I guess I have to watch every video now

  • @jukegames52
    @jukegames52 2 года назад +1

    Crud gets real when bill cipher shows up

  • @umaana6954
    @umaana6954 Год назад +2


  • @NinjagoBalto23
    @NinjagoBalto23 Год назад +1

    Can you make a video were Aspheera,Magica,Toffee and Shego react to themselves please?

  • @ooovailydargaatai8846
    @ooovailydargaatai8846 Год назад +1

    Can you make them react to DreamWorks villains

  • @ЮлияНиколаева-в9в
    @ЮлияНиколаева-в9в 2 года назад +2

    Крутые видео так держать у ковото нормальное качество хоть кто-то сделал так а то ищу нет таких видео про них только сделай больше видео пожалуйста 🥺 про них где они сражаются о так молодец буду ждать тебя , жду проду 😁🥰😍🤩🤩😜😗🤗

  • @anti-venom1606
    @anti-venom1606 2 года назад +3

    Can I be pinned and god damn how good can get with bill and belos like let others get so fame to don’t just take it all